
Source file src/cuelang.org/go/internal/core/adt/adt.go

Documentation: cuelang.org/go/internal/core/adt

     1  // Copyright 2020 CUE Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package adt
    17  import (
    18  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/ast"
    19  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/token"
    20  )
    22  func Resolve(ctx *OpContext, c Conjunct) *Vertex {
    23  	env := c.Env
    24  	// TODO: also allow resolution in parent scopes. The following will set up
    25  	// the environments. But the compiler also needs to resolve accordingly.
    26  	//
    27  	// // Set up environments for parent scopes, if any.
    28  	// root := env
    29  	// for p := scope; p != nil; p = p.Parent {
    30  	// 	root.Up = &Environment{Vertex: p.Parent}
    31  	// 	root = root.Up
    32  	// }
    34  	var v Value
    36  	expr := c.Elem() // TODO: why is this not Expr?
    37  	switch x := expr.(type) {
    38  	case Value:
    39  		v = x
    41  	case Resolver:
    42  		r, err := ctx.resolveState(c, x, attempt(finalized, allKnown))
    43  		if err != nil {
    44  			v = err
    45  			break
    46  		}
    47  		// r.Finalize(ctx) // TODO: Finalize here?
    48  		return r
    50  	case Evaluator:
    51  		// TODO: have a way to evaluate, but not strip down to the value.
    52  		v, _ = ctx.Evaluate(env, expr.(Expr))
    54  	default:
    55  		// Unknown type.
    56  		v = ctx.NewErrf(
    57  			"could not evaluate expression %s of type %T", c.Elem(), c)
    58  	}
    60  	return ToVertex(v)
    61  }
    63  // A Node is any abstract data type representing an value or expression.
    64  type Node interface {
    65  	Source() ast.Node
    66  	node() // enforce internal.
    67  }
    69  // A Decl represents all valid StructLit elements.
    70  type Decl interface {
    71  	Node
    72  	declNode()
    73  }
    75  // An Elem represents all value ListLit elements.
    76  //
    77  // All Elem values can be used as a Decl.
    78  type Elem interface {
    79  	Decl
    80  	elemNode()
    81  }
    83  // An Expr corresponds to an ast.Expr.
    84  //
    85  // All Expr values can be used as an Elem or Decl.
    86  type Expr interface {
    87  	Elem
    88  	expr()
    89  }
    91  // A BaseValue is any Value or a *Marker. It indicates the type of a Vertex.
    92  type BaseValue interface {
    93  	Kind() Kind
    94  }
    96  // A Value represents a node in the evaluated data graph.
    97  //
    98  // All Values values can also be used as a Expr.
    99  type Value interface {
   100  	Expr
   101  	Concreteness() Concreteness
   102  	Kind() Kind
   103  }
   105  // An Evaluator provides a method to convert to a value.
   106  type Evaluator interface {
   107  	Node
   109  	// evaluate evaluates the underlying expression. If the expression
   110  	// is incomplete, it may record the error in ctx and return nil.
   111  	evaluate(ctx *OpContext, state combinedFlags) Value
   112  }
   114  // A Resolver represents a reference somewhere else within a tree that resolves
   115  // a value.
   116  type Resolver interface {
   117  	Node
   118  	resolve(ctx *OpContext, state combinedFlags) *Vertex
   119  }
   121  type YieldFunc func(env *Environment)
   123  // A Yielder represents 0 or more labeled values of structs or lists.
   124  type Yielder interface {
   125  	Node
   126  	yield(s *compState)
   127  }
   129  // A Validator validates a Value. All Validators are Values.
   130  type Validator interface {
   131  	Value
   132  	validate(c *OpContext, v Value) *Bottom
   133  }
   135  // Pos returns the file position of n, or token.NoPos if it is unknown.
   136  func Pos(n Node) token.Pos {
   137  	src := n.Source()
   138  	if src == nil {
   139  		return token.NoPos
   140  	}
   141  	return src.Pos()
   142  }
   144  // Value
   146  func (x *Vertex) Concreteness() Concreteness {
   147  	// Depends on concreteness of value.
   148  	switch v := x.BaseValue.(type) {
   149  	case nil:
   150  		return Concrete // Should be indetermined.
   152  	case Value:
   153  		return v.Concreteness()
   155  	default: //  *StructMarker, *ListMarker:
   156  		return Concrete
   157  	}
   158  }
   160  func (x *NodeLink) Concreteness() Concreteness { return Concrete }
   162  func (*Conjunction) Concreteness() Concreteness { return Constraint }
   163  func (*Disjunction) Concreteness() Concreteness { return Constraint }
   164  func (*BoundValue) Concreteness() Concreteness  { return Constraint }
   166  func (*Builtin) Concreteness() Concreteness          { return Concrete }
   167  func (*BuiltinValidator) Concreteness() Concreteness { return Constraint }
   169  // Value and Expr
   171  func (*Bottom) Concreteness() Concreteness    { return BottomLevel }
   172  func (*Null) Concreteness() Concreteness      { return Concrete }
   173  func (*Bool) Concreteness() Concreteness      { return Concrete }
   174  func (*Num) Concreteness() Concreteness       { return Concrete }
   175  func (*String) Concreteness() Concreteness    { return Concrete }
   176  func (*Bytes) Concreteness() Concreteness     { return Concrete }
   177  func (*Top) Concreteness() Concreteness       { return Any }
   178  func (*BasicType) Concreteness() Concreteness { return Type }
   180  // Expr
   182  func (*StructLit) expr()       {}
   183  func (*ListLit) expr()         {}
   184  func (*DisjunctionExpr) expr() {}
   186  // TODO: also allow?
   187  //       a: b: if cond {}
   188  //
   189  // It is unclear here, though, whether field `a` should be added
   190  // unconditionally.
   191  // func (*Comprehension) expr() {}
   193  // Expr and Value
   195  func (*Bottom) expr()           {}
   196  func (*Null) expr()             {}
   197  func (*Bool) expr()             {}
   198  func (*Num) expr()              {}
   199  func (*String) expr()           {}
   200  func (*Bytes) expr()            {}
   201  func (*Top) expr()              {}
   202  func (*BasicType) expr()        {}
   203  func (*Vertex) expr()           {}
   204  func (*ListMarker) expr()       {}
   205  func (*StructMarker) expr()     {}
   206  func (*Conjunction) expr()      {}
   207  func (*Disjunction) expr()      {}
   208  func (*BoundValue) expr()       {}
   209  func (*BuiltinValidator) expr() {}
   210  func (*Builtin) expr()          {}
   212  // Expr and Resolver
   214  func (*NodeLink) expr()         {}
   215  func (*FieldReference) expr()   {}
   216  func (*ValueReference) expr()   {}
   217  func (*LabelReference) expr()   {}
   218  func (*DynamicReference) expr() {}
   219  func (*ImportReference) expr()  {}
   220  func (*LetReference) expr()     {}
   222  // Expr and Evaluator
   224  func (*BoundExpr) expr()     {}
   225  func (*SelectorExpr) expr()  {}
   226  func (*IndexExpr) expr()     {}
   227  func (*SliceExpr) expr()     {}
   228  func (*Interpolation) expr() {}
   229  func (*UnaryExpr) expr()     {}
   230  func (*BinaryExpr) expr()    {}
   231  func (*CallExpr) expr()      {}
   233  // Decl and Expr (so allow attaching original source in Conjunct)
   235  func (*Field) declNode()                {}
   236  func (x *Field) expr() Expr             { return x.Value }
   237  func (*LetField) declNode()             {}
   238  func (x *LetField) expr() Expr          { return x.Value }
   239  func (*BulkOptionalField) declNode()    {}
   240  func (x *BulkOptionalField) expr() Expr { return x.Value }
   241  func (*DynamicField) declNode()         {}
   242  func (x *DynamicField) expr() Expr      { return x.Value }
   244  // Decl, Elem, and Expr (so allow attaching original source in Conjunct)
   246  func (*Ellipsis) elemNode() {}
   247  func (*Ellipsis) declNode() {}
   248  func (x *Ellipsis) expr() Expr {
   249  	if x.Value == nil {
   250  		return top
   251  	}
   252  	return x.Value
   253  }
   254  func (*ConjunctGroup) declNode() {}
   255  func (*ConjunctGroup) elemNode() {}
   256  func (*ConjunctGroup) expr()     {}
   258  var top = &Top{}
   260  // Decl and Yielder
   262  func (*LetClause) declNode() {}
   264  // Decl and Elem
   266  func (*StructLit) declNode()        {}
   267  func (*StructLit) elemNode()        {}
   268  func (*ListLit) declNode()          {}
   269  func (*ListLit) elemNode()          {}
   270  func (*Bottom) declNode()           {}
   271  func (*Bottom) elemNode()           {}
   272  func (*Null) declNode()             {}
   273  func (*Null) elemNode()             {}
   274  func (*Bool) declNode()             {}
   275  func (*Bool) elemNode()             {}
   276  func (*Num) declNode()              {}
   277  func (*Num) elemNode()              {}
   278  func (*String) declNode()           {}
   279  func (*String) elemNode()           {}
   280  func (*Bytes) declNode()            {}
   281  func (*Bytes) elemNode()            {}
   282  func (*Top) declNode()              {}
   283  func (*Top) elemNode()              {}
   284  func (*BasicType) declNode()        {}
   285  func (*BasicType) elemNode()        {}
   286  func (*BoundExpr) declNode()        {}
   287  func (*BoundExpr) elemNode()        {}
   288  func (*Vertex) declNode()           {}
   289  func (*Vertex) elemNode()           {}
   290  func (*ListMarker) declNode()       {}
   291  func (*ListMarker) elemNode()       {}
   292  func (*StructMarker) declNode()     {}
   293  func (*StructMarker) elemNode()     {}
   294  func (*Conjunction) declNode()      {}
   295  func (*Conjunction) elemNode()      {}
   296  func (*Disjunction) declNode()      {}
   297  func (*Disjunction) elemNode()      {}
   298  func (*BoundValue) declNode()       {}
   299  func (*BoundValue) elemNode()       {}
   300  func (*BuiltinValidator) declNode() {}
   301  func (*BuiltinValidator) elemNode() {}
   302  func (*NodeLink) declNode()         {}
   303  func (*NodeLink) elemNode()         {}
   304  func (*FieldReference) declNode()   {}
   305  func (*FieldReference) elemNode()   {}
   306  func (*ValueReference) declNode()   {}
   307  func (*ValueReference) elemNode()   {}
   308  func (*LabelReference) declNode()   {}
   309  func (*LabelReference) elemNode()   {}
   310  func (*DynamicReference) declNode() {}
   311  func (*DynamicReference) elemNode() {}
   312  func (*ImportReference) declNode()  {}
   313  func (*ImportReference) elemNode()  {}
   314  func (*LetReference) declNode()     {}
   315  func (*LetReference) elemNode()     {}
   316  func (*SelectorExpr) declNode()     {}
   317  func (*SelectorExpr) elemNode()     {}
   318  func (*IndexExpr) declNode()        {}
   319  func (*IndexExpr) elemNode()        {}
   320  func (*SliceExpr) declNode()        {}
   321  func (*SliceExpr) elemNode()        {}
   322  func (*Interpolation) declNode()    {}
   323  func (*Interpolation) elemNode()    {}
   324  func (*UnaryExpr) declNode()        {}
   325  func (*UnaryExpr) elemNode()        {}
   326  func (*BinaryExpr) declNode()       {}
   327  func (*BinaryExpr) elemNode()       {}
   328  func (*CallExpr) declNode()         {}
   329  func (*CallExpr) elemNode()         {}
   330  func (*Builtin) declNode()          {}
   331  func (*Builtin) elemNode()          {}
   332  func (*DisjunctionExpr) declNode()  {}
   333  func (*DisjunctionExpr) elemNode()  {}
   335  // Decl, Elem, and Yielder
   337  func (*Comprehension) declNode() {}
   338  func (*Comprehension) elemNode() {}
   340  // Node
   342  func (*Vertex) node()            {}
   343  func (*Conjunction) node()       {}
   344  func (*ConjunctGroup) node()     {}
   345  func (*Disjunction) node()       {}
   346  func (*BoundValue) node()        {}
   347  func (*Builtin) node()           {}
   348  func (*BuiltinValidator) node()  {}
   349  func (*Bottom) node()            {}
   350  func (*Null) node()              {}
   351  func (*Bool) node()              {}
   352  func (*Num) node()               {}
   353  func (*String) node()            {}
   354  func (*Bytes) node()             {}
   355  func (*Top) node()               {}
   356  func (*BasicType) node()         {}
   357  func (*StructLit) node()         {}
   358  func (*ListLit) node()           {}
   359  func (*BoundExpr) node()         {}
   360  func (*NodeLink) node()          {}
   361  func (*FieldReference) node()    {}
   362  func (*ValueReference) node()    {}
   363  func (*LabelReference) node()    {}
   364  func (*DynamicReference) node()  {}
   365  func (*ImportReference) node()   {}
   366  func (*LetReference) node()      {}
   367  func (*SelectorExpr) node()      {}
   368  func (*IndexExpr) node()         {}
   369  func (*SliceExpr) node()         {}
   370  func (*Interpolation) node()     {}
   371  func (*UnaryExpr) node()         {}
   372  func (*BinaryExpr) node()        {}
   373  func (*CallExpr) node()          {}
   374  func (*DisjunctionExpr) node()   {}
   375  func (*Field) node()             {}
   376  func (*LetField) node()          {}
   377  func (*BulkOptionalField) node() {}
   378  func (*DynamicField) node()      {}
   379  func (*Ellipsis) node()          {}
   380  func (*Comprehension) node()     {}
   381  func (*ForClause) node()         {}
   382  func (*IfClause) node()          {}
   383  func (*LetClause) node()         {}

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