1package kube
3deployment: nginx: spec: {
4 // podTemplate defines the 'cookie cutter' used for creating
5 // new pods when necessary
6 template: {
7 spec: {
8 volumes: [{
9 name: "secret-volume"
10 secret: secretName: "proxy-secrets"
11 }, {
12 name: "config-volume"
13 configMap: name: "nginx"
14 }]
15 containers: [{
16 // Put nginx last so it will be linked with previous two containers during
17 // testing.
18 image: "nginx:1.11.10-alpine"
19 ports: [{
20 containerPort: 80
21 }, {
22 containerPort: 443
23 }]
24 volumeMounts: [{
25 mountPath: "/etc/ssl"
26 name: "secret-volume"
27 }, {
28 name: "config-volume"
29 mountPath: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
30 subPath: "nginx.conf"
31 }]
32 }]
33 }
34 }
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