exec cue export json.cue cmp stdout expect-stdout-cue -- frontmatter.toml -- title = "JSON Superset" description = "" -- text.md -- CUE is a superset of JSON. It adds the following conveniences: - C-style comments, - quotes may be omitted from field names without special characters, - commas at the end of fields are optional, - comma after last element in list is allowed, - outer curly braces are optional. JSON objects are called structs in CUE. An object member is called a field. -- json.cue -- one: 1 two: 2 // A field using quotes. "two-and-a-half": 2.5 list: [ 1, 2, 3, ] -- expect-stdout-cue -- { "one": 1, "two": 2, "two-and-a-half": 2.5, "list": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }