// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cloudsql import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/x509" "encoding/pem" "errors" "sync" "testing" "time" "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/errtype" "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/internal/mock" "golang.org/x/oauth2" ) const testDialerID = "some-dialer-id" func TestRefresh(t *testing.T) { wantPublicIP := "" wantPrivateIP := "" wantPSC := "abcde.12345.us-central1.sql.goog" wantExpiry := time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UTC().Round(time.Second) cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance( cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithPublicIP(wantPublicIP), mock.WithPrivateIP(wantPrivateIP), mock.WithPSC(wantPSC), mock.WithCertExpiry(wantExpiry), ) client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess(inst, 1), ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer func() { if err := cleanup(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("%v", err) } }() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) rr, err := r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("PerformRefresh unexpectedly failed with error: %v", err) } gotIP, ok := rr.addrs[PublicIP] if !ok { t.Fatal("metadata IP addresses did not include public address") } if wantPublicIP != gotIP { t.Fatalf("metadata IP mismatch, want = %v, got = %v", wantPublicIP, gotIP) } gotIP, ok = rr.addrs[PrivateIP] if !ok { t.Fatal("metadata IP addresses did not include private address") } if wantPrivateIP != gotIP { t.Fatalf("metadata IP mismatch, want = %v, got = %v", wantPrivateIP, gotIP) } gotPSC, ok := rr.addrs[PSC] if !ok { t.Fatal("metadata IP addresses did not include PSC endpoint") } if wantPSC != gotPSC { t.Fatalf("metadata IP mismatch, want = %v. got = %v", wantPSC, gotPSC) } if cn != rr.ConnectionName { t.Fatalf( "connection name mismatch, want = %v, got = %v", wantExpiry, rr.Expiration, ) } if wantExpiry != rr.Expiration { t.Fatalf("expiry mismatch, want = %v, got = %v", wantExpiry, rr.Expiration) } } func TestRefreshRetries50xResponses(t *testing.T) { cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithEngineVersion("WANTED_VERSION"), ) client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), // First a 500, then a 200 response mock.InstanceGet500(inst, 1), mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1), // First a 500, then a 200 response mock.CreateEphemeral500(inst, 1), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess(inst, 1), ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer func() { if err := cleanup(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("%v", err) } }() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) rr, err := r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("PerformRefresh unexpectedly failed with error: %v", err) } if rr.DBVersion != "WANTED_VERSION" { t.Fatalf("DB version did not match expected, got = %v, want = %v", rr.DBVersion, "WANTED_VERSION", ) } } func TestRefreshFailsFast(t *testing.T) { cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance("my-project", "my-region", "my-instance") client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess(inst, 1), ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) _, err = r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("expected no error, got = %v", err) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) cancel() // context is canceled _, err = r.ConnectionInfo(ctx, cn, RSAKey, false) if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { t.Fatalf("expected context.Canceled error, got = %v", err) } } type tokenResp struct { tok *oauth2.Token err error } type fakeTokenSource struct { responses []tokenResp mu sync.Mutex ct int } func (f *fakeTokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) { f.mu.Lock() defer f.mu.Unlock() resp := f.responses[f.ct] f.ct++ return resp.tok, resp.err } func (f *fakeTokenSource) count() int { f.mu.Lock() defer f.mu.Unlock() return f.ct } func TestRefreshAdjustsCertExpiry(t *testing.T) { certExpiry := time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UTC().Truncate(time.Second) t1 := time.Now().Add(59 * time.Minute).UTC().Truncate(time.Second) t2 := time.Now().Add(61 * time.Minute).UTC().Truncate(time.Second) tcs := []struct { desc string resps []tokenResp wantExpiry time.Time }{ { desc: "when the token's expiration comes BEFORE the cert", resps: []tokenResp{ {tok: &oauth2.Token{}}, {tok: &oauth2.Token{Expiry: t1}}, }, wantExpiry: t1, }, { desc: "when the token's expiration comes AFTER the cert", resps: []tokenResp{ {tok: &oauth2.Token{}}, {tok: &oauth2.Token{Expiry: t2}}, }, wantExpiry: certExpiry, }, } cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance("my-project", "my-region", "my-instance", mock.WithCertExpiry(certExpiry)) client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 2), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess(inst, 2), ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() for _, tc := range tcs { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { ts := &fakeTokenSource{responses: tc.resps} r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, ts, testDialerID) rr, err := r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, true) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("want no error, got = %v", err) } if tc.wantExpiry != rr.Expiration { t.Fatalf("want = %v, got = %v", tc.wantExpiry, rr.Expiration) } }) } } func TestRefreshWithIAMAuthErrors(t *testing.T) { tcs := []struct { desc string resps []tokenResp wantCount int }{ { desc: "when fetching a token fails", resps: []tokenResp{{tok: nil, err: errors.New("fetch failed")}}, wantCount: 1, }, { desc: "when refreshing a token fails", resps: []tokenResp{ {tok: &oauth2.Token{}, err: nil}, {tok: nil, err: errors.New("refresh failed")}, }, wantCount: 2, }, } cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance("my-project", "my-region", "my-instance") client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 2), ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() for _, tc := range tcs { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { ts := &fakeTokenSource{responses: tc.resps} r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, ts, testDialerID) _, err := r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, true) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected get failed error, got = %v", err) } if count := ts.count(); count != tc.wantCount { t.Fatalf("expected fake token source to be called %v time, got = %v", tc.wantCount, count) } }) } } func TestRefreshMetadataConfigError(t *testing.T) { cn := testInstanceConnName() testCases := []struct { req *mock.Request wantErr *errtype.ConfigError desc string }{ { req: mock.InstanceGetSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance( cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithRegion("my-region"), mock.WithFirstGenBackend(), ), 1), wantErr: &errtype.ConfigError{}, desc: "When the instance isn't Second generation", }, { req: mock.InstanceGetSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithRegion("some-other-region")), 1), wantErr: &errtype.ConfigError{}, desc: "When the region does not match", }, { req: mock.InstanceGetSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance( cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithRegion("my-region"), mock.WithNoIPAddrs(), ), 1), wantErr: &errtype.ConfigError{}, desc: "When the instance has no supported IP addresses", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), tc.req, ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) _, err = r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if !errors.As(err, &tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("[%v] PerformRefresh failed with unexpected error, want = %T, got = %v", i, tc.wantErr, err) } }) } } func TestRefreshMetadataRefreshError(t *testing.T) { cn := testInstanceConnName() testCases := []struct { req *mock.Request wantErr *errtype.RefreshError desc string }{ { req: mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name()), 1), wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When the Metadata call fails", }, { req: mock.InstanceGetSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance( cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithRegion("my-region"), mock.WithCertSigner(func(_ *x509.Certificate, _ *rsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) { return nil, nil }), ), 1), wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When the server cert does not decode", }, { req: mock.InstanceGetSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance( cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithRegion("my-region"), mock.WithCertSigner(func(_ *x509.Certificate, _ *rsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) { certPEM := &bytes.Buffer{} pem.Encode(certPEM, &pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: []byte("hello"), // woops no cert }) return certPEM.Bytes(), nil }), ), 1), wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When the cert is not a valid X.509 cert", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), tc.req, ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) _, err = r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if !errors.As(err, &tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("[%v] PerformRefresh failed with unexpected error, want = %T, got = %v", i, tc.wantErr, err) } }) } } func TestRefreshWithFailedEphemeralCertCall(t *testing.T) { cn := testInstanceConnName() inst := mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name()) testCases := []struct { reqs []*mock.Request wantErr *errtype.RefreshError desc string }{ { reqs: []*mock.Request{mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1)}, // no ephemeral cert call registered wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When the CreateEphemeralCert call fails", }, { reqs: []*mock.Request{mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithClientCertSigner( func(*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, *rsa.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) { return nil, nil }), ), 1), }, wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When decoding the cert fails", // SQL Admin API fail }, { reqs: []*mock.Request{mock.InstanceGetSuccess(inst, 1), mock.CreateEphemeralSuccess( mock.NewFakeCSQLInstance(cn.Project(), cn.Region(), cn.Name(), mock.WithClientCertSigner( func(*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, *rsa.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) { certPEM := &bytes.Buffer{} pem.Encode(certPEM, &pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: []byte("hello"), // woops no cert }) return certPEM.Bytes(), nil }), ), 1), }, wantErr: &errtype.RefreshError{}, desc: "When parsing the cert fails", // SQL Admin API fail }, } for i, tc := range testCases { client, cleanup, err := mock.NewSQLAdminService( context.Background(), tc.reqs..., ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create test SQL admin service: %s", err) } defer cleanup() r := newRefresher(nullLogger{}, client, nil, testDialerID) _, err = r.ConnectionInfo(context.Background(), cn, RSAKey, false) if !errors.As(err, &tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("[%v] PerformRefresh failed with unexpected error, want = %T, got = %v", i, tc.wantErr, err) } } }