
Package suite

import "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/utils/suite"

Overview ▾


var (
    // HTTPConformanceProfile is a ConformanceProfile that covers testing HTTP
    // related functionality with Gateways.
    HTTPConformanceProfile = ConformanceProfile{
        Name: HTTPConformanceProfileName,
        CoreFeatures: sets.New(
        ExtendedFeatures: HTTPRouteExtendedFeatures,

    // TLSConformanceProfile is a ConformanceProfile that covers testing TLS
    // related functionality with Gateways.
    TLSConformanceProfile = ConformanceProfile{
        Name: TLSConformanceProfileName,
        CoreFeatures: sets.New(

    // MeshConformanceProfile is a ConformanceProfile that covers testing
    // service mesh related functionality.
    MeshConformanceProfile = ConformanceProfile{
        Name: MeshConformanceProfileName,
        CoreFeatures: sets.New(

AllFeatures contains all the supported features and can be used to run all conformance tests with `all-features` flag.

NOTE: as new feature sets are added they should be inserted into this set.

var AllFeatures = sets.New[SupportedFeature]().

GatewayCoreFeatures are the features that are required to be conformant with the Gateway resource.

var GatewayCoreFeatures = sets.New(

StandardExtendedFeatures are extra generic features that implementations may choose to support as an opt-in.

var GatewayExtendedFeatures = sets.New(

HTTPRouteCoreFeatures includes all SupportedFeatures needed to be conformant with the HTTPRoute resource.

var HTTPRouteCoreFeatures = sets.New(

HTTPRouteExperimentalFeatures includes all the supported experimental features, currently only available in our experimental release channel. Implementations have the flexibility to opt-in for either specific features or the entire set.

var HTTPRouteExperimentalFeatures = sets.New(

HTTPRouteExtendedFeatures includes all the supported features for HTTPRoute conformance and can be used to opt-in to run all HTTPRoute tests, including extended features.

var HTTPRouteExtendedFeatures = sets.New(

MeshCoreFeatures includes all the supported features for the service mesh at a Core level of support.

var MeshCoreFeatures = sets.New(

ReferenceGrantCoreFeatures includes all SupportedFeatures needed to be conformant with the ReferenceGrant resource.

var ReferenceGrantCoreFeatures = sets.New(

TLSCoreFeatures includes all the supported features for the TLSRoute API at a Core level of support.

var TLSRouteCoreFeatures = sets.New(

func ParseConformanceProfiles

func ParseConformanceProfiles(p string) sets.Set[ConformanceProfileName]

ParseConformanceProfiles parses flag arguments and converts the string to sets.Set[ConformanceProfileName].

func ParseImplementation

func ParseImplementation(org, project, url, version, contact string) (*confv1a1.Implementation, error)

ParseImplementation parses implementation-specific flag arguments and creates a *confv1a1.Implementation.

func ParseKeyValuePairs

func ParseKeyValuePairs(f string) map[string]string

ParseKeyValuePairs parses flag arguments and converts the string to map[string]string containing label key/value pairs.

func ParseSkipTests

func ParseSkipTests(t string) []string

ParseSkipTests parses flag arguments and converts the string to []string containing the tests to be skipped.

func ParseSupportedFeatures

func ParseSupportedFeatures(f string) sets.Set[SupportedFeature]

ParseSupportedFeatures parses flag arguments and converts the string to sets.Set[suite.SupportedFeature]

type ConformanceProfile

ConformanceProfile is a group of features that have a related purpose, e.g. to cover specific protocol support or a specific feature present in Gateway API.

For more details see the relevant GEP: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/geps/gep-1709/

type ConformanceProfile struct {
    Name             ConformanceProfileName
    CoreFeatures     sets.Set[SupportedFeature]
    ExtendedFeatures sets.Set[SupportedFeature]

type ConformanceProfileName

type ConformanceProfileName string
const (
    // HTTPConformanceProfileName indicates the name of the conformance profile
    // which covers HTTP functionality, such as the HTTPRoute API.
    HTTPConformanceProfileName ConformanceProfileName = "HTTP"

    // TLSConformanceProfileName indicates the name of the conformance profile
    // which covers TLS stream functionality, such as the TLSRoute API.
    TLSConformanceProfileName ConformanceProfileName = "TLS"

    // MeshConformanceProfileName indicates the name of the conformance profile
    // which covers service mesh functionality.
    MeshConformanceProfileName ConformanceProfileName = "MESH"

type ConformanceTest

ConformanceTest is used to define each individual conformance test.

type ConformanceTest struct {
    ShortName   string
    Description string
    Features    []SupportedFeature
    Manifests   []string
    Slow        bool
    Parallel    bool
    Test        func(*testing.T, *ConformanceTestSuite)

func (*ConformanceTest) Run

func (test *ConformanceTest) Run(t *testing.T, suite *ConformanceTestSuite)

Run runs an individual tests, applying and cleaning up the required manifests before calling the Test function.

type ConformanceTestSuite

ConformanceTestSuite defines the test suite used to run Gateway API conformance tests.

type ConformanceTestSuite struct {
    Client                   client.Client
    Clientset                clientset.Interface
    RESTClient               *rest.RESTClient
    RestConfig               *rest.Config
    RoundTripper             roundtripper.RoundTripper
    GatewayClassName         string
    ControllerName           string
    Debug                    bool
    Cleanup                  bool
    BaseManifests            string
    MeshManifests            string
    Applier                  kubernetes.Applier
    SupportedFeatures        sets.Set[SupportedFeature]
    TimeoutConfig            config.TimeoutConfig
    SkipTests                sets.Set[string]
    RunTest                  string
    FS                       embed.FS
    UsableNetworkAddresses   []v1beta1.GatewayAddress
    UnusableNetworkAddresses []v1beta1.GatewayAddress

func New

func New(s Options) *ConformanceTestSuite

New returns a new ConformanceTestSuite.

func (*ConformanceTestSuite) Run

func (suite *ConformanceTestSuite) Run(t *testing.T, tests []ConformanceTest)

Run runs the provided set of conformance tests.

func (*ConformanceTestSuite) Setup

func (suite *ConformanceTestSuite) Setup(t *testing.T)

Setup ensures the base resources required for conformance tests are installed in the cluster. It also ensures that all relevant resources are ready.

type ExperimentalConformanceOptions

Options can be used to initialize a ConformanceTestSuite.

type ExperimentalConformanceOptions struct {

    Implementation      confv1a1.Implementation
    ConformanceProfiles sets.Set[ConformanceProfileName]

type ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite

ConformanceTestSuite defines the test suite used to run Gateway API conformance tests. This is experimental for now and can be used as an alternative to the ConformanceTestSuite. Once this won't be experimental any longer, the two of them will be merged.

type ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewExperimentalConformanceTestSuite

func NewExperimentalConformanceTestSuite(s ExperimentalConformanceOptions) (*ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite, error)

NewExperimentalConformanceTestSuite is a helper to use for creating a new ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite.

func (*ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Report

func (suite *ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Report() (*confv1a1.ConformanceReport, error)

Report emits a ConformanceReport for the previously completed test run. If no run completed prior to running the report, and error is emitted.

func (*ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Run

func (suite *ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Run(t *testing.T, tests []ConformanceTest) error

Run runs the provided set of conformance tests.

func (*ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Setup

func (suite *ExperimentalConformanceTestSuite) Setup(t *testing.T)

Setup ensures the base resources required for conformance tests are installed in the cluster. It also ensures that all relevant resources are ready.

type Options

Options can be used to initialize a ConformanceTestSuite.

type Options struct {
    Client               client.Client
    Clientset            clientset.Interface
    RestConfig           *rest.Config
    GatewayClassName     string
    Debug                bool
    RoundTripper         roundtripper.RoundTripper
    BaseManifests        string
    MeshManifests        string
    NamespaceLabels      map[string]string
    NamespaceAnnotations map[string]string

    // CleanupBaseResources indicates whether or not the base test
    // resources such as Gateways should be cleaned up after the run.
    CleanupBaseResources       bool
    SupportedFeatures          sets.Set[SupportedFeature]
    ExemptFeatures             sets.Set[SupportedFeature]
    EnableAllSupportedFeatures bool
    TimeoutConfig              config.TimeoutConfig
    // SkipTests contains all the tests not to be run and can be used to opt out
    // of specific tests
    SkipTests []string
    // RunTest is a single test to run, mostly for development/debugging convenience.
    RunTest string

    FS *embed.FS

    // UsableNetworkAddresses is an optional pool of usable addresses for
    // Gateways for tests which need to test manual address assignments.
    UsableNetworkAddresses []v1beta1.GatewayAddress

    // UnusableNetworkAddresses is an optional pool of unusable addresses for
    // Gateways for tests which need to test failures with manual Gateway
    // address assignment.
    UnusableNetworkAddresses []v1beta1.GatewayAddress

type SupportedFeature

SupportedFeature allows opting in to additional conformance tests at an individual feature granularity.

type SupportedFeature string
const (
    // This option indicates that the Gateway can also use port 8080
    SupportGatewayPort8080 SupportedFeature = "GatewayPort8080"

    // SupportGatewayStaticAddresses option indicates that the Gateway is capable
    // of allocating pre-determined addresses, rather than dynamically having
    // addresses allocated for it.
    SupportGatewayStaticAddresses SupportedFeature = "GatewayStaticAddresses"
const (
    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute query param matching (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteQueryParamMatching SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteQueryParamMatching"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute method matching (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteMethodMatching SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteMethodMatching"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute response header modification (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteResponseHeaderModification SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteResponseHeaderModification"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute port redirect (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRoutePortRedirect SupportedFeature = "HTTPRoutePortRedirect"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute scheme redirect (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteSchemeRedirect SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteSchemeRedirect"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute path redirect (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRoutePathRedirect SupportedFeature = "HTTPRoutePathRedirect"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute host rewrite (extended conformance)
    SupportHTTPRouteHostRewrite SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteHostRewrite"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute path rewrite (extended conformance)
    SupportHTTPRoutePathRewrite SupportedFeature = "HTTPRoutePathRewrite"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute request mirror (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteRequestMirror SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteRequestMirror"

    // This option indicates support for multiple RequestMirror filters within the same HTTPRoute rule (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteRequestMultipleMirrors SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteRequestMultipleMirrors"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute request timeouts (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteRequestTimeout SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteRequestTimeout"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute backendRequest timeouts (extended conformance).
    SupportHTTPRouteBackendTimeout SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteBackendTimeout"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute with a backendref with an appProtocol 'kubernetes.io/h2c'
    SupportHTTPRouteBackendProtocolH2C SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteBackendProtocolH2C"

    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute with a backendref with an appProtoocol 'kubernetes.io/ws'
    SupportHTTPRouteBackendProtocolWebSocket SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteBackendProtocolWebSocket"
const (
    // This option indicates support for Gateway.
    // Opting out of this is allowed only for GAMMA-only implementations
    SupportGateway SupportedFeature = "Gateway"
const (
    // This option indicates support for HTTPRoute
    SupportHTTPRoute SupportedFeature = "HTTPRoute"
const (
    // This option indicates support for Destination Port matching.
    SupportHTTPRouteDestinationPortMatching SupportedFeature = "HTTPRouteDestinationPortMatching"
const (
    // This option indicates general support for service mesh
    SupportMesh SupportedFeature = "Mesh"
const (
    // This option indicates support for ReferenceGrant.
    SupportReferenceGrant SupportedFeature = "ReferenceGrant"
const (
    // This option indicates support for TLSRoute
    SupportTLSRoute SupportedFeature = "TLSRoute"