// Copyright 2022 CUE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package export

import (


// This file contains the algorithm to contain a self-contained CUE file.

// TODO:
// - Handle below edge cases where a reference directly references the root
//   of the exported main tree.
// - Inline smallish structs that themselves do not have outside
//   references.
// - Overall better inlining.
// - Consider a shorthand for the `let X = { #x: foo }` annotation. Possibly
//   allow `#{}`, or allow "let definitions", like `let #X = {}`.
// - Make doc comment of root the file comment.

// initPivotter initializes a selfContainedCloser if either a subtree
// is exported or imports need to be removed. It will not initialize one if
// neither is the case.
func (e *exporter) initPivotter(v *adt.Vertex) {
	s := &pivotter{}
	e.pivotter = s
	s.x = e

	s.depsMap = map[*adt.Vertex]*depData{}
	s.refMap = map[adt.Resolver]*refData{}


func (e *exporter) completePivot(f *ast.File) {
	s := e.pivotter
	if s == nil || f == nil {
	for _, d := range s.deps {
		if !d.isExternalRoot() {
	f.Decls = append(f.Decls, s.decls...)

// A pivotter pivots a graph around a new root.
// Given a Vertex that itself is not the root of a configuration, the pivotter
// recomputes the configuration to have that node as a root instead.
// TODO: although this is currently part of Package export, it could be its own
// package down the line, if there is a proven need for it.
type pivotter struct {
	x *exporter

	deps    []*depData
	depsMap map[*adt.Vertex]*depData

	refs   []*refData
	refMap map[adt.Resolver]*refData

	decls []ast.Decl

type depData struct {
	parent *depData

	dstNode   *adt.Vertex
	dstImport *adt.ImportReference

	ident        adt.Feature
	path         []adt.Feature
	useCount     int // Other reference using this vertex
	included     bool
	needTopLevel bool

// isExternalRoot reports whether d is an external node (a node referenced
// outside main exported tree) that has no further parent nodes that are
// referenced.
func (d *depData) isExternalRoot() bool {
	return d.ident != 0

func (d *depData) usageCount() int {
	return getParent(d).useCount

type refData struct {
	dst *depData

func (v *depData) node() *adt.Vertex {
	return v.dstNode

func (p *pivotter) linkDependencies(v *adt.Vertex) {
	p.markDeps(v, nil)

	// Explicitly add the root of the configuration.

	// Link one parent up
	for _, d := range p.depsMap {

	// Get transitive closure of parents.
	for _, d := range p.depsMap {
		if d.parent != nil {
			d.parent = getParent(d)

	// Compute the paths for the parent nodes.
	for _, d := range p.deps {
		if d.parent == nil {

func getParent(d *depData) *depData {
	for ; d.parent != nil; d = d.parent {
	return d

func (p *pivotter) markDeps(v *adt.Vertex, pkg *adt.ImportReference) {
	// TODO: sweep all child nodes and mark as no need for recursive checks.

	cfg := &dep.Config{
		Descend: true,
		Pkg:     pkg,
	dep.Visit(cfg, p.x.ctx, v, func(d dep.Dependency) error {
		node := d.Node

		switch {
		case p.refMap[d.Reference] != nil:
			// Already done.
			return nil

		case d.Import() != nil:
			// Only record nodes within import if we want to expand imports.
			if !p.x.cfg.InlineImports {
				return nil

			// Never resolve core packages. Reasons:
			// - most of them are builtins
			// - they are available anyway
			// - some of the types have special meaning, which would be lost
			//   by rewriting to their underlying type.
			// TODO: support marking non-CUE packages as "special". This could
			// be done, for instance, by marking them as "core" in the runtime
			// and using a Runtime method to determine whether something is
			// a core package, rather than relying on the presence of a dot.
			path := d.Import().ImportPath.StringValue(p.x.ctx)
			if !strings.ContainsRune(path, '.') {
				return nil

		case node.IsUnprocessed():
			// This may happen for DynamicReferences.
			return nil

		data, ok := p.depsMap[node]
		if !ok {
			data = &depData{
				dstNode:   node,
				dstImport: d.Import(),
			p.depsMap[node] = data
			p.deps = append(p.deps, data)

		ref := &refData{dst: data}
		p.refs = append(p.refs, ref)
		p.refMap[d.Reference] = ref

		if !ok {

		return nil

// markIncluded marks all referred nodes that are within the normal tree to be
// exported.
func (p *pivotter) markIncluded(v *adt.Vertex) {
	d, ok := p.depsMap[v]
	if !ok {
		d = &depData{dstNode: v}
		p.depsMap[v] = d
	d.included = true

	for _, a := range v.Arcs {

// markParentPass1 marks the furthest ancestor node for which there is a
// dependency as its parent. Only dependencies that do not have a parent
// will be assigned to hidden reference.
func (p *pivotter) markParentsPass1(d *depData) {
	for n := d.node().Parent; n != nil; n = n.Parent {
		if v, ok := p.depsMap[n]; ok {
			d.parent = v

func (p *pivotter) makeParentPath(d *depData) {
	if d.parent != nil {
		panic("not a parent")

	if d.included || d.isExternalRoot() {

	var f adt.Feature

	if path := d.dstNode.Path(); len(path) > 0 {
		f = path[len(path)-1]
	} else if imp := d.dstImport; imp != nil {
		f = imp.Label
	} else {
		// This may legitimately happen for internal vertices, such as
		// comprehension scopes.

	var str string
	if f.IsInt() {
		str = fmt.Sprintf("Index%d", f.Index())
	} else {
		str = f.IdentString(p.x.ctx)
		str = strings.TrimLeft(str, "_#")
		str = strings.ToUpper(str)
	uf, _ := p.x.uniqueFeature(str)

	d.path = []adt.Feature{uf}
	d.ident = uf

	// Make it a definition if we need it.
	if d.dstNode.IsRecursivelyClosed() {
		d.path = append(d.path, adt.MakeIdentLabel(p.x.ctx, "#x", ""))

// makeAlternativeReference computes the alternative path for the reference.
func (p *pivotter) makeAlternativeReference(ref *refData, r adt.Resolver) ast.Expr {
	d := ref.dst

	// Determine if the reference can be inline.

	var path []adt.Feature
	if d.parent == nil {
		// Get canonical vertexData.
		path = d.path
	} else {
		pathLen, pkgRef := relPathLength(r)
		path = d.node().Path()
		count := d.stepsToParent()

		switch {
		case ref.dst.included:
			// Inside main tree.
			if count > pathLen {
				// Cannot refer to root, so cannot use >=
				return nil

		case pkgRef:

			// Inside hoisted value.
			if count >= pathLen {
				return nil

		path = path[len(path)-count:]
		path = append(d.parent.path, path...)

	if len(path) == 0 {
		path = append(path, p.x.ctx.StringLabel("ROOT"))

	var x ast.Expr = p.x.ident(path[0])

	for _, f := range path[1:] {
		if f.IsInt() {
			x = &ast.IndexExpr{
				X:     x,
				Index: ast.NewLit(token.INT, strconv.Itoa(f.Index())),
		} else {
			x = &ast.SelectorExpr{
				X:   x,
				Sel: p.x.stringLabel(f),

	return x

func (d *depData) stepsToParent() int {
	parent := d.parent.node()
	count := 0
	for p := d.node(); p != parent; p = p.Parent {
		if p == nil {
	return count

func relPathLength(r adt.Resolver) (length int, newRoot bool) {
	for {
		var expr adt.Expr
		switch x := r.(type) {
		case *adt.FieldReference,
		case *adt.ImportReference:
			// This reference indicates a different vertex as root, but doesn't
			// increase the path length.
			return length, true
		case *adt.SelectorExpr:
			expr = x.X
		case *adt.IndexExpr:
			expr = x.X

		switch x := expr.(type) {
		case nil:
			return length, false
		case adt.Resolver:
			r = x

// refExpr returns a substituted expression for a given reference, or nil if
// there are no changes. This function implements most of the policy to decide
// when an expression can be inlined.
func (p *pivotter) refExpr(r adt.Resolver) ast.Expr {
	ref, ok := p.refMap[r]
	if !ok {
		return nil

	dst := ref.dst
	n := dst.node()

	// Inline value, but only when this may not lead to an exponential
	// expansion. We allow inlining when a value is only used once, or when
	// it is a simple concrete scalar value.
	switch {
	case dst.included:
		// Keep references that point inside the hoisted vertex.
		// TODO: force hoisting. This would be akin to taking the interpretation
		// that references that initially point outside the included vertex
		// are external inputs too, even if they eventually point inside.
	case p.x.inDefinition == 0 && n.IsRecursivelyClosed():
		// We need to wrap the value in a definition.
	case dst.usageCount() == 0:
		// The root value itself.
	case n.IsErr():
		// Don't simplify for errors to make the position of the error clearer.
	case !n.IsConcrete() && p.x.inExpression > 0:
		// Don't simplify an expression that is known will fail.
	case dst.usageCount() == 1 && p.x.inExpression == 0:
		// Used only once.
	case n.IsConcrete() && len(n.Arcs) == 0:
		// Simple scalar value.
		return p.x.expr(nil, n)

	if r := p.makeAlternativeReference(ref, r); r != nil {
		dst.needTopLevel = true
		return r

	return nil

// addExternal converts a vertex for an external reference.
func (p *pivotter) addExternal(d *depData) {
	if !d.needTopLevel {

	expr := p.x.expr(nil, d.node())

	if len(d.path) > 1 {
		expr = ast.NewStruct(&ast.Field{
			Label: p.x.stringLabel(d.path[1]),
			Value: expr,
	let := &ast.LetClause{
		Ident: p.x.ident(d.path[0]),
		Expr:  expr,

	ast.SetRelPos(let, token.NewSection)

	path := p.x.ctx.PathToString(d.node().Path())
	var msg string
	if d.dstImport == nil {
		msg = fmt.Sprintf("//cue:path: %s", path)
	} else {
		pkg := d.dstImport.ImportPath.SelectorString(p.x.ctx)
		if path == "" {
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("//cue:path: %s", pkg)
		} else {
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("//cue:path: %s.%s", pkg, path)
	cg := &ast.CommentGroup{
		Doc:  true,
		List: []*ast.Comment{{Text: msg}},
	ast.SetRelPos(cg, token.NewSection)
	ast.AddComment(let, cg)

	p.decls = append(p.decls, let)