Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
cmd | |
d2plugin-dagre | |
d2ast | TODO: Remove boxes and cleanup like d2ir |
d2chaos | |
d2cli | |
d2compiler | Package d2compiler implements a parser, compiler and autoformatter for the Terrastruct d2 diagramming language. |
d2exporter | |
d2format | |
d2graph | |
d2ir | Package d2ir implements a tree data structure to keep track of the resolved value of D2 keys. |
d2layouts | |
d2dagrelayout | |
d2elklayout | d2elklayout is a wrapper around the Javascript port of ELK. |
d2grid | |
d2layoutfeatures | |
d2near | d2near applies near keywords when they're constants Intended to be run as the last stage of layout after the diagram has already undergone layout |
d2sequence | |
d2lib | |
d2oracle | |
d2parser | utf16_gen.go is used to create test UTF-16 input for the UTF-16 input test in parse_test.go Confirm `file utf16.txt` returns |
d2plugin | Package d2plugin enables the d2 CLI to run functions bundled with the d2 binary or via external plugin binaries. |
d2renderers | |
d2animate | |
d2fonts | TODO write a script to do this as part of CI Currently using an online converter: |
d2latex | |
d2sketch | |
d2svg | d2svg implements an SVG renderer for d2 diagrams. |
appendix | |
d2target | |
d2themes | d2themes defines themes to make d2 diagrams pretty Color codes: darkest (N1) -> lightest (N7) |
d2themescatalog | |
docs | |
examples | |
lib | |
1-d2lib | |
2-d2oracle | |
3-lowlevel | |
e2etests | |
report | |
lib | |
background | |
color | |
env | |
font | |
geo | |
imgbundler | |
label | |
log | Package log is a context wrapper around slog.Logger |
png | |
pptx | pptx is a package to create slide presentations in pptx (Microsoft Power Point) format. |
shape | |
simplelog | Package simplelog contains a very simple interface for logging strings at either Debug, Info, or Error levels |
svg | |
syncmap | |
textmeasure | |
time | |
urlenc | |
version | |
xgif | xgif is a helper package to create GIF animations based on PNG images The resulting animations have the following properties: 1. |