# Device Registrar Service Guide To view the device registrar APIs, please visit the [NCR Edge Wiki](https://wiki.edge-infra.dev/edge/components/device-registrar/api/) ## Local Dev setup Start the server on kind cluster ```bash # start a fresh kind cluster just hack/kind/reset # deploy cert manager just cmd/edge/device-registrar/cert-manager # deploy EdgeID just cmd/edge/iam/kind # deploy device-registrar service just cmd/edge/device-registrar/kind ``` Then the service will be available at localhost:8080 ## Flows ### Pre-reqs 1. Create an externalApplication CR on the cluster. The CRD definition can be found [here](../../../config/pallets/edge/device-registrar/base/crds/device-registrar.edge.ncr.com_externalapplications.yaml). Below is an example: ```yaml apiVersion: device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 kind: ExternalApplication metadata: name: connected-associates namespace: device-registrar-clients # the CR must be created in this namespace spec: ID: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" description: "Connected associates mobile application definition" clientTemplate: apiVersion: iam.edge-infra.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Client metadata: name: connected-associates-client labels: app: example annotations: description: "Example client for demonstration purposes" spec: audience: - "example-audience" clientName: "Connected Associates" grantTypes: - "authorization_code" printBarcodeTypes: - "QR" printBarcodeUri: "https://example.com/print-barcode" redirectUris: - "https://example.com/callback" responseModes: - "query" responseTypes: - "code" roles: - "user" scope: "openid profile email" secretName: "example-client-secret" ``` 2. Configure discovery endpoint for the workload: Include an discovery CR as part of the workload helm chart. ```yaml apiVersion: device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 kind: Discovery metadata: name: javis-config-discovery namespace: jarvis-namespace spec: name: jarvis # well-known service name url: https://jarvis.store.ncr.corp/config ``` ### Simplified bootstrap flow ![Simplified Flow](./doc/simplified-flow.png) #### To start a pairing process: Locally ```bash curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/pair ``` In store ```bash curl -X POST http://device-registrar-svc.device-registrar/pair ``` which returns: ```bash {"connectURL":"https://edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp/connect/D46EX2C6HBGSLXG","hostMapping":{"host":"edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp","vip":""}} ``` #### To connect a device: Locally ```bash # '{ # "device": { # "name": "test-device-name", # required # "description": "my test device", # optional # "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" # required # }, # "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] # required # }' curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/connect/D46EX2C6HBGSLXG -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "device": { "name": "test-device-name", "description": "my test device", "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" }, "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] }' ``` In store ```bash # '{ # "device": { # "name": "test-device-name", # required # "description": "my test device", # optional # "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" # optional # }, # "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] # required # }' # run `kubectl get secret -n emissary emissary-ca -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 -d` to extract the ca cert # save output to ca.cert.pem curl --cacert ca.cert.pem -X POST https://edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp/connect/D46EX2C6HBGSLXG -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "device": { "name": "test-device-name", "description": "my test device", "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" }, "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] }' ``` which returns: ```bash {"applications":[{"id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","name":"connected-associates","config":{"clientID":"7903dbf3-defb-448e-a457-c3217642523b","clientSecret":"fH4FeMcZhRjFDbePkiKWiCR7ER"}}],"deviceAuth":{"tls.crt":"REDACTED","tls.key":"REDACTED"},"hostMapping":{"host":"store.ncr.corp","vip":""}} ``` ### Old bootstrap flow ![Old Flow](./doc/old-flow.png) #### To list External Applications: Locally ```bash curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/applications ``` In store ```bash curl -X GET http://device-registrar-svc.device-registrar/applications ``` which returns: ```bash [{"id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","name":"connected-associates","description":"Connected associates mobile application definition"}] ``` and you can also see the CRD: ```bash kubectl get extapp -A NAMESPACE NAME ID DESCRIPTION AGE device-registrar-clients connected-associates 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Connected associates mobile application definition 39s ``` #### To register a device: Locally ```bash curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/register -H "Content-Type: application/application/json" -d '{ "device": { "name": "test-device-name-old", "description": "my test device", "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" }, "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] }' ``` In store ```bash curl -X POST http://device-registrar-svc.device-registrar/register -H "Content-Type: application/application/json" -d '{ "device": { "name": "test-device-name-old", "description": "my test device", "serialNumber": "DSFE7DSCXX90" }, "applicationIDs": ["123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"] }' ``` which returns: ```bash {"bootstrapURL":"https://edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp/bootstrap/F7RAXZXBFZQRPAU","hostMapping":{"host":"edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp","vip":""}} ``` #### To bootstrap a device: Locally ```bash curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/bootstrap/F7RAXZXBFZQRPAU ``` In store ```bash # run `kubectl get secret -n emissary emissary-ca -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 -d` to extract the ca cert # save output to ca.cert.pem curl --cacert ca.cert.pem -X GET https://edge-bootstrap.store.ncr.corp/bootstrap/F7RAXZXBFZQRPAU ``` which returns: ```bash {"applications":[{"id":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000","name":"connected-associates","config":{"clientID":"e00a1c4b-2bdc-450b-8fc6-9b10cce3869f","clientSecret":"bnTV~gAZj.CkkyXVUpND~ks4wE"}}],"deviceAuth":{"tls.crt":"REDACTED","tls.key":"REDACTED"},"hostMapping":{"host":"store.ncr.corp","vip":""}} ``` ### Service discovery #### To discover configuration endpoint for a service: Locally ```bash curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/discover/jarvis" \ -H "X-Client-DN: OU=urn:storeID:my-store-id+OU=urn:deviceName:my-test-device+OU=urn:SN:DSFE7DSCXX90" ``` In store ```bash # run `kubectl get secret -n emissary emissary-ca -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 -d` to extract the ca cert # save output to ca.cert.pem # use deviceAuth."tls.crt" from /connect API response # save output to tls.cert # use deviceAuth."tls.key" from /connect API response # save output to tls.key curl --cert tls.crt --key tls.key --cacert ca.cert.pem -X GET "https://edge.store.ncr.corp/discover/jarvis" ``` which returns: ```bash {"name":"jarvis","url":"https://jarvis.store.ncr.corp/config"} ``` The API will look for the well-known service name in the request path e.g. jarvis. If the corresponding discovery CR is not found, the API will return ```bash {"name":"jarvis","url":null} ``` ### Additional APIs #### Delete External Application Locally: ``` curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/applications/[external-application-id] ``` In store: ``` curl -X DELETE http://device-registrar-svc.device-registrar/applications/[external-application-id] ``` which returns a `204` upon successful deletion. Example: ``` curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/applications/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 ``` #### To Delete External Device Locally ```bash curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/devices/test-device-name ``` In store ```bash curl -X DELETE http://device-registrar-svc.device-registrar/devices/test-device-name ``` ## CRDs ### To see all crds: ```bash kubectl api-resources --api-group=device-registrar.edge.ncr.com NAME SHORTNAMES APIVERSION NAMESPACED KIND devicebindings devb device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 true DeviceBinding discoveries device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 true Discovery externalapplications extapp device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 true ExternalApplication externaldevices extdev device-registrar.edge.ncr.com/v1alpha1 true ExternalDevice ``` ## Generating Swagger UI Docs ### To view the docs locally ``` just cmd/edge/device-registrar/docs ``` ### To generate docs: ``` just cmd/edge/device-registrar/gen-docs ```