
Source file src/cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/doc.go

Documentation: cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn

     1  // Copyright 2023 Google LLC
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //	https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  // Package cloudsqlconn provides functions for authorizing and encrypting
    16  // connections. These functions can be used with a database driver to
    17  // connect to a Cloud SQL instance.
    18  //
    19  // The instance connection name for a Cloud SQL instance is always in the
    20  // format "project:region:instance".
    21  //
    22  // # Creating a Dialer
    23  //
    24  // To start working with this package, create a Dialer. There are two ways of
    25  // creating a Dialer, which one you use depends on your database driver.
    26  //
    27  // # Postgres
    28  //
    29  // Postgres users have the option of using the [database/sql] interface or using [pgx] directly.
    30  //
    31  // To use a dialer with [pgx], we recommend using connection pooling with
    32  // [pgxpool]. To create the dialer use the NewDialer func.
    33  //
    34  //	import (
    35  //	    "context"
    36  //	    "net"
    37  //
    38  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn"
    39  //	    "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/pgxpool"
    40  //	)
    41  //
    42  //	func connect() {
    43  //	    // Configure the driver to connect to the database
    44  //	    dsn := "user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
    45  //	    config, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig(dsn)
    46  //	    if err != nil {
    47  //		    // handle error
    48  //	    }
    49  //
    50  //	    // Create a new dialer with any options
    51  //	    d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(context.Background())
    52  //	    if err != nil {
    53  //		    // handle error
    54  //	    }
    55  //
    56  //	    // Tell the driver to use the Cloud SQL Go Connector to create connections
    57  //	    config.ConnConfig.DialFunc = func(ctx context.Context, _ string, instance string) (net.Conn, error) {
    58  //		    return d.Dial(ctx, "project:region:instance")
    59  //	    }
    60  //
    61  //	    // Interact with the driver directly as you normally would
    62  //	    conn, err := pgxpool.ConnectConfig(context.Background(), config)
    63  //	    if err != nil {
    64  //		    // handle error
    65  //	    }
    66  //
    67  //	    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    68  //	    cleanup := func() error { return d.Close() }
    69  //	    // ... etc
    70  //	}
    71  //
    72  // To use [database/sql], call pgxv4.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer
    73  // configuration.
    74  //
    75  // Note: the connection string must use the keyword/value format
    76  // with host set to the instance connection name. The returned cleanup func
    77  // will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and so should only be
    78  // called when you're done with the Dialer.
    79  //
    80  //	import (
    81  //	    "database/sql"
    82  //
    83  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn"
    84  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/postgres/pgxv4"
    85  //	)
    86  //
    87  //	func connect() {
    88  //	    // adjust options as needed
    89  //	    cleanup, err := pgxv4.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-postgres", cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())
    90  //	    if err != nil {
    91  //	    	// ... handle error
    92  //	    }
    93  //	    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    94  //	    defer cleanup()
    95  //
    96  //	    db, err := sql.Open(
    97  //	        "cloudsql-postgres",
    98  //	        "host=project:region:instance user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable",
    99  //	    )
   100  //	    // ... etc
   101  //	}
   102  //
   103  // # MySQL
   104  //
   105  // MySQL users should use [database/sql]. Use mysql.RegisterDriver with any
   106  // necessary Dialer configuration.
   107  //
   108  // Note: The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh
   109  // goroutine and should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.
   110  //
   111  //	import (
   112  //	    "database/sql"
   113  //
   114  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn"
   115  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/mysql/mysql"
   116  //	)
   117  //
   118  //	func connect() {
   119  //	    // adjust options as needed
   120  //	    cleanup, err := mysql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-mysql", cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())
   121  //	    if err != nil {
   122  //	        // ... handle error
   123  //	    }
   124  //	    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
   125  //	    defer cleanup()
   126  //
   127  //	    db, err := sql.Open(
   128  //	        "cloudsql-mysql",
   129  //	        "myuser:mypass@cloudsql-mysql(project:region:instance)/mydb",
   130  //	    )
   131  //	    // ... etc
   132  //	}
   133  //
   134  // # SQL Server
   135  //
   136  // SQL Server users should use [database/sql]. Use mssql.RegisterDriver with any
   137  // necessary Dialer configuration.
   138  //
   139  // Note: The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh
   140  // goroutine and should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.
   141  //
   142  //	import (
   143  //	    "database/sql"
   144  //
   145  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn"
   146  //	    "cloud.google.com/go/cloudsqlconn/sqlserver/mssql"
   147  //	)
   148  //
   149  //	func connect() {
   150  //	    cleanup, err := mssql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-sqlserver")
   151  //	    if err != nil {
   152  //	        // ... handle error
   153  //	    }
   154  //	    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
   155  //	    defer cleanup()
   156  //
   157  //	    db, err := sql.Open(
   158  //	        "cloudsql-sqlserver",
   159  //	        "sqlserver://user:password@localhost?database=mydb&cloudsql=project:region:instance",
   160  //	    )
   161  //	    // ... etc
   162  //	}
   163  //
   164  // [database/sql]: https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql
   165  // [pgx]: https://github.com/jackc/pgx
   166  // [pgxpool]: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/pgxpool
   167  package cloudsqlconn

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