
Package d2graph

import "oss.terrastruct.com/d2/d2graph"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func CompareSerializedEdge(edge, other *Edge) error
func CompareSerializedGraph(g, other *Graph) error
func CompareSerializedObject(obj, other *Object) error
func DeserializeGraph(bytes []byte, g *Graph) error
func GetTextDimensions(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, t *d2target.MText, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) *d2target.TextDimensions
func Key(k *d2ast.KeyPath) []string
func SerializeGraph(g *Graph) ([]byte, error)
type Attributes
    func (a *Attributes) ApplyTextTransform()
    func (a *Attributes) ToArrowhead() d2target.Arrowhead
type ContainerLevel
    func (l ContainerLevel) LabelSize() int
type Edge
    func (e *Edge) AbsID() string
    func (e *Edge) ArrowString() string
    func (e *Edge) ContainedBy(obj *Object) bool
    func (e *Edge) GetAstEdge() *d2ast.Edge
    func (e *Edge) GetGroup() *Object
    func (e *Edge) GetStroke(dashGapSize interface{}) string
    func (e *Edge) Move(dx, dy float64)
    func (edge *Edge) ShiftEnd(delta float64, isHorizontal bool)
    func (edge *Edge) ShiftStart(delta float64, isHorizontal bool)
    func (e *Edge) Text() *d2target.MText
    func (edge *Edge) TraceToShape(points []*geo.Point, startIndex, endIndex int) (newStart, newEnd int)
type EdgeReference
type Graph
    func NewGraph() *Graph
    func (g *Graph) ApplyTheme(themeID int64) error
    func (g *Graph) ExtractAsNestedGraph(obj *Object) *Graph
    func (g *Graph) GetBoard(name string) *Graph
    func (g *Graph) InjectNestedGraph(tempGraph *Graph, parent *Object)
    func (g *Graph) PrintString() string
    func (g *Graph) RootBoard() *Graph
    func (g *Graph) SetDimensions(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) error
    func (g *Graph) SortEdgesByAST()
    func (g *Graph) SortObjectsByAST()
    func (g *Graph) Texts() []*d2target.MText
type LayoutGraph
type Object
    func ResolveUnderscoreKey(ida []string, obj *Object) (resolvedObj *Object, resolvedIDA []string, _ error)
    func (obj *Object) AbsID() string
    func (obj *Object) AbsIDArray() []string
    func (obj *Object) AppendReferences(ida []string, ref Reference, unresolvedObj *Object)
    func (obj *Object) ClosestGridCell() *Object
    func (obj *Object) ClosestGridDiagram() *Object
    func (obj *Object) Connect(srcID, dstID []string, srcArrow, dstArrow bool, label string) (*Edge, error)
    func (o *Object) ContainedBy(obj *Object) bool
    func (obj *Object) ContainsAnyEdge(edges []*Edge) bool
    func (obj *Object) ContainsAnyObject(objects []*Object) bool
    func (obj *Object) EnsureChild(ida []string) *Object
    func (obj *Object) FindEdges(mk *d2ast.Key) ([]*Edge, bool)
    func (obj *Object) GetDefaultSize(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily, labelDims d2target.TextDimensions, withLabelPadding bool) (*d2target.TextDimensions, error)
    func (obj *Object) GetFill() string
    func (obj *Object) GetIconTopLeft() *geo.Point
    func (obj *Object) GetLabelSize(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) (*d2target.TextDimensions, error)
    func (obj *Object) GetLabelTopLeft() *geo.Point
    func (obj *Object) GetMargin() geo.Spacing
    func (obj *Object) GetModifierElementAdjustments() (dx, dy float64)
    func (obj *Object) GetStroke(dashGapSize interface{}) string
    func (obj *Object) HasChild(ids []string) (*Object, bool)
    func (obj *Object) HasEdge(mk *d2ast.Key) (*Edge, bool)
    func (obj *Object) HasIcon() bool
    func (obj *Object) HasLabel() bool
    func (obj *Object) HasOutsideBottomLabel() bool
    func (obj *Object) Is3D() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsConstantNear() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsContainer() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsDescendantOf(ancestor *Object) bool
    func (obj *Object) IsGridDiagram() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsMultiple() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagram() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagramGroup() bool
    func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagramNote() bool
    func (obj *Object) IterDescendants(apply func(parent, child *Object))
    func (obj *Object) Level() ContainerLevel
    func (obj *Object) MoveWithDescendants(dx, dy float64)
    func (obj *Object) MoveWithDescendantsTo(x, y float64)
    func (obj *Object) OuterNearContainer() *Object
    func (obj *Object) OuterSequenceDiagram() *Object
    func (parent *Object) RemoveChild(child *Object)
    func (obj *Object) ShiftDescendants(dx, dy float64)
    func (obj *Object) SizeToContent(contentWidth, contentHeight, paddingX, paddingY float64)
    func (obj *Object) Spacing() (margin, padding geo.Spacing)
    func (obj *Object) SpacingOpt(labelPadding, iconPadding float64, maxIconSize bool) (margin, padding geo.Spacing)
    func (obj *Object) Text() *d2target.MText
    func (obj *Object) ToShape() shape.Shape
    func (obj *Object) TopGridDiagram() *Object
type Reference
    func (r Reference) InEdge() bool
    func (r Reference) MapKeyEdgeDest() bool
type RouteEdges
type Scalar
type SerializedEdge
type SerializedGraph
type SerializedObject
type Style
    func (s *Style) Apply(key, value string) error
    func (s Style) NoneTextTransform() bool

Package files

d2graph.go grid_diagram.go layout.go seqdiagram.go serde.go


const MIN_SEGMENT_LEN = 10
const MIN_SHAPE_SIZE = 5


BoardKeywords contains the keywords that create new boards.

var BoardKeywords = map[string]struct{}{
    "layers":    {},
    "scenarios": {},
    "steps":     {},

CompositeReservedKeywords are reserved keywords that can hold composites

var CompositeReservedKeywords = map[string]struct{}{
    "classes":    {},
    "constraint": {},
    "label":      {},
    "icon":       {},
var FillPatterns = []string{
var LabelPositions map[string]struct{}

LabelPositionsArray are the values that labels and icons can set `near` to

var LabelPositionsArray = []string{







convert to label.Position

var LabelPositionsMapping = map[string]label.Position{
    "top-left":   label.InsideTopLeft,
    "top-center": label.InsideTopCenter,
    "top-right":  label.InsideTopRight,

    "center-left":   label.InsideMiddleLeft,
    "center-center": label.InsideMiddleCenter,
    "center-right":  label.InsideMiddleRight,

    "bottom-left":   label.InsideBottomLeft,
    "bottom-center": label.InsideBottomCenter,
    "bottom-right":  label.InsideBottomRight,

    "outside-top-left":   label.OutsideTopLeft,
    "outside-top-center": label.OutsideTopCenter,
    "outside-top-right":  label.OutsideTopRight,

    "outside-left-top":    label.OutsideLeftTop,
    "outside-left-center": label.OutsideLeftMiddle,
    "outside-left-bottom": label.OutsideLeftBottom,

    "outside-right-top":    label.OutsideRightTop,
    "outside-right-center": label.OutsideRightMiddle,
    "outside-right-bottom": label.OutsideRightBottom,

    "outside-bottom-left":   label.OutsideBottomLeft,
    "outside-bottom-center": label.OutsideBottomCenter,
    "outside-bottom-right":  label.OutsideBottomRight,
var NearConstants map[string]struct{}

TODO maybe autofmt should allow other values, and transform them to conform e.g. left-center becomes center-left

var NearConstantsArray = []string{



ReservedKeywordHolders are reserved keywords that are meaningless on its own and must hold composites

var ReservedKeywordHolders = map[string]struct{}{
    "style":            {},
    "source-arrowhead": {},
    "target-arrowhead": {},

All reserved keywords. See init below.

var ReservedKeywords map[string]struct{}

Non Style/Holder keywords.

var SimpleReservedKeywords = map[string]struct{}{
    "label":          {},
    "desc":           {},
    "shape":          {},
    "icon":           {},
    "constraint":     {},
    "tooltip":        {},
    "link":           {},
    "near":           {},
    "width":          {},
    "height":         {},
    "direction":      {},
    "top":            {},
    "left":           {},
    "grid-rows":      {},
    "grid-columns":   {},
    "grid-gap":       {},
    "vertical-gap":   {},
    "horizontal-gap": {},
    "class":          {},
    "vars":           {},

StyleKeywords are reserved keywords which cannot exist outside of the "style" keyword

var StyleKeywords = map[string]struct{}{
    "opacity":       {},
    "stroke":        {},
    "fill":          {},
    "fill-pattern":  {},
    "stroke-width":  {},
    "stroke-dash":   {},
    "border-radius": {},

    "font":           {},
    "font-size":      {},
    "font-color":     {},
    "bold":           {},
    "italic":         {},
    "underline":      {},
    "text-transform": {},

    "shadow":        {},
    "multiple":      {},
    "double-border": {},

    "3d": {},

    "animated": {},
    "filled":   {},

func CompareSerializedEdge

func CompareSerializedEdge(edge, other *Edge) error

func CompareSerializedGraph

func CompareSerializedGraph(g, other *Graph) error

func CompareSerializedObject

func CompareSerializedObject(obj, other *Object) error

func DeserializeGraph

func DeserializeGraph(bytes []byte, g *Graph) error

func GetTextDimensions

func GetTextDimensions(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, t *d2target.MText, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) *d2target.TextDimensions

func Key

func Key(k *d2ast.KeyPath) []string

func SerializeGraph

func SerializeGraph(g *Graph) ([]byte, error)

type Attributes

type Attributes struct {
    Label           Scalar                  `json:"label"`
    LabelDimensions d2target.TextDimensions `json:"labelDimensions"`

    Style   Style    `json:"style"`
    Icon    *url.URL `json:"icon,omitempty"`
    Tooltip *Scalar  `json:"tooltip,omitempty"`
    Link    *Scalar  `json:"link,omitempty"`

    WidthAttr  *Scalar `json:"width,omitempty"`
    HeightAttr *Scalar `json:"height,omitempty"`

    Top  *Scalar `json:"top,omitempty"`
    Left *Scalar `json:"left,omitempty"`

    // TODO consider separate Attributes struct for shape-specific and edge-specific
    // Shapes only
    NearKey  *d2ast.KeyPath `json:"near_key"`
    Language string         `json:"language,omitempty"`
    // TODO: default to ShapeRectangle instead of empty string
    Shape Scalar `json:"shape"`

    Direction  Scalar   `json:"direction"`
    Constraint []string `json:"constraint"`

    GridRows      *Scalar `json:"gridRows,omitempty"`
    GridColumns   *Scalar `json:"gridColumns,omitempty"`
    GridGap       *Scalar `json:"gridGap,omitempty"`
    VerticalGap   *Scalar `json:"verticalGap,omitempty"`
    HorizontalGap *Scalar `json:"horizontalGap,omitempty"`

    LabelPosition *Scalar `json:"labelPosition,omitempty"`
    IconPosition  *Scalar `json:"iconPosition,omitempty"`

    // These names are attached to the rendered elements in SVG
    // so that users can target them however they like outside of D2
    Classes []string `json:"classes,omitempty"`

func (*Attributes) ApplyTextTransform

func (a *Attributes) ApplyTextTransform()

ApplyTextTransform will alter the `Label.Value` of the current object based on the specification of the `text-transform` styling option. This function has side-effects!

func (*Attributes) ToArrowhead

func (a *Attributes) ToArrowhead() d2target.Arrowhead

type ContainerLevel

type ContainerLevel int

func (ContainerLevel) LabelSize

func (l ContainerLevel) LabelSize() int

type Edge

type Edge struct {
    Index int `json:"index"`

    SrcTableColumnIndex *int `json:"srcTableColumnIndex,omitempty"`
    DstTableColumnIndex *int `json:"dstTableColumnIndex,omitempty"`

    LabelPosition   *string  `json:"labelPosition,omitempty"`
    LabelPercentage *float64 `json:"labelPercentage,omitempty"`

    IsCurve bool         `json:"isCurve"`
    Route   []*geo.Point `json:"route,omitempty"`

    Src          *Object     `json:"-"`
    SrcArrow     bool        `json:"src_arrow"`
    SrcArrowhead *Attributes `json:"srcArrowhead,omitempty"`
    Dst          *Object     `json:"-"`
    // TODO alixander (Mon Sep 12 2022): deprecate SrcArrow and DstArrow and just use SrcArrowhead and DstArrowhead
    DstArrow     bool        `json:"dst_arrow"`
    DstArrowhead *Attributes `json:"dstArrowhead,omitempty"`

    References []EdgeReference `json:"references,omitempty"`
    Attributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

    ZIndex int `json:"zIndex"`

func (*Edge) AbsID

func (e *Edge) AbsID() string

func (*Edge) ArrowString

func (e *Edge) ArrowString() string

func (*Edge) ContainedBy

func (e *Edge) ContainedBy(obj *Object) bool

func (*Edge) GetAstEdge

func (e *Edge) GetAstEdge() *d2ast.Edge

func (*Edge) GetGroup

func (e *Edge) GetGroup() *Object

func (*Edge) GetStroke

func (e *Edge) GetStroke(dashGapSize interface{}) string

func (*Edge) Move

func (e *Edge) Move(dx, dy float64)

func (*Edge) ShiftEnd

func (edge *Edge) ShiftEnd(delta float64, isHorizontal bool)

ShiftEnd moves the ending point of the route by delta either horizontally or vertically if prior points are in line with the movement, they will be removed (unless it is the first point)

func (*Edge) ShiftStart

func (edge *Edge) ShiftStart(delta float64, isHorizontal bool)

ShiftStart moves the starting point of the route by delta either horizontally or vertically if subsequent points are in line with the movement, they will be removed (unless it is the last point) start end . ├────┼────┼───┼────┼───┤ before . ├──dx──► . ├──┼───┼────┼───┤ after

func (*Edge) Text

func (e *Edge) Text() *d2target.MText

func (*Edge) TraceToShape

func (edge *Edge) TraceToShape(points []*geo.Point, startIndex, endIndex int) (newStart, newEnd int)

type EdgeReference

type EdgeReference struct {
    Edge *d2ast.Edge `json:"-"`

    MapKey          *d2ast.Key `json:"-"`
    MapKeyEdgeIndex int        `json:"map_key_edge_index"`
    Scope           *d2ast.Map `json:"-"`
    ScopeObj        *Object    `json:"-"`
    ScopeAST        *d2ast.Map `json:"-"`

type Graph

type Graph struct {
    FS     fs.FS  `json:"-"`
    Parent *Graph `json:"-"`
    Name   string `json:"name"`
    // IsFolderOnly indicates a board or scenario itself makes no modifications from its
    // base. Folder only boards do not have a render and are used purely for organizing
    // the board tree.
    IsFolderOnly bool       `json:"isFolderOnly"`
    AST          *d2ast.Map `json:"ast"`
    // BaseAST is the AST of the original graph without inherited fields and edges
    BaseAST *d2ast.Map `json:"-"`

    Root    *Object   `json:"root"`
    Edges   []*Edge   `json:"edges"`
    Objects []*Object `json:"objects"`

    Layers    []*Graph `json:"layers,omitempty"`
    Scenarios []*Graph `json:"scenarios,omitempty"`
    Steps     []*Graph `json:"steps,omitempty"`

    Theme *d2themes.Theme `json:"theme,omitempty"`

    // Object.Level uses the location of a nested graph
    RootLevel int `json:"rootLevel,omitempty"`

func NewGraph

func NewGraph() *Graph

func (*Graph) ApplyTheme

func (g *Graph) ApplyTheme(themeID int64) error

ApplyTheme applies themes on the graph level This is different than on the render level, which only changes colors A theme applied on the graph level applies special rules that change the graph

func (*Graph) ExtractAsNestedGraph

func (g *Graph) ExtractAsNestedGraph(obj *Object) *Graph

remove obj and all descendants from graph, as a new Graph

func (*Graph) GetBoard

func (g *Graph) GetBoard(name string) *Graph

func (*Graph) InjectNestedGraph

func (g *Graph) InjectNestedGraph(tempGraph *Graph, parent *Object)

func (*Graph) PrintString

func (g *Graph) PrintString() string

func (*Graph) RootBoard

func (g *Graph) RootBoard() *Graph

func (*Graph) SetDimensions

func (g *Graph) SetDimensions(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) error

func (*Graph) SortEdgesByAST

func (g *Graph) SortEdgesByAST()

func (*Graph) SortObjectsByAST

func (g *Graph) SortObjectsByAST()

func (*Graph) Texts

func (g *Graph) Texts() []*d2target.MText

type LayoutGraph

type LayoutGraph func(context.Context, *Graph) error

type Object

TODO maybe rename to Shape

type Object struct {
    Graph  *Graph  `json:"-"`
    Parent *Object `json:"-"`

    // IDVal is the actual value of the ID whereas ID is the value in d2 syntax.
    // e.g. ID:    "yes'\""
    //      IDVal: yes'"
    // ID allows joining on . naively and construct a valid D2 key path
    ID         string      `json:"id"`
    IDVal      string      `json:"id_val"`
    Map        *d2ast.Map  `json:"-"`
    References []Reference `json:"references,omitempty"`

    *geo.Box      `json:"box,omitempty"`
    LabelPosition *string `json:"labelPosition,omitempty"`
    IconPosition  *string `json:"iconPosition,omitempty"`

    ContentAspectRatio *float64 `json:"contentAspectRatio,omitempty"`

    Class    *d2target.Class    `json:"class,omitempty"`
    SQLTable *d2target.SQLTable `json:"sql_table,omitempty"`

    Children      map[string]*Object `json:"-"`
    ChildrenArray []*Object          `json:"-"`

    Attributes `json:"attributes"`

    ZIndex int `json:"zIndex"`

func ResolveUnderscoreKey

func ResolveUnderscoreKey(ida []string, obj *Object) (resolvedObj *Object, resolvedIDA []string, _ error)

TODO: remove once not used anywhere

func (*Object) AbsID

func (obj *Object) AbsID() string

func (*Object) AbsIDArray

func (obj *Object) AbsIDArray() []string

func (*Object) AppendReferences

func (obj *Object) AppendReferences(ida []string, ref Reference, unresolvedObj *Object)

func (*Object) ClosestGridCell

func (obj *Object) ClosestGridCell() *Object

func (*Object) ClosestGridDiagram

func (obj *Object) ClosestGridDiagram() *Object

func (*Object) Connect

func (obj *Object) Connect(srcID, dstID []string, srcArrow, dstArrow bool, label string) (*Edge, error)

func (*Object) ContainedBy

func (o *Object) ContainedBy(obj *Object) bool

func (*Object) ContainsAnyEdge

func (obj *Object) ContainsAnyEdge(edges []*Edge) bool

func (*Object) ContainsAnyObject

func (obj *Object) ContainsAnyObject(objects []*Object) bool

func (*Object) EnsureChild

func (obj *Object) EnsureChild(ida []string) *Object

EnsureChild grabs the child by ids or creates it if it does not exist including all intermediate nodes.

func (*Object) FindEdges

func (obj *Object) FindEdges(mk *d2ast.Key) ([]*Edge, bool)

TODO: remove edges []edge and scope each edge inside Object.

func (*Object) GetDefaultSize

func (obj *Object) GetDefaultSize(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily, labelDims d2target.TextDimensions, withLabelPadding bool) (*d2target.TextDimensions, error)

func (*Object) GetFill

func (obj *Object) GetFill() string

func (*Object) GetIconTopLeft

func (obj *Object) GetIconTopLeft() *geo.Point

func (*Object) GetLabelSize

func (obj *Object) GetLabelSize(mtexts []*d2target.MText, ruler *textmeasure.Ruler, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) (*d2target.TextDimensions, error)

func (*Object) GetLabelTopLeft

func (obj *Object) GetLabelTopLeft() *geo.Point

func (*Object) GetMargin

func (obj *Object) GetMargin() geo.Spacing

func (*Object) GetModifierElementAdjustments

func (obj *Object) GetModifierElementAdjustments() (dx, dy float64)

GetModifierElementAdjustments returns width/height adjustments to account for shapes with 3d or multiple

func (*Object) GetStroke

func (obj *Object) GetStroke(dashGapSize interface{}) string

func (*Object) HasChild

func (obj *Object) HasChild(ids []string) (*Object, bool)

func (*Object) HasEdge

func (obj *Object) HasEdge(mk *d2ast.Key) (*Edge, bool)

func (*Object) HasIcon

func (obj *Object) HasIcon() bool

func (*Object) HasLabel

func (obj *Object) HasLabel() bool

func (*Object) HasOutsideBottomLabel

func (obj *Object) HasOutsideBottomLabel() bool

func (*Object) Is3D

func (obj *Object) Is3D() bool

func (*Object) IsConstantNear

func (obj *Object) IsConstantNear() bool

func (*Object) IsContainer

func (obj *Object) IsContainer() bool

func (*Object) IsDescendantOf

func (obj *Object) IsDescendantOf(ancestor *Object) bool

func (*Object) IsGridDiagram

func (obj *Object) IsGridDiagram() bool

func (*Object) IsMultiple

func (obj *Object) IsMultiple() bool

func (*Object) IsSequenceDiagram

func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagram() bool

func (*Object) IsSequenceDiagramGroup

func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagramGroup() bool

groups are objects in sequence diagrams that have no messages connected and does not have a note as a child (a note can appear within a group, but it's a child of an actor)

func (*Object) IsSequenceDiagramNote

func (obj *Object) IsSequenceDiagramNote() bool

notes are descendant of actors with no edges and no children

func (*Object) IterDescendants

func (obj *Object) IterDescendants(apply func(parent, child *Object))

func (*Object) Level

func (obj *Object) Level() ContainerLevel

func (*Object) MoveWithDescendants

func (obj *Object) MoveWithDescendants(dx, dy float64)

func (*Object) MoveWithDescendantsTo

func (obj *Object) MoveWithDescendantsTo(x, y float64)

func (*Object) OuterNearContainer

func (obj *Object) OuterNearContainer() *Object

func (*Object) OuterSequenceDiagram

func (obj *Object) OuterSequenceDiagram() *Object

func (*Object) RemoveChild

func (parent *Object) RemoveChild(child *Object)

func (*Object) ShiftDescendants

func (obj *Object) ShiftDescendants(dx, dy float64)

ShiftDescendants moves Object's descendants (not including itself) descendants' edges are also moved by the same dx and dy (the whole route is moved if both ends are a descendant)

func (*Object) SizeToContent

func (obj *Object) SizeToContent(contentWidth, contentHeight, paddingX, paddingY float64)

resizes the object to fit content of the given width and height in its inner box with the given padding. this accounts for the shape of the object, and if there is a desired width or height set for the object

func (*Object) Spacing

func (obj *Object) Spacing() (margin, padding geo.Spacing)

func (*Object) SpacingOpt

func (obj *Object) SpacingOpt(labelPadding, iconPadding float64, maxIconSize bool) (margin, padding geo.Spacing)

func (*Object) Text

func (obj *Object) Text() *d2target.MText

func (*Object) ToShape

func (obj *Object) ToShape() shape.Shape

func (*Object) TopGridDiagram

func (obj *Object) TopGridDiagram() *Object

TopGridDiagram returns the least nested (outermost) grid diagram

type Reference

type Reference struct {
    Key          *d2ast.KeyPath `json:"key"`
    KeyPathIndex int            `json:"key_path_index"`

    MapKey          *d2ast.Key `json:"-"`
    MapKeyEdgeIndex int        `json:"map_key_edge_index"`
    Scope           *d2ast.Map `json:"-"`
    ScopeObj        *Object    `json:"-"`
    ScopeAST        *d2ast.Map `json:"-"`

func (Reference) InEdge

func (r Reference) InEdge() bool

func (Reference) MapKeyEdgeDest

func (r Reference) MapKeyEdgeDest() bool

type RouteEdges

type RouteEdges func(context.Context, *Graph, []*Edge) error

type Scalar

TODO consider having different Scalar types Right now we'll hold any types in Value and just convert, e.g. floats

type Scalar struct {
    Value  string     `json:"value"`
    MapKey *d2ast.Key `json:"-"`

type SerializedEdge

type SerializedEdge map[string]interface{}

type SerializedGraph

type SerializedGraph struct {
    Root      SerializedObject   `json:"root"`
    Edges     []SerializedEdge   `json:"edges"`
    Objects   []SerializedObject `json:"objects"`
    RootLevel int                `json:"rootLevel"`

type SerializedObject

type SerializedObject map[string]interface{}

type Style

type Style struct {
    Opacity       *Scalar `json:"opacity,omitempty"`
    Stroke        *Scalar `json:"stroke,omitempty"`
    Fill          *Scalar `json:"fill,omitempty"`
    FillPattern   *Scalar `json:"fillPattern,omitempty"`
    StrokeWidth   *Scalar `json:"strokeWidth,omitempty"`
    StrokeDash    *Scalar `json:"strokeDash,omitempty"`
    BorderRadius  *Scalar `json:"borderRadius,omitempty"`
    Shadow        *Scalar `json:"shadow,omitempty"`
    ThreeDee      *Scalar `json:"3d,omitempty"`
    Multiple      *Scalar `json:"multiple,omitempty"`
    Font          *Scalar `json:"font,omitempty"`
    FontSize      *Scalar `json:"fontSize,omitempty"`
    FontColor     *Scalar `json:"fontColor,omitempty"`
    Animated      *Scalar `json:"animated,omitempty"`
    Bold          *Scalar `json:"bold,omitempty"`
    Italic        *Scalar `json:"italic,omitempty"`
    Underline     *Scalar `json:"underline,omitempty"`
    Filled        *Scalar `json:"filled,omitempty"`
    DoubleBorder  *Scalar `json:"doubleBorder,omitempty"`
    TextTransform *Scalar `json:"textTransform,omitempty"`

func (*Style) Apply

func (s *Style) Apply(key, value string) error

func (Style) NoneTextTransform

func (s Style) NoneTextTransform() bool

NoneTextTransform will return a boolean if the text should not have any transformation applied. This should overwrite theme specific transformations like `CapsLock` from the `terminal` theme.