
Command api

A dummy main to help with releasing the kustomize API module.


Name Synopsis
builtins Deprecated: Package api/builtins will not be available in API v1.
filesys Package filesys provides a file system abstraction, a subset of that provided by golang.org/pkg/os, with an on-disk and in-memory representation.
annotations Package annotations contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize annotations transformer.
fieldspec Package fieldspec contains a yaml.Filter to modify a resource that matches the FieldSpec.
fsslice Package fsslice contains a yaml.Filter to modify a resource if it matches one or more FieldSpec entries.
iampolicygenerator Package gkesagenerator contains a kio.Filter that that generates a iampolicy-related resources for a given cloud provider
imagetag Package imagetag contains two kio.Filter implementations to cover the functionality of the kustomize imagetag transformer.
labels Package labels contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize labels transformer.
nameref Package nameref contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize name reference transformer.
namespace Package namespace contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize namespace transformer.
patchjson6902 Package namespace contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize patchjson6902 transformer
patchstrategicmerge Package patchstrategicmerge contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize strategic merge patch transformer.
prefix Package prefix contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize PrefixTransformer.
refvar Package refvar contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize refvar transformer (find and replace $(FOO) style variables in strings).
replacement Package replacement contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize replacement transformer (accepts sources and looks for targets to replace their values with values from the sources).
replicacount Package replicacount contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize ReplicaCountTransformer.
suffix Package suffix contains a kio.Filter implementation of the kustomize SuffixTransformer.
ifc Package ifc holds miscellaneous interfaces used by kustomize.
konfig Package konfig provides configuration methods and constants for the kustomize API, e.g.
krusty Package krusty is intended as the entry point package for those seeking to add kustomize ability to other programs.
loader Package pkg has all the helpers to interact with the api.
resmap Package resmap implements a map from ResId to Resource that tracks all resources in a kustomization.
resource Package resource implements representations of k8s API resources.
valtest Package valtest_test defines a fakeValidator that can be used in tests
types Package types holds the definition of the kustomization struct and supporting structs.