
Text file src/cuelang.org/go/encoding/openapi/testdata/structural.json

Documentation: cuelang.org/go/encoding/openapi/testdata

     2   "openapi": "3.0.0",
     3   "info": {
     4      "title": "test",
     5      "version": "v1"
     6   },
     7   "paths": {},
     8   "components": {
     9      "schemas": {
    10         "AttrValue": {
    11            "description": "The attribute value.",
    12            "type": "object",
    13            "properties": {
    14               "stringValue": {
    15                  "description": "Used for values of type STRING, DNS_NAME, EMAIL_ADDRESS, and URI",
    16                  "type": "string"
    17               },
    18               "int64Value": {
    19                  "description": "Used for values of type INT64",
    20                  "type": "integer",
    21                  "format": "int64"
    22               },
    23               "doubleValue": {
    24                  "description": "Used for values of type DOUBLE",
    25                  "type": "number",
    26                  "format": "double"
    27               },
    28               "boolValue": {
    29                  "description": "Used for values of type BOOL",
    30                  "type": "boolean"
    31               },
    32               "bytesValue": {
    33                  "description": "Used for values of type BYTES",
    34                  "type": "string",
    35                  "format": "binary"
    36               },
    37               "timestampValue": {
    38                  "description": "Used for values of type TIMESTAMP",
    39                  "type": "string",
    40                  "format": "date-time"
    41               },
    42               "durationValue": {
    43                  "description": "Used for values of type DURATION",
    44                  "type": "string"
    45               },
    46               "stringMapValue": {
    47                  "description": "Used for values of type STRING_MAP",
    48                  "type": "object",
    49                  "required": [
    50                     "entries"
    51                  ],
    52                  "properties": {
    53                     "entries": {
    54                        "description": "Holds a set of name/value pairs.",
    55                        "type": "object",
    56                        "additionalProperties": {
    57                           "type": "string"
    58                        }
    59                     }
    60                  }
    61               }
    62            },
    63            "oneOf": [
    64               {
    65                  "required": [
    66                     "stringValue"
    67                  ]
    68               },
    69               {
    70                  "required": [
    71                     "int64Value"
    72                  ]
    73               },
    74               {
    75                  "required": [
    76                     "doubleValue"
    77                  ]
    78               },
    79               {
    80                  "required": [
    81                     "boolValue"
    82                  ]
    83               },
    84               {
    85                  "required": [
    86                     "bytesValue"
    87                  ]
    88               },
    89               {
    90                  "required": [
    91                     "timestampValue"
    92                  ]
    93               },
    94               {
    95                  "required": [
    96                     "durationValue"
    97                  ]
    98               },
    99               {
   100                  "required": [
   101                     "stringMapValue"
   102                  ]
   103               }
   104            ]
   105         },
   106         "Attributes": {
   107            "type": "object",
   108            "required": [
   109               "attributes"
   110            ],
   111            "properties": {
   112               "attributes": {
   113                  "description": "A map of attribute name to its value.",
   114                  "type": "object",
   115                  "additionalProperties": {
   116                     "type": "object",
   117                     "properties": {
   118                        "stringValue": {
   119                           "description": "Used for values of type STRING, DNS_NAME, EMAIL_ADDRESS, and URI",
   120                           "type": "string"
   121                        },
   122                        "int64Value": {
   123                           "description": "Used for values of type INT64",
   124                           "type": "integer",
   125                           "format": "int64"
   126                        },
   127                        "doubleValue": {
   128                           "description": "Used for values of type DOUBLE",
   129                           "type": "number",
   130                           "format": "double"
   131                        },
   132                        "boolValue": {
   133                           "description": "Used for values of type BOOL",
   134                           "type": "boolean"
   135                        },
   136                        "bytesValue": {
   137                           "description": "Used for values of type BYTES",
   138                           "type": "string",
   139                           "format": "binary"
   140                        },
   141                        "timestampValue": {
   142                           "description": "Used for values of type TIMESTAMP",
   143                           "type": "string",
   144                           "format": "date-time"
   145                        },
   146                        "durationValue": {
   147                           "description": "Used for values of type DURATION",
   148                           "type": "string"
   149                        },
   150                        "stringMapValue": {
   151                           "description": "Used for values of type STRING_MAP",
   152                           "type": "object",
   153                           "required": [
   154                              "entries"
   155                           ],
   156                           "properties": {
   157                              "entries": {
   158                                 "description": "Holds a set of name/value pairs.",
   159                                 "type": "object",
   160                                 "additionalProperties": {
   161                                    "type": "string"
   162                                 }
   163                              }
   164                           }
   165                        }
   166                     },
   167                     "oneOf": [
   168                        {
   169                           "required": [
   170                              "stringValue"
   171                           ]
   172                        },
   173                        {
   174                           "required": [
   175                              "int64Value"
   176                           ]
   177                        },
   178                        {
   179                           "required": [
   180                              "doubleValue"
   181                           ]
   182                        },
   183                        {
   184                           "required": [
   185                              "boolValue"
   186                           ]
   187                        },
   188                        {
   189                           "required": [
   190                              "bytesValue"
   191                           ]
   192                        },
   193                        {
   194                           "required": [
   195                              "timestampValue"
   196                           ]
   197                        },
   198                        {
   199                           "required": [
   200                              "durationValue"
   201                           ]
   202                        },
   203                        {
   204                           "required": [
   205                              "stringMapValue"
   206                           ]
   207                        }
   208                     ]
   209                  }
   210               }
   211            }
   212         },
   213         "Attributes_StringMap": {
   214            "type": "object",
   215            "required": [
   216               "entries"
   217            ],
   218            "properties": {
   219               "entries": {
   220                  "description": "Holds a set of name/value pairs.",
   221                  "type": "object",
   222                  "additionalProperties": {
   223                     "type": "string"
   224                  }
   225               }
   226            }
   227         }
   228      }
   229   }

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