import "time" foo: bar: "str" a: B: 42 "a.b": "foo-": cc_dd: x @attr(3) a: b: c: 3 // references to bar are all shadowed and this can be safely turned into // an identifier. bar: "str" // These references would be directly referred to if turned into an identifier. // The quotes should therefore not be removed. "baz1": 3 "baz2": 3 "baz3": 3 // TODO: could be simplified. // These string labels may be turned into an identifier. qux: 4 quux: 5 // TODO(legacy): Don't simplify "hidden" fields for now. "_foo": 3 // Issue #294 "\("x")": "x" (x): "foo" (x)?: "foo" (x)!: "foo" a: { foo: 2 ... } "#A": dontSimplify x: { @tag0(foo) r1: baz1 bar: r2: bar r3: bar E=quux: 3 @tag1(bar) r4: quux [baz2="str"]: 4 r5: baz2 [baz3="bar"]: name: baz3 Time: time.Time }