
Text file src/cuelang.org/go/doc/tutorial/basics/4_references/80_cycle.txtar

Documentation: cuelang.org/go/doc/tutorial/basics/4_references

     1# Note: the output here is wrong. Reported as cuelang.org/issue/2342
     2exec cue eval -i -c cycle.cue
     3cmp stdout expect-stdout-cue
     5-- frontmatter.toml --
     6title = "Reference Cycles"
     7description = ""
     9-- text.md --
    10CUE can handle many types of cycles just fine.
    11Because all values are final, a field with a concrete value of, say `200`,
    12can only be valid if it is that value.
    13So if it is unified with another expression, we can delay the evaluation of
    14this until later.
    16By postponing that evaluation, we can often break cycles.
    17This is very useful for template writers that may not know what fields
    18a user will want to fill out.
    20-- cycle.cue --
    21// CUE knows how to resolve the following:
    22x: 200
    23x: y + 100
    24y: x - 100
    26// If a cycle is not broken, CUE will just report it.
    27a: b + 100
    28b: a - 100
    30-- expect-stdout-cue --
    31x: 200
    32y: 100
    33a: b + 100
    34b: a - 100

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