package slog_test import ( "context" "io" "net" "os" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func Example() { log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) log.Info(context.Background(), "my message here", slog.F("field_name", "something or the other"), slog.F("some_map", slog.M( slog.F("nested_fields", time.Date(2000, time.February, 5, 4, 4, 4, 0, time.UTC)), )), slog.Error( xerrors.Errorf("wrap1: %w", xerrors.Errorf("wrap2: %w", io.EOF, ), ), ), ) // 2019-12-09 05:04:53.398 [INFO] my message here {"field_name": "something or the other", "some_map": {"nested_fields": "2000-02-05T04:04:04Z"}} ... // "error": wrap1: // main.main // /Users/nhooyr/src/cdr/scratch/example.go:22 // - wrap2: // main.main // /Users/nhooyr/src/cdr/scratch/example.go:23 // - EOF } func Example_struct() { l := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) type hello struct { Meow int `json:"meow"` Bar string `json:"bar"` M time.Time `json:"m"` } l.Info(context.Background(), "check out my structure", slog.F("hello", hello{ Meow: 1, Bar: "barbar", M: time.Date(2000, time.February, 5, 4, 4, 4, 0, time.UTC), }), ) // 2019-12-16 17:31:51.769 [INFO] check out my structure {"hello": {"meow": 1, "bar": "barbar", "m": "2000-02-05T04:04:04Z"}} } func Example_testing() { // Provided by the testing package in tests. var t testing.TB slogtest.Info(t, "my message here", slog.F("field_name", "something or the other"), ) // t.go:55: 2019-12-05 21:20:31.218 [INFO] my message here {"field_name": "something or the other"} } func Example_tracing() { log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) ctx, _ := trace.StartSpan(context.Background(), "spanName") log.Info(ctx, "my msg", slog.F("hello", "hi")) // 2019-12-09 21:59:48.110 [INFO] my msg {"trace": "f143d018d00de835688453d8dc55c9fd", "span": "f214167bf550afc3", "hello": "hi"} } func Example_multiple() { l := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) f, err := os.OpenFile("stackdriver", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0644) if err != nil { l.Fatal(context.Background(), "failed to open stackdriver log file", slog.Error(err)) } l = l.AppendSinks(slogstackdriver.Sink(f)) l.Info(context.Background(), "log to stdout and stackdriver") // 2019-12-07 20:59:55.790 [INFO] log to stdout and stackdriver } func ExampleWith() { ctx := slog.With(context.Background(), slog.F("field", 1)) l := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) l.Info(ctx, "msg") // 2019-12-07 20:54:23.986 [INFO] msg {"field": 1} } func ExampleStdlib() { ctx := slog.With(context.Background(), slog.F("field", 1)) l := slog.Stdlib(ctx, slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)), slog.LevelInfo) l.Print("msg") // 2019-12-07 20:54:23.986 [INFO] (stdlib) msg {"field": 1} } func ExampleLogger_Named() { ctx := context.Background() l := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) l = l.Named("http") l.Info(ctx, "received request", slog.F("remote address", net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1))) // 2019-12-07 21:20:56.974 [INFO] (http) received request {"remote address": ""} } func ExampleLogger_Leveled() { ctx := context.Background() l := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stdout)) l.Debug(ctx, "testing1") l.Info(ctx, "received request") l = l.Leveled(slog.LevelDebug) l.Debug(ctx, "testing2") // 2019-12-07 21:26:20.945 [INFO] received request // 2019-12-07 21:26:20.945 [DEBUG] testing2 }