#Issue: 1684 // TODO: significantly reduce the number of counts in this evaluation. -- stats.txt -- Leaks: 0 Freed: 995025 Reused: 994976 Allocs: 49 Retain: 0 Unifications: 740771 Conjuncts: 3143640 Disjuncts: 995025 -- in.cue -- #Secret: { $secret: id: string } #secrets: #Secret | {[string]: #secrets} out: #secrets & { FOO: $secret: id: "100" ONE: TWO: THREE: $secret: id: "123" } #Secret: { $secret: _id: string } #secrets: #Secret | {[string]: #secrets} out: #secrets & { FOO: $secret: _id: "100" ONE: TWO: THREE: $secret: _id: "123" } -- out/eval/stats -- Leaks: 0 Freed: 1064043 Reused: 1063992 Allocs: 51 Retain: 0 Unifications: 791999 Conjuncts: 2479541 Disjuncts: 1064043 -- out/eval -- (struct){ #Secret: (#struct){ $secret: (#struct){ id: (string){ string } _id: (string){ string } } } #secrets: (#struct){ |((#struct){ $secret: (#struct){ id: (string){ string } _id: (string){ string } } }, (#struct){ }) } out: (#struct){ FOO: (#struct){ $secret: (#struct){ id: (string){ "100" } _id: (string){ "100" } } } ONE: (#struct){ TWO: (#struct){ THREE: (#struct){ $secret: (#struct){ id: (string){ "123" } _id: (string){ "123" } } } } } } } -- out/compile -- --- in.cue { #Secret: { $secret: { id: string } } #secrets: (〈0;#Secret〉|{ [string]: 〈1;#secrets〉 }) out: (〈0;#secrets〉 & { FOO: { $secret: { id: "100" } } ONE: { TWO: { THREE: { $secret: { id: "123" } } } } }) #Secret: { $secret: { _id: string } } #secrets: (〈0;#Secret〉|{ [string]: 〈1;#secrets〉 }) out: (〈0;#secrets〉 & { FOO: { $secret: { _id: "100" } } ONE: { TWO: { THREE: { $secret: { _id: "123" } } } } }) }