
Source file src/cloud.google.com/go/storage/retry_test.go

Documentation: cloud.google.com/go/storage

     1  // Copyright 2019 Google LLC
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    14  package storage_test
    16  import (
    17  	"context"
    18  	"errors"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"io/ioutil"
    21  	"net/http"
    22  	"net/http/httptest"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"sync/atomic"
    25  	"testing"
    26  	"time"
    28  	"golang.org/x/oauth2"
    30  	"cloud.google.com/go/storage"
    31  	"google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
    32  	"google.golang.org/api/option"
    33  )
    35  func TestIndefiniteRetries(t *testing.T) {
    36  	uploadRoute := "/upload"
    38  	var resumableUploadIDs atomic.Value
    39  	resumableUploadIDs.Store(make(map[string]time.Time))
    41  	lookupUploadID := func(resumableUploadID string) bool {
    42  		_, ok := resumableUploadIDs.Load().(map[string]time.Time)[resumableUploadID]
    43  		return ok
    44  	}
    46  	memoizeUploadID := func(resumableUploadID string) {
    47  		resumableUploadIDs.Load().(map[string]time.Time)[resumableUploadID] = time.Now().UTC()
    48  	}
    50  	cst := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    51  		resumableUploadID := r.URL.Query().Get("upload_id")
    52  		path := r.URL.Path
    54  		switch {
    55  		case path == "/b": // Bucket creation
    56  			w.Write([]byte(`{"kind":"storage#bucket","id":"bucket","name":"bucket"}`))
    57  			return
    59  		case (strings.HasPrefix(path, "/b/") || strings.HasPrefix(path, "/upload/storage/v1/b/")) && strings.HasSuffix(path, "/o"):
    60  			if resumableUploadID == "" {
    61  				uploadID := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
    62  				w.Header().Set("X-GUploader-UploadID", uploadID)
    63  				// Now for the resumable upload URL.
    64  				w.Header().Set("Location", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s?upload_id=%s", r.Host+uploadRoute, uploadID))
    65  			} else {
    66  				w.Write([]byte(`{"kind":"storage#object","bucket":"bucket","name":"bucket"}`))
    67  			}
    68  			return
    70  		case path == uploadRoute:
    71  			start, completedUpload, spamThem := parseContentRange(r.Header)
    73  			if resumableUploadID != "" {
    74  				if !lookupUploadID(resumableUploadID) {
    75  					if start == "0" {
    76  						// First time that we are encountering this upload
    77  						// and it is at byte 0, so memoize the uploadID.
    78  						memoizeUploadID(resumableUploadID)
    79  					} else {
    80  						// If the start and end range are non-zero this is the exact
    81  						// error in https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/issues/1507
    82  						// mismatched_content_start (Invalid request. According to the Content-Range header,
    83  						// the upload offset is 1082130432 byte(s), which exceeds already uploaded size of 0 byte(s).)
    84  						errStr := fmt.Sprintf("mismatched_content_start (Invalid request. According to the Content-Range header,"+
    85  							"the upload offset is %s byte(s), which exceeds already uploaded size of 0 byte(s).)\n%s", start, r.Header["Content-Range"])
    86  						http.Error(w, errStr, http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
    87  						return
    88  					}
    89  				}
    90  			}
    91  			if spamThem {
    92  				// Reproduce https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/issues/1507
    93  				// by sending then a retryable error on the last byte.
    94  				w.WriteHeader(http.StatusTooManyRequests)
    95  				return
    96  			}
    97  			if completedUpload {
    98  				// Completed the upload.
    99  				return
   100  			}
   102  			// Consume the body since we can accept this body.
   103  			ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
   104  			w.Header().Set("X-Http-Status-Code-Override", "308")
   105  			return
   107  		default:
   108  			http.Error(w, "Unimplemented", http.StatusNotFound)
   109  			return
   110  		}
   111  	}))
   112  	defer cst.Close()
   114  	hc := &http.Client{
   115  		Transport: &oauth2.Transport{
   116  			Source: new(tokenSupplier),
   117  		},
   118  	}
   120  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   121  	defer cancel()
   123  	opts := []option.ClientOption{option.WithHTTPClient(hc), option.WithEndpoint(cst.URL)}
   125  	sc, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
   126  	if err != nil {
   127  		t.Fatalf("Failed to create storage client: %v", err)
   128  	}
   129  	defer sc.Close()
   131  	obj := sc.Bucket("issue-1507").Object("object")
   132  	w := obj.NewWriter(ctx)
   134  	maxFileSize := 1 << 20
   135  	w.ChunkSize = maxFileSize / 4
   137  	// Use a shorter retry deadline to speed up the test.
   138  	w.ChunkRetryDeadline = time.Second
   140  	for i := 0; i < maxFileSize; {
   141  		nowStr := time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
   142  		n, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", nowStr)
   143  		if err != nil {
   144  			t.Fatalf("Failed to write to object: %v", err)
   145  		}
   146  		i += n
   147  	}
   149  	closeDone := make(chan error, 1)
   150  	go func() {
   151  		// Invoking w.Close() to ensure that this triggers completion of the upload.
   152  		closeDone <- w.Close()
   153  	}()
   155  	// Given the exponential backoff math and the ChunkRetryDeadline math, use a
   156  	// max value of 10s. Experimentally this test usually passes in < 5s.
   157  	maxWait := 10 * time.Second
   158  	select {
   159  	case <-time.After(maxWait):
   160  		t.Fatalf("Test took longer than %s to return", maxWait)
   161  	case err := <-closeDone:
   162  		var ge *googleapi.Error
   163  		if !errors.As(err, &ge) {
   164  			t.Fatalf("Got error (%v) of type %T, expected *googleapi.Error", err, err)
   165  		}
   166  		if ge.Code != http.StatusTooManyRequests {
   167  			t.Fatalf("Got unexpected error: %#v\nWant statusCode of %d", ge, http.StatusTooManyRequests)
   168  		}
   169  	}
   170  }
   172  type tokenSupplier int
   174  func (ts *tokenSupplier) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
   175  	return &oauth2.Token{
   176  		AccessToken:  "access-token",
   177  		TokenType:    "Bearer",
   178  		RefreshToken: "refresh-token",
   179  		Expiry:       time.Now().Add(time.Hour),
   180  	}, nil
   181  }
   183  func parseContentRange(hdr http.Header) (start string, completed, spamThem bool) {
   184  	cRange := strings.TrimPrefix(hdr.Get("Content-Range"), "bytes ")
   185  	rangeSplits := strings.Split(cRange, "/")
   186  	prelude := rangeSplits[0]
   188  	if rangeSplits[1] != "*" { // They've uploaded the last byte.
   189  		// Reproduce https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/issues/1507
   190  		// by sending then a retryable error on the last byte.
   191  		spamThem = true
   192  	}
   193  	if len(prelude) == 0 || prelude == "*" {
   194  		// Completed the upload.
   195  		completed = true
   196  		return
   197  	}
   198  	startEndSplit := strings.Split(prelude, "-")
   199  	start = startEndSplit[0]
   200  	return
   201  }

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