
Directory /src/sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools

Name Synopsis
crd Package crd contains utilities for generating CustomResourceDefinitions and their corresponding OpenAPI validation schemata.
markers Package markers defines markers for generating schema valiation and CRD structure.
deepcopy Package deepcopy generates DeepCopy, DeepCopyInto, and DeepCopyObject implementations for types.
genall Package genall defines entrypoints for generation tools to hook into and share the same set of parsing, typechecking, and marker information.
help Package help contains utilities for actually writing out marker help.
pretty Package pretty contains utilities for formatting terminal help output, and a use of those to display marker help.
loader Package loader defines helpers for loading packages from sources.
testutils Package testutils defines utilities for using loader.Packages in tests.
markers Package markers contains utilities for defining and parsing "marker comments", also occasionally called tag comments (we use the term marker to avoid confusing with struct tags).
rbac Package rbac contain libraries for generating RBAC manifests from RBAC markers in Go source files.
webhook Package webhook contains libraries for generating webhookconfig manifests from markers in Go source files.