
Text file src/cloud.google.com/go/RELEASING.md

Documentation: cloud.google.com/go

     1# Releasing
     3## Determine which module to release
     5The Go client libraries have several modules. Each module does not strictly
     6correspond to a single library - they correspond to trees of directories. If a
     7file needs to be released, you must release the closest ancestor module.
     9To see all modules:
    12$ cat `find . -name go.mod` | grep module
    13module cloud.google.com/go/pubsub
    14module cloud.google.com/go/spanner
    15module cloud.google.com/go
    16module cloud.google.com/go/bigtable
    17module cloud.google.com/go/bigquery
    18module cloud.google.com/go/storage
    19module cloud.google.com/go/pubsublite
    20module cloud.google.com/go/firestore
    21module cloud.google.com/go/logging
    22module cloud.google.com/go/internal/gapicgen
    23module cloud.google.com/go/internal/godocfx
    24module cloud.google.com/go/internal/examples/fake
    25module cloud.google.com/go/internal/examples/mock
    26module cloud.google.com/go/datastore
    29The `cloud.google.com/go` is the repository root module. Each other module is
    30a submodule.
    32So, if you need to release a change in `bigtable/bttest/inmem.go`, the closest
    33ancestor module is `cloud.google.com/go/bigtable` - so you should release a new
    34version of the `cloud.google.com/go/bigtable` submodule.
    36If you need to release a change in `asset/apiv1/asset_client.go`, the closest
    37ancestor module is `cloud.google.com/go` - so you should release a new version
    38of the `cloud.google.com/go` repository root module. Note: releasing
    39`cloud.google.com/go` has no impact on any of the submodules, and vice-versa.
    40They are released entirely independently.
    42## Test failures
    44If there are any test failures in the Kokoro build, releases are blocked until
    45the failures have been resolved.
    47## How to release
    49### Automated Releases (`cloud.google.com/go` and submodules)
    51We now use [release-please](https://github.com/googleapis/release-please) to
    52perform automated releases for `cloud.google.com/go` and all submodules.
    541. If there are changes that have not yet been released, a
    55   [pull request](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/pull/2971) will
    56   be automatically opened by release-please
    57   with a title like "chore: release X.Y.Z" (for the root module) or 
    58   "chore: release datastore X.Y.Z" (for the datastore submodule), where X.Y.Z 
    59   is the next version to be released. Find the desired pull request
    60   [here](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/pulls)
    611. Check for failures in the
    62   [continuous Kokoro build](http://go/google-cloud-go-continuous). If there are
    63   any failures in the most recent build, address them before proceeding with
    64   the release. (This applies even if the failures are in a different submodule
    65   from the one being released.)
    661. Review the release notes. These are automatically generated from the titles
    67   of any merged commits since the previous release. If you would like to edit
    68   them, this can be done by updating the changes in the release PR.
    691. To cut a release, approve and merge the pull request. Doing so will
    70   update the `CHANGES.md`, tag the merged commit with the appropriate version,
    71   and draft a GitHub release which will copy the notes from `CHANGES.md`.
    73### Manual Release (`cloud.google.com/go`)
    75If for whatever reason the automated release process is not working as expected,
    76here is how to manually cut a release of `cloud.google.com/go`.
    781. Check for failures in the
    79   [continuous Kokoro build](http://go/google-cloud-go-continuous). If there are
    80   any failures in the most recent build, address them before proceeding with
    81   the release.
    821. Navigate to `google-cloud-go/` and switch to main.
    831. `git pull`
    841. Run `git tag -l | grep -v beta | grep -v alpha` to see all existing releases.
    85   The current latest tag `$CV` is the largest tag. It should look something
    86   like `vX.Y.Z` (note: ignore all `LIB/vX.Y.Z` tags - these are tags for a
    87   specific library, not the module root). We'll call the current version `$CV`
    88   and the new version `$NV`.
    891. On main, run `git log $CV...` to list all the changes since the last
    90   release. NOTE: You must manually visually parse out changes to submodules [1]
    91   (the `git log` is going to show you things in submodules, which are not going
    92   to be part of your release).
    931. Edit `CHANGES.md` to include a summary of the changes.
    941. In `internal/version/version.go`, update `const Repo` to today's date with
    95   the format `YYYYMMDD`.
    961. In `internal/version` run `go generate`.
    971. Commit the changes, ignoring the generated `.go-r` file. Push to your fork,
    98   and create a PR titled `chore: release $NV`.
    991. Wait for the PR to be reviewed and merged. Once it's merged, and without
   100   merging any other PRs in the meantime:
   101   a. Switch to main.
   102   b. `git pull`
   103   c. Tag the repo with the next version: `git tag $NV`.
   104   d. Push the tag to origin:
   105      `git push origin $NV`
   1061. Update [the releases page](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/releases)
   107   with the new release, copying the contents of `CHANGES.md`.
   109### Manual Releases (submodules)
   111If for whatever reason the automated release process is not working as expected,
   112here is how to manually cut a release of a submodule.
   114(these instructions assume we're releasing `cloud.google.com/go/datastore` - adjust accordingly)
   1161. Check for failures in the
   117   [continuous Kokoro build](http://go/google-cloud-go-continuous). If there are
   118   any failures in the most recent build, address them before proceeding with
   119   the release. (This applies even if the failures are in a different submodule
   120   from the one being released.)
   1211. Navigate to `google-cloud-go/` and switch to main.
   1221. `git pull`
   1231. Run `git tag -l | grep datastore | grep -v beta | grep -v alpha` to see all
   124   existing releases. The current latest tag `$CV` is the largest tag. It
   125   should look something like `datastore/vX.Y.Z`. We'll call the current version
   126   `$CV` and the new version `$NV`.
   1271. On main, run `git log $CV.. -- datastore/` to list all the changes to the
   128   submodule directory since the last release.
   1291. Edit `datastore/CHANGES.md` to include a summary of the changes.
   1301. In `internal/version` run `go generate`.
   1311. Commit the changes, ignoring the generated `.go-r` file. Push to your fork,
   132   and create a PR titled `chore(datastore): release $NV`.
   1331. Wait for the PR to be reviewed and merged. Once it's merged, and without
   134   merging any other PRs in the meantime:
   135   a. Switch to main.
   136   b. `git pull`
   137   c. Tag the repo with the next version: `git tag $NV`.
   138   d. Push the tag to origin:
   139      `git push origin $NV`
   1401. Update [the releases page](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/releases)
   141   with the new release, copying the contents of `datastore/CHANGES.md`.

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