
Package v1alpha1

import "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/apis/v1alpha1"

Overview ▾

type ConformanceReport

ConformanceReport is a report of conformance testing results including the specific conformance profiles that were tested and the results of the tests with summaries and statistics.

type ConformanceReport struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    Implementation  `json:"implementation"`

    // Date indicates the date that this report was generated.
    Date string `json:"date"`

    // GatewayAPIVersion indicates which release version of Gateway API this
    // test report was made for.
    GatewayAPIVersion string `json:"gatewayAPIVersion"`

    // ProfileReports is a list of the individual reports for each conformance
    // profile that was enabled for a test run.
    ProfileReports []ProfileReport `json:"profiles"`

type ExtendedStatus

ExtendedStatus shows the testing results for the extended support level.

type ExtendedStatus struct {
    Status `json:",inline"`

    // SupportedFeatures indicates which extended features were flagged as
    // supported by the implementation and tests will be attempted for.
    SupportedFeatures []string `json:"supportedFeatures,omitempty"`

    // UnsupportedFeatures indicates which extended features the implementation
    // does not have support for and therefore will not attempt to test.
    UnsupportedFeatures []string `json:"unsupportedFeatures,omitempty"`

type Implementation

Implementation provides metadata information on the downstream implementation of Gateway API which ran conformance tests.

type Implementation struct {
    // Organization refers to the company, group or individual which maintains
    // the named implementation. Organizations can provide reports for any
    // number of distinct Gateway API implementations they maintain, but need
    // to identify themselves using this organization field for grouping.
    Organization string `json:"organization"`

    // Project indicates the name of the project or repository for a Gateway API
    // implementation.
    Project string `json:"project"`

    // URL indicates a human-usable URL where more information about the
    // implementation can be found. For open source projects this should
    // generally link to the code repository.
    URL string `json:"url"`

    // Version indicates the version of the implementation that was used for
    // testing. This should generally be a semver version when applicable.
    Version string `json:"version"`

    // Contact is contact information for the maintainers so that Gateway API
    // maintainers can get ahold of them as needed. Ideally this should be
    // Github usernames (in the form of `@<username>`) or team names (in the
    // form of `@<team>/<name>`), but when that's not possible it can be email
    // addresses.
    // Rather than Github usernames or email addresses you can provide a URL to the relevant
    // support pages for the project. Ideally this would be something like the issue creation page
    // on a repository, but for projects without a publicly exposed repository a general support
    // page URL can be provided.
    Contact []string `json:"contact"`

type ProfileReport

ProfileReport is the generated report for the test results of a specific named conformance profile.

type ProfileReport struct {
    // Name indicates the name of the conformance profile (e.g. "HTTP",
    // "TLS", "Mesh", e.t.c.).
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Core indicates the core support level which includes the set of tests
    // which are the minimum the implementation must pass to be considered at
    // all conformant.
    Core Status `json:"core"`

    // Extended indicates the extended support level which includes additional
    // optional features which the implementation may choose to implement
    // support for, but are not required.
    Extended *ExtendedStatus `json:"extended,omitempty"`

type Result

Result is a simple high-level summary describing the conclusion of a test run.

type Result string
var (
    // Success indicates that the test run concluded in all required tests
    // passing.
    Success Result = "success"

    // Partial indicates that the test run concluded in some of the required
    // tests passing without any failures, but some were skipped.
    Partial Result = "partial"

    // Failure indicates that the test run concluded in one ore more tests
    // failing to complete successfully.
    Failure Result = "failure"

type Statistics

Statistics includes numerical summaries of the number of conformance tests that passed, failed or were intentionally skipped.

type Statistics struct {
    // Passed indicates how many tests completed successfully.
    Passed uint32

    // Skipped indicates how many tests were intentionally not run, whether due
    // to lack of feature support or whether they were explicitly disabled in
    // the test suite.
    Skipped uint32

    // Failed indicates how many tests were unsuccessful.
    Failed uint32

type Status

Status includes details on the results of a test.

type Status struct {
    Result `json:"result"`

    // Summary is a human-readable message intended for end-users to understand
    // the overall status at a glance.
    Summary string `json:"summary"`

    // Statistics includes numerical statistics on the result of the test run.
    Statistics `json:"statistics"`

    // SkippedTests indicates which tests were explicitly disabled in the test
    // suite. Skipping tests for Core level support implicitly identifies the
    // results as being partial and the implementation will not be considered
    // conformant at any level.
    SkippedTests []string `json:"skippedTests,omitempty"`

    // FailedTests indicates which tests were failing during the execution of
    // test suite.
    FailedTests []string `json:"failedTests,omitempty"`