Package xgif
xgif is a helper package to create GIF animations based on PNG images
The resulting animations have the following properties:
1. All frames have the same size (max(pngs.width), max(pngs.height))
2. All PNGs are centered in the given frame
3. The frame background is plain white
Note that to convert from a PNG to a GIF compatible image (Bitmap), the PNG image must be quantized (colors are aggregated in median buckets)
so that it has at most 255 colors.
This is required because GIFs support only 256 colors and we must keep 1 slot for the white background.
var BG_COLOR = color.White
func AnimatePNGs(pngs [][]byte, animIntervalMs int) ([]byte, error)
func Validate(gifBytes []byte, nFrames int, intervalMS int) error