package slog import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "" ) // Map represents an ordered map of fields. type Map []Field var _ json.Marshaler = Map(nil) // MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler. // // It is guaranteed to return a nil error. // Any error marshalling a field will become the field's value. // // Every field value is encoded with the following process: // // 1. json.Marshaller is handled. // // 2. xerrors.Formatter is handled. // // 3. structs that have a field with a json tag are encoded with json.Marshal. // // 4. error and fmt.Stringer is handled. // // 5. slices and arrays go through the encode function for every element. // // 6. For values that cannot be encoded with json.Marshal, fmt.Sprintf("%+v") is used. // // 7. json.Marshal(v) is used for all other values. func (m Map) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { b := &bytes.Buffer{} b.WriteByte('{') for i, f := range m { b.WriteByte('\n') b.Write(encode(f.Name)) b.WriteByte(':') b.Write(encode(f.Value)) if i < len(m)-1 { b.WriteByte(',') } } b.WriteByte('}') return b.Bytes(), nil } func marshalList(rv reflect.Value) []byte { b := &bytes.Buffer{} b.WriteByte('[') for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ { b.WriteByte('\n') b.Write(encode(rv.Index(i).Interface())) if i < rv.Len()-1 { b.WriteByte(',') } } b.WriteByte(']') return b.Bytes() } func encode(v interface{}) []byte { switch v := v.(type) { case json.Marshaler: return encodeJSON(v) case xerrors.Formatter: return encode(errorChain(v)) } rv := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)) if !rv.IsValid() { return encodeJSON(v) } if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct { b, ok := encodeStruct(rv) if ok { return b } } switch v.(type) { case error, fmt.Stringer: return encode(fmt.Sprint(v)) } switch rv.Type().Kind() { case reflect.Slice: if !rv.IsNil() { return marshalList(rv) } case reflect.Array: return marshalList(rv) case reflect.Struct, reflect.Chan, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128, reflect.Func: // These types cannot be directly encoded with json.Marshal. // See return encodeJSON(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v)) } return encodeJSON(v) } func encodeStruct(rv reflect.Value) ([]byte, bool) { if rv.Kind() == reflect.Struct { for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ { ft := rv.Type().Field(i) // Found a field with a json tag. if ft.Tag.Get("json") != "" { return encodeJSON(rv.Interface()), true } } } return nil, false } func encodeJSON(v interface{}) []byte { b, err := json.Marshal(v) if err != nil { return encode(M( Error(xerrors.Errorf("failed to marshal to JSON: %w", err)), F("type", reflect.TypeOf(v)), F("value", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v)), )) } return b } func errorChain(f xerrors.Formatter) []interface{} { var errs []interface{} next := error(f) for { f, ok := next.(xerrors.Formatter) if !ok { errs = append(errs, next) return errs } p := &xerrorPrinter{} next = f.FormatError(p) errs = append(errs, p.e) } } type wrapError struct { Msg string `json:"msg"` Fun string `json:"fun"` // file:line Loc string `json:"loc"` } type xerrorPrinter struct { e wrapError } func (p *xerrorPrinter) Print(v ...interface{}) { s := fmt.Sprint(v...) p.write(s) } func (p *xerrorPrinter) Printf(f string, v ...interface{}) { s := fmt.Sprintf(f, v...) p.write(s) } func (p *xerrorPrinter) Detail() bool { return true } func (p *xerrorPrinter) write(s string) { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) switch { case p.e.Msg == "": p.e.Msg = s case p.e.Fun == "": p.e.Fun = s case p.e.Loc == "": p.e.Loc = s } } func (m Map) append(m2 Map) Map { m3 := make(Map, 0, len(m)+len(m2)) m3 = append(m3, m...) m3 = append(m3, m2...) return m3 }