
Source file src/cuelang.org/go/cue/load/config.go

Documentation: cuelang.org/go/cue/load

     1  // Copyright 2018 The CUE Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package load
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"io"
    20  	"os"
    21  	"path/filepath"
    22  	"strings"
    24  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/ast"
    25  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/build"
    26  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/errors"
    27  	"cuelang.org/go/cue/token"
    28  	"cuelang.org/go/internal"
    29  	"cuelang.org/go/internal/cueexperiment"
    30  	"cuelang.org/go/mod/modconfig"
    31  	"cuelang.org/go/mod/modfile"
    32  	"cuelang.org/go/mod/module"
    33  )
    35  const (
    36  	cueSuffix  = ".cue"
    37  	modDir     = "cue.mod"
    38  	moduleFile = "module.cue"
    39  )
    41  // FromArgsUsage is a partial usage message that applications calling
    42  // FromArgs may wish to include in their -help output.
    43  //
    44  // Some of the aspects of this documentation, like flags and handling '--' need
    45  // to be implemented by the tools.
    46  const FromArgsUsage = `
    47  <args> is a list of arguments denoting a set of instances of the form:
    49     <package>* <file_args>*
    51  1. A list of source files
    53     CUE files are parsed, loaded and unified into a single instance. All files
    54     must have the same package name.
    56     Data files, like YAML or JSON, are handled in one of two ways:
    58     a. Explicitly mapped into a single CUE namespace, using the --path, --files
    59        and --list flags. In this case these are unified into a single instance
    60        along with any other CUE files.
    62     b. Treated as a stream of data elements that each is optionally unified with
    63        a single instance, which either consists of the other CUE files specified
    64         on the command line or a single package.
    66     By default, the format of files is derived from the file extension.
    67     This behavior may be modified with file arguments of the form <qualifiers>:
    68     For instance,
    70        cue eval foo.cue json: bar.data
    72     indicates that the bar.data file should be interpreted as a JSON file.
    73     A qualifier applies to all files following it until the next qualifier.
    75     The following qualifiers are available:
    77        encodings
    78        cue           CUE definitions and data
    79        json          JSON data, one value only
    80        jsonl         newline-separated JSON values
    81        yaml          a YAML file, may contain a stream
    82        proto         Protobuf definitions
    84        interpretations
    85        jsonschema   data encoding describes JSON Schema
    86        openapi      data encoding describes Open API
    88        formats
    89        data         output as -- or only accept -- data
    90        graph        data allowing references or anchors
    91        schema       output as schema; defaults JSON files to JSON Schema
    92        def          full definitions, including documentation
    94  2. A list of relative directories to denote a package instance.
    96     Each directory matching the pattern is loaded as a separate instance.
    97     The instance contains all files in this directory and ancestor directories,
    98     up to the module root, with the same package name. The package name must
    99     be either uniquely determined by the files in the given directory, or
   100     explicitly defined using a package name qualifier. For instance, ./...:foo
   101     selects all packages named foo in the any subdirectory of the current
   102     working directory.
   104  3. An import path referring to a directory within the current module
   106     All CUE files in that directory, and all the ancestor directories up to the
   107     module root (if applicable), with a package name corresponding to the base
   108     name of the directory or the optional explicit package name are loaded into
   109     a single instance.
   111     Examples, assume a module name of acme.org/root:
   112        mod.test/foo   package in cue.mod
   113        ./foo             package corresponding to foo directory
   114        .:bar             package in current directory with package name bar
   115  `
   117  // GenPath reports the directory in which to store generated
   118  // files.
   119  func GenPath(root string) string {
   120  	return internal.GenPath(root)
   121  }
   123  // A Config configures load behavior.
   124  type Config struct {
   125  	// TODO: allow passing a cuecontext to be able to lookup and verify builtin
   126  	// packages at loading time.
   128  	// Context specifies the context for the load operation.
   129  	Context *build.Context
   131  	// A Module is a collection of packages and instances that are within the
   132  	// directory hierarchy rooted at the module root. The module root can be
   133  	// marked with a cue.mod file.
   134  	ModuleRoot string
   136  	// Module specifies the module prefix. If not empty, this value must match
   137  	// the module field of an existing cue.mod file.
   138  	Module string
   140  	// modFile holds the contents of the module file, or nil
   141  	// if no module file was present. If non-nil, then
   142  	// after calling Config.complete, modFile.Module will be
   143  	// equal to Module.
   144  	modFile *modfile.File
   146  	// Package defines the name of the package to be loaded. If this is not set,
   147  	// the package must be uniquely defined from its context. Special values:
   148  	//    _    load files without a package
   149  	//    *    load all packages. Files without packages are loaded
   150  	//         in the _ package.
   151  	Package string
   153  	// Dir is the base directory for import path resolution.
   154  	// For example, it is used to determine the main module,
   155  	// and rooted import paths starting with "./" are relative to it.
   156  	// If Dir is empty, the current directory is used.
   157  	Dir string
   159  	// Tags defines boolean tags or key-value pairs to select files to build
   160  	// or be injected as values in fields.
   161  	//
   162  	// Each string is of the form
   163  	//
   164  	//     key [ "=" value ]
   165  	//
   166  	// where key is a valid CUE identifier and value valid CUE scalar.
   167  	//
   168  	// The Tags values are used to both select which files get included in a
   169  	// build and to inject values into the AST.
   170  	//
   171  	//
   172  	// File selection
   173  	//
   174  	// Files with an attribute of the form @if(expr) before a package clause
   175  	// are conditionally included if expr resolves to true, where expr refers to
   176  	// boolean values in Tags.
   177  	//
   178  	// It is an error for a file to have more than one @if attribute or to
   179  	// have a @if attribute without or after a package clause.
   180  	//
   181  	//
   182  	// Value injection
   183  	//
   184  	// The Tags values are also used to inject values into fields with a
   185  	// @tag attribute.
   186  	//
   187  	// For any field of the form
   188  	//
   189  	//    field: x @tag(key)
   190  	//
   191  	// and Tags value for which the name matches key, the field will be
   192  	// modified to
   193  	//
   194  	//   field: x & "value"
   195  	//
   196  	// By default, the injected value is treated as a string. Alternatively, a
   197  	// "type" option of the @tag attribute allows a value to be interpreted as
   198  	// an int, number, or bool. For instance, for a field
   199  	//
   200  	//    field: x @tag(key,type=int)
   201  	//
   202  	// an entry "key=2" modifies the field to
   203  	//
   204  	//    field: x & 2
   205  	//
   206  	// Valid values for type are "int", "number", "bool", and "string".
   207  	//
   208  	// A @tag attribute can also define shorthand values, which can be injected
   209  	// into the fields without having to specify the key. For instance, for
   210  	//
   211  	//    environment: string @tag(env,short=prod|staging)
   212  	//
   213  	// the Tags entry "prod" sets the environment field to the value "prod".
   214  	// This is equivalent to a Tags entry of "env=prod".
   215  	//
   216  	// The use of @tag does not preclude using any of the usual CUE constraints
   217  	// to limit the possible values of a field. For instance
   218  	//
   219  	//    environment: "prod" | "staging" @tag(env,short=prod|staging)
   220  	//
   221  	// ensures the user may only specify "prod" or "staging".
   222  	Tags []string
   224  	// TagVars defines a set of key value pair the values of which may be
   225  	// referenced by tags.
   226  	//
   227  	// Use DefaultTagVars to get a pre-loaded map with supported values.
   228  	TagVars map[string]TagVar
   230  	// Include all files, regardless of tags.
   231  	AllCUEFiles bool
   233  	// Deprecated: use Tags
   234  	BuildTags   []string
   235  	releaseTags []string
   237  	// If Tests is set, the loader includes not just the packages
   238  	// matching a particular pattern but also any related test packages.
   239  	Tests bool
   241  	// If Tools is set, the loader includes tool files associated with
   242  	// a package.
   243  	Tools bool
   245  	// filesMode indicates that files are specified
   246  	// explicitly on the command line.
   247  	filesMode bool
   249  	// If DataFiles is set, the loader includes entries for directories that
   250  	// have no CUE files, but have recognized data files that could be converted
   251  	// to CUE.
   252  	DataFiles bool
   254  	// StdRoot specifies an alternative directory for standard libraries.
   255  	// This is mostly used for bootstrapping.
   256  	StdRoot string
   258  	// ParseFile is called to read and parse each file when preparing a
   259  	// package's syntax tree. It must be safe to call ParseFile simultaneously
   260  	// from multiple goroutines. If ParseFile is nil, the loader will uses
   261  	// parser.ParseFile.
   262  	//
   263  	// ParseFile should parse the source from src and use filename only for
   264  	// recording position information.
   265  	//
   266  	// An application may supply a custom implementation of ParseFile to change
   267  	// the effective file contents or the behavior of the parser, or to modify
   268  	// the syntax tree.
   269  	ParseFile func(name string, src interface{}) (*ast.File, error)
   271  	// Overlay provides a mapping of absolute file paths to file contents.  If
   272  	// the file with the given path already exists, the parser will use the
   273  	// alternative file contents provided by the map.
   274  	Overlay map[string]Source
   276  	// Stdin defines an alternative for os.Stdin for the file "-". When used,
   277  	// the corresponding build.File will be associated with the full buffer.
   278  	Stdin io.Reader
   280  	// Registry is used to fetch CUE module dependencies.
   281  	//
   282  	// When nil, if the modules experiment is enabled
   283  	// (CUE_EXPERIMENT=modules), [modconfig.NewRegistry]
   284  	// will be used to create a registry instance using the
   285  	// usual cmd/cue conventions for environment variables
   286  	// (but see the Env field below).
   287  	//
   289  	Registry modconfig.Registry
   291  	// Env provides environment variables for use in the configuration.
   292  	// Currently this is only used in the construction of the Registry
   293  	// value (see above). If this is nil, the current process's environment
   294  	// will be used.
   295  	Env []string
   297  	fileSystem fileSystem
   298  }
   300  func (c *Config) stdin() io.Reader {
   301  	if c.Stdin == nil {
   302  		return os.Stdin
   303  	}
   304  	return c.Stdin
   305  }
   307  type importPath string
   309  type fsPath string
   311  func addImportQualifier(pkg importPath, name string) (importPath, errors.Error) {
   312  	if name != "" {
   313  		s := string(pkg)
   314  		if i := strings.LastIndexByte(s, '/'); i >= 0 {
   315  			s = s[i+1:]
   316  		}
   317  		if i := strings.LastIndexByte(s, ':'); i >= 0 {
   318  			// should never happen, but just in case.
   319  			s = s[i+1:]
   320  			if s != name {
   321  				return "", errors.Newf(token.NoPos,
   322  					"non-matching package names (%s != %s)", s, name)
   323  			}
   324  		} else if s != name {
   325  			pkg += importPath(":" + name)
   326  		}
   327  	}
   329  	return pkg, nil
   330  }
   332  // Complete updates the configuration information. After calling complete,
   333  // the following invariants hold:
   334  //   - c.Dir is an absolute path.
   335  //   - c.ModuleRoot is an absolute path
   336  //   - c.Module is set to the module import prefix if there is a cue.mod file
   337  //     with the module property.
   338  //   - c.loader != nil
   339  //   - c.cache != ""
   340  //
   341  // It does not initialize c.Context, because that requires the
   342  // loader in order to use for build.Loader.
   343  func (c Config) complete() (cfg *Config, err error) {
   344  	// Each major CUE release should add a tag here.
   345  	// Old tags should not be removed. That is, the cue1.x tag is present
   346  	// in all releases >= CUE 1.x. Code that requires CUE 1.x or later should
   347  	// say "+build cue1.x", and code that should only be built before CUE 1.x
   348  	// (perhaps it is the stub to use in that case) should say "+build !cue1.x".
   349  	c.releaseTags = []string{"cue0.1"}
   351  	if c.Dir == "" {
   352  		c.Dir, err = os.Getwd()
   353  		if err != nil {
   354  			return nil, err
   355  		}
   356  	} else if c.Dir, err = filepath.Abs(c.Dir); err != nil {
   357  		return nil, err
   358  	}
   360  	// TODO: we could populate this already with absolute file paths,
   361  	// but relative paths cannot be added. Consider what is reasonable.
   362  	if err := c.fileSystem.init(c.Dir, c.Overlay); err != nil {
   363  		return nil, err
   364  	}
   366  	// TODO: determine root on a package basis. Maybe we even need a
   367  	// pkgname.cue.mod
   368  	// Look to see if there is a cue.mod.
   369  	if c.ModuleRoot == "" {
   370  		// Only consider the current directory by default
   371  		c.ModuleRoot = c.Dir
   372  		if root := c.findRoot(c.Dir); root != "" {
   373  			c.ModuleRoot = root
   374  		}
   375  	} else if !filepath.IsAbs(c.ModuleRoot) {
   376  		c.ModuleRoot = filepath.Join(c.Dir, c.ModuleRoot)
   377  	}
   378  	// Note: if cueexperiment.Flags.Modules _isn't_ set but c.Registry
   379  	// is, we consider that a good enough hint that modules support
   380  	// should be enabled and hence don't return an error in that case.
   381  	if cueexperiment.Flags.Modules && c.Registry == nil {
   382  		registry, err := modconfig.NewRegistry(&modconfig.Config{
   383  			Env: c.Env,
   384  		})
   385  		if err != nil {
   386  			// If there's an error in the registry configuration,
   387  			// don't error immediately, but only when we actually
   388  			// need to resolve modules.
   389  			registry = errorRegistry{err}
   390  		}
   391  		c.Registry = registry
   392  	}
   393  	if err := c.loadModule(); err != nil {
   394  		return nil, err
   395  	}
   396  	return &c, nil
   397  }
   399  // loadModule loads the module file, resolves and downloads module
   400  // dependencies. It sets c.Module if it's empty or checks it for
   401  // consistency with the module file otherwise.
   402  func (c *Config) loadModule() error {
   403  	// TODO: also make this work if run from outside the module?
   404  	mod := filepath.Join(c.ModuleRoot, modDir)
   405  	info, cerr := c.fileSystem.stat(mod)
   406  	if cerr != nil {
   407  		return nil
   408  	}
   409  	// TODO remove support for legacy non-directory module.cue file
   410  	// by returning an error if info.IsDir is false.
   411  	if info.IsDir() {
   412  		mod = filepath.Join(mod, moduleFile)
   413  	}
   414  	f, cerr := c.fileSystem.openFile(mod)
   415  	if cerr != nil {
   416  		return nil
   417  	}
   418  	defer f.Close()
   419  	data, err := io.ReadAll(f)
   420  	if err != nil {
   421  		return err
   422  	}
   423  	parseModFile := modfile.ParseNonStrict
   424  	if c.Registry == nil {
   425  		parseModFile = modfile.ParseLegacy
   426  	}
   427  	mf, err := parseModFile(data, mod)
   428  	if err != nil {
   429  		return err
   430  	}
   431  	c.modFile = mf
   432  	if mf.Module == "" {
   433  		// Backward compatibility: allow empty module.cue file.
   434  		// TODO maybe check that the rest of the fields are empty too?
   435  		return nil
   436  	}
   437  	if c.Module != "" && c.Module != mf.Module {
   438  		return errors.Newf(token.NoPos, "inconsistent modules: got %q, want %q", mf.Module, c.Module)
   439  	}
   440  	c.Module = mf.Module
   441  	return nil
   442  }
   444  func (c Config) isRoot(dir string) bool {
   445  	fs := &c.fileSystem
   446  	// Note: cue.mod used to be a file. We still allow both to match.
   447  	_, err := fs.stat(filepath.Join(dir, modDir))
   448  	return err == nil
   449  }
   451  // findRoot returns the module root that's ancestor
   452  // of the given absolute directory path, or "" if none was found.
   453  func (c Config) findRoot(absDir string) string {
   454  	abs := absDir
   455  	for {
   456  		if c.isRoot(abs) {
   457  			return abs
   458  		}
   459  		d := filepath.Dir(abs)
   460  		if filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(abs)) == modDir {
   461  			// The package was located within a "cue.mod" dir and there was
   462  			// not cue.mod found until now. So there is no root.
   463  			return ""
   464  		}
   465  		if len(d) >= len(abs) {
   466  			return "" // reached top of file system, no cue.mod
   467  		}
   468  		abs = d
   469  	}
   470  }
   472  func (c *Config) newErrInstance(err error) *build.Instance {
   473  	i := c.Context.NewInstance("", nil)
   474  	i.Root = c.ModuleRoot
   475  	i.Module = c.Module
   476  	i.Err = errors.Promote(err, "instance")
   477  	return i
   478  }
   480  // errorRegistry implements [modconfig.Registry] by returning err from all methods.
   481  type errorRegistry struct {
   482  	err error
   483  }
   485  func (r errorRegistry) Requirements(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {
   486  	return nil, r.err
   487  }
   489  func (r errorRegistry) Fetch(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (module.SourceLoc, error) {
   490  	return module.SourceLoc{}, r.err
   491  }
   493  func (r errorRegistry) ModuleVersions(ctx context.Context, mpath string) ([]string, error) {
   494  	return nil, r.err
   495  }

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