Filter filters Resources using a container image. The container must start a process that reads the list of input Resources from stdin, reads the Configuration from the env API_CONFIG, and writes the filtered Resources to stdout. If there is a error or validation failure, the process must exit non-zero. The full set of environment variables from the parent process are passed to the container.
Function Scoping: Filter applies the function only to Resources to which it is scoped.
Resources are scoped to a function if any of the following are true:
In Scope Examples:
Example 1: deployment.yaml and service.yaml in function.yaml scope
same directory as the function config directory . ├── function.yaml ├── deployment.yaml └── service.yaml
Example 2: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml in function.yaml scope
subdirectory of the function config directory . ├── function.yaml └── apps ├── deployment.yaml └── service.yaml
Example 3: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml in functions/function.yaml scope
function config is in a directory named "functions" . ├── functions │ └── function.yaml └── apps ├── deployment.yaml └── service.yaml
Out of Scope Examples:
Example 1: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml NOT in stuff/function.yaml scope
. ├── stuff │ └── function.yaml └── apps ├── deployment.yaml └── service.yaml
Example 2: apps/deployment.yaml and apps/service.yaml NOT in stuff/functions/function.yaml scope
. ├── stuff │ └── functions │ └── function.yaml └── apps ├── deployment.yaml └── service.yaml
Default Paths: Resources emitted by functions will have default path applied as annotations if none is present. The default path will be the function-dir/ (or parent directory in the case of "functions") + function-file-name/ + namespace/ + kind_name.yaml
Example 1: Given a function in fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo and a Service named bar
dir └── fn.yaml
Would default newly generated Resources to:
dir ├── fn.yaml └── fn ├── deployment_foo.yaml └── service_bar.yaml
Example 2: Given a function in functions/fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo and a Service named bar
dir └── fn.yaml
Would default newly generated Resources to:
dir ├── functions │ └── fn.yaml └── fn ├── deployment_foo.yaml └── service_bar.yaml
Example 3: Given a function in fn.yaml that produces a Deployment name foo, namespace baz and a Service named bar namespace baz
dir └── fn.yaml
Would default newly generated Resources to:
dir ├── fn.yaml └── fn └── baz ├── deployment_foo.yaml └── service_bar.yaml
type Filter struct { runtimeutil.ContainerSpec `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` Exec runtimeexec.Filter UIDGID string }
func NewContainer(spec runtimeutil.ContainerSpec, uidgid string) Filter
NewContainer returns a new container filter
func (c *Filter) Filter(nodes []*yaml.RNode) ([]*yaml.RNode, error)
func (c Filter) GetExit() error
func (c Filter) String() string