
Package zap

import "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log/zap"

Overview ▾

Package zap contains helpers for setting up a new logr.Logger instance using the Zap logging framework.

Package zap contains helpers for setting up a new logr.Logger instance using the Zap logging framework.

func ConsoleEncoder

func ConsoleEncoder(opts ...EncoderConfigOption) func(o *Options)

ConsoleEncoder configures the logger to use a Console encoder.

func Encoder

func Encoder(encoder zapcore.Encoder) func(o *Options)

Encoder configures how the logger will encode the output e.g JSON or console. See Options.Encoder.

func JSONEncoder

func JSONEncoder(opts ...EncoderConfigOption) func(o *Options)

JSONEncoder configures the logger to use a JSON Encoder.

func Level

func Level(level zapcore.LevelEnabler) func(o *Options)

Level sets Options.Level, which configures the minimum enabled logging level e.g Debug, Info. A zap log level should be multiplied by -1 to get the logr verbosity. For example, to get logr verbosity of 3, pass zapcore.Level(-3) to this Opts. See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-logr/zapr for how zap level relates to logr verbosity.

func New

func New(opts ...Opts) logr.Logger

New returns a brand new Logger configured with Opts. It uses KubeAwareEncoder which adds Type information and Namespace/Name to the log.

func NewRaw

func NewRaw(opts ...Opts) *zap.Logger

NewRaw returns a new zap.Logger configured with the passed Opts or their defaults. It uses KubeAwareEncoder which adds Type information and Namespace/Name to the log.

func RawZapOpts

func RawZapOpts(zapOpts ...zap.Option) func(o *Options)

RawZapOpts allows appending arbitrary zap.Options to configure the underlying zap logger. See Options.ZapOpts.

func StacktraceLevel

func StacktraceLevel(stacktraceLevel zapcore.LevelEnabler) func(o *Options)

StacktraceLevel sets Options.StacktraceLevel, which configures the logger to record a stack trace for all messages at or above a given level. See the Level Opts for the relationship of zap log level to logr verbosity.

type EncoderConfigOption

EncoderConfigOption is a function that can modify a `zapcore.EncoderConfig`.

type EncoderConfigOption func(*zapcore.EncoderConfig)

type KubeAwareEncoder

KubeAwareEncoder is a Kubernetes-aware Zap Encoder. Instead of trying to force Kubernetes objects to implement ObjectMarshaller, we just implement a wrapper around a normal ObjectMarshaller that checks for Kubernetes objects.

type KubeAwareEncoder struct {
    // Encoder is the zapcore.Encoder that this encoder delegates to

    // Verbose controls whether or not the full object is printed.
    // If false, only name, namespace, api version, and kind are printed.
    // Otherwise, the full object is logged.
    Verbose bool

func (*KubeAwareEncoder) Clone

func (k *KubeAwareEncoder) Clone() zapcore.Encoder

Clone implements zapcore.Encoder.

func (*KubeAwareEncoder) EncodeEntry

func (k *KubeAwareEncoder) EncodeEntry(entry zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) (*buffer.Buffer, error)

EncodeEntry implements zapcore.Encoder.

type NewEncoderFunc

NewEncoderFunc is a function that creates an Encoder using the provided EncoderConfigOptions.

type NewEncoderFunc func(...EncoderConfigOption) zapcore.Encoder

type Options

Options contains all possible settings.

type Options struct {
    // Development configures the logger to use a Zap development config
    // (stacktraces on warnings, no sampling), otherwise a Zap production
    // config will be used (stacktraces on errors, sampling).
    Development bool
    // Encoder configures how Zap will encode the output.  Defaults to
    // console when Development is true and JSON otherwise
    Encoder zapcore.Encoder
    // EncoderConfigOptions can modify the EncoderConfig needed to initialize an Encoder.
    // See https://pkg.go.dev/go.uber.org/zap/zapcore#EncoderConfig for the list of options
    // that can be configured.
    // Note that the EncoderConfigOptions are not applied when the Encoder option is already set.
    EncoderConfigOptions []EncoderConfigOption
    // NewEncoder configures Encoder using the provided EncoderConfigOptions.
    // Note that the NewEncoder function is not used when the Encoder option is already set.
    NewEncoder NewEncoderFunc
    // DestWriter controls the destination of the log output.  Defaults to
    // os.Stderr.
    DestWriter io.Writer
    // Level configures the verbosity of the logging.
    // Defaults to Debug when Development is true and Info otherwise.
    // A zap log level should be multiplied by -1 to get the logr verbosity.
    // For example, to get logr verbosity of 3, set this field to zapcore.Level(-3).
    // See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-logr/zapr for how zap level relates to logr verbosity.
    Level zapcore.LevelEnabler
    // StacktraceLevel is the level at and above which stacktraces will
    // be recorded for all messages. Defaults to Warn when Development
    // is true and Error otherwise.
    // See Level for the relationship of zap log level to logr verbosity.
    StacktraceLevel zapcore.LevelEnabler
    // ZapOpts allows passing arbitrary zap.Options to configure on the
    // underlying Zap logger.
    ZapOpts []zap.Option
    // TimeEncoder specifies the encoder for the timestamps in log messages.
    // Defaults to RFC3339TimeEncoder.
    TimeEncoder zapcore.TimeEncoder

func (*Options) BindFlags

func (o *Options) BindFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet)

BindFlags will parse the given flagset for zap option flags and set the log options accordingly:

type Opts

Opts allows to manipulate Options.

type Opts func(*Options)

func UseDevMode

func UseDevMode(enabled bool) Opts

UseDevMode sets the logger to use (or not use) development mode (more human-readable output, extra stack traces and logging information, etc). See Options.Development.

func UseFlagOptions

func UseFlagOptions(in *Options) Opts

UseFlagOptions configures the logger to use the Options set by parsing zap option flags from the CLI.

opts := zap.Options{}
log := zap.New(zap.UseFlagOptions(&opts))

func WriteTo

func WriteTo(out io.Writer) Opts

WriteTo configures the logger to write to the given io.Writer, instead of standard error. See Options.DestWriter.