This test tests a case where a child node needs to be evaluated before evaluating a parent has completed. -- in.cue -- a: [for c in { c }] a: [{name: "http"}] foo: { x.D bar: baz: [{port: 8080}] } x: { D: bar: DSpec DSpec: {} } -- out/compile -- --- in.cue { a: [ for _, c in 〈1;foo〉.bar.baz { 〈1;c〉 }, ] a: [ { name: "http" }, ] foo: { 〈1;x〉.D bar: { baz: [ { port: 8080 }, ] } } x: { D: { bar: 〈1;DSpec〉 } DSpec: {} } } -- out/eval/stats -- Leaks: 0 Freed: 14 Reused: 5 Allocs: 9 Retain: 9 Unifications: 14 Conjuncts: 23 Disjuncts: 23 -- out/evalalpha -- (struct){ a: (#list){ 0: (struct){ name: (string){ "http" } port: (int){ 8080 } } } foo: (struct){ bar: (struct){ baz: (#list){ 0: (struct){ port: (int){ 8080 } } } } } x: (struct){ D: (struct){ bar: (struct){ } } DSpec: (struct){ } } } -- diff/-out/evalalpha<==>+out/eval -- diff old new --- old +++ new @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ (struct){ a: (#list){ 0: (struct){ - port: (int){ 8080 } name: (string){ "http" } + port: (int){ 8080 } } } foo: (struct){ -- diff/explanation -- Reordering. -- out/eval -- (struct){ a: (#list){ 0: (struct){ port: (int){ 8080 } name: (string){ "http" } } } foo: (struct){ bar: (struct){ baz: (#list){ 0: (struct){ port: (int){ 8080 } } } } } x: (struct){ D: (struct){ bar: (struct){ } } DSpec: (struct){ } } }