
Package resmap

import "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/resmap"

Overview ▾

Package resmap implements a map from ResId to Resource that tracks all resources in a kustomization.

Index ▾

func GetCurrentId(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId
type Configurable
type Factory
    func NewFactory(rf *resource.Factory) *Factory
    func (rmF *Factory) FromConfigMapArgs(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) FromFile(loader ifc.Loader, path string) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) FromResource(res *resource.Resource) ResMap
    func (rmF *Factory) FromResourceSlice(ress []*resource.Resource) ResMap
    func (rmF *Factory) FromSecretArgs(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromBytes(b []byte) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argList []types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromRNodeSlice(s []*yaml.RNode) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromSecretArgs(kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argsList []types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error)
    func (rmF *Factory) RF() *resource.Factory
type Generator
type GeneratorPlugin
type GeneratorWithProperties
type IdFromResource
type IdMatcher
type PluginHelpers
    func NewPluginHelpers(ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, rf *Factory, pc *types.PluginConfig) *PluginHelpers
    func (c *PluginHelpers) GeneralConfig() *types.PluginConfig
    func (c *PluginHelpers) Loader() ifc.Loader
    func (c *PluginHelpers) ResmapFactory() *Factory
    func (c *PluginHelpers) Validator() ifc.Validator
type ResMap
    func New() ResMap
type Transformer
type TransformerPlugin
type TransformerWithProperties

Package files

factory.go resmap.go reswrangler.go

func GetCurrentId

func GetCurrentId(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId

type Configurable

Something that's configurable accepts an instance of PluginHelpers and a raw config object (YAML in []byte form).

type Configurable interface {
    Config(h *PluginHelpers, config []byte) error

type Factory

Factory makes instances of ResMap.

type Factory struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFactory

func NewFactory(rf *resource.Factory) *Factory

NewFactory returns a new resmap.Factory.

func (*Factory) FromConfigMapArgs

func (rmF *Factory) FromConfigMapArgs(
    kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error)

FromConfigMapArgs creates a new ResMap containing one ConfigMap.

func (*Factory) FromFile

func (rmF *Factory) FromFile(
    loader ifc.Loader, path string) (ResMap, error)

FromFile returns a ResMap given a resource path.

func (*Factory) FromResource

func (rmF *Factory) FromResource(res *resource.Resource) ResMap

FromResource returns a ResMap with one entry.

func (*Factory) FromResourceSlice

func (rmF *Factory) FromResourceSlice(ress []*resource.Resource) ResMap

FromResourceSlice returns a ResMap with a slice of resources.

func (*Factory) FromSecretArgs

func (rmF *Factory) FromSecretArgs(
    kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, args types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error)

FromSecretArgs creates a new ResMap containing one secret.

func (*Factory) NewResMapFromBytes

func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromBytes(b []byte) (ResMap, error)

NewResMapFromBytes decodes a list of objects in byte array format.

func (*Factory) NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs

func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs(
    kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argList []types.ConfigMapArgs) (ResMap, error)

NewResMapFromConfigMapArgs returns a Resource slice given a configmap metadata slice from kustomization file.

func (*Factory) NewResMapFromRNodeSlice

func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromRNodeSlice(s []*yaml.RNode) (ResMap, error)

NewResMapFromRNodeSlice returns a ResMap from a slice of RNodes

func (*Factory) NewResMapFromSecretArgs

func (rmF *Factory) NewResMapFromSecretArgs(
    kvLdr ifc.KvLoader, argsList []types.SecretArgs) (ResMap, error)

NewResMapFromSecretArgs takes a SecretArgs slice, generates secrets from each entry, and accumulates them in a ResMap.

func (*Factory) RF

func (rmF *Factory) RF() *resource.Factory

RF returns a resource.Factory.

type Generator

A Generator creates an instance of ResMap.

type Generator interface {
    Generate() (ResMap, error)

type GeneratorPlugin

type GeneratorPlugin interface {

type GeneratorWithProperties

A GeneratorWithProperties contains a Generator and stores some of its properties

type GeneratorWithProperties struct {
    Origin *resource.Origin

type IdFromResource

type IdFromResource func(r *resource.Resource) resid.ResId

type IdMatcher

type IdMatcher func(resid.ResId) bool

type PluginHelpers

PluginHelpers holds things that any or all plugins might need. This should be available to each plugin, in addition to any plugin-specific configuration.

type PluginHelpers struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPluginHelpers

func NewPluginHelpers(
    ldr ifc.Loader, v ifc.Validator, rf *Factory,
    pc *types.PluginConfig) *PluginHelpers

NewPluginHelpers makes an instance of PluginHelpers.

func (*PluginHelpers) GeneralConfig

func (c *PluginHelpers) GeneralConfig() *types.PluginConfig

func (*PluginHelpers) Loader

func (c *PluginHelpers) Loader() ifc.Loader

func (*PluginHelpers) ResmapFactory

func (c *PluginHelpers) ResmapFactory() *Factory

func (*PluginHelpers) Validator

func (c *PluginHelpers) Validator() ifc.Validator

type ResMap

ResMap is an interface describing operations on the core kustomize data structure, a list of Resources.

Every Resource has two ResIds: OrgId and CurId.

In a ResMap, no two resources may have the same CurId, but they may have the same OrgId. The latter can happen when mixing two or more different overlays apply different transformations to a common base. When looking for a resource to transform, try the OrgId first, and if this fails or finds too many, it might make sense to then try the CurrId. Depends on the situation.

TODO: get rid of this interface (use bare resWrangler). There aren't multiple implementations any more.

type ResMap interface {
    // Size reports the number of resources.
    Size() int

    // Resources provides a discardable slice
    // of resource pointers, returned in the order
    // as appended.
    Resources() []*resource.Resource

    // Append adds a Resource. Error on CurId collision.
    // A class invariant of ResMap is that all of its
    // resources must differ in their value of
    // CurId(), aka current Id.  The Id is the tuple
    // of {namespace, group, version, kind, name}
    // (see ResId).
    // This invariant reflects the invariant of a
    // kubernetes cluster, where if one tries to add
    // a resource to the cluster whose Id matches
    // that of a resource already in the cluster,
    // only two outcomes are allowed.  Either the
    // incoming resource is _merged_ into the existing
    // one, or the incoming resource is rejected.
    // One cannot end up with two resources
    // in the cluster with the same Id.
    Append(*resource.Resource) error

    // AppendAll appends another ResMap to self,
    // failing on any CurId collision.
    AppendAll(ResMap) error

    // AbsorbAll appends, replaces or merges the contents
    // of another ResMap into self,
    // allowing and sometimes demanding ID collisions.
    // A collision would be demanded, say, when a generated
    // ConfigMap has the "replace" option in its generation
    // instructions, meaning it _must_ replace
    // something in the known set of resources.
    // If a resource id for resource X is found to already
    // be in self, then the behavior field for X must
    // be BehaviorMerge or BehaviorReplace. If X is not in
    // self, then its behavior _cannot_ be merge or replace.
    AbsorbAll(ResMap) error

    // AddOriginAnnotation will add the provided origin as
    // an origin annotation to all resources in the ResMap, if
    // the origin is not nil.
    AddOriginAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error

    // RemoveOriginAnnotation will remove the origin annotation
    // from all resources in the ResMap
    RemoveOriginAnnotations() error

    // AddTransformerAnnotation will add the provided origin as
    // an origin annotation if the resource doesn't have one; a
    // transformer annotation otherwise; to all resources in
    // ResMap
    AddTransformerAnnotation(origin *resource.Origin) error

    // RemoveTransformerAnnotation will remove the transformer annotation
    // from all resources in the ResMap
    RemoveTransformerAnnotations() error

    // AnnotateAll annotates all resources in the ResMap with
    // the provided key value pair.
    AnnotateAll(key string, value string) error

    // AsYaml returns the yaml form of resources.
    AsYaml() ([]byte, error)

    // GetByIndex returns a resource at the given index,
    // nil if out of range.
    GetByIndex(int) *resource.Resource

    // GetIndexOfCurrentId returns the index of the resource
    // with the given CurId.
    // Returns error if there is more than one match.
    // Returns (-1, nil) if there is no match.
    GetIndexOfCurrentId(id resid.ResId) (int, error)

    // GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId returns the resources
    // who's CurId is matched by the argument.
    GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId(matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource

    // GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId returns the resources
    // who's current or previous IDs is matched by the argument.
    GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId(matches IdMatcher) []*resource.Resource

    // GetByCurrentId is shorthand for calling
    // GetMatchingResourcesByCurrentId with a matcher requiring
    // an exact match, returning an error on multiple or no matches.
    GetByCurrentId(resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error)

    // GetById is shorthand for calling
    // GetMatchingResourcesByAnyId with a matcher requiring
    // an exact match, returning an error on multiple or no matches.
    GetById(resid.ResId) (*resource.Resource, error)

    // GroupedByCurrentNamespace returns a map of namespace
    // to a slice of *Resource in that namespace.
    // Cluster-scoped Resources are not included (see ClusterScoped).
    // Resources with an empty namespace are placed
    // in the resid.DefaultNamespace entry.
    GroupedByCurrentNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource

    // GroupedByOriginalNamespace performs as GroupByNamespace
    // but use the original namespace instead of the current
    // one to perform the grouping.
    GroupedByOriginalNamespace() map[string][]*resource.Resource

    // ClusterScoped returns a slice of resources that
    // cannot be placed in a namespace, e.g.
    // Node, ClusterRole, Namespace itself, etc.
    ClusterScoped() []*resource.Resource

    // AllIds returns all CurrentIds.
    AllIds() []resid.ResId

    // Replace replaces the resource with the matching CurId.
    // Error if there's no match or more than one match.
    // Returns the index where the replacement happened.
    Replace(*resource.Resource) (int, error)

    // Remove removes the resource whose CurId matches the argument.
    // Error if not found.
    Remove(resid.ResId) error

    // Clear removes all resources and Ids.

    // DropEmpties drops empty resources from the ResMap.

    // SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource returns a ResMap subset
    // of self with resources that could be referenced by the
    // resource argument.
    // This is a filter; it excludes things that cannot be
    // referenced by the resource, e.g. objects in other
    // namespaces. Cluster wide objects are never excluded.
    SubsetThatCouldBeReferencedByResource(*resource.Resource) (ResMap, error)

    // DeAnchor replaces YAML aliases with structured data copied from anchors.
    // This cannot be undone; if desired, call DeepCopy first.
    // Subsequent marshalling to YAML will no longer have anchor
    // definitions ('&') or aliases ('*').
    // Anchors are not expected to work across YAML 'documents'.
    // If three resources are loaded from one file containing three YAML docs:
    //   {resourceA}
    //   ---
    //   {resourceB}
    //   ---
    //   {resourceC}
    // then anchors defined in A cannot be seen from B and C and vice versa.
    // OTOH, cross-resource links (a field in B referencing fields in A) will
    // work if the resources are gathered in a ResourceList:
    //   apiVersion: config.kubernetes.io/v1
    //   kind: ResourceList
    //   metadata:
    //     name: someList
    //   items:
    //   - {resourceA}
    //   - {resourceB}
    //   - {resourceC}
    DeAnchor() error

    // DeepCopy copies the ResMap and underlying resources.
    DeepCopy() ResMap

    // ShallowCopy copies the ResMap but
    // not the underlying resources.
    ShallowCopy() ResMap

    // ErrorIfNotEqualSets returns an error if the
    // argument doesn't have the same resources as self.
    // Ordering is _not_ taken into account,
    // as this function was solely used in tests written
    // before internal resource order was maintained,
    // and those tests are initialized with maps which
    // by definition have random ordering, and will
    // fail spuriously.
    // TODO: modify tests to not use resmap.FromMap,
    // TODO: - and replace this with a stricter equals.
    ErrorIfNotEqualSets(ResMap) error

    // ErrorIfNotEqualLists returns an error if the
    // argument doesn't have the resource objects
    // data as self, in the same order.
    // Meta information is ignored; this is similar
    // to comparing the AsYaml() strings, but allows
    // for more informed errors on not equals.
    ErrorIfNotEqualLists(ResMap) error

    // Debug prints the ResMap.
    Debug(title string)

    // Select returns a list of resources that
    // are selected by a Selector
    Select(types.Selector) ([]*resource.Resource, error)

    // ToRNodeSlice returns a copy of the resources as RNodes.
    ToRNodeSlice() []*yaml.RNode

    // ApplySmPatch applies a strategic-merge patch to the
    // selected set of resources.
        selectedSet *resource.IdSet, patch *resource.Resource) error

    // RemoveBuildAnnotations removes annotations created by the build process.

    // ApplyFilter applies an RNode filter to all Resources in the ResMap.
    // TODO: Send/recover ancillary Resource data to/from subprocesses.
    // Assure that the ancillary data in Resource (everything not in the RNode)
    // is sent to and re-captured from transformer subprocess (as the process
    // might edit that information).  One way to do this would be to solely use
    // RNode metadata annotation reading and writing instead of using Resource
    // struct data members, i.e. the Resource struct is replaced by RNode
    // and use of (slow) k8s metadata annotations inside the RNode.
    ApplyFilter(f kio.Filter) error

func New

func New() ResMap

type Transformer

A Transformer modifies an instance of ResMap.

type Transformer interface {
    // Transform modifies data in the argument,
    // e.g. adding labels to resources that can be labelled.
    Transform(m ResMap) error

type TransformerPlugin

type TransformerPlugin interface {

type TransformerWithProperties

A TransformerWithProperties contains a Transformer and stores some of its properties

type TransformerWithProperties struct {
    Origin *resource.Origin