# test0 shows that we can have a local import # and it's OK even when there's a matching module # in the registry. # test1 shows that if there is a matching module already # in the requirements that we get an "ambiguous import" # error. -- test0/initial-requirements -- main.test@v0 -- test0/root-packages -- main.test@v0:main -- test0/default-major-versions -- -- test0/want -- main.test@v0:main flags: inAll,isRoot,fromRoot,importsLoaded mod: main.test@v0 location: . imports: example.com/blah example.com/blah flags: inAll,isRoot,fromRoot,importsLoaded mod: local location: cue.mod/gen/example.com/blah -- test1/initial-requirements -- main.test@v0 example.com@v0.0.1 -- test1/root-packages -- main.test@v0:main -- test1/default-major-versions -- -- test1/want -- main.test@v0:main flags: inAll,isRoot,fromRoot,importsLoaded mod: main.test@v0 location: . imports: example.com/blah example.com/blah flags: inAll,isRoot,fromRoot error: ambiguous import: found package example.com/blah in multiple modules: example.com@v0 v0.0.1 (_registry/example.com_v0.0.1/blah) local (cue.mod/gen/example.com/blah) missing: false -- main.cue -- package main import "example.com/blah" -- cue.mod/gen/example.com/blah/x.cue -- package blah -- main.cue -- package main import "example.com/blah" -- _registry/example.com_v0.0.1/cue.mod/module.cue -- module: "example.com@v0" -- _registry/example.com_v0.0.1/blah/blah.cue -- package blah