Incomplete errors should not unify with values. -- in.cue -- a: or([]) a: "t" b: _|_ b: "t" -- out/eval/stats -- Leaks: 5 Freed: 3 Reused: 1 Allocs: 7 Retain: 5 Unifications: 8 Conjuncts: 14 Disjuncts: 8 -- out/eval -- Errors: explicit error (_|_ literal) in source: ./in.cue:4:4 Result: (_|_){ // [user] a: (_|_){ // [incomplete] empty list in call to or: // ./in.cue:1:4 } b: (_|_){ // [user] explicit error (_|_ literal) in source: // ./in.cue:4:4 } } -- out/compile -- --- in.cue { a: or([]) a: "t" b: _|_(explicit error (_|_ literal) in source) b: "t" }