// From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18873924/what-does-the-protobuf-text-format-look-like -- foo.cue -- #MyEnum: "Default" | "Variant1" | "Variant100" f1: string f2: int64 fa: [...uint64] fb: [...int32] fc: [...number] pairs: [...#Pair] bbbb: bytes // optional // extensions 100 to max; #Pair: { key: string value: string } -- input.textproto -- f1: "dsfadsafsaf" f2: 234 # value comment fa: 2342134 fa: 2342135 fa: 2342136 # Mix of list and single elements. fb: [ -2342134, -2342135, -2342136 ] fb: -1000 fc: 4 fc: 7 fc: -12 fc: 4 fc: 7 fc: -3 fc: 4 fc: 7 fc: 0 pairs { key: "sdfff" value: "q\"qq\\q\n" } pairs { key: " sdfff2 \321\202\320\265\321\201\321\202 " value: "q\tqq<>q2&\001\377" } bbbb: "\000\001\002\377\376\375" -- out/decode -- f1: "dsfadsafsaf" f2: 234 // value comment fa: [2342134, 2342135, 2342136] // Mix of list and single elements. fb: [-2342134, -2342135, -2342136, -1000] fc: [4, 7, -12, 4, 7, -3, 4, 7, 0] pairs: [{ key: "sdfff" value: "q\"qq\\q\n" }, { key: " sdfff2 тест " value: "q\tqq<>q2&\u0001�" }] bbbb: '\x00\x01\x02\xff\xfe\xfd'