# DO NOT EDIT; generated by go run testdata/gen.go # #name: comparison against bottom #evalFull -- in.cue -- a: _|_ == _|_ b: err == 1 & 2 // not a literal error, so not allowed c: err == _|_ // allowed d: err != _|_ // allowed e: err != 1 & 3 // z: err == err // TODO: should infer to be true? f: ({a: 1} & {a: 2}) == _|_ g: ({a: 1} & {b: 2}) == _|_ h: _|_ == ({a: 1} & {a: 2}) i: _|_ == ({a: 1} & {b: 2}) err: 1 & 2 -- out/def -- a: true b: _|_ // conflicting values 1 and 2 err: _|_ // conflicting values 1 and 2 c: true d: false e: _|_ // conflicting values 1 and 2 // z: err == err // TODO: should infer to be true? f: true g: false h: true i: false -- out/legacy-debug -- <0>{a: true, b: _|_((1 & 2):conflicting values 1 and 2), err: _|_((1 & 2):conflicting values 1 and 2), c: true, d: false, e: _|_((1 & 2):conflicting values 1 and 2), f: true, g: false, h: true, i: false} -- out/compile -- --- in.cue { a: (_|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source) == _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)) b: ((〈0;err〉 == 1) & 2) c: (〈0;err〉 == _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)) d: (〈0;err〉 != _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)) e: ((〈0;err〉 != 1) & 3) f: (({ a: 1 } & { a: 2 }) == _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)) g: (({ a: 1 } & { b: 2 }) == _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source)) h: (_|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source) == ({ a: 1 } & { a: 2 })) i: (_|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source) == ({ a: 1 } & { b: 2 })) err: (1 & 2) } -- out/eval/stats -- Leaks: 0 Freed: 21 Reused: 16 Allocs: 5 Retain: 4 Unifications: 21 Conjuncts: 28 Disjuncts: 21 -- out/eval -- Errors: err: conflicting values 2 and 1: ./in.cue:12:6 ./in.cue:12:10 Result: (_|_){ // [eval] a: (bool){ true } b: (_|_){ // [eval] err: conflicting values 2 and 1: // ./in.cue:12:6 // ./in.cue:12:10 } c: (bool){ true } d: (bool){ false } e: (_|_){ // [eval] err: conflicting values 2 and 1: // ./in.cue:12:6 // ./in.cue:12:10 } f: (bool){ true } g: (bool){ false } h: (bool){ true } i: (bool){ false } err: (_|_){ // [eval] err: conflicting values 2 and 1: // ./in.cue:12:6 // ./in.cue:12:10 } }