Package flags
import "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/utils/flags"
- Overview
- Index
flags contains command-line flag definitions for the conformance
profile certification. They're in this package so they can be shared
among the various suites that are all run by the same Makefile invocation.
flags contains command-line flag definitions for the conformance
tests. They're in this package so they can be shared among the
various suites that are all run by the same Makefile invocation.
var (
ImplementationOrganization = flag.String("organization", "", "Implementation's Organization to issue conformance to")
ImplementationProject = flag.String("project", "", "Implementation's project to issue conformance to")
ImplementationURL = flag.String("url", "", "Implementation's url to issue conformance to")
ImplementationVersion = flag.String("version", "", "Implementation's version to issue conformance to")
ImplementationContact = flag.String("contact", "", "Comma-separated list of contact information for the maintainers")
ConformanceProfiles = flag.String("conformance-profiles", "", "Comma-separated list of the conformance profiles to run")
ReportOutput = flag.String("report-output", "", "The file where to write the conformance report")
var (
GatewayClassName = flag.String("gateway-class", "gateway-conformance", "Name of GatewayClass to use for tests")
ShowDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Whether to print debug logs")
CleanupBaseResources = flag.Bool("cleanup-base-resources", true, "Whether to cleanup base test resources after the run")
SupportedFeatures = flag.String("supported-features", "", "Supported features included in conformance tests suites")
SkipTests = flag.String("skip-tests", "", "Comma-separated list of tests to skip")
RunTest = flag.String("run-test", "", "Name of a single test to run, instead of the whole suite")
ExemptFeatures = flag.String("exempt-features", "", "Exempt Features excluded from conformance tests suites")
EnableAllSupportedFeatures = flag.Bool("all-features", false, "Whether to enable all supported features for conformance tests")
NamespaceLabels = flag.String("namespace-labels", "", "Comma-separated list of name=value labels to add to test namespaces")
NamespaceAnnotations = flag.String("namespace-annotations", "", "Comma-separated list of name=value annotations to add to test namespaces")