1# Banner Controller
3### How to run the bannerctl locally
4- Create a .env file in the cmd/bannerctl directory
5- Add the following environment variables needed to run the bannerctl, CHARIOT_ENDPOINT, DOMAIN, GCP_FOREMAN_PROJECT_ID, GCP_PLAT_INFRA_PROJECT_ID, GCP_TENANTS_FOLDER_ID, REGISTRY_PROJECT_ID, REGISTRY_RESOURCE_ID, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. P.S. if you do not know these values, you can obtain them from a currently running bannerctl pod in dev0 foreman.
6- The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be the path to the bannerctl service account
7- Set your kubectl context to the context of the kubernetes cluster you will like to run the controller against.
8- For VSCode users you can add a new configuration to your launch.json file that will look like so
12 "name": "Bannerctl",
13 "type": "go",
14 "request": "launch",
15 "mode": "debug",
16 "program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/bannerctl",
17 "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/bannerctl/.env"
20This will enable you to run the bannerctl in debug mode with the advantages of adding breakpoints and stepping into and through functions.
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