
Package v1

import "kubevirt.io/api/core/v1"

Overview ▾

Package v1 is the v1 version of the API.

  • This file is part of the KubeVirt project *
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  • You may obtain a copy of the License at *
  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  • limitations under the License. *
  • Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. *

Index ▾

func AddKnownTypesGenerator(groupVersions []schema.GroupVersion) func(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error
func Kind(kind string) schema.GroupKind
func PrepareVMINodeAntiAffinitySelectorRequirement(vmi *VirtualMachineInstance) k8sv1.NodeSelectorRequirement
func RegisterDefaults(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error
func Resource(resource string) schema.GroupResource
func SetDefaults_CDRomTarget(obj *CDRomTarget)
func SetDefaults_DiskDevice(obj *DiskDevice)
func SetDefaults_FeatureAPIC(obj *FeatureAPIC)
func SetDefaults_FeatureSpinlocks(obj *FeatureSpinlocks)
func SetDefaults_FeatureState(obj *FeatureState)
func SetDefaults_FeatureVendorID(obj *FeatureVendorID)
func SetDefaults_Firmware(obj *Firmware)
func SetDefaults_HPETTimer(obj *HPETTimer)
func SetDefaults_HypervTimer(obj *HypervTimer)
func SetDefaults_I6300ESBWatchdog(obj *I6300ESBWatchdog)
func SetDefaults_KVMTimer(obj *KVMTimer)
func SetDefaults_PITTimer(obj *PITTimer)
func SetDefaults_Probe(probe *Probe)
func SetDefaults_RTCTimer(obj *RTCTimer)
func SetDefaults_SyNICTimer(obj *SyNICTimer)
func SetDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance(obj *VirtualMachineInstance)
func SetDefaults_Watchdog(obj *Watchdog)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachine(in *VirtualMachine)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance(in *VirtualMachineInstance)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceList(in *VirtualMachineInstanceList)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePreset(in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePresetList(in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet(in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList(in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList)
func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineList(in *VirtualMachineList)
func UpdateAntiAffinityFromVMINode(pod *k8sv1.Pod, vmi *VirtualMachineInstance) *k8sv1.Affinity
type ACPI
    func (in *ACPI) DeepCopy() *ACPI
    func (in *ACPI) DeepCopyInto(out *ACPI)
    func (ACPI) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type AccessCredential
    func (in *AccessCredential) DeepCopy() *AccessCredential
    func (in *AccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *AccessCredential)
    func (AccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type AccessCredentialSecretSource
    func (in *AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopy() *AccessCredentialSecretSource
    func (in *AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopyInto(out *AccessCredentialSecretSource)
    func (AccessCredentialSecretSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type AddVolumeOptions
    func (in *AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopy() *AddVolumeOptions
    func (in *AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *AddVolumeOptions)
    func (AddVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ArchConfiguration
    func (in *ArchConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ArchConfiguration
    func (in *ArchConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ArchConfiguration)
    func (ArchConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ArchSpecificConfiguration
    func (in *ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ArchSpecificConfiguration
    func (in *ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ArchSpecificConfiguration)
    func (ArchSpecificConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type AuthorizedKeysFile
    func (in *AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopy() *AuthorizedKeysFile
    func (in *AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopyInto(out *AuthorizedKeysFile)
    func (AuthorizedKeysFile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type BIOS
    func (in *BIOS) DeepCopy() *BIOS
    func (in *BIOS) DeepCopyInto(out *BIOS)
    func (BIOS) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type BlockSize
    func (in *BlockSize) DeepCopy() *BlockSize
    func (in *BlockSize) DeepCopyInto(out *BlockSize)
    func (BlockSize) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Bootloader
    func (in *Bootloader) DeepCopy() *Bootloader
    func (in *Bootloader) DeepCopyInto(out *Bootloader)
    func (Bootloader) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CDRomTarget
    func (in *CDRomTarget) DeepCopy() *CDRomTarget
    func (in *CDRomTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *CDRomTarget)
    func (CDRomTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CPU
    func (in *CPU) DeepCopy() *CPU
    func (in *CPU) DeepCopyInto(out *CPU)
    func (CPU) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CPUFeature
    func (in *CPUFeature) DeepCopy() *CPUFeature
    func (in *CPUFeature) DeepCopyInto(out *CPUFeature)
    func (CPUFeature) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CPUTopology
    func (in *CPUTopology) DeepCopy() *CPUTopology
    func (in *CPUTopology) DeepCopyInto(out *CPUTopology)
    func (CPUTopology) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CertConfig
    func (in *CertConfig) DeepCopy() *CertConfig
    func (in *CertConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *CertConfig)
    func (CertConfig) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Chassis
    func (in *Chassis) DeepCopy() *Chassis
    func (in *Chassis) DeepCopyInto(out *Chassis)
    func (Chassis) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ClientPassthroughDevices
    func (in *ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopy() *ClientPassthroughDevices
    func (in *ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopyInto(out *ClientPassthroughDevices)
    func (ClientPassthroughDevices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Clock
    func (in *Clock) DeepCopy() *Clock
    func (in *Clock) DeepCopyInto(out *Clock)
    func (Clock) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ClockOffset
    func (in *ClockOffset) DeepCopy() *ClockOffset
    func (in *ClockOffset) DeepCopyInto(out *ClockOffset)
    func (ClockOffset) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ClockOffsetTimezone
type ClockOffsetUTC
    func (in *ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopy() *ClockOffsetUTC
    func (in *ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopyInto(out *ClockOffsetUTC)
    func (ClockOffsetUTC) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CloudInitConfigDriveSource
    func (in *CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopy() *CloudInitConfigDriveSource
    func (in *CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopyInto(out *CloudInitConfigDriveSource)
    func (CloudInitConfigDriveSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CloudInitNoCloudSource
    func (in *CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopy() *CloudInitNoCloudSource
    func (in *CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopyInto(out *CloudInitNoCloudSource)
    func (CloudInitNoCloudSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ClusterProfilerRequest
    func (in *ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopy() *ClusterProfilerRequest
    func (in *ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *ClusterProfilerRequest)
    func (ClusterProfilerRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ClusterProfilerResults
    func (in *ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopy() *ClusterProfilerResults
    func (in *ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopyInto(out *ClusterProfilerResults)
    func (ClusterProfilerResults) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CommonInstancetypesDeployment
    func (in *CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopy() *CommonInstancetypesDeployment
    func (in *CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopyInto(out *CommonInstancetypesDeployment)
    func (CommonInstancetypesDeployment) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ComponentConfig
    func (in *ComponentConfig) DeepCopy() *ComponentConfig
    func (in *ComponentConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentConfig)
type ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)
    func (ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ConfigMapVolumeSource
    func (in *ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *ConfigMapVolumeSource
    func (in *ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ConfigMapVolumeSource)
    func (ConfigMapVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ContainerDiskInfo
    func (in *ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopy() *ContainerDiskInfo
    func (in *ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *ContainerDiskInfo)
    func (ContainerDiskInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ContainerDiskSource
    func (in *ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopy() *ContainerDiskSource
    func (in *ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ContainerDiskSource)
    func (ContainerDiskSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CustomBlockSize
    func (in *CustomBlockSize) DeepCopy() *CustomBlockSize
    func (in *CustomBlockSize) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomBlockSize)
    func (CustomBlockSize) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CustomProfile
    func (in *CustomProfile) DeepCopy() *CustomProfile
    func (in *CustomProfile) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomProfile)
    func (CustomProfile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CustomizeComponents
    func (in *CustomizeComponents) DeepCopy() *CustomizeComponents
    func (in *CustomizeComponents) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomizeComponents)
    func (CustomizeComponents) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type CustomizeComponentsPatch
    func (in *CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopy() *CustomizeComponentsPatch
    func (in *CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomizeComponentsPatch)
    func (CustomizeComponentsPatch) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DHCPOptions
    func (in *DHCPOptions) DeepCopy() *DHCPOptions
    func (in *DHCPOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *DHCPOptions)
    func (DHCPOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
    func (d *DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DHCPPrivateOptions
    func (in *DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopy() *DHCPPrivateOptions
    func (in *DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *DHCPPrivateOptions)
    func (DHCPPrivateOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DataVolumeSource
    func (in *DataVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeSource
    func (in *DataVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeSource)
    func (DataVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus
    func (in *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus
    func (in *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus)
    func (DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DataVolumeTemplateSpec
    func (in *DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeTemplateSpec
    func (in *DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeTemplateSpec)
    func (DataVolumeTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap)
    func (DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DeprecatedInterfacePasst
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfacePasst
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfacePasst)
    func (DeprecatedInterfacePasst) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp
    func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp)
    func (DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DeveloperConfiguration
    func (in *DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopy() *DeveloperConfiguration
    func (in *DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *DeveloperConfiguration)
    func (DeveloperConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Devices
    func (in *Devices) DeepCopy() *Devices
    func (in *Devices) DeepCopyInto(out *Devices)
    func (Devices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DisableFreePageReporting
    func (in *DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopy() *DisableFreePageReporting
    func (in *DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopyInto(out *DisableFreePageReporting)
    func (DisableFreePageReporting) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DisableSerialConsoleLog
    func (in *DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopy() *DisableSerialConsoleLog
    func (in *DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopyInto(out *DisableSerialConsoleLog)
    func (DisableSerialConsoleLog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Disk
    func (in *Disk) DeepCopy() *Disk
    func (in *Disk) DeepCopyInto(out *Disk)
    func (Disk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DiskBus
type DiskDevice
    func (in *DiskDevice) DeepCopy() *DiskDevice
    func (in *DiskDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskDevice)
    func (DiskDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DiskErrorPolicy
type DiskTarget
    func (in *DiskTarget) DeepCopy() *DiskTarget
    func (in *DiskTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskTarget)
    func (DiskTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DiskVerification
    func (in *DiskVerification) DeepCopy() *DiskVerification
    func (in *DiskVerification) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskVerification)
    func (DiskVerification) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DomainAttachmentType
type DomainMemoryDumpInfo
    func (in *DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopy() *DomainMemoryDumpInfo
    func (in *DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *DomainMemoryDumpInfo)
    func (DomainMemoryDumpInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DomainSpec
    func (in *DomainSpec) DeepCopy() *DomainSpec
    func (in *DomainSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *DomainSpec)
    func (DomainSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DownwardAPIVolumeSource
    func (in *DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DownwardAPIVolumeSource
    func (in *DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardAPIVolumeSource)
    func (DownwardAPIVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DownwardMetrics
    func (in *DownwardMetrics) DeepCopy() *DownwardMetrics
    func (in *DownwardMetrics) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardMetrics)
    func (DownwardMetrics) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DownwardMetricsVolumeSource
    func (in *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource
    func (in *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource)
    func (DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type DriverCache
type DriverIO
type EFI
    func (in *EFI) DeepCopy() *EFI
    func (in *EFI) DeepCopyInto(out *EFI)
    func (EFI) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type EmptyDiskSource
    func (in *EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopy() *EmptyDiskSource
    func (in *EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopyInto(out *EmptyDiskSource)
    func (EmptyDiskSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type EphemeralVolumeSource
    func (in *EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *EphemeralVolumeSource
    func (in *EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *EphemeralVolumeSource)
    func (EphemeralVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type EvictionStrategy
type FeatureAPIC
    func (in *FeatureAPIC) DeepCopy() *FeatureAPIC
    func (in *FeatureAPIC) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureAPIC)
    func (FeatureAPIC) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FeatureHyperv
    func (in *FeatureHyperv) DeepCopy() *FeatureHyperv
    func (in *FeatureHyperv) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureHyperv)
    func (FeatureHyperv) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FeatureKVM
    func (in *FeatureKVM) DeepCopy() *FeatureKVM
    func (in *FeatureKVM) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureKVM)
    func (FeatureKVM) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FeatureSpinlocks
    func (in *FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopy() *FeatureSpinlocks
    func (in *FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureSpinlocks)
    func (FeatureSpinlocks) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FeatureState
    func (in *FeatureState) DeepCopy() *FeatureState
    func (in *FeatureState) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureState)
    func (FeatureState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FeatureVendorID
    func (in *FeatureVendorID) DeepCopy() *FeatureVendorID
    func (in *FeatureVendorID) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureVendorID)
    func (FeatureVendorID) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Features
    func (in *Features) DeepCopy() *Features
    func (in *Features) DeepCopyInto(out *Features)
    func (Features) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Filesystem
    func (in *Filesystem) DeepCopy() *Filesystem
    func (in *Filesystem) DeepCopyInto(out *Filesystem)
    func (Filesystem) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FilesystemVirtiofs
    func (in *FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopy() *FilesystemVirtiofs
    func (in *FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopyInto(out *FilesystemVirtiofs)
    func (FilesystemVirtiofs) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Firmware
    func (in *Firmware) DeepCopy() *Firmware
    func (in *Firmware) DeepCopyInto(out *Firmware)
    func (Firmware) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Flags
    func (in *Flags) DeepCopy() *Flags
    func (in *Flags) DeepCopyInto(out *Flags)
    func (Flags) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type FreezeUnfreezeTimeout
    func (in *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopy() *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout
    func (in *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopyInto(out *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout)
    func (FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type GPU
    func (in *GPU) DeepCopy() *GPU
    func (in *GPU) DeepCopyInto(out *GPU)
    func (GPU) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type GenerationStatus
    func (in *GenerationStatus) DeepCopy() *GenerationStatus
    func (in *GenerationStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *GenerationStatus)
    func (GenerationStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type GuestAgentCommandInfo
    func (in *GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopy() *GuestAgentCommandInfo
    func (in *GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *GuestAgentCommandInfo)
    func (GuestAgentCommandInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type GuestAgentPing
    func (in *GuestAgentPing) DeepCopy() *GuestAgentPing
    func (in *GuestAgentPing) DeepCopyInto(out *GuestAgentPing)
    func (GuestAgentPing) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HPETTickPolicy
type HPETTimer
    func (in *HPETTimer) DeepCopy() *HPETTimer
    func (in *HPETTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *HPETTimer)
    func (HPETTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Handler
    func (in *Handler) DeepCopy() *Handler
    func (in *Handler) DeepCopyInto(out *Handler)
    func (Handler) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HostDevice
    func (in *HostDevice) DeepCopy() *HostDevice
    func (in *HostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *HostDevice)
    func (HostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HostDisk
    func (in *HostDisk) DeepCopy() *HostDisk
    func (in *HostDisk) DeepCopyInto(out *HostDisk)
    func (HostDisk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HostDiskType
type HotplugVolumeSource
    func (in *HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *HotplugVolumeSource
    func (in *HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *HotplugVolumeSource)
    func (HotplugVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HotplugVolumeStatus
    func (in *HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopy() *HotplugVolumeStatus
    func (in *HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *HotplugVolumeStatus)
    func (HotplugVolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Hugepages
    func (in *Hugepages) DeepCopy() *Hugepages
    func (in *Hugepages) DeepCopyInto(out *Hugepages)
    func (Hugepages) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HyperVPassthrough
    func (in *HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopy() *HyperVPassthrough
    func (in *HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopyInto(out *HyperVPassthrough)
    func (HyperVPassthrough) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type HypervTimer
    func (in *HypervTimer) DeepCopy() *HypervTimer
    func (in *HypervTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *HypervTimer)
    func (HypervTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type I6300ESBWatchdog
    func (in *I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopy() *I6300ESBWatchdog
    func (in *I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopyInto(out *I6300ESBWatchdog)
    func (I6300ESBWatchdog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type IOThreadsPolicy
type InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy
type InitrdInfo
    func (in *InitrdInfo) DeepCopy() *InitrdInfo
    func (in *InitrdInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *InitrdInfo)
    func (InitrdInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Input
    func (in *Input) DeepCopy() *Input
    func (in *Input) DeepCopyInto(out *Input)
    func (Input) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InputBus
type InputType
type InstancetypeConfiguration
    func (in *InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopy() *InstancetypeConfiguration
    func (in *InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *InstancetypeConfiguration)
    func (InstancetypeConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InstancetypeMatcher
    func (in *InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopy() *InstancetypeMatcher
    func (in *InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopyInto(out *InstancetypeMatcher)
    func (i InstancetypeMatcher) GetName() string
    func (i InstancetypeMatcher) GetRevisionName() string
    func (InstancetypeMatcher) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InstancetypeReferencePolicy
type Interface
    func DefaultBridgeNetworkInterface() *Interface
    func DefaultMasqueradeNetworkInterface() *Interface
    func (in *Interface) DeepCopy() *Interface
    func (in *Interface) DeepCopyInto(out *Interface)
    func (Interface) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceBindingMethod
    func (in *InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingMethod
    func (in *InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingMethod)
    func (InterfaceBindingMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceBindingMigration
    func (in *InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingMigration
    func (in *InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingMigration)
    func (InterfaceBindingMigration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceBindingPlugin
    func (in *InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingPlugin
    func (in *InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingPlugin)
    func (InterfaceBindingPlugin) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceBridge
    func (in *InterfaceBridge) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBridge
    func (in *InterfaceBridge) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBridge)
    func (InterfaceBridge) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceMasquerade
    func (in *InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopy() *InterfaceMasquerade
    func (in *InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceMasquerade)
    func (InterfaceMasquerade) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceSRIOV
    func (in *InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopy() *InterfaceSRIOV
    func (in *InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceSRIOV)
    func (InterfaceSRIOV) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type InterfaceState
type KSMConfiguration
    func (in *KSMConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KSMConfiguration
    func (in *KSMConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KSMConfiguration)
    func (KSMConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KVMTimer
    func (in *KVMTimer) DeepCopy() *KVMTimer
    func (in *KVMTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *KVMTimer)
    func (KVMTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KernelBoot
    func (in *KernelBoot) DeepCopy() *KernelBoot
    func (in *KernelBoot) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBoot)
    func (KernelBoot) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KernelBootContainer
    func (in *KernelBootContainer) DeepCopy() *KernelBootContainer
    func (in *KernelBootContainer) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBootContainer)
    func (KernelBootContainer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KernelBootStatus
    func (in *KernelBootStatus) DeepCopy() *KernelBootStatus
    func (in *KernelBootStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBootStatus)
    func (KernelBootStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KernelInfo
    func (in *KernelInfo) DeepCopy() *KernelInfo
    func (in *KernelInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelInfo)
    func (KernelInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirt
    func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopy() *KubeVirt
    func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirt)
    func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (KubeVirt) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy
    func (in *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy
    func (in *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy)
    func (KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtCondition
    func (in *KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtCondition
    func (in *KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtCondition)
    func (KubeVirtCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtConditionType
type KubeVirtConfiguration
    func (in *KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtConfiguration
    func (in *KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtConfiguration)
    func (KubeVirtConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtList
    func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtList
    func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtList)
    func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (KubeVirtList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtPhase
type KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration
    func (in *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration
    func (in *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration)
    func (KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtSpec
    func (in *KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtSpec
    func (in *KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtSpec)
    func (KubeVirtSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtStatus
    func (in *KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtStatus
    func (in *KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtStatus)
    func (KubeVirtStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type KubeVirtUninstallStrategy
type KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy
    func (in *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy
    func (in *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy)
    func (KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type LaunchSecurity
    func (in *LaunchSecurity) DeepCopy() *LaunchSecurity
    func (in *LaunchSecurity) DeepCopyInto(out *LaunchSecurity)
    func (LaunchSecurity) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type LiveUpdateConfiguration
    func (in *LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopy() *LiveUpdateConfiguration
    func (in *LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *LiveUpdateConfiguration)
    func (LiveUpdateConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type LogVerbosity
    func (in *LogVerbosity) DeepCopy() *LogVerbosity
    func (in *LogVerbosity) DeepCopyInto(out *LogVerbosity)
    func (LogVerbosity) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type LunTarget
    func (in *LunTarget) DeepCopy() *LunTarget
    func (in *LunTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *LunTarget)
    func (LunTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Machine
    func (in *Machine) DeepCopy() *Machine
    func (in *Machine) DeepCopyInto(out *Machine)
    func (Machine) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Matcher
type MediatedDevicesConfiguration
    func (in *MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopy() *MediatedDevicesConfiguration
    func (in *MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *MediatedDevicesConfiguration)
    func (MediatedDevicesConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MediatedHostDevice
    func (in *MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopy() *MediatedHostDevice
    func (in *MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *MediatedHostDevice)
    func (MediatedHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Memory
    func (in *Memory) DeepCopy() *Memory
    func (in *Memory) DeepCopyInto(out *Memory)
    func (Memory) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MemoryDumpPhase
type MemoryDumpVolumeSource
    func (in *MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *MemoryDumpVolumeSource
    func (in *MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *MemoryDumpVolumeSource)
    func (MemoryDumpVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MemoryStatus
    func (in *MemoryStatus) DeepCopy() *MemoryStatus
    func (in *MemoryStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *MemoryStatus)
    func (MemoryStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MigrateOptions
    func (in *MigrateOptions) DeepCopy() *MigrateOptions
    func (in *MigrateOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *MigrateOptions)
    func (MigrateOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MigrationAbortStatus
type MigrationConfigSource
type MigrationConfiguration
    func (in *MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopy() *MigrationConfiguration
    func (in *MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *MigrationConfiguration)
    func (MigrationConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type MigrationMethod
type MigrationMode
type MultusNetwork
    func (in *MultusNetwork) DeepCopy() *MultusNetwork
    func (in *MultusNetwork) DeepCopyInto(out *MultusNetwork)
    func (MultusNetwork) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NUMA
    func (in *NUMA) DeepCopy() *NUMA
    func (in *NUMA) DeepCopyInto(out *NUMA)
    func (NUMA) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough
    func (in *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopy() *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough
    func (in *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopyInto(out *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough)
    func (NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Network
    func DefaultPodNetwork() *Network
    func (in *Network) DeepCopy() *Network
    func (in *Network) DeepCopyInto(out *Network)
    func (Network) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NetworkBindingDownwardAPIType
type NetworkConfiguration
    func (in *NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopy() *NetworkConfiguration
    func (in *NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkConfiguration)
    func (NetworkConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NetworkInterfaceType
type NetworkSource
    func (in *NetworkSource) DeepCopy() *NetworkSource
    func (in *NetworkSource) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkSource)
    func (NetworkSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)
    func (NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig
    func (in *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopy() *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig
    func (in *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig)
    func (NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type NodePlacement
    func (in *NodePlacement) DeepCopy() *NodePlacement
    func (in *NodePlacement) DeepCopyInto(out *NodePlacement)
type PITTickPolicy
type PITTimer
    func (in *PITTimer) DeepCopy() *PITTimer
    func (in *PITTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *PITTimer)
    func (PITTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PatchType
type PauseOptions
    func (in *PauseOptions) DeepCopy() *PauseOptions
    func (in *PauseOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *PauseOptions)
    func (PauseOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PciHostDevice
    func (in *PciHostDevice) DeepCopy() *PciHostDevice
    func (in *PciHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *PciHostDevice)
    func (PciHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Percent
type PermittedHostDevices
    func (in *PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopy() *PermittedHostDevices
    func (in *PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopyInto(out *PermittedHostDevices)
    func (PermittedHostDevices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PersistentVolumeClaimInfo
    func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopy() *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo
    func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo)
    func (PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
    func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
    func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource)
    func (PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PluginBinding
    func (in *PluginBinding) DeepCopy() *PluginBinding
    func (in *PluginBinding) DeepCopyInto(out *PluginBinding)
    func (PluginBinding) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PodNetwork
    func (in *PodNetwork) DeepCopy() *PodNetwork
    func (in *PodNetwork) DeepCopyInto(out *PodNetwork)
    func (PodNetwork) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
    func (podNet *PodNetwork) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Port
    func (in *Port) DeepCopy() *Port
    func (in *Port) DeepCopyInto(out *Port)
    func (Port) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type PreferenceMatcher
    func (in *PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopy() *PreferenceMatcher
    func (in *PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopyInto(out *PreferenceMatcher)
    func (p PreferenceMatcher) GetName() string
    func (p PreferenceMatcher) GetRevisionName() string
    func (PreferenceMatcher) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Probe
    func (in *Probe) DeepCopy() *Probe
    func (in *Probe) DeepCopyInto(out *Probe)
    func (Probe) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ProfilerResult
    func (in *ProfilerResult) DeepCopy() *ProfilerResult
    func (in *ProfilerResult) DeepCopyInto(out *ProfilerResult)
    func (ProfilerResult) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)
    func (QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation
    func (in *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation)
    func (QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type RESTClientConfiguration
    func (in *RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopy() *RESTClientConfiguration
    func (in *RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *RESTClientConfiguration)
    func (RESTClientConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type RTCTickPolicy
type RTCTimer
    func (in *RTCTimer) DeepCopy() *RTCTimer
    func (in *RTCTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *RTCTimer)
    func (RTCTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type RTCTimerTrack
type RateLimiter
    func (in *RateLimiter) DeepCopy() *RateLimiter
    func (in *RateLimiter) DeepCopyInto(out *RateLimiter)
    func (RateLimiter) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Realtime
    func (in *Realtime) DeepCopy() *Realtime
    func (in *Realtime) DeepCopyInto(out *Realtime)
    func (Realtime) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ReloadableComponentConfiguration
    func (in *ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ReloadableComponentConfiguration
    func (in *ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ReloadableComponentConfiguration)
    func (ReloadableComponentConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type RemoveVolumeOptions
    func (in *RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopy() *RemoveVolumeOptions
    func (in *RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *RemoveVolumeOptions)
    func (RemoveVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ResourceRequirements
    func (in *ResourceRequirements) DeepCopy() *ResourceRequirements
    func (in *ResourceRequirements) DeepCopyInto(out *ResourceRequirements)
    func (ResourceRequirements) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims
    func (in *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopy() *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims
    func (in *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopyInto(out *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims)
    func (ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type RestartOptions
    func (in *RestartOptions) DeepCopy() *RestartOptions
    func (in *RestartOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *RestartOptions)
    func (RestartOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Rng
    func (in *Rng) DeepCopy() *Rng
    func (in *Rng) DeepCopyInto(out *Rng)
    func (Rng) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEV
    func (in *SEV) DeepCopy() *SEV
    func (in *SEV) DeepCopyInto(out *SEV)
    func (SEV) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVAttestation
    func (in *SEVAttestation) DeepCopy() *SEVAttestation
    func (in *SEVAttestation) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVAttestation)
    func (SEVAttestation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVMeasurementInfo
    func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopy() *SEVMeasurementInfo
    func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVMeasurementInfo)
    func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (SEVMeasurementInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVPlatformInfo
    func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopy() *SEVPlatformInfo
    func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVPlatformInfo)
    func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (SEVPlatformInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVPolicy
    func (in *SEVPolicy) DeepCopy() *SEVPolicy
    func (in *SEVPolicy) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVPolicy)
    func (SEVPolicy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVSecretOptions
    func (in *SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopy() *SEVSecretOptions
    func (in *SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVSecretOptions)
    func (SEVSecretOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SEVSessionOptions
    func (in *SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopy() *SEVSessionOptions
    func (in *SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVSessionOptions)
    func (SEVSessionOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SMBiosConfiguration
    func (in *SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopy() *SMBiosConfiguration
    func (in *SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *SMBiosConfiguration)
    func (SMBiosConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential)
    func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod)
    func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource
    func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource)
    func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ScreenshotOptions
    func (in *ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopy() *ScreenshotOptions
    func (in *ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *ScreenshotOptions)
    func (ScreenshotOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SeccompConfiguration
    func (in *SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopy() *SeccompConfiguration
    func (in *SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *SeccompConfiguration)
    func (SeccompConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SecretVolumeSource
    func (in *SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *SecretVolumeSource
    func (in *SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SecretVolumeSource)
    func (SecretVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type ServiceAccountVolumeSource
    func (in *ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *ServiceAccountVolumeSource
    func (in *ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ServiceAccountVolumeSource)
    func (ServiceAccountVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SoundDevice
    func (in *SoundDevice) DeepCopy() *SoundDevice
    func (in *SoundDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *SoundDevice)
    func (SoundDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type StartOptions
    func (in *StartOptions) DeepCopy() *StartOptions
    func (in *StartOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *StartOptions)
    func (StartOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type StartStrategy
type StateChangeRequestAction
type StopOptions
    func (in *StopOptions) DeepCopy() *StopOptions
    func (in *StopOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *StopOptions)
    func (StopOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type StorageMigratedVolumeInfo
    func (in *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopy() *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo
    func (in *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo)
    func (StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SupportContainerResources
    func (in *SupportContainerResources) DeepCopy() *SupportContainerResources
    func (in *SupportContainerResources) DeepCopyInto(out *SupportContainerResources)
    func (SupportContainerResources) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SupportContainerType
type SyNICTimer
    func (in *SyNICTimer) DeepCopy() *SyNICTimer
    func (in *SyNICTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *SyNICTimer)
    func (SyNICTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type SyncEvent
    func (s SyncEvent) String() string
type SysprepSource
    func (in *SysprepSource) DeepCopy() *SysprepSource
    func (in *SysprepSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SysprepSource)
    func (SysprepSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type TLSConfiguration
    func (in *TLSConfiguration) DeepCopy() *TLSConfiguration
    func (in *TLSConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *TLSConfiguration)
    func (TLSConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type TLSProtocolVersion
type TPMDevice
    func (in *TPMDevice) DeepCopy() *TPMDevice
    func (in *TPMDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *TPMDevice)
    func (TPMDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Timer
    func (in *Timer) DeepCopy() *Timer
    func (in *Timer) DeepCopyInto(out *Timer)
    func (Timer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type TokenBucketRateLimiter
    func (in *TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopy() *TokenBucketRateLimiter
    func (in *TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenBucketRateLimiter)
    func (TokenBucketRateLimiter) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type TopologyHints
    func (in *TopologyHints) DeepCopy() *TopologyHints
    func (in *TopologyHints) DeepCopyInto(out *TopologyHints)
    func (TopologyHints) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type TrayState
type USBHostDevice
    func (in *USBHostDevice) DeepCopy() *USBHostDevice
    func (in *USBHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *USBHostDevice)
    func (USBHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type USBSelector
    func (in *USBSelector) DeepCopy() *USBSelector
    func (in *USBSelector) DeepCopyInto(out *USBSelector)
    func (USBSelector) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type UnpauseOptions
    func (in *UnpauseOptions) DeepCopy() *UnpauseOptions
    func (in *UnpauseOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *UnpauseOptions)
    func (UnpauseOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type UpdateVolumesStrategy
type UserPasswordAccessCredential
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredential
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredential)
    func (UserPasswordAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod)
    func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource
    func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource)
    func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VGPUDisplayOptions
    func (in *VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopy() *VGPUDisplayOptions
    func (in *VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VGPUDisplayOptions)
    func (VGPUDisplayOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VGPUOptions
    func (in *VGPUOptions) DeepCopy() *VGPUOptions
    func (in *VGPUOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VGPUOptions)
    func (VGPUOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VMISelector
    func (in *VMISelector) DeepCopy() *VMISelector
    func (in *VMISelector) DeepCopyInto(out *VMISelector)
    func (VMISelector) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VMRolloutStrategy
type VSOCKOptions
    func (in *VSOCKOptions) DeepCopy() *VSOCKOptions
    func (in *VSOCKOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VSOCKOptions)
    func (VSOCKOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachine
    func NewVMReferenceFromNameWithNS(namespace string, name string) *VirtualMachine
    func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachine
    func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachine)
    func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (vm *VirtualMachine) RunStrategy() (VirtualMachineRunStrategy, error)
    func (VirtualMachine) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineCondition)
    func (VirtualMachineCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineConditionType
type VirtualMachineInstance
    func NewVMI(name string, uid types.UID) *VirtualMachineInstance
    func NewVMIReferenceFromName(name string) *VirtualMachineInstance
    func NewVMIReferenceFromNameWithNS(namespace string, name string) *VirtualMachineInstance
    func NewVMIReferenceWithUUID(namespace string, name string, uuid types.UID) *VirtualMachineInstance
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstance
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstance)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsBlockMigration() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsBootloaderEFI() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsCPUDedicated() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsFinal() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsHighPerformanceVMI() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForDeletion() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForEviction() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMigratable() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsRealtimeEnabled() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsRunning() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduled() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduling() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnknown() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnprocessed() bool
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error)
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) ShouldStartPaused() bool
    func (VirtualMachineInstance) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
    func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) WantsToHaveQOSGuaranteed() bool
type VirtualMachineInstanceCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType
type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigration
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsFinal() bool
    func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsRunning() bool
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
    func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsCreated() bool
    func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsHandedOff() bool
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationTransport
type VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstancePhase
type VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp)
    func (VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstancePreset
    func NewVirtualMachinePreset(name string, selector metav1.LabelSelector) *VirtualMachineInstancePreset
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePreset
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePreset)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstancePreset) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstancePresetList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceProfile
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
    func (vmiSpec *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VirtualMachineInstanceStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineList
    func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineList
    func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineList)
    func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
    func (VirtualMachineList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest)
    func (VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineOptions
    func (in *VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineOptions
    func (in *VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineOptions)
    func (VirtualMachineOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachinePrintableStatus
type VirtualMachineRunStrategy
type VirtualMachineSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineSpec
    func (in *VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineSpec)
    func (VirtualMachineSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineStartFailure
    func (in *VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStartFailure
    func (in *VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStartFailure)
    func (VirtualMachineStartFailure) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest)
    func (VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStatus
    func (in *VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStatus)
    func (VirtualMachineStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VirtualMachineVolumeRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest
    func (in *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest)
    func (VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Volume
    func (in *Volume) DeepCopy() *Volume
    func (in *Volume) DeepCopyInto(out *Volume)
    func (Volume) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VolumeMigrationState
    func (in *VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopy() *VolumeMigrationState
    func (in *VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeMigrationState)
    func (VolumeMigrationState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VolumePhase
type VolumeSnapshotStatus
    func (in *VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopy() *VolumeSnapshotStatus
    func (in *VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeSnapshotStatus)
    func (VolumeSnapshotStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VolumeSource
    func (in *VolumeSource) DeepCopy() *VolumeSource
    func (in *VolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeSource)
    func (VolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VolumeStatus
    func (in *VolumeStatus) DeepCopy() *VolumeStatus
    func (in *VolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeStatus)
    func (VolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type VolumeUpdateState
    func (in *VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopy() *VolumeUpdateState
    func (in *VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeUpdateState)
    func (VolumeUpdateState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type Watchdog
    func (in *Watchdog) DeepCopy() *Watchdog
    func (in *Watchdog) DeepCopyInto(out *Watchdog)
    func (Watchdog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type WatchdogAction
type WatchdogDevice
    func (in *WatchdogDevice) DeepCopy() *WatchdogDevice
    func (in *WatchdogDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *WatchdogDevice)
    func (WatchdogDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string
type WorkloadUpdateMethod

Package files

componentconfig.go deepcopy_generated.go defaults.go doc.go register.go sanitizers.go schema.go schema_swagger_generated.go types.go types_swagger_generated.go zz_generated.defaults.go


const (
    IOThreadsPolicyShared  IOThreadsPolicy = "shared"
    IOThreadsPolicyAuto    IOThreadsPolicy = "auto"
    CPUModeHostPassthrough                 = "host-passthrough"
    CPUModeHostModel                       = "host-model"
    DefaultCPUModel                        = CPUModeHostModel
const (
    // HPETTickPolicyDelay delivers ticks at a constant rate. The guest time will
    // be delayed due to the late tick
    HPETTickPolicyDelay HPETTickPolicy = "delay"
    // HPETTickPolicyCatchup Delivers ticks at a higher rate to catch up with the
    // missed tick. The guest time should not be delayed once catchup is complete
    HPETTickPolicyCatchup HPETTickPolicy = "catchup"
    // HPETTickPolicyMerge merges the missed tick(s) into one tick and inject. The
    // guest time may be delayed, depending on how the OS reacts to the merging
    // of ticks.
    HPETTickPolicyMerge HPETTickPolicy = "merge"
    // HPETTickPolicyDiscard discards all missed ticks.
    HPETTickPolicyDiscard HPETTickPolicy = "discard"

    // PITTickPolicyDelay delivers ticks at a constant rate. The guest time will
    // be delayed due to the late tick.
    PITTickPolicyDelay PITTickPolicy = "delay"
    // PITTickPolicyCatchup Delivers ticks at a higher rate to catch up with the
    // missed tick. The guest time should not be delayed once catchup is complete.
    PITTickPolicyCatchup PITTickPolicy = "catchup"
    // PITTickPolicyDiscard discards all missed ticks.
    PITTickPolicyDiscard PITTickPolicy = "discard"

    // RTCTickPolicyDelay delivers ticks at a constant rate. The guest time will
    // be delayed due to the late tick.
    RTCTickPolicyDelay RTCTickPolicy = "delay"
    // RTCTickPolicyCatchup Delivers ticks at a higher rate to catch up with the
    // missed tick. The guest time should not be delayed once catchup is complete.
    RTCTickPolicyCatchup RTCTickPolicy = "catchup"

These are valid reasons for VMI conditions.

const (
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's disks collection
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonDisksNotMigratable = "DisksNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's network interfaces collection
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonInterfaceNotMigratable = "InterfaceNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because it uses hotplug
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonHotplugNotMigratable = "HotplugNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's CPU mode
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonCPUModeNotMigratable = "CPUModeLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it uses virtiofs
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonVirtIOFSNotMigratable = "VirtIOFSNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it uses PCI host devices
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonHostDeviceNotMigratable = "HostDeviceNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it uses Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonSEVNotMigratable = "SEVNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it uses HyperV Reenlightenment while TSC Frequency is not available
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonNoTSCFrequencyMigratable = "NoTSCFrequencyNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it uses HyperV Reenlightenment while TSC Frequency is not available
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonHypervPassthroughNotMigratable = "HypervPassthroughNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that VMI is not live migratable because it requested SCSI persitent reservation
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonPRNotMigratable = "PersistentReservationNotLiveMigratable"
    // Reason means that not all of the VMI's DVs are ready
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonNotAllDVsReady = "NotAllDVsReady"
    // Reason means that all of the VMI's DVs are bound and not running
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonAllDVsReady = "AllDVsReady"
    // Indicates a generic reason that the VMI isn't migratable and more details are spiecified in the condition message.
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonNotMigratable = "NotMigratable"
    // Reason means that the volume update change was cancelled
    VirtualMachineInstanceReasonVolumesChangeCancellation = "VolumesChangeCancellation"
const (
    // PodTerminatingReason indicates on the Ready condition on the VMI if the underlying pod is terminating
    PodTerminatingReason = "PodTerminating"

    // PodNotExistsReason indicates on the Ready condition on the VMI if the underlying pod does not exist
    PodNotExistsReason = "PodNotExists"

    // PodConditionMissingReason indicates on the Ready condition on the VMI if the underlying pod does not report a Ready condition
    PodConditionMissingReason = "PodConditionMissing"

    // GuestNotRunningReason indicates on the Ready condition on the VMI if the underlying guest VM is not running
    GuestNotRunningReason = "GuestNotRunning"
const (
    // AppLabel and AppName labels marks resources that belong to KubeVirt. An optional value
    // may indicate which specific KubeVirt component a resource belongs to.
    AppLabel string = "kubevirt.io"
    AppName  string = "name"
    // This annotation is used to match virtual machine instances represented as
    // libvirt XML domains with their pods. Among other things, the annotation is
    // used to detect virtual machines with dead pods. Used on Pod.
    DomainAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/domain"
    // Represents the name of the migration job this target pod is associated with
    MigrationJobNameAnnotation                    string = "kubevirt.io/migrationJobName"
    ControllerAPILatestVersionObservedAnnotation  string = "kubevirt.io/latest-observed-api-version"
    ControllerAPIStorageVersionObservedAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/storage-observed-api-version"
    // Used by functional tests to force a VMI to fail the migration internally within launcher
    FuncTestForceLauncherMigrationFailureAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-force-launcher-migration-failure"
    // Used by functional tests to prevent virt launcher from finishing the target pod preparation.
    FuncTestBlockLauncherPrepareMigrationTargetAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-block-migration-target-preparation"

    // Used by functional tests set custom image on migration target pod
    FuncTestMigrationTargetImageOverrideAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-migration-target-image-override"

    // Used by functional tests to simulate virt-launcher crash looping
    FuncTestLauncherFailFastAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-virt-launcher-fail-fast"

    // Used by functional tests to ignore backoff applied to migrations
    FuncTestForceIgnoreMigrationBackoffAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-ignore-migration-backoff"

    // Used by functional tests to simulate memory hotplug failing
    FuncTestMemoryHotplugFailAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/func-test-memory-hotplug-fail"

    // This label is used to match virtual machine instance IDs with pods.
    // Similar to kubevirt.io/domain. Used on Pod.
    // Internal use only.
    CreatedByLabel string = "kubevirt.io/created-by"
    // This label is used to indicate that this pod is the target of a migration job.
    MigrationJobLabel string = "kubevirt.io/migrationJobUID"
    // This label indicates the migration name that a PDB is protecting.
    MigrationNameLabel string = "kubevirt.io/migrationName"
    // This label describes which cluster node runs the virtual machine
    // instance. Needed because with CRDs we can't use field selectors. Used on
    // VirtualMachineInstance.
    NodeNameLabel string = "kubevirt.io/nodeName"
    // This label describes which cluster node runs the target Pod for a Virtual
    // Machine Instance migration job. Needed because with CRDs we can't use field
    // selectors. Used on VirtualMachineInstance.
    MigrationTargetNodeNameLabel string = "kubevirt.io/migrationTargetNodeName"
    // This annotation indicates that a migration is the result of an
    // automated evacuation
    EvacuationMigrationAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/evacuationMigration"
    // This annotation indicates that a migration is the result of an
    // automated workload update
    WorkloadUpdateMigrationAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/workloadUpdateMigration"
    // This annotation indicates to abort any migration due to an automated
    // workload update. It should only be used for testing purposes.
    WorkloadUpdateMigrationAbortionAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/testWorkloadUpdateMigrationAbortion"
    // This label declares whether a particular node is available for
    // scheduling virtual machine instances on it. Used on Node.
    NodeSchedulable string = "kubevirt.io/schedulable"
    // This annotation is regularly updated by virt-handler to help determine
    // if a particular node is alive and hence should be available for new
    // virtual machine instance scheduling. Used on Node.
    VirtHandlerHeartbeat string = "kubevirt.io/heartbeat"
    // This label indicates what launcher image a VMI is currently running with.
    OutdatedLauncherImageLabel string = "kubevirt.io/outdatedLauncherImage"
    // Namespace recommended by Kubernetes for commonly recognized labels
    AppLabelPrefix = "app.kubernetes.io"
    // This label is commonly used by 3rd party management tools to identify
    // an application's name.
    AppNameLabel = AppLabelPrefix + "/name"
    // This label is commonly used by 3rd party management tools to identify
    // an application's version.
    AppVersionLabel = AppLabelPrefix + "/version"
    // This label is commonly used by 3rd party management tools to identify
    // a higher level application.
    AppPartOfLabel = AppLabelPrefix + "/part-of"
    // This label is commonly used by 3rd party management tools to identify
    // the component this application is a part of.
    AppComponentLabel = AppLabelPrefix + "/component"
    // This label identifies each resource as part of KubeVirt
    AppComponent = "kubevirt"
    // This label will be set on all resources created by the operator
    ManagedByLabel                 = AppLabelPrefix + "/managed-by"
    ManagedByLabelOperatorValue    = "virt-operator"
    ManagedByLabelOperatorOldValue = "kubevirt-operator"
    // This annotation represents the kubevirt version for an install strategy configmap.
    InstallStrategyVersionAnnotation = "kubevirt.io/install-strategy-version"
    // This annotation represents the kubevirt registry used for an install strategy configmap.
    InstallStrategyRegistryAnnotation = "kubevirt.io/install-strategy-registry"
    // This annotation represents the kubevirt deployment identifier used for an install strategy configmap.
    InstallStrategyIdentifierAnnotation = "kubevirt.io/install-strategy-identifier"
    // This annotation shows the enconding used for the manifests in the Install Strategy ConfigMap.
    InstallStrategyConfigMapEncoding = "kubevirt.io/install-strategy-cm-encoding"
    // This annotation is a hash of all customizations that live under spec.CustomizeComponents
    KubeVirtCustomizeComponentAnnotationHash = "kubevirt.io/customizer-identifier"
    // This annotation represents the kubevirt generation that was used to create a resource
    KubeVirtGenerationAnnotation = "kubevirt.io/generation"
    // This annotation represents that this object is for temporary use during updates
    EphemeralBackupObject = "kubevirt.io/ephemeral-backup-object"
    // This annotation represents that the annotated object is for temporary use during pod/volume provisioning
    EphemeralProvisioningObject string = "kubevirt.io/ephemeral-provisioning"

    // This label indicates the object is a part of the install strategy retrieval process.
    InstallStrategyLabel = "kubevirt.io/install-strategy"

    // Set by virt-operator to coordinate component deletion
    VirtOperatorComponentFinalizer string = "kubevirt.io/virtOperatorFinalizer"

    // Set by VMI controller to ensure VMIs are processed during deletion
    VirtualMachineInstanceFinalizer string = "foregroundDeleteVirtualMachine"
    // Set By VM controller on VMIs to ensure VMIs are processed by VM controller during deletion
    VirtualMachineControllerFinalizer        string = "kubevirt.io/virtualMachineControllerFinalize"
    VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationFinalizer string = "kubevirt.io/migrationJobFinalize"
    CPUManager                               string = "cpumanager"
    // This annotation is used to inject ignition data
    // Used on VirtualMachineInstance.
    IgnitionAnnotation           string = "kubevirt.io/ignitiondata"
    PlacePCIDevicesOnRootComplex string = "kubevirt.io/placePCIDevicesOnRootComplex"

    // This label represents supported cpu features on the node
    CPUFeatureLabel = "cpu-feature.node.kubevirt.io/"
    // This label represents supported cpu models on the node
    CPUModelLabel                  = "cpu-model.node.kubevirt.io/"
    SupportedHostModelMigrationCPU = "cpu-model-migration.node.kubevirt.io/"
    CPUTimerLabel                  = "cpu-timer.node.kubevirt.io/"
    // This label represents supported HyperV features on the node
    HypervLabel = "hyperv.node.kubevirt.io/"
    // This label represents vendor of cpu model on the node
    CPUModelVendorLabel = "cpu-vendor.node.kubevirt.io/"

    VirtIO = "virtio"

    // This label represents the host model CPU name
    HostModelCPULabel = "host-model-cpu.node.kubevirt.io/"
    // This label represents the host model required features
    HostModelRequiredFeaturesLabel = "host-model-required-features.node.kubevirt.io/"
    NodeHostModelIsObsoleteLabel   = "node-labeller.kubevirt.io/obsolete-host-model"

    LabellerSkipNodeAnnotation        = "node-labeller.kubevirt.io/skip-node"
    VirtualMachineLabel               = AppLabel + "/vm"
    MemfdMemoryBackend         string = "kubevirt.io/memfd"

    MigrationSelectorLabel = "kubevirt.io/vmi-name"

    // This annotation represents vmi running nonroot implementation
    DeprecatedNonRootVMIAnnotation = "kubevirt.io/nonroot"

    // This annotation is to keep virt launcher container alive when an VMI encounters a failure for debugging purpose
    KeepLauncherAfterFailureAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/keep-launcher-alive-after-failure"

    // MigrationTransportUnixAnnotation means that the VMI will be migrated using the unix URI
    MigrationTransportUnixAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/migrationTransportUnix"

    // MigrationUnschedulablePodTimeoutSecondsAnnotation represents a custom timeout period used for unschedulable target pods
    // This exists for functional testing
    MigrationUnschedulablePodTimeoutSecondsAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/migrationUnschedulablePodTimeoutSeconds"

    // MigrationPendingPodTimeoutSecondsAnnotation represents a custom timeout period used for target pods stuck in pending for any reason
    // This exists for functional testing
    MigrationPendingPodTimeoutSecondsAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/migrationPendingPodTimeoutSeconds"

    // CustomLibvirtLogFiltersAnnotation can be used to customized libvirt log filters. Example value could be
    // "3:remote 4:event 3:util.json 3:util.object 3:util.dbus 3:util.netlink 3:node_device 3:rpc 3:access 1:*".
    // For more info: https://libvirt.org/kbase/debuglogs.html
    CustomLibvirtLogFiltersAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/libvirt-log-filters"

    // RealtimeLabel marks the node as capable of running realtime workloads
    RealtimeLabel string = "kubevirt.io/realtime"

    // VirtualMachineUnpaused is a custom pod condition set for the virt-launcher pod.
    // It's used as a readiness gate to prevent paused VMs from being marked as ready.
    VirtualMachineUnpaused k8sv1.PodConditionType = "kubevirt.io/virtual-machine-unpaused"

    // SEVLabel marks the node as capable of running workloads with SEV
    SEVLabel string = "kubevirt.io/sev"

    // SEVESLabel marks the node as capable of running workloads with SEV-ES
    SEVESLabel string = "kubevirt.io/sev-es"

    // KSMEnabledLabel marks the node as KSM-handling enabled
    KSMEnabledLabel string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-enabled"

    // KSMHandlerManagedAnnotation is an annotation used to mark the nodes where the virt-handler has enabled the ksm
    KSMHandlerManagedAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-handler-managed"

    // KSM debug annotations to override default constants
    KSMPagesBoostOverride      string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-pages-boost-override"
    KSMPagesDecayOverride      string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-pages-decay-override"
    KSMPagesMinOverride        string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-pages-min-override"
    KSMPagesMaxOverride        string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-pages-max-override"
    KSMPagesInitOverride       string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-pages-init-override"
    KSMSleepMsBaselineOverride string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-sleep-ms-baseline-override"
    KSMFreePercentOverride     string = "kubevirt.io/ksm-free-percent-override"

    // InstancetypeAnnotation is the name of a VirtualMachineInstancetype
    InstancetypeAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/instancetype-name"

    // ClusterInstancetypeAnnotation is the name of a VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype
    ClusterInstancetypeAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/cluster-instancetype-name"

    // InstancetypeAnnotation is the name of a VirtualMachinePreference
    PreferenceAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/preference-name"

    // ClusterInstancetypeAnnotation is the name of a VirtualMachinePreferenceInstancetype
    ClusterPreferenceAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/cluster-preference-name"

    // VirtualMachinePoolRevisionName is used to store the vmpool revision's name this object
    // originated from.
    VirtualMachinePoolRevisionName string = "kubevirt.io/vm-pool-revision-name"

    // VirtualMachineNameLabel is the name of the Virtual Machine
    VirtualMachineNameLabel string = "vm.kubevirt.io/name"

    // PVCMemoryDumpAnnotation is the name of the memory dump representing the vm name,
    // pvc name and the timestamp the memory dump was collected
    PVCMemoryDumpAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/memory-dump"

    // AllowPodBridgeNetworkLiveMigrationAnnotation allow to run live migration when the
    // vm has the pod networking bind with a bridge
    AllowPodBridgeNetworkLiveMigrationAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/allow-pod-bridge-network-live-migration"

    // VirtualMachineGenerationAnnotation is the generation of a Virtual Machine.
    VirtualMachineGenerationAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/vm-generation"

    // MigrationTargetReadyTimestamp indicates the time at which the target node
    // detected that the VMI became active on the target during live migration.
    MigrationTargetReadyTimestamp string = "kubevirt.io/migration-target-ready-timestamp"

    // FreePageReportingDisabledAnnotation indicates if the the vmi wants to explicitly disable
    // the freePageReporting feature of the memballooning.
    // This annotation only allows to opt-out from freePageReporting in those cases where it is
    // enabled (no high performance vmis).
    // This annotation does not allow to enable freePageReporting for high performance vmis,
    // in which freePageReporting is always disabled.
    FreePageReportingDisabledAnnotation string = "kubevirt.io/free-page-reporting-disabled"

    // VirtualMachinePodCPULimitsLabel indicates VMI pod CPU resource limits
    VirtualMachinePodCPULimitsLabel string = "kubevirt.io/vmi-pod-cpu-resource-limits"
    // VirtualMachinePodMemoryRequestsLabel indicates VMI pod Memory resource requests
    VirtualMachinePodMemoryRequestsLabel string = "kubevirt.io/vmi-pod-memory-resource-requests"
    // MemoryHotplugOverheadRatioLabel indicates the guest memory overhead ratio required
    // to correctly compute the target pod memory requests when doing memory hotplug.
    // The label is used to store this value when memory hotplug is requested as it may change
    // between the creation of the target pod and when the evaluation of `MemoryHotplugReadyLabel`
    // happens.
    MemoryHotplugOverheadRatioLabel string = "kubevirt.io/memory-hotplug-overhead-ratio"

    // AutoMemoryLimitsRatioLabel allows to use a custom ratio for auto memory limits calculation.
    // Must be a float >= 1.
    AutoMemoryLimitsRatioLabel string = "alpha.kubevirt.io/auto-memory-limits-ratio"

    // MigrationInterfaceName is an arbitrary name used in virt-handler to connect it to a dedicated migration network
    MigrationInterfaceName string = "migration0"

    // EmulatorThreadCompleteToEvenParity alpha annotation will cause Kubevirt to complete the VMI's CPU count to an even parity when IsolateEmulatorThread options are requested
    EmulatorThreadCompleteToEvenParity string = "alpha.kubevirt.io/EmulatorThreadCompleteToEvenParity"

    // VolumesUpdateMigration indicates that the migration copies and update
    // the volumes
    VolumesUpdateMigration string = "kubevirt.io/volume-update-migration"

    // ImmediateDataVolumeCreation indicates that the data volumes should be created immediately
    // Even if the VM is halted
    ImmediateDataVolumeCreation string = "kubevirt.io/immediate-data-volume-creation"
const (
    // CacheNone - I/O from the guest is not cached on the host, but may be kept in a writeback disk cache.
    CacheNone DriverCache = "none"
    // CacheWriteThrough - I/O from the guest is cached on the host but written through to the physical medium.
    CacheWriteThrough DriverCache = "writethrough"
    // CacheWriteBack - I/O from the guest is cached on the host.
    CacheWriteBack DriverCache = "writeback"

    // IOThreads - User mode based threads with a shared lock that perform I/O tasks. Can impact performance but offers
    // more predictable behaviour. This method is also takes fewer CPU cycles to submit I/O requests.
    IOThreads DriverIO = "threads"
    // IONative - Kernel native I/O tasks (AIO) offer a better performance but can block the VM if the file is not fully
    // allocated so this method recommended only when the backing file/disk/etc is fully preallocated.
    IONative DriverIO = "native"
const (
    StartRequestDataPausedKey  string = "paused"
    StartRequestDataPausedTrue string = "true"
const (
    PCIResourcePrefix  = "PCI_RESOURCE"
    MDevResourcePrefix = "MDEV_PCI_RESOURCE"
    USBResourcePrefix  = "USB_RESOURCE"
const DefaultGracePeriodSeconds int64 = 30
const HotplugDiskDir = "/var/run/kubevirt/hotplug-disks/"
const KubeVirtClientGoSchemeRegistrationVersionEnvVar = "KUBEVIRT_CLIENT_GO_SCHEME_REGISTRATION_VERSION"
const SubresourceGroupName = "subresources.kubevirt.io"

Represents the upper limit allowed by QEMU + KubeVirt.

const (
    UsbClientPassthroughMaxNumberOf = 4

Annotations in the KubeVirt custom resource are used to modify KubeVirt's behavior, often serving as workarounds for bugs in other layers.

const (
    // VGADisplayForEFIGuestsX86Annotation when set, x86 EFI guests will be started with VGA display instead of Bochs
    VGADisplayForEFIGuestsX86Annotation string = "kubevirt.io/vga-display-efi-x86"


var (
    ApiLatestVersion            = "v1"
    ApiSupportedWebhookVersions = []string{"v1alpha3", "v1"}
    ApiStorageVersion           = "v1"
    ApiSupportedVersions        = []extv1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{
            Name:    "v1",
            Served:  true,
            Storage: true,
            Name:               "v1alpha3",
            Served:             true,
            Storage:            false,
            Deprecated:         true,
            DeprecationWarning: pointer.String("kubevirt.io/v1alpha3 is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release."),
var (
    // GroupVersion is the latest group version for the KubeVirt api
    GroupVersion       = schema.GroupVersion{Group: core.GroupName, Version: ApiLatestVersion}
    SchemeGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{Group: core.GroupName, Version: ApiLatestVersion}

    // StorageGroupVersion is the group version our api is persistented internally as
    StorageGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{Group: core.GroupName, Version: ApiStorageVersion}

    // GroupVersions is group version list used to register these objects
    // The preferred group version is the first item in the list.
    GroupVersions = []schema.GroupVersion{{Group: core.GroupName, Version: "v1"}, {Group: core.GroupName, Version: "v1alpha3"}}

    // SubresourceGroupVersions is group version list used to register these objects
    // The preferred group version is the first item in the list.
    SubresourceGroupVersions = []schema.GroupVersion{{Group: SubresourceGroupName, Version: ApiLatestVersion}, {Group: SubresourceGroupName, Version: "v1alpha3"}}

    // SubresourceStorageGroupVersion is the group version our api is persistented internally as
    SubresourceStorageGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{Group: SubresourceGroupName, Version: ApiStorageVersion}
var (
    // GroupVersionKind
    VirtualMachineInstanceGroupVersionKind           = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "VirtualMachineInstance"}
    VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetGroupVersionKind = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet"}
    VirtualMachineInstancePresetGroupVersionKind     = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "VirtualMachineInstancePreset"}
    VirtualMachineGroupVersionKind                   = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "VirtualMachine"}
    VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationGroupVersionKind  = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "VirtualMachineInstanceMigration"}
    KubeVirtGroupVersionKind                         = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: core.GroupName, Version: GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "KubeVirt"}
var (
    SchemeBuilder = runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(AddKnownTypesGenerator([]schema.GroupVersion{GroupVersion}))
    AddToScheme   = SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme

func AddKnownTypesGenerator

func AddKnownTypesGenerator(groupVersions []schema.GroupVersion) func(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error

func Kind

func Kind(kind string) schema.GroupKind

Kind takes an unqualified kind and returns back a Group qualified GroupKind

func PrepareVMINodeAntiAffinitySelectorRequirement

func PrepareVMINodeAntiAffinitySelectorRequirement(vmi *VirtualMachineInstance) k8sv1.NodeSelectorRequirement

Given a VirtualMachineInstance, create a NodeSelectorTerm with anti-affinity for that VirtualMachineInstance's node. This is useful for the case when a migration away from a node must occur.

func RegisterDefaults

func RegisterDefaults(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error

RegisterDefaults adds defaulters functions to the given scheme. Public to allow building arbitrary schemes. All generated defaulters are covering - they call all nested defaulters.

func Resource

func Resource(resource string) schema.GroupResource

Resource takes an unqualified resource and returns a Group qualified GroupResource

func SetDefaults_CDRomTarget

func SetDefaults_CDRomTarget(obj *CDRomTarget)

func SetDefaults_DiskDevice

func SetDefaults_DiskDevice(obj *DiskDevice)

func SetDefaults_FeatureAPIC

func SetDefaults_FeatureAPIC(obj *FeatureAPIC)

func SetDefaults_FeatureSpinlocks

func SetDefaults_FeatureSpinlocks(obj *FeatureSpinlocks)

func SetDefaults_FeatureState

func SetDefaults_FeatureState(obj *FeatureState)

func SetDefaults_FeatureVendorID

func SetDefaults_FeatureVendorID(obj *FeatureVendorID)

func SetDefaults_Firmware

func SetDefaults_Firmware(obj *Firmware)

func SetDefaults_HPETTimer

func SetDefaults_HPETTimer(obj *HPETTimer)

func SetDefaults_HypervTimer

func SetDefaults_HypervTimer(obj *HypervTimer)

func SetDefaults_I6300ESBWatchdog

func SetDefaults_I6300ESBWatchdog(obj *I6300ESBWatchdog)

func SetDefaults_KVMTimer

func SetDefaults_KVMTimer(obj *KVMTimer)

func SetDefaults_PITTimer

func SetDefaults_PITTimer(obj *PITTimer)

func SetDefaults_Probe

func SetDefaults_Probe(probe *Probe)

func SetDefaults_RTCTimer

func SetDefaults_RTCTimer(obj *RTCTimer)

func SetDefaults_SyNICTimer

func SetDefaults_SyNICTimer(obj *SyNICTimer)

func SetDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance

func SetDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance(obj *VirtualMachineInstance)

func SetDefaults_Watchdog

func SetDefaults_Watchdog(obj *Watchdog)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachine

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachine(in *VirtualMachine)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstance(in *VirtualMachineInstance)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceList

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceList(in *VirtualMachineInstanceList)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePreset

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePreset(in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePresetList

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstancePresetList(in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet(in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList(in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList)

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineList

func SetObjectDefaults_VirtualMachineList(in *VirtualMachineList)

func UpdateAntiAffinityFromVMINode

func UpdateAntiAffinityFromVMINode(pod *k8sv1.Pod, vmi *VirtualMachineInstance) *k8sv1.Affinity

Given a VirtualMachineInstance, update all NodeSelectorTerms with anti-affinity for that VirtualMachineInstance's node. This is useful for the case when a migration away from a node must occur. This method returns the full Affinity structure updated the anti affinity terms

type ACPI

type ACPI struct {
    // SlicNameRef should match the volume name of a secret object. The data in the secret should
    // be a binary blob that follows the ACPI SLIC standard, see:
    // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/hardware/design/dn653305(v=vs.85)
    SlicNameRef string `json:"slicNameRef,omitempty"`

func (*ACPI) DeepCopy

func (in *ACPI) DeepCopy() *ACPI

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ACPI.

func (*ACPI) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ACPI) DeepCopyInto(out *ACPI)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ACPI) SwaggerDoc

func (ACPI) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type AccessCredential

AccessCredential represents a credential source that can be used to authorize remote access to the vm guest Only one of its members may be specified.

type AccessCredential struct {
    // SSHPublicKey represents the source and method of applying a ssh public
    // key into a guest virtual machine.
    // +optional
    SSHPublicKey *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential `json:"sshPublicKey,omitempty"`
    // UserPassword represents the source and method for applying a guest user's
    // password
    // +optional
    UserPassword *UserPasswordAccessCredential `json:"userPassword,omitempty"`

func (*AccessCredential) DeepCopy

func (in *AccessCredential) DeepCopy() *AccessCredential

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new AccessCredential.

func (*AccessCredential) DeepCopyInto

func (in *AccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *AccessCredential)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (AccessCredential) SwaggerDoc

func (AccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type AccessCredentialSecretSource

type AccessCredentialSecretSource struct {
    // SecretName represents the name of the secret in the VMI's namespace
    SecretName string `json:"secretName"`

func (*AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopy

func (in *AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopy() *AccessCredentialSecretSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new AccessCredentialSecretSource.

func (*AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *AccessCredentialSecretSource) DeepCopyInto(out *AccessCredentialSecretSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (AccessCredentialSecretSource) SwaggerDoc

func (AccessCredentialSecretSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type AddVolumeOptions

AddVolumeOptions is provided when dynamically hot plugging a volume and disk

type AddVolumeOptions struct {
    // Name represents the name that will be used to map the
    // disk to the corresponding volume. This overrides any name
    // set inside the Disk struct itself.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Disk represents the hotplug disk that will be plugged into the running VMI
    Disk *Disk `json:"disk"`
    // VolumeSource represents the source of the volume to map to the disk.
    VolumeSource *HotplugVolumeSource `json:"volumeSource"`
    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty"`

func (*AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopy() *AddVolumeOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new AddVolumeOptions.

func (*AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *AddVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *AddVolumeOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (AddVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (AddVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ArchConfiguration

type ArchConfiguration struct {
    Amd64               *ArchSpecificConfiguration `json:"amd64,omitempty"`
    Arm64               *ArchSpecificConfiguration `json:"arm64,omitempty"`
    Ppc64le             *ArchSpecificConfiguration `json:"ppc64le,omitempty"`
    DefaultArchitecture string                     `json:"defaultArchitecture,omitempty"`

func (*ArchConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *ArchConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ArchConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ArchConfiguration.

func (*ArchConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ArchConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ArchConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ArchConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (ArchConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ArchSpecificConfiguration

type ArchSpecificConfiguration struct {
    OVMFPath string `json:"ovmfPath,omitempty"`
    // +listType=atomic
    EmulatedMachines []string `json:"emulatedMachines,omitempty,flow"`
    MachineType      string   `json:"machineType,omitempty"`

func (*ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ArchSpecificConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ArchSpecificConfiguration.

func (*ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ArchSpecificConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ArchSpecificConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ArchSpecificConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (ArchSpecificConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type AuthorizedKeysFile

AuthorizedKeysFile represents a path within the guest that ssh public keys should be propagated to

type AuthorizedKeysFile struct {
    // FilePath represents the place on the guest that the authorized_keys
    // file should be writen to. This is expected to be a full path including
    // both the base directory and file name.
    FilePath string `json:"filePath"`

func (*AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopy

func (in *AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopy() *AuthorizedKeysFile

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new AuthorizedKeysFile.

func (*AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopyInto

func (in *AuthorizedKeysFile) DeepCopyInto(out *AuthorizedKeysFile)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (AuthorizedKeysFile) SwaggerDoc

func (AuthorizedKeysFile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type BIOS

If set (default), BIOS will be used.

type BIOS struct {
    // If set, the BIOS output will be transmitted over serial
    // +optional
    UseSerial *bool `json:"useSerial,omitempty"`

func (*BIOS) DeepCopy

func (in *BIOS) DeepCopy() *BIOS

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new BIOS.

func (*BIOS) DeepCopyInto

func (in *BIOS) DeepCopyInto(out *BIOS)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (BIOS) SwaggerDoc

func (BIOS) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type BlockSize

BlockSize provides the option to change the block size presented to the VM for a disk. Only one of its members may be specified.

type BlockSize struct {
    Custom      *CustomBlockSize `json:"custom,omitempty"`
    MatchVolume *FeatureState    `json:"matchVolume,omitempty"`

func (*BlockSize) DeepCopy

func (in *BlockSize) DeepCopy() *BlockSize

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new BlockSize.

func (*BlockSize) DeepCopyInto

func (in *BlockSize) DeepCopyInto(out *BlockSize)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (BlockSize) SwaggerDoc

func (BlockSize) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Bootloader

Represents the firmware blob used to assist in the domain creation process. Used for setting the QEMU BIOS file path for the libvirt domain.

type Bootloader struct {
    // If set (default), BIOS will be used.
    // +optional
    BIOS *BIOS `json:"bios,omitempty"`
    // If set, EFI will be used instead of BIOS.
    // +optional
    EFI *EFI `json:"efi,omitempty"`

func (*Bootloader) DeepCopy

func (in *Bootloader) DeepCopy() *Bootloader

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Bootloader.

func (*Bootloader) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Bootloader) DeepCopyInto(out *Bootloader)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Bootloader) SwaggerDoc

func (Bootloader) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CDRomTarget

type CDRomTarget struct {
    // Bus indicates the type of disk device to emulate.
    // supported values: virtio, sata, scsi.
    Bus DiskBus `json:"bus,omitempty"`
    // ReadOnly.
    // Defaults to true.
    ReadOnly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`
    // Tray indicates if the tray of the device is open or closed.
    // Allowed values are "open" and "closed".
    // Defaults to closed.
    // +optional
    Tray TrayState `json:"tray,omitempty"`

func (*CDRomTarget) DeepCopy

func (in *CDRomTarget) DeepCopy() *CDRomTarget

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CDRomTarget.

func (*CDRomTarget) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CDRomTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *CDRomTarget)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CDRomTarget) SwaggerDoc

func (CDRomTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CPU

CPU allows specifying the CPU topology.

type CPU struct {
    // Cores specifies the number of cores inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Cores uint32 `json:"cores,omitempty"`
    // Sockets specifies the number of sockets inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Sockets uint32 `json:"sockets,omitempty"`
    // MaxSockets specifies the maximum amount of sockets that can
    // be hotplugged
    MaxSockets uint32 `json:"maxSockets,omitempty"`
    // Threads specifies the number of threads inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Threads uint32 `json:"threads,omitempty"`
    // Model specifies the CPU model inside the VMI.
    // List of available models https://github.com/libvirt/libvirt/tree/master/src/cpu_map.
    // It is possible to specify special cases like "host-passthrough" to get the same CPU as the node
    // and "host-model" to get CPU closest to the node one.
    // Defaults to host-model.
    // +optional
    Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`
    // Features specifies the CPU features list inside the VMI.
    // +optional
    Features []CPUFeature `json:"features,omitempty"`
    // DedicatedCPUPlacement requests the scheduler to place the VirtualMachineInstance on a node
    // with enough dedicated pCPUs and pin the vCPUs to it.
    // +optional
    DedicatedCPUPlacement bool `json:"dedicatedCpuPlacement,omitempty"`

    // NUMA allows specifying settings for the guest NUMA topology
    // +optional
    NUMA *NUMA `json:"numa,omitempty"`

    // IsolateEmulatorThread requests one more dedicated pCPU to be allocated for the VMI to place
    // the emulator thread on it.
    // +optional
    IsolateEmulatorThread bool `json:"isolateEmulatorThread,omitempty"`
    // Realtime instructs the virt-launcher to tune the VMI for lower latency, optional for real time workloads
    // +optional
    Realtime *Realtime `json:"realtime,omitempty"`

func (*CPU) DeepCopy

func (in *CPU) DeepCopy() *CPU

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CPU.

func (*CPU) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CPU) DeepCopyInto(out *CPU)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CPU) SwaggerDoc

func (CPU) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CPUFeature

CPUFeature allows specifying a CPU feature.

type CPUFeature struct {
    // Name of the CPU feature
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Policy is the CPU feature attribute which can have the following attributes:
    // force    - The virtual CPU will claim the feature is supported regardless of it being supported by host CPU.
    // require  - Guest creation will fail unless the feature is supported by the host CPU or the hypervisor is able to emulate it.
    // optional - The feature will be supported by virtual CPU if and only if it is supported by host CPU.
    // disable  - The feature will not be supported by virtual CPU.
    // forbid   - Guest creation will fail if the feature is supported by host CPU.
    // Defaults to require
    // +optional
    Policy string `json:"policy,omitempty"`

func (*CPUFeature) DeepCopy

func (in *CPUFeature) DeepCopy() *CPUFeature

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CPUFeature.

func (*CPUFeature) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CPUFeature) DeepCopyInto(out *CPUFeature)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CPUFeature) SwaggerDoc

func (CPUFeature) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CPUTopology

CPUTopology allows specifying the amount of cores, sockets and threads.

type CPUTopology struct {
    // Cores specifies the number of cores inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Cores uint32 `json:"cores,omitempty"`
    // Sockets specifies the number of sockets inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Sockets uint32 `json:"sockets,omitempty"`
    // Threads specifies the number of threads inside the vmi.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 1.
    Threads uint32 `json:"threads,omitempty"`

func (*CPUTopology) DeepCopy

func (in *CPUTopology) DeepCopy() *CPUTopology

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CPUTopology.

func (*CPUTopology) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CPUTopology) DeepCopyInto(out *CPUTopology)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CPUTopology) SwaggerDoc

func (CPUTopology) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CertConfig

CertConfig contains the tunables for TLS certificates

type CertConfig struct {
    // The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate.
    Duration *metav1.Duration `json:"duration,omitempty"`

    // The amount of time before the currently issued certificate's "notAfter"
    // time that we will begin to attempt to renew the certificate.
    RenewBefore *metav1.Duration `json:"renewBefore,omitempty"`

func (*CertConfig) DeepCopy

func (in *CertConfig) DeepCopy() *CertConfig

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CertConfig.

func (*CertConfig) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CertConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *CertConfig)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CertConfig) SwaggerDoc

func (CertConfig) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Chassis

Chassis specifies the chassis info passed to the domain.

type Chassis struct {
    Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"`
    Version      string `json:"version,omitempty"`
    Serial       string `json:"serial,omitempty"`
    Asset        string `json:"asset,omitempty"`
    Sku          string `json:"sku,omitempty"`

func (*Chassis) DeepCopy

func (in *Chassis) DeepCopy() *Chassis

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Chassis.

func (*Chassis) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Chassis) DeepCopyInto(out *Chassis)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Chassis) SwaggerDoc

func (Chassis) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ClientPassthroughDevices

Represent a subset of client devices that can be accessed by VMI. At the moment only, USB devices using Usbredir's library and tooling. Another fit would be a smartcard with libcacard.

The struct is currently empty as there is no immediate request for user-facing APIs. This structure simply turns on USB redirection of UsbClientPassthroughMaxNumberOf devices.

type ClientPassthroughDevices struct {

func (*ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopy

func (in *ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopy() *ClientPassthroughDevices

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClientPassthroughDevices.

func (*ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ClientPassthroughDevices) DeepCopyInto(out *ClientPassthroughDevices)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ClientPassthroughDevices) SwaggerDoc

func (ClientPassthroughDevices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Clock

Represents the clock and timers of a vmi. +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields

type Clock struct {
    // ClockOffset allows specifying the UTC offset or the timezone of the guest clock.
    ClockOffset `json:",inline"`
    // Timer specifies whih timers are attached to the vmi.
    // +optional
    Timer *Timer `json:"timer,omitempty"`

func (*Clock) DeepCopy

func (in *Clock) DeepCopy() *Clock

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Clock.

func (*Clock) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Clock) DeepCopyInto(out *Clock)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Clock) SwaggerDoc

func (Clock) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ClockOffset

Exactly one of its members must be set.

type ClockOffset struct {
    // UTC sets the guest clock to UTC on each boot. If an offset is specified,
    // guest changes to the clock will be kept during reboots and are not reset.
    UTC *ClockOffsetUTC `json:"utc,omitempty"`
    // Timezone sets the guest clock to the specified timezone.
    // Zone name follows the TZ environment variable format (e.g. 'America/New_York').
    Timezone *ClockOffsetTimezone `json:"timezone,omitempty"`

func (*ClockOffset) DeepCopy

func (in *ClockOffset) DeepCopy() *ClockOffset

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClockOffset.

func (*ClockOffset) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ClockOffset) DeepCopyInto(out *ClockOffset)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ClockOffset) SwaggerDoc

func (ClockOffset) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ClockOffsetTimezone

ClockOffsetTimezone sets the guest clock to the specified timezone. Zone name follows the TZ environment variable format (e.g. 'America/New_York').

type ClockOffsetTimezone string

type ClockOffsetUTC

UTC sets the guest clock to UTC on each boot.

type ClockOffsetUTC struct {
    // OffsetSeconds specifies an offset in seconds, relative to UTC. If set,
    // guest changes to the clock will be kept during reboots and not reset.
    OffsetSeconds *int `json:"offsetSeconds,omitempty"`

func (*ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopy

func (in *ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopy() *ClockOffsetUTC

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClockOffsetUTC.

func (*ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ClockOffsetUTC) DeepCopyInto(out *ClockOffsetUTC)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ClockOffsetUTC) SwaggerDoc

func (ClockOffsetUTC) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CloudInitConfigDriveSource

Represents a cloud-init config drive user data source. More info: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/configdrive.html

type CloudInitConfigDriveSource struct {
    // UserDataSecretRef references a k8s secret that contains config drive userdata.
    // + optional
    UserDataSecretRef *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"secretRef,omitempty"`
    // UserDataBase64 contains config drive cloud-init userdata as a base64 encoded string.
    // + optional
    UserDataBase64 string `json:"userDataBase64,omitempty"`
    // UserData contains config drive inline cloud-init userdata.
    // + optional
    UserData string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
    // NetworkDataSecretRef references a k8s secret that contains config drive networkdata.
    // + optional
    NetworkDataSecretRef *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"networkDataSecretRef,omitempty"`
    // NetworkDataBase64 contains config drive cloud-init networkdata as a base64 encoded string.
    // + optional
    NetworkDataBase64 string `json:"networkDataBase64,omitempty"`
    // NetworkData contains config drive inline cloud-init networkdata.
    // + optional
    NetworkData string `json:"networkData,omitempty"`

func (*CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopy

func (in *CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopy() *CloudInitConfigDriveSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CloudInitConfigDriveSource.

func (*CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CloudInitConfigDriveSource) DeepCopyInto(out *CloudInitConfigDriveSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CloudInitConfigDriveSource) SwaggerDoc

func (CloudInitConfigDriveSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CloudInitNoCloudSource

Represents a cloud-init nocloud user data source. More info: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html

type CloudInitNoCloudSource struct {
    // UserDataSecretRef references a k8s secret that contains NoCloud userdata.
    // + optional
    UserDataSecretRef *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"secretRef,omitempty"`
    // UserDataBase64 contains NoCloud cloud-init userdata as a base64 encoded string.
    // + optional
    UserDataBase64 string `json:"userDataBase64,omitempty"`
    // UserData contains NoCloud inline cloud-init userdata.
    // + optional
    UserData string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
    // NetworkDataSecretRef references a k8s secret that contains NoCloud networkdata.
    // + optional
    NetworkDataSecretRef *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"networkDataSecretRef,omitempty"`
    // NetworkDataBase64 contains NoCloud cloud-init networkdata as a base64 encoded string.
    // + optional
    NetworkDataBase64 string `json:"networkDataBase64,omitempty"`
    // NetworkData contains NoCloud inline cloud-init networkdata.
    // + optional
    NetworkData string `json:"networkData,omitempty"`

func (*CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopy

func (in *CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopy() *CloudInitNoCloudSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CloudInitNoCloudSource.

func (*CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CloudInitNoCloudSource) DeepCopyInto(out *CloudInitNoCloudSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CloudInitNoCloudSource) SwaggerDoc

func (CloudInitNoCloudSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ClusterProfilerRequest

type ClusterProfilerRequest struct {
    LabelSelector string `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"`
    Continue      string `json:"continue,omitempty"`
    PageSize      int64  `json:"pageSize"`

func (*ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopy

func (in *ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopy() *ClusterProfilerRequest

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClusterProfilerRequest.

func (*ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ClusterProfilerRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *ClusterProfilerRequest)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ClusterProfilerRequest) SwaggerDoc

func (ClusterProfilerRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ClusterProfilerResults

type ClusterProfilerResults struct {
    ComponentResults map[string]ProfilerResult `json:"componentResults"`
    Continue         string                    `json:"continue,omitempty"`

func (*ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopy

func (in *ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopy() *ClusterProfilerResults

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClusterProfilerResults.

func (*ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ClusterProfilerResults) DeepCopyInto(out *ClusterProfilerResults)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ClusterProfilerResults) SwaggerDoc

func (ClusterProfilerResults) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CommonInstancetypesDeployment

type CommonInstancetypesDeployment struct {
    // Enabled controls the deployment of common-instancetypes resources, defaults to True.
    // +nullable
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

func (*CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopy

func (in *CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopy() *CommonInstancetypesDeployment

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CommonInstancetypesDeployment.

func (*CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CommonInstancetypesDeployment) DeepCopyInto(out *CommonInstancetypesDeployment)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CommonInstancetypesDeployment) SwaggerDoc

func (CommonInstancetypesDeployment) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ComponentConfig

type ComponentConfig struct {
    // nodePlacement describes scheduling configuration for specific
    // KubeVirt components
    NodePlacement *NodePlacement `json:"nodePlacement,omitempty"`
    // replicas indicates how many replicas should be created for each KubeVirt infrastructure
    // component (like virt-api or virt-controller). Defaults to 2.
    // WARNING: this is an advanced feature that prevents auto-scaling for core kubevirt components. Please use with caution!
    Replicas *uint8 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`

func (*ComponentConfig) DeepCopy

func (in *ComponentConfig) DeepCopy() *ComponentConfig

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ComponentConfig.

func (*ComponentConfig) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ComponentConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentConfig)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

type ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

type ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation struct{}

func (*ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy

func (in *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation.

func (*ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc

func (ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ConfigMapVolumeSource

ConfigMapVolumeSource adapts a ConfigMap into a volume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#configmap

type ConfigMapVolumeSource struct {
    v1.LocalObjectReference `json:",inline"`
    // Specify whether the ConfigMap or it's keys must be defined
    // +optional
    Optional *bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
    // The volume label of the resulting disk inside the VMI.
    // Different bootstrapping mechanisms require different values.
    // Typical values are "cidata" (cloud-init), "config-2" (cloud-init) or "OEMDRV" (kickstart).
    // +optional
    VolumeLabel string `json:"volumeLabel,omitempty"`

func (*ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *ConfigMapVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ConfigMapVolumeSource.

func (*ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ConfigMapVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ConfigMapVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ConfigMapVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (ConfigMapVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ContainerDiskInfo

ContainerDiskInfo shows info about the containerdisk

type ContainerDiskInfo struct {
    // Checksum is the checksum of the rootdisk or kernel artifacts inside the containerdisk
    Checksum uint32 `json:"checksum,omitempty"`

func (*ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopy() *ContainerDiskInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ContainerDiskInfo.

func (*ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ContainerDiskInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *ContainerDiskInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ContainerDiskInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (ContainerDiskInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ContainerDiskSource

Represents a docker image with an embedded disk.

type ContainerDiskSource struct {
    // Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk.
    Image string `json:"image"`
    // ImagePullSecret is the name of the Docker registry secret required to pull the image. The secret must already exist.
    ImagePullSecret string `json:"imagePullSecret,omitempty"`
    // Path defines the path to disk file in the container
    Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
    // Image pull policy.
    // One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent.
    // Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
    // Cannot be updated.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images
    // +optional
    ImagePullPolicy v1.PullPolicy `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"`

func (*ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopy

func (in *ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopy() *ContainerDiskSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ContainerDiskSource.

func (*ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ContainerDiskSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ContainerDiskSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ContainerDiskSource) SwaggerDoc

func (ContainerDiskSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CustomBlockSize

CustomBlockSize represents the desired logical and physical block size for a VM disk.

type CustomBlockSize struct {
    Logical  uint `json:"logical"`
    Physical uint `json:"physical"`

func (*CustomBlockSize) DeepCopy

func (in *CustomBlockSize) DeepCopy() *CustomBlockSize

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CustomBlockSize.

func (*CustomBlockSize) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CustomBlockSize) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomBlockSize)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CustomBlockSize) SwaggerDoc

func (CustomBlockSize) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CustomProfile

type CustomProfile struct {
    LocalhostProfile      *string `json:"localhostProfile,omitempty"`
    RuntimeDefaultProfile bool    `json:"runtimeDefaultProfile,omitempty"`

func (*CustomProfile) DeepCopy

func (in *CustomProfile) DeepCopy() *CustomProfile

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CustomProfile.

func (*CustomProfile) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CustomProfile) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomProfile)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CustomProfile) SwaggerDoc

func (CustomProfile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CustomizeComponents

type CustomizeComponents struct {
    // +listType=atomic
    Patches []CustomizeComponentsPatch `json:"patches,omitempty"`

    // Configure the value used for deployment and daemonset resources
    Flags *Flags `json:"flags,omitempty"`

func (*CustomizeComponents) DeepCopy

func (in *CustomizeComponents) DeepCopy() *CustomizeComponents

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CustomizeComponents.

func (*CustomizeComponents) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CustomizeComponents) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomizeComponents)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CustomizeComponents) SwaggerDoc

func (CustomizeComponents) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type CustomizeComponentsPatch

type CustomizeComponentsPatch struct {
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    ResourceName string `json:"resourceName"`
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    ResourceType string    `json:"resourceType"`
    Patch        string    `json:"patch"`
    Type         PatchType `json:"type"`

func (*CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopy

func (in *CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopy() *CustomizeComponentsPatch

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CustomizeComponentsPatch.

func (*CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopyInto

func (in *CustomizeComponentsPatch) DeepCopyInto(out *CustomizeComponentsPatch)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (CustomizeComponentsPatch) SwaggerDoc

func (CustomizeComponentsPatch) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DHCPOptions

Extra DHCP options to use in the interface.

type DHCPOptions struct {
    // If specified will pass option 67 to interface's DHCP server
    // +optional
    BootFileName string `json:"bootFileName,omitempty"`
    // If specified will pass option 66 to interface's DHCP server
    // +optional
    TFTPServerName string `json:"tftpServerName,omitempty"`
    // If specified will pass the configured NTP server to the VM via DHCP option 042.
    // +optional
    NTPServers []string `json:"ntpServers,omitempty"`
    // If specified will pass extra DHCP options for private use, range: 224-254
    // +optional
    PrivateOptions []DHCPPrivateOptions `json:"privateOptions,omitempty"`

func (*DHCPOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *DHCPOptions) DeepCopy() *DHCPOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DHCPOptions.

func (*DHCPOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DHCPOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *DHCPOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DHCPOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (DHCPOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

func (*DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DHCPPrivateOptions

DHCPExtraOptions defines Extra DHCP options for a VM.

type DHCPPrivateOptions struct {
    // Option is an Integer value from 224-254
    // Required.
    Option int `json:"option"`
    // Value is a String value for the Option provided
    // Required.
    Value string `json:"value"`

func (*DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopy() *DHCPPrivateOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DHCPPrivateOptions.

func (*DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DHCPPrivateOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *DHCPPrivateOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DHCPPrivateOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (DHCPPrivateOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DataVolumeSource

type DataVolumeSource struct {
    // Name of both the DataVolume and the PVC in the same namespace.
    // After PVC population the DataVolume is garbage collected by default.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Hotpluggable indicates whether the volume can be hotplugged and hotunplugged.
    // +optional
    Hotpluggable bool `json:"hotpluggable,omitempty"`

func (*DataVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *DataVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DataVolumeSource.

func (*DataVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DataVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DataVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (DataVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus

type DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus struct{}

func (*DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus.

func (*DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DataVolumeTemplateSpec

type DataVolumeTemplateSpec struct {
    // TypeMeta only exists on DataVolumeTemplate for API backwards compatibility
    // this field is not used by our controllers and is a no-op.
    // +nullable
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
    // +nullable
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // DataVolumeSpec contains the DataVolume specification.
    Spec cdiv1.DataVolumeSpec `json:"spec"`

    // DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus is here simply for backwards compatibility with
    // a previous API.
    // +nullable
    // +optional
    Status *DataVolumeTemplateDummyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func (*DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *DataVolumeTemplateSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DataVolumeTemplateSpec.

func (*DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DataVolumeTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *DataVolumeTemplateSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DataVolumeTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (DataVolumeTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap

DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap is an alias to the deprecated InterfaceMacvtap that connects to a given network by extending the Kubernetes node's L2 networks via a macvtap interface. Deprecated: Removed in v1.3

type DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap struct{}

func (*DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopy

func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap.

func (*DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) SwaggerDoc

func (DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DeprecatedInterfacePasst

DeprecatedInterfacePasst is an alias to the deprecated InterfacePasst Deprecated: Removed in v1.3

type DeprecatedInterfacePasst struct{}

func (*DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopy

func (in *DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfacePasst

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DeprecatedInterfacePasst.

func (*DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DeprecatedInterfacePasst) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfacePasst)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DeprecatedInterfacePasst) SwaggerDoc

func (DeprecatedInterfacePasst) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp

DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp is an alias to the deprecated InterfaceSlirp that connects to a given network using QEMU user networking mode. Deprecated: Removed in v1.3

type DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp struct{}

func (*DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopy

func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopy() *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp.

func (*DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) DeepCopyInto(out *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) SwaggerDoc

func (DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DeveloperConfiguration

DeveloperConfiguration holds developer options

type DeveloperConfiguration struct {
    // FeatureGates is the list of experimental features to enable. Defaults to none
    FeatureGates []string `json:"featureGates,omitempty"`
    // LessPVCSpaceToleration determines how much smaller, in percentage, disk PVCs are
    // allowed to be compared to the requested size (to account for various overheads).
    // Defaults to 10
    LessPVCSpaceToleration int `json:"pvcTolerateLessSpaceUpToPercent,omitempty"`
    // MinimumReservePVCBytes is the amount of space, in bytes, to leave unused on disks.
    // Defaults to 131072 (128KiB)
    MinimumReservePVCBytes uint64 `json:"minimumReservePVCBytes,omitempty"`
    // MemoryOvercommit is the percentage of memory we want to give VMIs compared to the amount
    // given to its parent pod (virt-launcher). For example, a value of 102 means the VMI will
    // "see" 2% more memory than its parent pod. Values under 100 are effectively "undercommits".
    // Overcommits can lead to memory exhaustion, which in turn can lead to crashes. Use carefully.
    // Defaults to 100
    MemoryOvercommit int `json:"memoryOvercommit,omitempty"`
    // NodeSelectors allows restricting VMI creation to nodes that match a set of labels.
    // Defaults to none
    NodeSelectors map[string]string `json:"nodeSelectors,omitempty"`
    // UseEmulation can be set to true to allow fallback to software emulation
    // in case hardware-assisted emulation is not available. Defaults to false
    UseEmulation bool `json:"useEmulation,omitempty"`
    // For each requested virtual CPU, CPUAllocationRatio defines how much physical CPU to request per VMI
    // from the hosting node. The value is in fraction of a CPU thread (or core on non-hyperthreaded nodes).
    // For example, a value of 1 means 1 physical CPU thread per VMI CPU thread.
    // A value of 100 would be 1% of a physical thread allocated for each requested VMI thread.
    // This option has no effect on VMIs that request dedicated CPUs. More information at:
    // https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/operations/node_overcommit/#node-cpu-allocation-ratio
    // Defaults to 10
    CPUAllocationRatio int `json:"cpuAllocationRatio,omitempty"`
    // Allow overriding the automatically determined minimum TSC frequency of the cluster
    // and fixate the minimum to this frequency.
    MinimumClusterTSCFrequency *int64            `json:"minimumClusterTSCFrequency,omitempty"`
    DiskVerification           *DiskVerification `json:"diskVerification,omitempty"`
    LogVerbosity               *LogVerbosity     `json:"logVerbosity,omitempty"`

func (*DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopy() *DeveloperConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DeveloperConfiguration.

func (*DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DeveloperConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *DeveloperConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DeveloperConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (DeveloperConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Devices

type Devices struct {
    // Fall back to legacy virtio 0.9 support if virtio bus is selected on devices.
    // This is helpful for old machines like CentOS6 or RHEL6 which
    // do not understand virtio_non_transitional (virtio 1.0).
    UseVirtioTransitional *bool `json:"useVirtioTransitional,omitempty"`
    // DisableHotplug disabled the ability to hotplug disks.
    DisableHotplug bool `json:"disableHotplug,omitempty"`
    // Disks describes disks, cdroms and luns which are connected to the vmi.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=256
    Disks []Disk `json:"disks,omitempty"`
    // Watchdog describes a watchdog device which can be added to the vmi.
    Watchdog *Watchdog `json:"watchdog,omitempty"`
    // Interfaces describe network interfaces which are added to the vmi.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=256
    Interfaces []Interface `json:"interfaces,omitempty"`
    // Inputs describe input devices
    Inputs []Input `json:"inputs,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach a pod network interface. Defaults to true.
    AutoattachPodInterface *bool `json:"autoattachPodInterface,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach the default graphics device or not.
    // VNC will not be available if set to false. Defaults to true.
    AutoattachGraphicsDevice *bool `json:"autoattachGraphicsDevice,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach the default virtio-serial console or not.
    // Serial console access will not be available if set to false. Defaults to true.
    AutoattachSerialConsole *bool `json:"autoattachSerialConsole,omitempty"`
    // Whether to log the auto-attached default serial console or not.
    // Serial console logs will be collect to a file and then streamed from a named `guest-console-log`.
    // Not relevant if autoattachSerialConsole is disabled.
    // Defaults to cluster wide setting on VirtualMachineOptions.
    LogSerialConsole *bool `json:"logSerialConsole,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach the Memory balloon device with default period.
    // Period can be adjusted in virt-config.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    AutoattachMemBalloon *bool `json:"autoattachMemBalloon,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach an Input Device.
    // Defaults to false.
    // +optional
    AutoattachInputDevice *bool `json:"autoattachInputDevice,omitempty"`
    // Whether to attach the VSOCK CID to the VM or not.
    // VSOCK access will be available if set to true. Defaults to false.
    AutoattachVSOCK *bool `json:"autoattachVSOCK,omitempty"`
    // Whether to have random number generator from host
    // +optional
    Rng *Rng `json:"rng,omitempty"`
    // Whether or not to enable virtio multi-queue for block devices.
    // Defaults to false.
    // +optional
    BlockMultiQueue *bool `json:"blockMultiQueue,omitempty"`
    // If specified, virtual network interfaces configured with a virtio bus will also enable the vhost multiqueue feature for network devices. The number of queues created depends on additional factors of the VirtualMachineInstance, like the number of guest CPUs.
    // +optional
    NetworkInterfaceMultiQueue *bool `json:"networkInterfaceMultiqueue,omitempty"`
    //Whether to attach a GPU device to the vmi.
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    GPUs []GPU `json:"gpus,omitempty"`
    // DownwardMetrics creates a virtio serials for exposing the downward metrics to the vmi.
    // +optional
    DownwardMetrics *DownwardMetrics `json:"downwardMetrics,omitempty"`
    // Filesystems describes filesystem which is connected to the vmi.
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    Filesystems []Filesystem `json:"filesystems,omitempty"`
    //Whether to attach a host device to the vmi.
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    HostDevices []HostDevice `json:"hostDevices,omitempty"`
    // To configure and access client devices such as redirecting USB
    // +optional
    ClientPassthrough *ClientPassthroughDevices `json:"clientPassthrough,omitempty"`
    // Whether to emulate a sound device.
    // +optional
    Sound *SoundDevice `json:"sound,omitempty"`
    // Whether to emulate a TPM device.
    // +optional
    TPM *TPMDevice `json:"tpm,omitempty"`

func (*Devices) DeepCopy

func (in *Devices) DeepCopy() *Devices

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Devices.

func (*Devices) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Devices) DeepCopyInto(out *Devices)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Devices) SwaggerDoc

func (Devices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DisableFreePageReporting

type DisableFreePageReporting struct{}

func (*DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopy

func (in *DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopy() *DisableFreePageReporting

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DisableFreePageReporting.

func (*DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DisableFreePageReporting) DeepCopyInto(out *DisableFreePageReporting)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DisableFreePageReporting) SwaggerDoc

func (DisableFreePageReporting) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DisableSerialConsoleLog

type DisableSerialConsoleLog struct{}

func (*DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopy

func (in *DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopy() *DisableSerialConsoleLog

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DisableSerialConsoleLog.

func (*DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DisableSerialConsoleLog) DeepCopyInto(out *DisableSerialConsoleLog)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DisableSerialConsoleLog) SwaggerDoc

func (DisableSerialConsoleLog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Disk

type Disk struct {
    // Name is the device name
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // DiskDevice specifies as which device the disk should be added to the guest.
    // Defaults to Disk.
    DiskDevice `json:",inline"`
    // BootOrder is an integer value > 0, used to determine ordering of boot devices.
    // Lower values take precedence.
    // Each disk or interface that has a boot order must have a unique value.
    // Disks without a boot order are not tried if a disk with a boot order exists.
    // +optional
    BootOrder *uint `json:"bootOrder,omitempty"`
    // Serial provides the ability to specify a serial number for the disk device.
    // +optional
    Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"`
    // dedicatedIOThread indicates this disk should have an exclusive IO Thread.
    // Enabling this implies useIOThreads = true.
    // Defaults to false.
    // +optional
    DedicatedIOThread *bool `json:"dedicatedIOThread,omitempty"`
    // Cache specifies which kvm disk cache mode should be used.
    // Supported values are: CacheNone, CacheWriteThrough.
    // +optional
    Cache DriverCache `json:"cache,omitempty"`
    // IO specifies which QEMU disk IO mode should be used.
    // Supported values are: native, default, threads.
    // +optional
    IO DriverIO `json:"io,omitempty"`
    // If specified, disk address and its tag will be provided to the guest via config drive metadata
    // +optional
    Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the virtual disk will be presented with the given block sizes.
    // +optional
    BlockSize *BlockSize `json:"blockSize,omitempty"`
    // If specified the disk is made sharable and multiple write from different VMs are permitted
    // +optional
    Shareable *bool `json:"shareable,omitempty"`
    // If specified, it can change the default error policy (stop) for the disk
    // +optional
    ErrorPolicy *DiskErrorPolicy `json:"errorPolicy,omitempty"`

func (*Disk) DeepCopy

func (in *Disk) DeepCopy() *Disk

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Disk.

func (*Disk) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Disk) DeepCopyInto(out *Disk)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Disk) SwaggerDoc

func (Disk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DiskBus

type DiskBus string
const (
    DiskBusSCSI   DiskBus = "scsi"
    DiskBusSATA   DiskBus = "sata"
    DiskBusVirtio DiskBus = VirtIO
    DiskBusUSB    DiskBus = "usb"

type DiskDevice

Represents the target of a volume to mount. Only one of its members may be specified.

type DiskDevice struct {
    // Attach a volume as a disk to the vmi.
    Disk *DiskTarget `json:"disk,omitempty"`
    // Attach a volume as a LUN to the vmi.
    LUN *LunTarget `json:"lun,omitempty"`
    // Attach a volume as a cdrom to the vmi.
    CDRom *CDRomTarget `json:"cdrom,omitempty"`

func (*DiskDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *DiskDevice) DeepCopy() *DiskDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DiskDevice.

func (*DiskDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DiskDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DiskDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (DiskDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DiskErrorPolicy

type DiskErrorPolicy string
const (
    DiskErrorPolicyStop     DiskErrorPolicy = "stop"
    DiskErrorPolicyIgnore   DiskErrorPolicy = "ignore"
    DiskErrorPolicyReport   DiskErrorPolicy = "report"
    DiskErrorPolicyEnospace DiskErrorPolicy = "enospace"

type DiskTarget

type DiskTarget struct {
    // Bus indicates the type of disk device to emulate.
    // supported values: virtio, sata, scsi, usb.
    Bus DiskBus `json:"bus,omitempty"`
    // ReadOnly.
    // Defaults to false.
    ReadOnly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the virtual disk will be placed on the guests pci address with the specified PCI address. For example: 0000:81:01.10
    // +optional
    PciAddress string `json:"pciAddress,omitempty"`

func (*DiskTarget) DeepCopy

func (in *DiskTarget) DeepCopy() *DiskTarget

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DiskTarget.

func (*DiskTarget) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DiskTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskTarget)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DiskTarget) SwaggerDoc

func (DiskTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DiskVerification

DiskVerification holds container disks verification limits

type DiskVerification struct {
    MemoryLimit *resource.Quantity `json:"memoryLimit"`

func (*DiskVerification) DeepCopy

func (in *DiskVerification) DeepCopy() *DiskVerification

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DiskVerification.

func (*DiskVerification) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DiskVerification) DeepCopyInto(out *DiskVerification)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DiskVerification) SwaggerDoc

func (DiskVerification) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DomainAttachmentType

type DomainAttachmentType string
const (
    // Tap domain attachment type is a generic way to bind ethernet connection into guests using tap device
    // https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#generic-ethernet-connection.
    Tap DomainAttachmentType = "tap"
    // ManagedTap domain attachment type is binding an ethernet connection into guests using a tap device.
    // The tap device is created (unless already present) on the network pod interface with a Linux bridge.
    ManagedTap DomainAttachmentType = "managedTap"

type DomainMemoryDumpInfo

DomainMemoryDumpInfo represents the memory dump information

type DomainMemoryDumpInfo struct {
    // StartTimestamp is the time when the memory dump started
    StartTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // EndTimestamp is the time when the memory dump completed
    EndTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // ClaimName is the name of the pvc the memory was dumped to
    ClaimName string `json:"claimName,omitempty"`
    // TargetFileName is the name of the memory dump output
    TargetFileName string `json:"targetFileName,omitempty"`

func (*DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopy() *DomainMemoryDumpInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DomainMemoryDumpInfo.

func (*DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DomainMemoryDumpInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *DomainMemoryDumpInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DomainMemoryDumpInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (DomainMemoryDumpInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DomainSpec

type DomainSpec struct {
    // Resources describes the Compute Resources required by this vmi.
    Resources ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`
    // CPU allow specified the detailed CPU topology inside the vmi.
    // +optional
    CPU *CPU `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
    // Memory allow specifying the VMI memory features.
    // +optional
    Memory *Memory `json:"memory,omitempty"`
    // Machine type.
    // +optional
    Machine *Machine `json:"machine,omitempty"`
    // Firmware.
    // +optional
    Firmware *Firmware `json:"firmware,omitempty"`
    // Clock sets the clock and timers of the vmi.
    // +optional
    Clock *Clock `json:"clock,omitempty"`
    // Features like acpi, apic, hyperv, smm.
    // +optional
    Features *Features `json:"features,omitempty"`
    // Devices allows adding disks, network interfaces, and others
    Devices Devices `json:"devices"`
    // Controls whether or not disks will share IOThreads.
    // Omitting IOThreadsPolicy disables use of IOThreads.
    // One of: shared, auto
    // +optional
    IOThreadsPolicy *IOThreadsPolicy `json:"ioThreadsPolicy,omitempty"`
    // Chassis specifies the chassis info passed to the domain.
    // +optional
    Chassis *Chassis `json:"chassis,omitempty"`
    // Launch Security setting of the vmi.
    // +optional
    LaunchSecurity *LaunchSecurity `json:"launchSecurity,omitempty"`

func (*DomainSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *DomainSpec) DeepCopy() *DomainSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DomainSpec.

func (*DomainSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DomainSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *DomainSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DomainSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (DomainSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DownwardAPIVolumeSource

DownwardAPIVolumeSource represents a volume containing downward API info.

type DownwardAPIVolumeSource struct {
    // Fields is a list of downward API volume file
    // +optional
    Fields []v1.DownwardAPIVolumeFile `json:"fields,omitempty"`
    // The volume label of the resulting disk inside the VMI.
    // Different bootstrapping mechanisms require different values.
    // Typical values are "cidata" (cloud-init), "config-2" (cloud-init) or "OEMDRV" (kickstart).
    // +optional
    VolumeLabel string `json:"volumeLabel,omitempty"`

func (*DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DownwardAPIVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DownwardAPIVolumeSource.

func (*DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DownwardAPIVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardAPIVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DownwardAPIVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (DownwardAPIVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DownwardMetrics

type DownwardMetrics struct{}

func (*DownwardMetrics) DeepCopy

func (in *DownwardMetrics) DeepCopy() *DownwardMetrics

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DownwardMetrics.

func (*DownwardMetrics) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DownwardMetrics) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardMetrics)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DownwardMetrics) SwaggerDoc

func (DownwardMetrics) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DownwardMetricsVolumeSource

DownwardMetricsVolumeSource adds a very small disk to VMIs which contains a limited view of host and guest metrics. The disk content is compatible with vhostmd (https://github.com/vhostmd/vhostmd) and vm-dump-metrics.

type DownwardMetricsVolumeSource struct {

func (*DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new DownwardMetricsVolumeSource.

func (*DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (DownwardMetricsVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type DriverCache

type DriverCache string

type DriverIO

type DriverIO string

type EFI

If set, EFI will be used instead of BIOS.

type EFI struct {
    // If set, SecureBoot will be enabled and the OVMF roms will be swapped for
    // SecureBoot-enabled ones.
    // Requires SMM to be enabled.
    // Defaults to true
    // +optional
    SecureBoot *bool `json:"secureBoot,omitempty"`
    // If set to true, Persistent will persist the EFI NVRAM across reboots.
    // Defaults to false
    // +optional
    Persistent *bool `json:"persistent,omitempty"`

func (*EFI) DeepCopy

func (in *EFI) DeepCopy() *EFI

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new EFI.

func (*EFI) DeepCopyInto

func (in *EFI) DeepCopyInto(out *EFI)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (EFI) SwaggerDoc

func (EFI) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type EmptyDiskSource

EmptyDisk represents a temporary disk which shares the vmis lifecycle.

type EmptyDiskSource struct {
    // Capacity of the sparse disk.
    Capacity resource.Quantity `json:"capacity"`

func (*EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopy

func (in *EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopy() *EmptyDiskSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new EmptyDiskSource.

func (*EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *EmptyDiskSource) DeepCopyInto(out *EmptyDiskSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (EmptyDiskSource) SwaggerDoc

func (EmptyDiskSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type EphemeralVolumeSource

type EphemeralVolumeSource struct {
    // PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace.
    // Directly attached to the vmi via qemu.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims
    // +optional
    PersistentVolumeClaim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource `json:"persistentVolumeClaim,omitempty"`

func (*EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *EphemeralVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new EphemeralVolumeSource.

func (*EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *EphemeralVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *EphemeralVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (EphemeralVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (EphemeralVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type EvictionStrategy

type EvictionStrategy string
const (
    EvictionStrategyNone                  EvictionStrategy = "None"
    EvictionStrategyLiveMigrate           EvictionStrategy = "LiveMigrate"
    EvictionStrategyLiveMigrateIfPossible EvictionStrategy = "LiveMigrateIfPossible"
    EvictionStrategyExternal              EvictionStrategy = "External"

type FeatureAPIC

type FeatureAPIC struct {
    // Enabled determines if the feature should be enabled or disabled on the guest.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
    // EndOfInterrupt enables the end of interrupt notification in the guest.
    // Defaults to false.
    // +optional
    EndOfInterrupt bool `json:"endOfInterrupt,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureAPIC) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureAPIC) DeepCopy() *FeatureAPIC

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureAPIC.

func (*FeatureAPIC) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureAPIC) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureAPIC)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureAPIC) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureAPIC) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FeatureHyperv

Hyperv specific features.

type FeatureHyperv struct {
    // Relaxed instructs the guest OS to disable watchdog timeouts.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Relaxed *FeatureState `json:"relaxed,omitempty"`
    // VAPIC improves the paravirtualized handling of interrupts.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    VAPIC *FeatureState `json:"vapic,omitempty"`
    // Spinlocks allows to configure the spinlock retry attempts.
    // +optional
    Spinlocks *FeatureSpinlocks `json:"spinlocks,omitempty"`
    // VPIndex enables the Virtual Processor Index to help windows identifying virtual processors.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    VPIndex *FeatureState `json:"vpindex,omitempty"`
    // Runtime improves the time accounting to improve scheduling in the guest.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Runtime *FeatureState `json:"runtime,omitempty"`
    // SyNIC enables the Synthetic Interrupt Controller.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    SyNIC *FeatureState `json:"synic,omitempty"`
    // SyNICTimer enables Synthetic Interrupt Controller Timers, reducing CPU load.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    SyNICTimer *SyNICTimer `json:"synictimer,omitempty"`
    // Reset enables Hyperv reboot/reset for the vmi. Requires synic.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Reset *FeatureState `json:"reset,omitempty"`
    // VendorID allows setting the hypervisor vendor id.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    VendorID *FeatureVendorID `json:"vendorid,omitempty"`
    // Frequencies improves the TSC clock source handling for Hyper-V on KVM.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Frequencies *FeatureState `json:"frequencies,omitempty"`
    // Reenlightenment enables the notifications on TSC frequency changes.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Reenlightenment *FeatureState `json:"reenlightenment,omitempty"`
    // TLBFlush improves performances in overcommited environments. Requires vpindex.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    TLBFlush *FeatureState `json:"tlbflush,omitempty"`
    // IPI improves performances in overcommited environments. Requires vpindex.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    IPI *FeatureState `json:"ipi,omitempty"`
    // EVMCS Speeds up L2 vmexits, but disables other virtualization features. Requires vapic.
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    EVMCS *FeatureState `json:"evmcs,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureHyperv) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureHyperv) DeepCopy() *FeatureHyperv

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureHyperv.

func (*FeatureHyperv) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureHyperv) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureHyperv)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureHyperv) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureHyperv) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FeatureKVM

type FeatureKVM struct {
    // Hide the KVM hypervisor from standard MSR based discovery.
    // Defaults to false
    Hidden bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureKVM) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureKVM) DeepCopy() *FeatureKVM

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureKVM.

func (*FeatureKVM) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureKVM) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureKVM)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureKVM) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureKVM) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FeatureSpinlocks

type FeatureSpinlocks struct {
    // Enabled determines if the feature should be enabled or disabled on the guest.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
    // Retries indicates the number of retries.
    // Must be a value greater or equal 4096.
    // Defaults to 4096.
    // +optional
    Retries *uint32 `json:"spinlocks,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopy() *FeatureSpinlocks

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureSpinlocks.

func (*FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureSpinlocks) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureSpinlocks)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureSpinlocks) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureSpinlocks) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FeatureState

Represents if a feature is enabled or disabled.

type FeatureState struct {
    // Enabled determines if the feature should be enabled or disabled on the guest.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureState) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureState) DeepCopy() *FeatureState

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureState.

func (*FeatureState) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureState) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureState)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureState) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FeatureVendorID

type FeatureVendorID struct {
    // Enabled determines if the feature should be enabled or disabled on the guest.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
    // VendorID sets the hypervisor vendor id, visible to the vmi.
    // String up to twelve characters.
    VendorID string `json:"vendorid,omitempty"`

func (*FeatureVendorID) DeepCopy

func (in *FeatureVendorID) DeepCopy() *FeatureVendorID

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FeatureVendorID.

func (*FeatureVendorID) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FeatureVendorID) DeepCopyInto(out *FeatureVendorID)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FeatureVendorID) SwaggerDoc

func (FeatureVendorID) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Features

type Features struct {
    // ACPI enables/disables ACPI inside the guest.
    // Defaults to enabled.
    // +optional
    ACPI FeatureState `json:"acpi,omitempty"`
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    APIC *FeatureAPIC `json:"apic,omitempty"`
    // This enables all supported hyperv flags automatically.
    // Bear in mind that if this enabled hyperV features cannot
    // be enabled explicitly. In addition, a Virtual Machine
    // using it will be non-migratable.
    // +optional
    HypervPassthrough *HyperVPassthrough `json:"hypervPassthrough,omitempty"`
    // Defaults to the machine type setting.
    // +optional
    Hyperv *FeatureHyperv `json:"hyperv,omitempty"`
    // SMM enables/disables System Management Mode.
    // TSEG not yet implemented.
    // +optional
    SMM *FeatureState `json:"smm,omitempty"`
    // Configure how KVM presence is exposed to the guest.
    // +optional
    KVM *FeatureKVM `json:"kvm,omitempty"`
    // Notify the guest that the host supports paravirtual spinlocks.
    // For older kernels this feature should be explicitly disabled.
    // +optional
    Pvspinlock *FeatureState `json:"pvspinlock,omitempty"`

func (*Features) DeepCopy

func (in *Features) DeepCopy() *Features

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Features.

func (*Features) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Features) DeepCopyInto(out *Features)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Features) SwaggerDoc

func (Features) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Filesystem

type Filesystem struct {
    // Name is the device name
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Virtiofs is supported
    Virtiofs *FilesystemVirtiofs `json:"virtiofs"`

func (*Filesystem) DeepCopy

func (in *Filesystem) DeepCopy() *Filesystem

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Filesystem.

func (*Filesystem) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Filesystem) DeepCopyInto(out *Filesystem)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Filesystem) SwaggerDoc

func (Filesystem) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FilesystemVirtiofs

type FilesystemVirtiofs struct{}

func (*FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopy

func (in *FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopy() *FilesystemVirtiofs

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FilesystemVirtiofs.

func (*FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FilesystemVirtiofs) DeepCopyInto(out *FilesystemVirtiofs)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FilesystemVirtiofs) SwaggerDoc

func (FilesystemVirtiofs) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Firmware

type Firmware struct {
    // UUID reported by the vmi bios.
    // Defaults to a random generated uid.
    UUID types.UID `json:"uuid,omitempty"`
    // Settings to control the bootloader that is used.
    // +optional
    Bootloader *Bootloader `json:"bootloader,omitempty"`
    // The system-serial-number in SMBIOS
    Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"`
    // Settings to set the kernel for booting.
    // +optional
    KernelBoot *KernelBoot `json:"kernelBoot,omitempty"`
    // Information that can be set in the ACPI table
    ACPI *ACPI `json:"acpi,omitempty"`

func (*Firmware) DeepCopy

func (in *Firmware) DeepCopy() *Firmware

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Firmware.

func (*Firmware) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Firmware) DeepCopyInto(out *Firmware)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Firmware) SwaggerDoc

func (Firmware) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Flags

Flags will create a patch that will replace all flags for the container's command field. The only flags that will be used are those define. There are no guarantees around forward/backward compatibility. If set incorrectly this will cause the resource when rolled out to error until flags are updated.

type Flags struct {
    API        map[string]string `json:"api,omitempty"`
    Controller map[string]string `json:"controller,omitempty"`
    Handler    map[string]string `json:"handler,omitempty"`

func (*Flags) DeepCopy

func (in *Flags) DeepCopy() *Flags

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Flags.

func (*Flags) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Flags) DeepCopyInto(out *Flags)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Flags) SwaggerDoc

func (Flags) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type FreezeUnfreezeTimeout

FreezeUnfreezeTimeout represent the time unfreeze will be triggered if guest was not unfrozen by unfreeze command

type FreezeUnfreezeTimeout struct {
    UnfreezeTimeout *metav1.Duration `json:"unfreezeTimeout"`

func (*FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopy

func (in *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopy() *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FreezeUnfreezeTimeout.

func (*FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopyInto

func (in *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) DeepCopyInto(out *FreezeUnfreezeTimeout)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) SwaggerDoc

func (FreezeUnfreezeTimeout) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type GPU

type GPU struct {
    // Name of the GPU device as exposed by a device plugin
    Name              string       `json:"name"`
    DeviceName        string       `json:"deviceName"`
    VirtualGPUOptions *VGPUOptions `json:"virtualGPUOptions,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the virtual network interface address and its tag will be provided to the guest via config drive
    // +optional
    Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

func (*GPU) DeepCopy

func (in *GPU) DeepCopy() *GPU

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GPU.

func (*GPU) DeepCopyInto

func (in *GPU) DeepCopyInto(out *GPU)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (GPU) SwaggerDoc

func (GPU) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type GenerationStatus

GenerationStatus keeps track of the generation for a given resource so that decisions about forced updates can be made.

type GenerationStatus struct {
    // group is the group of the thing you're tracking
    Group string `json:"group"`
    // resource is the resource type of the thing you're tracking
    Resource string `json:"resource"`
    // namespace is where the thing you're tracking is
    // +optional
    Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    // name is the name of the thing you're tracking
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // lastGeneration is the last generation of the workload controller involved
    LastGeneration int64 `json:"lastGeneration"`
    // hash is an optional field set for resources without generation that are content sensitive like secrets and configmaps
    // +optional
    Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*GenerationStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *GenerationStatus) DeepCopy() *GenerationStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GenerationStatus.

func (*GenerationStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *GenerationStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *GenerationStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (GenerationStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (GenerationStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type GuestAgentCommandInfo

List of commands that QEMU guest agent supports

type GuestAgentCommandInfo struct {
    Name    string `json:"name"`
    Enabled bool   `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

func (*GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopy() *GuestAgentCommandInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GuestAgentCommandInfo.

func (*GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *GuestAgentCommandInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *GuestAgentCommandInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (GuestAgentCommandInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (GuestAgentCommandInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type GuestAgentPing

GuestAgentPing configures the guest-agent based ping probe

type GuestAgentPing struct {

func (*GuestAgentPing) DeepCopy

func (in *GuestAgentPing) DeepCopy() *GuestAgentPing

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GuestAgentPing.

func (*GuestAgentPing) DeepCopyInto

func (in *GuestAgentPing) DeepCopyInto(out *GuestAgentPing)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (GuestAgentPing) SwaggerDoc

func (GuestAgentPing) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HPETTickPolicy

HPETTickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.

type HPETTickPolicy string

type HPETTimer

type HPETTimer struct {
    // TickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.
    // One of "delay", "catchup", "merge", "discard".
    TickPolicy HPETTickPolicy `json:"tickPolicy,omitempty"`
    // Enabled set to false makes sure that the machine type or a preset can't add the timer.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"present,omitempty"`

func (*HPETTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *HPETTimer) DeepCopy() *HPETTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HPETTimer.

func (*HPETTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HPETTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *HPETTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HPETTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (HPETTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Handler

Handler defines a specific action that should be taken TODO: pass structured data to these actions, and document that data here.

type Handler struct {
    // One and only one of the following should be specified.
    // Exec specifies the action to take, it will be executed on the guest through the qemu-guest-agent.
    // If the guest agent is not available, this probe will fail.
    // +optional
    Exec *k8sv1.ExecAction `json:"exec,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=exec"`
    // GuestAgentPing contacts the qemu-guest-agent for availability checks.
    // +optional
    GuestAgentPing *GuestAgentPing `json:"guestAgentPing,omitempty"`
    // HTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
    // +optional
    HTTPGet *k8sv1.HTTPGetAction `json:"httpGet,omitempty"`
    // TCPSocket specifies an action involving a TCP port.
    // TCP hooks not yet supported
    // TODO: implement a realistic TCP lifecycle hook
    // +optional
    TCPSocket *k8sv1.TCPSocketAction `json:"tcpSocket,omitempty"`

func (*Handler) DeepCopy

func (in *Handler) DeepCopy() *Handler

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Handler.

func (*Handler) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Handler) DeepCopyInto(out *Handler)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Handler) SwaggerDoc

func (Handler) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HostDevice

type HostDevice struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // DeviceName is the resource name of the host device exposed by a device plugin
    DeviceName string `json:"deviceName"`
    // If specified, the virtual network interface address and its tag will be provided to the guest via config drive
    // +optional
    Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

func (*HostDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *HostDevice) DeepCopy() *HostDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HostDevice.

func (*HostDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *HostDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HostDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (HostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HostDisk

Represents a disk created on the cluster level

type HostDisk struct {
    // The path to HostDisk image located on the cluster
    Path string `json:"path"`
    // Contains information if disk.img exists or should be created
    // allowed options are 'Disk' and 'DiskOrCreate'
    Type HostDiskType `json:"type"`
    // Capacity of the sparse disk
    // +optional
    Capacity resource.Quantity `json:"capacity,omitempty"`
    // Shared indicate whether the path is shared between nodes
    Shared *bool `json:"shared,omitempty"`

func (*HostDisk) DeepCopy

func (in *HostDisk) DeepCopy() *HostDisk

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HostDisk.

func (*HostDisk) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HostDisk) DeepCopyInto(out *HostDisk)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HostDisk) SwaggerDoc

func (HostDisk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HostDiskType

type HostDiskType string
const (
    // if disk does not exist at the given path,
    // a disk image will be created there
    HostDiskExistsOrCreate HostDiskType = "DiskOrCreate"
    // a disk image must exist at given disk path
    HostDiskExists HostDiskType = "Disk"

type HotplugVolumeSource

HotplugVolumeSource Represents the source of a volume to mount which are capable of being hotplugged on a live running VMI. Only one of its members may be specified.

type HotplugVolumeSource struct {
    // PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace.
    // Directly attached to the vmi via qemu.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims
    // +optional
    PersistentVolumeClaim *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource `json:"persistentVolumeClaim,omitempty"`
    // DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as
    // the process of populating that PVC with a disk image.
    // +optional
    DataVolume *DataVolumeSource `json:"dataVolume,omitempty"`

func (*HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *HotplugVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HotplugVolumeSource.

func (*HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *HotplugVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HotplugVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (HotplugVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HotplugVolumeStatus

HotplugVolumeStatus represents the hotplug status of the volume

type HotplugVolumeStatus struct {
    // AttachPodName is the name of the pod used to attach the volume to the node.
    AttachPodName string `json:"attachPodName,omitempty"`
    // AttachPodUID is the UID of the pod used to attach the volume to the node.
    AttachPodUID types.UID `json:"attachPodUID,omitempty"`

func (*HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopy() *HotplugVolumeStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HotplugVolumeStatus.

func (*HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HotplugVolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *HotplugVolumeStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HotplugVolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (HotplugVolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Hugepages

Hugepages allow to use hugepages for the VirtualMachineInstance instead of regular memory.

type Hugepages struct {
    // PageSize specifies the hugepage size, for x86_64 architecture valid values are 1Gi and 2Mi.
    PageSize string `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

func (*Hugepages) DeepCopy

func (in *Hugepages) DeepCopy() *Hugepages

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Hugepages.

func (*Hugepages) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Hugepages) DeepCopyInto(out *Hugepages)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Hugepages) SwaggerDoc

func (Hugepages) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HyperVPassthrough

type HyperVPassthrough struct {
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

func (*HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopy

func (in *HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopy() *HyperVPassthrough

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HyperVPassthrough.

func (*HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HyperVPassthrough) DeepCopyInto(out *HyperVPassthrough)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HyperVPassthrough) SwaggerDoc

func (HyperVPassthrough) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type HypervTimer

type HypervTimer struct {
    // Enabled set to false makes sure that the machine type or a preset can't add the timer.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"present,omitempty"`

func (*HypervTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *HypervTimer) DeepCopy() *HypervTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HypervTimer.

func (*HypervTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *HypervTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *HypervTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (HypervTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (HypervTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type I6300ESBWatchdog

i6300esb watchdog device.

type I6300ESBWatchdog struct {
    // The action to take. Valid values are poweroff, reset, shutdown.
    // Defaults to reset.
    Action WatchdogAction `json:"action,omitempty"`

func (*I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopy

func (in *I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopy() *I6300ESBWatchdog

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new I6300ESBWatchdog.

func (*I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopyInto

func (in *I6300ESBWatchdog) DeepCopyInto(out *I6300ESBWatchdog)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (I6300ESBWatchdog) SwaggerDoc

func (I6300ESBWatchdog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type IOThreadsPolicy

type IOThreadsPolicy string

type InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy

type InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy string
const (
    RejectInferFromVolumeFailure InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy = "Reject"
    IgnoreInferFromVolumeFailure InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy = "Ignore"

type InitrdInfo

InitrdInfo show info about the initrd file

type InitrdInfo struct {
    // Checksum is the checksum of the initrd file
    Checksum uint32 `json:"checksum,omitempty"`

func (*InitrdInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *InitrdInfo) DeepCopy() *InitrdInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InitrdInfo.

func (*InitrdInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InitrdInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *InitrdInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InitrdInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (InitrdInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Input

type Input struct {
    // Bus indicates the bus of input device to emulate.
    // Supported values: virtio, usb.
    Bus InputBus `json:"bus,omitempty"`
    // Type indicated the type of input device.
    // Supported values: tablet.
    Type InputType `json:"type"`
    // Name is the device name
    Name string `json:"name"`

func (*Input) DeepCopy

func (in *Input) DeepCopy() *Input

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Input.

func (*Input) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Input) DeepCopyInto(out *Input)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Input) SwaggerDoc

func (Input) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InputBus

type InputBus string
const (
    InputBusUSB    InputBus = "usb"
    InputBusVirtio InputBus = "virtio"

type InputType

type InputType string
const (
    InputTypeTablet   InputType = "tablet"
    InputTypeKeyboard InputType = "keyboard"

type InstancetypeConfiguration

type InstancetypeConfiguration struct {
    // ReferencePolicy defines how an instance type or preference should be referenced by the VM after submission, supported values are:
    // reference (default) - Where a copy of the original object is stashed in a ControllerRevision and referenced by the VM.
    // expand - Where the instance type or preference are expanded into the VM if no revisionNames have been populated.
    // expandAll - Where the instance type or preference are expanded into the VM regardless of revisionNames previously being populated.
    // +nullable
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=reference;expand;expandAll
    ReferencePolicy *InstancetypeReferencePolicy `json:"referencePolicy,omitempty"`

func (*InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopy() *InstancetypeConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InstancetypeConfiguration.

func (*InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InstancetypeConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *InstancetypeConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InstancetypeConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (InstancetypeConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InstancetypeMatcher

InstancetypeMatcher references a instancetype that is used to fill fields in the VMI template.

type InstancetypeMatcher struct {
    // Name is the name of the VirtualMachineInstancetype or VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype
    // +optional
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

    // Kind specifies which instancetype resource is referenced.
    // Allowed values are: "VirtualMachineInstancetype" and "VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype".
    // If not specified, "VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype" is used by default.
    // +optional
    Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`

    // RevisionName specifies a ControllerRevision containing a specific copy of the
    // VirtualMachineInstancetype or VirtualMachineClusterInstancetype to be used. This is initially
    // captured the first time the instancetype is applied to the VirtualMachineInstance.
    // +optional
    RevisionName string `json:"revisionName,omitempty"`

    // InferFromVolume lists the name of a volume that should be used to infer or discover the instancetype
    // to be used through known annotations on the underlying resource. Once applied to the InstancetypeMatcher
    // this field is removed.
    // +optional
    InferFromVolume string `json:"inferFromVolume,omitempty"`

    // InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy controls what should happen on failure when inferring the instancetype.
    // Allowed values are: "RejectInferFromVolumeFailure" and "IgnoreInferFromVolumeFailure".
    // If not specified, "RejectInferFromVolumeFailure" is used by default.
    // +optional
    InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy *InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy `json:"inferFromVolumeFailurePolicy,omitempty"`

func (*InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopy

func (in *InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopy() *InstancetypeMatcher

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InstancetypeMatcher.

func (*InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InstancetypeMatcher) DeepCopyInto(out *InstancetypeMatcher)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InstancetypeMatcher) GetName

func (i InstancetypeMatcher) GetName() string

func (InstancetypeMatcher) GetRevisionName

func (i InstancetypeMatcher) GetRevisionName() string

func (InstancetypeMatcher) SwaggerDoc

func (InstancetypeMatcher) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InstancetypeReferencePolicy

type InstancetypeReferencePolicy string
const (
    // Copy any instance type or preference and reference from the VirtualMachine
    Reference InstancetypeReferencePolicy = "reference"
    // Expand any instance type or preference into VirtualMachines without a revisionName already captured
    Expand InstancetypeReferencePolicy = "expand"
    // Expand any instance type or preferences into all VirtualMachines
    ExpandAll InstancetypeReferencePolicy = "expandAll"

type Interface

type Interface struct {
    // Logical name of the interface as well as a reference to the associated networks.
    // Must match the Name of a Network.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Interface model.
    // One of: e1000, e1000e, igb, ne2k_pci, pcnet, rtl8139, virtio.
    // Defaults to virtio.
    // TODO:(ihar) switch to enums once opengen-api supports them. See: https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi/issues/51
    Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`
    // BindingMethod specifies the method which will be used to connect the interface to the guest.
    // Defaults to Bridge.
    InterfaceBindingMethod `json:",inline"`
    // Binding specifies the binding plugin that will be used to connect the interface to the guest.
    // It provides an alternative to InterfaceBindingMethod.
    // version: 1alphav1
    Binding *PluginBinding `json:"binding,omitempty"`
    // List of ports to be forwarded to the virtual machine.
    Ports []Port `json:"ports,omitempty"`
    // Interface MAC address. For example: de:ad:00:00:be:af or DE-AD-00-00-BE-AF.
    MacAddress string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"`
    // BootOrder is an integer value > 0, used to determine ordering of boot devices.
    // Lower values take precedence.
    // Each interface or disk that has a boot order must have a unique value.
    // Interfaces without a boot order are not tried.
    // +optional
    BootOrder *uint `json:"bootOrder,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the virtual network interface will be placed on the guests pci address with the specified PCI address. For example: 0000:81:01.10
    // +optional
    PciAddress string `json:"pciAddress,omitempty"`
    // If specified the network interface will pass additional DHCP options to the VMI
    // +optional
    DHCPOptions *DHCPOptions `json:"dhcpOptions,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the virtual network interface address and its tag will be provided to the guest via config drive
    // +optional
    Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the ACPI index is used to provide network interface device naming, that is stable across changes
    // in PCI addresses assigned to the device.
    // This value is required to be unique across all devices and be between 1 and (16*1024-1).
    // +optional
    ACPIIndex int `json:"acpiIndex,omitempty"`
    // State represents the requested operational state of the interface.
    // The (only) value supported is `absent`, expressing a request to remove the interface.
    // +optional
    State InterfaceState `json:"state,omitempty"`

func DefaultBridgeNetworkInterface

func DefaultBridgeNetworkInterface() *Interface

func DefaultMasqueradeNetworkInterface

func DefaultMasqueradeNetworkInterface() *Interface

func (*Interface) DeepCopy

func (in *Interface) DeepCopy() *Interface

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Interface.

func (*Interface) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Interface) DeepCopyInto(out *Interface)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Interface) SwaggerDoc

func (Interface) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceBindingMethod

Represents the method which will be used to connect the interface to the guest. Only one of its members may be specified.

type InterfaceBindingMethod struct {
    Bridge *InterfaceBridge `json:"bridge,omitempty"`
    // DeprecatedSlirp is an alias to the deprecated Slirp interface
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3
    DeprecatedSlirp *DeprecatedInterfaceSlirp `json:"slirp,omitempty"`
    Masquerade      *InterfaceMasquerade      `json:"masquerade,omitempty"`
    SRIOV           *InterfaceSRIOV           `json:"sriov,omitempty"`
    // DeprecatedMacvtap is an alias to the deprecated Macvtap interface,
    // please refer to Kubevirt user guide for alternatives.
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3
    // +optional
    DeprecatedMacvtap *DeprecatedInterfaceMacvtap `json:"macvtap,omitempty"`
    // DeprecatedPasst is an alias to the deprecated Passt interface,
    // please refer to Kubevirt user guide for alternatives.
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3
    // +optional
    DeprecatedPasst *DeprecatedInterfacePasst `json:"passt,omitempty"`

func (*InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingMethod

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceBindingMethod.

func (*InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceBindingMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingMethod)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceBindingMethod) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceBindingMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceBindingMigration

type InterfaceBindingMigration struct {
    // Method defines a pre-defined migration methodology
    // version: 1alphav1
    Method MigrationMethod `json:"method,omitempty"`

func (*InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingMigration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceBindingMigration.

func (*InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceBindingMigration) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingMigration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceBindingMigration) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceBindingMigration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceBindingPlugin

type InterfaceBindingPlugin struct {
    // SidecarImage references a container image that runs in the virt-launcher pod.
    // The sidecar handles (libvirt) domain configuration and optional services.
    // version: 1alphav1
    SidecarImage string `json:"sidecarImage,omitempty"`
    // NetworkAttachmentDefinition references to a NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR object.
    // Format: <name>, <namespace>/<name>.
    // If namespace is not specified, VMI namespace is assumed.
    // version: 1alphav1
    NetworkAttachmentDefinition string `json:"networkAttachmentDefinition,omitempty"`
    // DomainAttachmentType is a standard domain network attachment method kubevirt supports.
    // Supported values: "tap", "managedTap" (since v1.4).
    // The standard domain attachment can be used instead or in addition to the sidecarImage.
    // version: 1alphav1
    DomainAttachmentType DomainAttachmentType `json:"domainAttachmentType,omitempty"`
    // Migration means the VM using the plugin can be safely migrated
    // version: 1alphav1
    Migration *InterfaceBindingMigration `json:"migration,omitempty"`
    // DownwardAPI specifies what kind of data should be exposed to the binding plugin sidecar.
    // Supported values: "device-info"
    // version: v1alphav1
    // +optional
    DownwardAPI NetworkBindingDownwardAPIType `json:"downwardAPI,omitempty"`

    // ComputeResourceOverhead specifies the resource overhead that should be added to the compute container when using the binding.
    // version: v1alphav1
    // +optional
    ComputeResourceOverhead *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims `json:"computeResourceOverhead,omitempty"`

func (*InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBindingPlugin

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceBindingPlugin.

func (*InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceBindingPlugin) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBindingPlugin)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceBindingPlugin) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceBindingPlugin) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceBridge

InterfaceBridge connects to a given network via a linux bridge.

type InterfaceBridge struct{}

func (*InterfaceBridge) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceBridge) DeepCopy() *InterfaceBridge

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceBridge.

func (*InterfaceBridge) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceBridge) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceBridge)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceBridge) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceBridge) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceMasquerade

InterfaceMasquerade connects to a given network using netfilter rules to nat the traffic.

type InterfaceMasquerade struct{}

func (*InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopy() *InterfaceMasquerade

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceMasquerade.

func (*InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceMasquerade) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceMasquerade)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceMasquerade) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceMasquerade) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceSRIOV

InterfaceSRIOV connects to a given network by passing-through an SR-IOV PCI device via vfio.

type InterfaceSRIOV struct{}

func (*InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopy

func (in *InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopy() *InterfaceSRIOV

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new InterfaceSRIOV.

func (*InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopyInto

func (in *InterfaceSRIOV) DeepCopyInto(out *InterfaceSRIOV)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (InterfaceSRIOV) SwaggerDoc

func (InterfaceSRIOV) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type InterfaceState

type InterfaceState string
const (
    InterfaceStateAbsent InterfaceState = "absent"

type KSMConfiguration

KSMConfiguration holds information about KSM. +k8s:openapi-gen=true

type KSMConfiguration struct {
    // NodeLabelSelector is a selector that filters in which nodes the KSM will be enabled.
    // Empty NodeLabelSelector will enable ksm for every node.
    // +optional
    NodeLabelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"nodeLabelSelector,omitempty"`

func (*KSMConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *KSMConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KSMConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KSMConfiguration.

func (*KSMConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KSMConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KSMConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KSMConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (KSMConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KVMTimer

type KVMTimer struct {
    // Enabled set to false makes sure that the machine type or a preset can't add the timer.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"present,omitempty"`

func (*KVMTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *KVMTimer) DeepCopy() *KVMTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KVMTimer.

func (*KVMTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KVMTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *KVMTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KVMTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (KVMTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KernelBoot

Represents the firmware blob used to assist in the kernel boot process. Used for setting the kernel, initrd and command line arguments

type KernelBoot struct {
    // Arguments to be passed to the kernel at boot time
    KernelArgs string `json:"kernelArgs,omitempty"`
    // Container defines the container that containes kernel artifacts
    Container *KernelBootContainer `json:"container,omitempty"`

func (*KernelBoot) DeepCopy

func (in *KernelBoot) DeepCopy() *KernelBoot

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KernelBoot.

func (*KernelBoot) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KernelBoot) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBoot)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KernelBoot) SwaggerDoc

func (KernelBoot) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KernelBootContainer

If set, the VM will be booted from the defined kernel / initrd.

type KernelBootContainer struct {
    // Image that contains initrd / kernel files.
    Image string `json:"image"`
    // ImagePullSecret is the name of the Docker registry secret required to pull the image. The secret must already exist.
    ImagePullSecret string `json:"imagePullSecret,omitempty"`
    // Image pull policy.
    // One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent.
    // Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
    // Cannot be updated.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images
    // +optional
    ImagePullPolicy v1.PullPolicy `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"`
    // The fully-qualified path to the kernel image in the host OS
    KernelPath string `json:"kernelPath,omitempty"`
    // the fully-qualified path to the ramdisk image in the host OS
    InitrdPath string `json:"initrdPath,omitempty"`

func (*KernelBootContainer) DeepCopy

func (in *KernelBootContainer) DeepCopy() *KernelBootContainer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KernelBootContainer.

func (*KernelBootContainer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KernelBootContainer) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBootContainer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KernelBootContainer) SwaggerDoc

func (KernelBootContainer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KernelBootStatus

KernelBootStatus contains info about the kernelBootContainer

type KernelBootStatus struct {
    // KernelInfo show info about the kernel image
    KernelInfo *KernelInfo `json:"kernelInfo,omitempty"`
    // InitrdInfo show info about the initrd file
    InitrdInfo *InitrdInfo `json:"initrdInfo,omitempty"`

func (*KernelBootStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *KernelBootStatus) DeepCopy() *KernelBootStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KernelBootStatus.

func (*KernelBootStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KernelBootStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelBootStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KernelBootStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (KernelBootStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KernelInfo

KernelInfo show info about the kernel image

type KernelInfo struct {
    // Checksum is the checksum of the kernel image
    Checksum uint32 `json:"checksum,omitempty"`

func (*KernelInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *KernelInfo) DeepCopy() *KernelInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KernelInfo.

func (*KernelInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KernelInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *KernelInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KernelInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (KernelInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirt

KubeVirt represents the object deploying all KubeVirt resources

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type KubeVirt struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Spec              KubeVirtSpec   `json:"spec" valid:"required"`
    Status            KubeVirtStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirt) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopy() *KubeVirt

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirt.

func (*KubeVirt) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirt)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*KubeVirt) DeepCopyObject

func (in *KubeVirt) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (KubeVirt) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirt) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy

type KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy struct {
    SelfSigned *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration `json:"selfSigned,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy.

func (*KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtCondition

KubeVirtCondition represents a condition of a KubeVirt deployment

type KubeVirtCondition struct {
    Type   KubeVirtConditionType `json:"type"`
    Status k8sv1.ConditionStatus `json:"status"`
    // +optional
    // +nullable
    LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
    // +optional
    // +nullable
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
    Reason             string      `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    Message            string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtCondition

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtCondition.

func (*KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtCondition)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtCondition) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtConditionType

type KubeVirtConditionType string

These are the valid KubeVirt condition types

const (
    // Whether the deployment or deletion was successful (only used if false)
    KubeVirtConditionSynchronized KubeVirtConditionType = "Synchronized"
    // Whether all resources were created and up-to-date
    KubeVirtConditionCreated KubeVirtConditionType = "Created"

    // Conditions for HCO, see https://github.com/kubevirt/hyperconverged-cluster-operator/blob/master/docs/conditions.md
    // Whether KubeVirt is functional and available in the cluster.
    KubeVirtConditionAvailable KubeVirtConditionType = "Available"
    // Whether the operator is actively making changes to KubeVirt
    KubeVirtConditionProgressing KubeVirtConditionType = "Progressing"
    // Whether KubeVirt is not functioning completely
    KubeVirtConditionDegraded KubeVirtConditionType = "Degraded"

type KubeVirtConfiguration

KubeVirtConfiguration holds all kubevirt configurations

type KubeVirtConfiguration struct {
    CPUModel               string                  `json:"cpuModel,omitempty"`
    CPURequest             *resource.Quantity      `json:"cpuRequest,omitempty"`
    DeveloperConfiguration *DeveloperConfiguration `json:"developerConfiguration,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated. Use architectureConfiguration instead.
    EmulatedMachines       []string                `json:"emulatedMachines,omitempty"`
    ImagePullPolicy        k8sv1.PullPolicy        `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"`
    MigrationConfiguration *MigrationConfiguration `json:"migrations,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated. Use architectureConfiguration instead.
    MachineType          string                `json:"machineType,omitempty"`
    NetworkConfiguration *NetworkConfiguration `json:"network,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated. Use architectureConfiguration instead.
    OVMFPath                  string               `json:"ovmfPath,omitempty"`
    SELinuxLauncherType       string               `json:"selinuxLauncherType,omitempty"`
    DefaultRuntimeClass       string               `json:"defaultRuntimeClass,omitempty"`
    SMBIOSConfig              *SMBiosConfiguration `json:"smbios,omitempty"`
    ArchitectureConfiguration *ArchConfiguration   `json:"architectureConfiguration,omitempty"`
    // EvictionStrategy defines at the cluster level if the VirtualMachineInstance should be
    // migrated instead of shut-off in case of a node drain. If the VirtualMachineInstance specific
    // field is set it overrides the cluster level one.
    EvictionStrategy *EvictionStrategy `json:"evictionStrategy,omitempty"`

    // AdditionalGuestMemoryOverheadRatio can be used to increase the virtualization infrastructure
    // overhead. This is useful, since the calculation of this overhead is not accurate and cannot
    // be entirely known in advance. The ratio that is being set determines by which factor to increase
    // the overhead calculated by Kubevirt. A higher ratio means that the VMs would be less compromised
    // by node pressures, but would mean that fewer VMs could be scheduled to a node.
    // If not set, the default is 1.
    AdditionalGuestMemoryOverheadRatio *string `json:"additionalGuestMemoryOverheadRatio,omitempty"`

    // +listType=map
    // +listMapKey=type
    // SupportContainerResources specifies the resource requirements for various types of supporting containers such as container disks/virtiofs/sidecars and hotplug attachment pods. If omitted a sensible default will be supplied.
    SupportContainerResources []SupportContainerResources `json:"supportContainerResources,omitempty"`

    // deprecated
    SupportedGuestAgentVersions    []string                          `json:"supportedGuestAgentVersions,omitempty"`
    MemBalloonStatsPeriod          *uint32                           `json:"memBalloonStatsPeriod,omitempty"`
    PermittedHostDevices           *PermittedHostDevices             `json:"permittedHostDevices,omitempty"`
    MediatedDevicesConfiguration   *MediatedDevicesConfiguration     `json:"mediatedDevicesConfiguration,omitempty"`
    MinCPUModel                    string                            `json:"minCPUModel,omitempty"`
    ObsoleteCPUModels              map[string]bool                   `json:"obsoleteCPUModels,omitempty"`
    VirtualMachineInstancesPerNode *int                              `json:"virtualMachineInstancesPerNode,omitempty"`
    APIConfiguration               *ReloadableComponentConfiguration `json:"apiConfiguration,omitempty"`
    WebhookConfiguration           *ReloadableComponentConfiguration `json:"webhookConfiguration,omitempty"`
    ControllerConfiguration        *ReloadableComponentConfiguration `json:"controllerConfiguration,omitempty"`
    HandlerConfiguration           *ReloadableComponentConfiguration `json:"handlerConfiguration,omitempty"`
    TLSConfiguration               *TLSConfiguration                 `json:"tlsConfiguration,omitempty"`
    SeccompConfiguration           *SeccompConfiguration             `json:"seccompConfiguration,omitempty"`

    // VMStateStorageClass is the name of the storage class to use for the PVCs created to preserve VM state, like TPM.
    // The storage class must support RWX in filesystem mode.
    VMStateStorageClass   string                 `json:"vmStateStorageClass,omitempty"`
    VirtualMachineOptions *VirtualMachineOptions `json:"virtualMachineOptions,omitempty"`

    // KSMConfiguration holds the information regarding the enabling the KSM in the nodes (if available).
    KSMConfiguration *KSMConfiguration `json:"ksmConfiguration,omitempty"`

    // When set, AutoCPULimitNamespaceLabelSelector will set a CPU limit on virt-launcher for VMIs running inside
    // namespaces that match the label selector.
    // The CPU limit will equal the number of requested vCPUs.
    // This setting does not apply to VMIs with dedicated CPUs.
    AutoCPULimitNamespaceLabelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"autoCPULimitNamespaceLabelSelector,omitempty"`
    // LiveUpdateConfiguration holds defaults for live update features
    LiveUpdateConfiguration *LiveUpdateConfiguration `json:"liveUpdateConfiguration,omitempty"`

    // VMRolloutStrategy defines how changes to a VM object propagate to its VMI
    // +nullable
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Stage;LiveUpdate
    VMRolloutStrategy *VMRolloutStrategy `json:"vmRolloutStrategy,omitempty"`

    // CommonInstancetypesDeployment controls the deployment of common-instancetypes resources
    // +nullable
    CommonInstancetypesDeployment *CommonInstancetypesDeployment `json:"commonInstancetypesDeployment,omitempty"`

    // Instancetype configuration
    // +nullable
    Instancetype *InstancetypeConfiguration `json:"instancetype,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtConfiguration.

func (*KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtList

KubeVirtList is a list of KubeVirts


type KubeVirtList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []KubeVirt `json:"items"`

func (*KubeVirtList) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtList.

func (*KubeVirtList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*KubeVirtList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *KubeVirtList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (KubeVirtList) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtPhase

KubeVirtPhase is a label for the phase of a KubeVirt deployment at the current time.

type KubeVirtPhase string

These are the valid KubeVirt deployment phases

const (
    // The deployment is processing
    KubeVirtPhaseDeploying KubeVirtPhase = "Deploying"
    // The deployment succeeded
    KubeVirtPhaseDeployed KubeVirtPhase = "Deployed"
    // The deletion is processing
    KubeVirtPhaseDeleting KubeVirtPhase = "Deleting"
    // The deletion succeeeded
    KubeVirtPhaseDeleted KubeVirtPhase = "Deleted"

type KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration

type KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration struct {
    // Deprecated. Use CA.Duration instead
    CARotateInterval *metav1.Duration `json:"caRotateInterval,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated. Use Server.Duration instead
    CertRotateInterval *metav1.Duration `json:"certRotateInterval,omitempty"`
    // Deprecated. Use CA.Duration and CA.RenewBefore instead
    CAOverlapInterval *metav1.Duration `json:"caOverlapInterval,omitempty"`

    // CA configuration
    // CA certs are kept in the CA bundle as long as they are valid
    CA *CertConfig `json:"ca,omitempty"`

    // Server configuration
    // Certs are rotated and discarded
    Server *CertConfig `json:"server,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration.

func (*KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtSelfSignConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtSpec

type KubeVirtSpec struct {
    // The image tag to use for the continer images installed.
    // Defaults to the same tag as the operator's container image.
    ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
    // The image registry to pull the container images from
    // Defaults to the same registry the operator's container image is pulled from.
    ImageRegistry string `json:"imageRegistry,omitempty"`

    // The ImagePullPolicy to use.
    ImagePullPolicy k8sv1.PullPolicy `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty" valid:"required"`

    // The imagePullSecrets to pull the container images from
    // Defaults to none
    // +listType=atomic
    ImagePullSecrets []k8sv1.LocalObjectReference `json:"imagePullSecrets,omitempty"`

    // The namespace Prometheus is deployed in
    // Defaults to openshift-monitor
    MonitorNamespace string `json:"monitorNamespace,omitempty"`

    // The namespace the service monitor will be deployed
    //  When ServiceMonitorNamespace is set, then we'll install the service monitor object in that namespace
    // otherwise we will use the monitoring namespace.
    ServiceMonitorNamespace string `json:"serviceMonitorNamespace,omitempty"`

    // The name of the Prometheus service account that needs read-access to KubeVirt endpoints
    // Defaults to prometheus-k8s
    MonitorAccount string `json:"monitorAccount,omitempty"`

    // WorkloadUpdateStrategy defines at the cluster level how to handle
    // automated workload updates
    WorkloadUpdateStrategy KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy `json:"workloadUpdateStrategy,omitempty"`

    // Specifies if kubevirt can be deleted if workloads are still present.
    // This is mainly a precaution to avoid accidental data loss
    UninstallStrategy KubeVirtUninstallStrategy `json:"uninstallStrategy,omitempty"`

    CertificateRotationStrategy KubeVirtCertificateRotateStrategy `json:"certificateRotateStrategy,omitempty"`

    // Designate the apps.kubevirt.io/version label for KubeVirt components.
    // Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product.
    // If ProductVersion is not specified, KubeVirt's version will be used.
    ProductVersion string `json:"productVersion,omitempty"`

    // Designate the apps.kubevirt.io/part-of label for KubeVirt components.
    // Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product.
    // If ProductName is not specified, the part-of label will be omitted.
    ProductName string `json:"productName,omitempty"`

    // Designate the apps.kubevirt.io/component label for KubeVirt components.
    // Useful if KubeVirt is included as part of a product.
    // If ProductComponent is not specified, the component label default value is kubevirt.
    ProductComponent string `json:"productComponent,omitempty"`

    // holds kubevirt configurations.
    // same as the virt-configMap
    Configuration KubeVirtConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"`

    // selectors and tolerations that should apply to KubeVirt infrastructure components
    // +optional
    Infra *ComponentConfig `json:"infra,omitempty"`

    // selectors and tolerations that should apply to KubeVirt workloads
    // +optional
    Workloads *ComponentConfig `json:"workloads,omitempty"`

    CustomizeComponents CustomizeComponents `json:"customizeComponents,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtSpec.

func (*KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtStatus

KubeVirtStatus represents information pertaining to a KubeVirt deployment.

type KubeVirtStatus struct {
    Phase                                   KubeVirtPhase       `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    Conditions                              []KubeVirtCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    OperatorVersion                         string              `json:"operatorVersion,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    TargetKubeVirtRegistry                  string              `json:"targetKubeVirtRegistry,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    TargetKubeVirtVersion                   string              `json:"targetKubeVirtVersion,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    TargetDeploymentConfig                  string              `json:"targetDeploymentConfig,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    TargetDeploymentID                      string              `json:"targetDeploymentID,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    ObservedKubeVirtRegistry                string              `json:"observedKubeVirtRegistry,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    ObservedKubeVirtVersion                 string              `json:"observedKubeVirtVersion,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    ObservedDeploymentConfig                string              `json:"observedDeploymentConfig,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    ObservedDeploymentID                    string              `json:"observedDeploymentID,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    OutdatedVirtualMachineInstanceWorkloads *int                `json:"outdatedVirtualMachineInstanceWorkloads,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    ObservedGeneration                      *int64              `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
    DefaultArchitecture                     string              `json:"defaultArchitecture,omitempty"`
    // +listType=atomic
    Generations []GenerationStatus `json:"generations,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtStatus.

func (*KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type KubeVirtUninstallStrategy

type KubeVirtUninstallStrategy string
const (
    KubeVirtUninstallStrategyRemoveWorkloads                KubeVirtUninstallStrategy = "RemoveWorkloads"
    KubeVirtUninstallStrategyBlockUninstallIfWorkloadsExist KubeVirtUninstallStrategy = "BlockUninstallIfWorkloadsExist"

type KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy

KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy defines options related to updating a KubeVirt install

type KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy struct {
    // WorkloadUpdateMethods defines the methods that can be used to disrupt workloads
    // during automated workload updates.
    // When multiple methods are present, the least disruptive method takes
    // precedence over more disruptive methods. For example if both LiveMigrate and Shutdown
    // methods are listed, only VMs which are not live migratable will be restarted/shutdown
    // An empty list defaults to no automated workload updating
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    WorkloadUpdateMethods []WorkloadUpdateMethod `json:"workloadUpdateMethods,omitempty"`

    // BatchEvictionSize Represents the number of VMIs that can be forced updated per
    // the BatchShutdownInteral interval
    // Defaults to 10
    // +optional
    BatchEvictionSize *int `json:"batchEvictionSize,omitempty"`

    // BatchEvictionInterval Represents the interval to wait before issuing the next
    // batch of shutdowns
    // Defaults to 1 minute
    // +optional
    BatchEvictionInterval *metav1.Duration `json:"batchEvictionInterval,omitempty"`

func (*KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopy

func (in *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopy() *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy.

func (*KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopyInto

func (in *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) DeepCopyInto(out *KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) SwaggerDoc

func (KubeVirtWorkloadUpdateStrategy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type LaunchSecurity

type LaunchSecurity struct {
    // AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV).
    SEV *SEV `json:"sev,omitempty"`

func (*LaunchSecurity) DeepCopy

func (in *LaunchSecurity) DeepCopy() *LaunchSecurity

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new LaunchSecurity.

func (*LaunchSecurity) DeepCopyInto

func (in *LaunchSecurity) DeepCopyInto(out *LaunchSecurity)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (LaunchSecurity) SwaggerDoc

func (LaunchSecurity) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type LiveUpdateConfiguration

type LiveUpdateConfiguration struct {
    // MaxHotplugRatio is the ratio used to define the max amount
    // of a hotplug resource that can be made available to a VM
    // when the specific Max* setting is not defined (MaxCpuSockets, MaxGuest)
    // Example: VM is configured with 512Mi of guest memory, if MaxGuest is not
    // defined and MaxHotplugRatio is 2 then MaxGuest = 1Gi
    // defaults to 4
    MaxHotplugRatio uint32 `json:"maxHotplugRatio,omitempty"`
    // MaxCpuSockets provides a MaxSockets value for VMs that do not provide their own.
    // For VMs with more sockets than maximum the MaxSockets will be set to equal number of sockets.
    MaxCpuSockets *uint32 `json:"maxCpuSockets,omitempty"`
    // MaxGuest defines the maximum amount memory that can be allocated
    // to the guest using hotplug.
    MaxGuest *resource.Quantity `json:"maxGuest,omitempty"`

func (*LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopy() *LiveUpdateConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new LiveUpdateConfiguration.

func (*LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *LiveUpdateConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *LiveUpdateConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (LiveUpdateConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (LiveUpdateConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type LogVerbosity

LogVerbosity sets log verbosity level of various components

type LogVerbosity struct {
    VirtAPI        uint `json:"virtAPI,omitempty"`
    VirtController uint `json:"virtController,omitempty"`
    VirtHandler    uint `json:"virtHandler,omitempty"`
    VirtLauncher   uint `json:"virtLauncher,omitempty"`
    VirtOperator   uint `json:"virtOperator,omitempty"`
    // NodeVerbosity represents a map of nodes with a specific verbosity level
    NodeVerbosity map[string]uint `json:"nodeVerbosity,omitempty"`

func (*LogVerbosity) DeepCopy

func (in *LogVerbosity) DeepCopy() *LogVerbosity

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new LogVerbosity.

func (*LogVerbosity) DeepCopyInto

func (in *LogVerbosity) DeepCopyInto(out *LogVerbosity)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (LogVerbosity) SwaggerDoc

func (LogVerbosity) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type LunTarget

type LunTarget struct {
    // Bus indicates the type of disk device to emulate.
    // supported values: virtio, sata, scsi.
    Bus DiskBus `json:"bus,omitempty"`
    // ReadOnly.
    // Defaults to false.
    ReadOnly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`
    // Reservation indicates if the disk needs to support the persistent reservation for the SCSI disk
    Reservation bool `json:"reservation,omitempty"`

func (*LunTarget) DeepCopy

func (in *LunTarget) DeepCopy() *LunTarget

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new LunTarget.

func (*LunTarget) DeepCopyInto

func (in *LunTarget) DeepCopyInto(out *LunTarget)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (LunTarget) SwaggerDoc

func (LunTarget) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Machine

type Machine struct {
    // QEMU machine type is the actual chipset of the VirtualMachineInstance.
    // +optional
    Type string `json:"type"`

func (*Machine) DeepCopy

func (in *Machine) DeepCopy() *Machine

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Machine.

func (*Machine) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Machine) DeepCopyInto(out *Machine)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Machine) SwaggerDoc

func (Machine) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Matcher

type Matcher interface {
    GetName() string
    GetRevisionName() string

type MediatedDevicesConfiguration

MediatedDevicesConfiguration holds information about MDEV types to be defined, if available

type MediatedDevicesConfiguration struct {
    // Deprecated. Use mediatedDeviceTypes instead.
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    MediatedDevicesTypes []string `json:"mediatedDevicesTypes,omitempty"`
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    MediatedDeviceTypes []string `json:"mediatedDeviceTypes,omitempty"`
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    NodeMediatedDeviceTypes []NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig `json:"nodeMediatedDeviceTypes,omitempty"`

func (*MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopy() *MediatedDevicesConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MediatedDevicesConfiguration.

func (*MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MediatedDevicesConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *MediatedDevicesConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MediatedDevicesConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (MediatedDevicesConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MediatedHostDevice

MediatedHostDevice represents a host mediated device allowed for passthrough

type MediatedHostDevice struct {
    MDEVNameSelector         string `json:"mdevNameSelector"`
    ResourceName             string `json:"resourceName"`
    ExternalResourceProvider bool   `json:"externalResourceProvider,omitempty"`

func (*MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopy() *MediatedHostDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MediatedHostDevice.

func (*MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MediatedHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *MediatedHostDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MediatedHostDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (MediatedHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Memory

Memory allows specifying the VirtualMachineInstance memory features.

type Memory struct {
    // Hugepages allow to use hugepages for the VirtualMachineInstance instead of regular memory.
    // +optional
    Hugepages *Hugepages `json:"hugepages,omitempty"`
    // Guest allows to specifying the amount of memory which is visible inside the Guest OS.
    // The Guest must lie between Requests and Limits from the resources section.
    // Defaults to the requested memory in the resources section if not specified.
    // + optional
    Guest *resource.Quantity `json:"guest,omitempty"`
    // MaxGuest allows to specify the maximum amount of memory which is visible inside the Guest OS.
    // The delta between MaxGuest and Guest is the amount of memory that can be hot(un)plugged.
    MaxGuest *resource.Quantity `json:"maxGuest,omitempty"`

func (*Memory) DeepCopy

func (in *Memory) DeepCopy() *Memory

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Memory.

func (*Memory) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Memory) DeepCopyInto(out *Memory)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Memory) SwaggerDoc

func (Memory) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MemoryDumpPhase

type MemoryDumpPhase string
const (
    // The memorydump is during pvc Associating
    MemoryDumpAssociating MemoryDumpPhase = "Associating"
    // The memorydump is in progress
    MemoryDumpInProgress MemoryDumpPhase = "InProgress"
    // The memorydump is being unmounted
    MemoryDumpUnmounting MemoryDumpPhase = "Unmounting"
    // The memorydump is completed
    MemoryDumpCompleted MemoryDumpPhase = "Completed"
    // The memorydump is being unbound
    MemoryDumpDissociating MemoryDumpPhase = "Dissociating"
    // The memorydump failed
    MemoryDumpFailed MemoryDumpPhase = "Failed"

type MemoryDumpVolumeSource

type MemoryDumpVolumeSource struct {
    // PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace.
    // Directly attached to the virt launcher
    // +optional
    PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource `json:",inline"`

func (*MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *MemoryDumpVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MemoryDumpVolumeSource.

func (*MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MemoryDumpVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *MemoryDumpVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MemoryDumpVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (MemoryDumpVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MemoryStatus

type MemoryStatus struct {
    // GuestAtBoot specifies with how much memory the VirtualMachine intiallly booted with.
    // +optional
    GuestAtBoot *resource.Quantity `json:"guestAtBoot,omitempty"`
    // GuestCurrent specifies how much memory is currently available for the VirtualMachine.
    // +optional
    GuestCurrent *resource.Quantity `json:"guestCurrent,omitempty"`
    // GuestRequested specifies how much memory was requested (hotplug) for the VirtualMachine.
    // +optional
    GuestRequested *resource.Quantity `json:"guestRequested,omitempty"`

func (*MemoryStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *MemoryStatus) DeepCopy() *MemoryStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MemoryStatus.

func (*MemoryStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MemoryStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *MemoryStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MemoryStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (MemoryStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MigrateOptions

MigrateOptions may be provided on migrate request.

type MigrateOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*MigrateOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *MigrateOptions) DeepCopy() *MigrateOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MigrateOptions.

func (*MigrateOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MigrateOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *MigrateOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MigrateOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (MigrateOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MigrationAbortStatus

type MigrationAbortStatus string
const (
    // MigrationAbortSucceeded means that the VirtualMachineInstance live migration has been aborted
    MigrationAbortSucceeded MigrationAbortStatus = "Succeeded"
    // MigrationAbortFailed means that the vmi live migration has failed to be abort
    MigrationAbortFailed MigrationAbortStatus = "Failed"
    // MigrationAbortInProgress mean that the vmi live migration is aborting
    MigrationAbortInProgress MigrationAbortStatus = "Aborting"

type MigrationConfigSource

MigrationConfigSource indicates the source of migration configuration.


type MigrationConfigSource string

type MigrationConfiguration

MigrationConfiguration holds migration options. Can be overridden for specific groups of VMs though migration policies. Visit https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/operations/migration_policies/ for more information.

type MigrationConfiguration struct {
    // NodeDrainTaintKey defines the taint key that indicates a node should be drained.
    // Note: this option relies on the deprecated node taint feature. Default: kubevirt.io/drain
    NodeDrainTaintKey *string `json:"nodeDrainTaintKey,omitempty"`
    // ParallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode is the maximum number of concurrent outgoing live migrations
    // allowed per node. Defaults to 2
    ParallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode *uint32 `json:"parallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode,omitempty"`
    // ParallelMigrationsPerCluster is the total number of concurrent live migrations
    // allowed cluster-wide. Defaults to 5
    ParallelMigrationsPerCluster *uint32 `json:"parallelMigrationsPerCluster,omitempty"`
    // AllowAutoConverge allows the platform to compromise performance/availability of VMIs to
    // guarantee successful VMI live migrations. Defaults to false
    AllowAutoConverge *bool `json:"allowAutoConverge,omitempty"`
    // BandwidthPerMigration limits the amount of network bandwidth live migrations are allowed to use.
    // The value is in quantity per second. Defaults to 0 (no limit)
    BandwidthPerMigration *resource.Quantity `json:"bandwidthPerMigration,omitempty"`
    // CompletionTimeoutPerGiB is the maximum number of seconds per GiB a migration is allowed to take.
    // If a live-migration takes longer to migrate than this value multiplied by the size of the VMI,
    // the migration will be cancelled, unless AllowPostCopy is true. Defaults to 150
    CompletionTimeoutPerGiB *int64 `json:"completionTimeoutPerGiB,omitempty"`
    // ProgressTimeout is the maximum number of seconds a live migration is allowed to make no progress.
    // Hitting this timeout means a migration transferred 0 data for that many seconds. The migration is
    // then considered stuck and therefore cancelled. Defaults to 150
    ProgressTimeout *int64 `json:"progressTimeout,omitempty"`
    // UnsafeMigrationOverride allows live migrations to occur even if the compatibility check
    // indicates the migration will be unsafe to the guest. Defaults to false
    UnsafeMigrationOverride *bool `json:"unsafeMigrationOverride,omitempty"`
    // AllowPostCopy enables post-copy live migrations. Such migrations allow even the busiest VMIs
    // to successfully live-migrate. However, events like a network failure can cause a VMI crash.
    // If set to true, migrations will still start in pre-copy, but switch to post-copy when
    // CompletionTimeoutPerGiB triggers. Defaults to false
    AllowPostCopy *bool `json:"allowPostCopy,omitempty"`
    // When set to true, DisableTLS will disable the additional layer of live migration encryption
    // provided by KubeVirt. This is usually a bad idea. Defaults to false
    DisableTLS *bool `json:"disableTLS,omitempty"`
    // Network is the name of the CNI network to use for live migrations. By default, migrations go
    // through the pod network.
    Network *string `json:"network,omitempty"`
    // By default, the SELinux level of target virt-launcher pods is forced to the level of the source virt-launcher.
    // When set to true, MatchSELinuxLevelOnMigration lets the CRI auto-assign a random level to the target.
    // That will ensure the target virt-launcher doesn't share categories with another pod on the node.
    // However, migrations will fail when using RWX volumes that don't automatically deal with SELinux levels.
    MatchSELinuxLevelOnMigration *bool `json:"matchSELinuxLevelOnMigration,omitempty"`

func (*MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopy() *MigrationConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MigrationConfiguration.

func (*MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MigrationConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *MigrationConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MigrationConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (MigrationConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type MigrationMethod

type MigrationMethod string
const (
    // LinkRefresh method will invoke link down -> link up interface to give a chance to the guest to request new IP address and routes from DHCP
    LinkRefresh MigrationMethod = "link-refresh"

type MigrationMode

type MigrationMode string
const (
    // MigrationPreCopy means the VMI migrations that is currently running is in pre copy mode
    MigrationPreCopy MigrationMode = "PreCopy"
    // MigrationPostCopy means the VMI migrations that is currently running is in post copy mode
    MigrationPostCopy MigrationMode = "PostCopy"

type MultusNetwork

Represents the multus cni network.

type MultusNetwork struct {
    // References to a NetworkAttachmentDefinition CRD object. Format:
    // <networkName>, <namespace>/<networkName>. If namespace is not
    // specified, VMI namespace is assumed.
    NetworkName string `json:"networkName"`

    // Select the default network and add it to the
    // multus-cni.io/default-network annotation.
    Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"`

func (*MultusNetwork) DeepCopy

func (in *MultusNetwork) DeepCopy() *MultusNetwork

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new MultusNetwork.

func (*MultusNetwork) DeepCopyInto

func (in *MultusNetwork) DeepCopyInto(out *MultusNetwork)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (MultusNetwork) SwaggerDoc

func (MultusNetwork) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NUMA

type NUMA struct {
    // GuestMappingPassthrough will create an efficient guest topology based on host CPUs exclusively assigned to a pod.
    // The created topology ensures that memory and CPUs on the virtual numa nodes never cross boundaries of host numa nodes.
    // +opitonal
    GuestMappingPassthrough *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough `json:"guestMappingPassthrough,omitempty"`

func (*NUMA) DeepCopy

func (in *NUMA) DeepCopy() *NUMA

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NUMA.

func (*NUMA) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NUMA) DeepCopyInto(out *NUMA)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NUMA) SwaggerDoc

func (NUMA) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough

NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough instructs kubevirt to model numa topology which is compatible with the CPU pinning on the guest. This will result in a subset of the node numa topology being passed through, ensuring that virtual numa nodes and their memory never cross boundaries coming from the node numa mapping.

type NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough struct {

func (*NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopy

func (in *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopy() *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough.

func (*NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) DeepCopyInto(out *NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) SwaggerDoc

func (NUMAGuestMappingPassthrough) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Network

Network represents a network type and a resource that should be connected to the vm.

type Network struct {
    // Network name.
    // Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the vm.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // NetworkSource represents the network type and the source interface that should be connected to the virtual machine.
    // Defaults to Pod, if no type is specified.
    NetworkSource `json:",inline"`

func DefaultPodNetwork

func DefaultPodNetwork() *Network

func (*Network) DeepCopy

func (in *Network) DeepCopy() *Network

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Network.

func (*Network) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Network) DeepCopyInto(out *Network)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Network) SwaggerDoc

func (Network) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NetworkBindingDownwardAPIType

type NetworkBindingDownwardAPIType string
const (
    // DeviceInfo network binding API type specifies the device info from the Multus annotation
    // should be exposed to the binding plugin sidecar
    // version: v1alphav1
    DeviceInfo NetworkBindingDownwardAPIType = "device-info"

type NetworkConfiguration

NetworkConfiguration holds network options

type NetworkConfiguration struct {
    NetworkInterface string `json:"defaultNetworkInterface,omitempty"`
    // DeprecatedPermitSlirpInterface is an alias for the deprecated PermitSlirpInterface.
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3.
    DeprecatedPermitSlirpInterface    *bool                             `json:"permitSlirpInterface,omitempty"`
    PermitBridgeInterfaceOnPodNetwork *bool                             `json:"permitBridgeInterfaceOnPodNetwork,omitempty"`
    Binding                           map[string]InterfaceBindingPlugin `json:"binding,omitempty"`

func (*NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopy() *NetworkConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NetworkConfiguration.

func (*NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NetworkConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NetworkConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (NetworkConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NetworkInterfaceType

type NetworkInterfaceType string
const (
    // Virtual machine instance bride interface
    BridgeInterface NetworkInterfaceType = "bridge"
    // Virtual machine instance slirp interface is deprecated,
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3.
    DeprecatedSlirpInterface NetworkInterfaceType = "slirp"
    // Virtual machine instance masquerade interface
    MasqueradeInterface NetworkInterfaceType = "masquerade"
    // Virtual machine instance passt interface is deprecated
    // Deprecated: Removed in v1.3.
    DeprecatedPasstInterface NetworkInterfaceType = "passt"

type NetworkSource

Represents the source resource that will be connected to the vm. Only one of its members may be specified.

type NetworkSource struct {
    Pod    *PodNetwork    `json:"pod,omitempty"`
    Multus *MultusNetwork `json:"multus,omitempty"`

func (*NetworkSource) DeepCopy

func (in *NetworkSource) DeepCopy() *NetworkSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NetworkSource.

func (*NetworkSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NetworkSource) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NetworkSource) SwaggerDoc

func (NetworkSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

type NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation struct{}

func (*NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy

func (in *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation.

func (*NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc

func (NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig

NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig holds information about MDEV types to be defined in a specific node that matches the NodeSelector field. +k8s:openapi-gen=true

type NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig struct {
    // NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the vmi to fit on a node.
    // Selector which must match a node's labels for the vmi to be scheduled on that node.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
    NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector"`
    // Deprecated. Use mediatedDeviceTypes instead.
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    MediatedDevicesTypes []string `json:"mediatedDevicesTypes,omitempty"`
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    MediatedDeviceTypes []string `json:"mediatedDeviceTypes"`

func (*NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopy

func (in *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopy() *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig.

func (*NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) SwaggerDoc

func (NodeMediatedDeviceTypesConfig) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type NodePlacement

NodePlacement describes node scheduling configuration.

type NodePlacement struct {
    // nodeSelector is the node selector applied to the relevant kind of pods
    // It specifies a map of key-value pairs: for the pod to be eligible to run on a node,
    // the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels
    // (it can have additional labels as well).
    // See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
    // +optional
    NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`

    // affinity enables pod affinity/anti-affinity placement expanding the types of constraints
    // that can be expressed with nodeSelector.
    // affinity is going to be applied to the relevant kind of pods in parallel with nodeSelector
    // See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
    // +optional
    Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`

    // tolerations is a list of tolerations applied to the relevant kind of pods
    // See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ for more info.
    // These are additional tolerations other than default ones.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
    // +optional
    Tolerations []corev1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`

func (*NodePlacement) DeepCopy

func (in *NodePlacement) DeepCopy() *NodePlacement

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NodePlacement.

func (*NodePlacement) DeepCopyInto

func (in *NodePlacement) DeepCopyInto(out *NodePlacement)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

type PITTickPolicy

PITTickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.

type PITTickPolicy string

type PITTimer

type PITTimer struct {
    // TickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.
    // One of "delay", "catchup", "discard".
    TickPolicy PITTickPolicy `json:"tickPolicy,omitempty"`
    // Enabled set to false makes sure that the machine type or a preset can't add the timer.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"present,omitempty"`

func (*PITTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *PITTimer) DeepCopy() *PITTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PITTimer.

func (*PITTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PITTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *PITTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PITTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (PITTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PatchType

type PatchType string
const (
    JSONPatchType           PatchType = "json"
    MergePatchType          PatchType = "merge"
    StrategicMergePatchType PatchType = "strategic"

type PauseOptions

PauseOptions may be provided on pause request.

type PauseOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*PauseOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *PauseOptions) DeepCopy() *PauseOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PauseOptions.

func (*PauseOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PauseOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *PauseOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PauseOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (PauseOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PciHostDevice

PciHostDevice represents a host PCI device allowed for passthrough

type PciHostDevice struct {
    // The vendor_id:product_id tuple of the PCI device
    PCIVendorSelector string `json:"pciVendorSelector"`
    // The name of the resource that is representing the device. Exposed by
    // a device plugin and requested by VMs. Typically of the form
    // vendor.com/product_name
    ResourceName string `json:"resourceName"`
    // If true, KubeVirt will leave the allocation and monitoring to an
    // external device plugin
    ExternalResourceProvider bool `json:"externalResourceProvider,omitempty"`

func (*PciHostDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *PciHostDevice) DeepCopy() *PciHostDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PciHostDevice.

func (*PciHostDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PciHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *PciHostDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PciHostDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (PciHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Percent

Percent is a string that can only be a value between [0,1) +kubebuilder:validation:Pattern=`^(0(?:\.\d{1,3})?|1)$`

type Percent string

type PermittedHostDevices

PermittedHostDevices holds information about devices allowed for passthrough

type PermittedHostDevices struct {
    // +listType=atomic
    PciHostDevices []PciHostDevice `json:"pciHostDevices,omitempty"`
    // +listType=atomic
    MediatedDevices []MediatedHostDevice `json:"mediatedDevices,omitempty"`
    // +listType=atomic
    USB []USBHostDevice `json:"usb,omitempty"`

func (*PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopy

func (in *PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopy() *PermittedHostDevices

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PermittedHostDevices.

func (*PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PermittedHostDevices) DeepCopyInto(out *PermittedHostDevices)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PermittedHostDevices) SwaggerDoc

func (PermittedHostDevices) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PersistentVolumeClaimInfo

PersistentVolumeClaimInfo contains the relavant information virt-handler needs cached about a PVC

type PersistentVolumeClaimInfo struct {
    // ClaimName is the name of the PVC
    ClaimName string `json:"claimName,omitempty"`
    // AccessModes contains the desired access modes the volume should have.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#access-modes-1
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    AccessModes []k8sv1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode `json:"accessModes,omitempty"`

    // VolumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim.
    // Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec.
    // +optional
    VolumeMode *k8sv1.PersistentVolumeMode `json:"volumeMode,omitempty"`

    // Capacity represents the capacity set on the corresponding PVC status
    // +optional
    Capacity k8sv1.ResourceList `json:"capacity,omitempty"`

    // Requests represents the resources requested by the corresponding PVC spec
    // +optional
    Requests k8sv1.ResourceList `json:"requests,omitempty"`

    // Preallocated indicates if the PVC's storage is preallocated or not
    // +optional
    Preallocated bool `json:"preallocated,omitempty"`

    // Percentage of filesystem's size to be reserved when resizing the PVC
    // +optional
    FilesystemOverhead *Percent `json:"filesystemOverhead,omitempty"`

func (*PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopy() *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PersistentVolumeClaimInfo.

func (*PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (PersistentVolumeClaimInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource

PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. Directly attached to the vmi via qemu. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims

type PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource struct {
    v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource `json:",inline"`
    // Hotpluggable indicates whether the volume can be hotplugged and hotunplugged.
    // +optional
    Hotpluggable bool `json:"hotpluggable,omitempty"`

func (*PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource.

func (*PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PluginBinding

PluginBinding represents a binding implemented in a plugin.

type PluginBinding struct {
    // Name references to the binding name as denined in the kubevirt CR.
    // version: 1alphav1
    Name string `json:"name"`

func (*PluginBinding) DeepCopy

func (in *PluginBinding) DeepCopy() *PluginBinding

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PluginBinding.

func (*PluginBinding) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PluginBinding) DeepCopyInto(out *PluginBinding)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PluginBinding) SwaggerDoc

func (PluginBinding) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PodNetwork

Represents the stock pod network interface.

type PodNetwork struct {
    // CIDR for vm network.
    // Default if not specified.
    VMNetworkCIDR string `json:"vmNetworkCIDR,omitempty"`

    // IPv6 CIDR for the vm network.
    // Defaults to fd10:0:2::/120 if not specified.
    VMIPv6NetworkCIDR string `json:"vmIPv6NetworkCIDR,omitempty"`

func (*PodNetwork) DeepCopy

func (in *PodNetwork) DeepCopy() *PodNetwork

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PodNetwork.

func (*PodNetwork) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PodNetwork) DeepCopyInto(out *PodNetwork)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PodNetwork) SwaggerDoc

func (PodNetwork) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

func (*PodNetwork) UnmarshalJSON

func (podNet *PodNetwork) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type Port

Port represents a port to expose from the virtual machine. Default protocol TCP. The port field is mandatory

type Port struct {
    // If specified, this must be an IANA_SVC_NAME and unique within the pod. Each
    // named port in a pod must have a unique name. Name for the port that can be
    // referred to by services.
    // +optional
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Protocol for port. Must be UDP or TCP.
    // Defaults to "TCP".
    // +optional
    Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
    // Number of port to expose for the virtual machine.
    // This must be a valid port number, 0 < x < 65536.
    Port int32 `json:"port"`

func (*Port) DeepCopy

func (in *Port) DeepCopy() *Port

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Port.

func (*Port) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Port) DeepCopyInto(out *Port)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Port) SwaggerDoc

func (Port) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type PreferenceMatcher

PreferenceMatcher references a set of preference that is used to fill fields in the VMI template.

type PreferenceMatcher struct {
    // Name is the name of the VirtualMachinePreference or VirtualMachineClusterPreference
    // +optional
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

    // Kind specifies which preference resource is referenced.
    // Allowed values are: "VirtualMachinePreference" and "VirtualMachineClusterPreference".
    // If not specified, "VirtualMachineClusterPreference" is used by default.
    // +optional
    Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`

    // RevisionName specifies a ControllerRevision containing a specific copy of the
    // VirtualMachinePreference or VirtualMachineClusterPreference to be used. This is
    // initially captured the first time the instancetype is applied to the VirtualMachineInstance.
    // +optional
    RevisionName string `json:"revisionName,omitempty"`

    // InferFromVolume lists the name of a volume that should be used to infer or discover the preference
    // to be used through known annotations on the underlying resource. Once applied to the PreferenceMatcher
    // this field is removed.
    // +optional
    InferFromVolume string `json:"inferFromVolume,omitempty"`

    // InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy controls what should happen on failure when preference the instancetype.
    // Allowed values are: "RejectInferFromVolumeFailure" and "IgnoreInferFromVolumeFailure".
    // If not specified, "RejectInferFromVolumeFailure" is used by default.
    // +optional
    InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy *InferFromVolumeFailurePolicy `json:"inferFromVolumeFailurePolicy,omitempty"`

func (*PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopy

func (in *PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopy() *PreferenceMatcher

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PreferenceMatcher.

func (*PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopyInto

func (in *PreferenceMatcher) DeepCopyInto(out *PreferenceMatcher)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (PreferenceMatcher) GetName

func (p PreferenceMatcher) GetName() string

func (PreferenceMatcher) GetRevisionName

func (p PreferenceMatcher) GetRevisionName() string

func (PreferenceMatcher) SwaggerDoc

func (PreferenceMatcher) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Probe

Probe describes a health check to be performed against a VirtualMachineInstance to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

type Probe struct {
    // The action taken to determine the health of a VirtualMachineInstance
    Handler `json:",inline"`
    // Number of seconds after the VirtualMachineInstance has started before liveness probes are initiated.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    // +optional
    InitialDelaySeconds int32 `json:"initialDelaySeconds,omitempty"`
    // Number of seconds after which the probe times out.
    // For exec probes the timeout fails the probe but does not terminate the command running on the guest.
    // This means a blocking command can result in an increasing load on the guest.
    // A small buffer will be added to the resulting workload exec probe to compensate for delays
    // caused by the qemu guest exec mechanism.
    // Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    // +optional
    TimeoutSeconds int32 `json:"timeoutSeconds,omitempty"`
    // How often (in seconds) to perform the probe.
    // Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1.
    // +optional
    PeriodSeconds int32 `json:"periodSeconds,omitempty"`
    // Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
    // Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness. Minimum value is 1.
    // +optional
    SuccessThreshold int32 `json:"successThreshold,omitempty"`
    // Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded.
    // Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1.
    // +optional
    FailureThreshold int32 `json:"failureThreshold,omitempty"`

func (*Probe) DeepCopy

func (in *Probe) DeepCopy() *Probe

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Probe.

func (*Probe) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Probe) DeepCopyInto(out *Probe)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Probe) SwaggerDoc

func (Probe) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ProfilerResult

type ProfilerResult struct {
    PprofData map[string][]byte `json:"pprofData,omitempty"`

func (*ProfilerResult) DeepCopy

func (in *ProfilerResult) DeepCopy() *ProfilerResult

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ProfilerResult.

func (*ProfilerResult) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ProfilerResult) DeepCopyInto(out *ProfilerResult)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ProfilerResult) SwaggerDoc

func (ProfilerResult) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

type QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation struct {
    // Users represents a list of guest users that should have the ssh public keys
    // added to their authorized_keys file.
    // +listType=set
    Users []string `json:"users"`

func (*QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy

func (in *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation.

func (*QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto

func (in *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc

func (QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation

type QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation struct{}

func (*QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy

func (in *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopy() *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation.

func (*QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto

func (in *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) DeepCopyInto(out *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc

func (QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type RESTClientConfiguration

RESTClientConfiguration allows configuring certain aspects of the k8s rest client.

type RESTClientConfiguration struct {
    //RateLimiter allows selecting and configuring different rate limiters for the k8s client.
    RateLimiter *RateLimiter `json:"rateLimiter,omitempty"`

func (*RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopy() *RESTClientConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RESTClientConfiguration.

func (*RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *RESTClientConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *RESTClientConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (RESTClientConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (RESTClientConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type RTCTickPolicy

RTCTickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.

type RTCTickPolicy string

type RTCTimer

type RTCTimer struct {
    // TickPolicy determines what happens when QEMU misses a deadline for injecting a tick to the guest.
    // One of "delay", "catchup".
    TickPolicy RTCTickPolicy `json:"tickPolicy,omitempty"`
    // Enabled set to false makes sure that the machine type or a preset can't add the timer.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"present,omitempty"`
    // Track the guest or the wall clock.
    Track RTCTimerTrack `json:"track,omitempty"`

func (*RTCTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *RTCTimer) DeepCopy() *RTCTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RTCTimer.

func (*RTCTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *RTCTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *RTCTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (RTCTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (RTCTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type RTCTimerTrack

RTCTimerTrack specifies from which source to track the time.

type RTCTimerTrack string
const (
    // TrackGuest tracks the guest time.
    TrackGuest RTCTimerTrack = "guest"
    // TrackWall tracks the host time.
    TrackWall RTCTimerTrack = "wall"

type RateLimiter

type RateLimiter struct {
    TokenBucketRateLimiter *TokenBucketRateLimiter `json:"tokenBucketRateLimiter,omitempty"`

func (*RateLimiter) DeepCopy

func (in *RateLimiter) DeepCopy() *RateLimiter

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RateLimiter.

func (*RateLimiter) DeepCopyInto

func (in *RateLimiter) DeepCopyInto(out *RateLimiter)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (RateLimiter) SwaggerDoc

func (RateLimiter) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Realtime

Realtime holds the tuning knobs specific for realtime workloads.

type Realtime struct {
    // Mask defines the vcpu mask expression that defines which vcpus are used for realtime. Format matches libvirt's expressions.
    // Example: "0-3,^1","0,2,3","2-3"
    // +optional
    Mask string `json:"mask,omitempty"`

func (*Realtime) DeepCopy

func (in *Realtime) DeepCopy() *Realtime

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Realtime.

func (*Realtime) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Realtime) DeepCopyInto(out *Realtime)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Realtime) SwaggerDoc

func (Realtime) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ReloadableComponentConfiguration

ReloadableComponentConfiguration holds all generic k8s configuration options which can be reloaded by components without requiring a restart.

type ReloadableComponentConfiguration struct {
    //RestClient can be used to tune certain aspects of the k8s client in use.
    RestClient *RESTClientConfiguration `json:"restClient,omitempty"`

func (*ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopy() *ReloadableComponentConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ReloadableComponentConfiguration.

func (*ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ReloadableComponentConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *ReloadableComponentConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ReloadableComponentConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (ReloadableComponentConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type RemoveVolumeOptions

RemoveVolumeOptions is provided when dynamically hot unplugging volume and disk

type RemoveVolumeOptions struct {
    // Name represents the name that maps to both the disk and volume that
    // should be removed
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty"`

func (*RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopy() *RemoveVolumeOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RemoveVolumeOptions.

func (*RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *RemoveVolumeOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *RemoveVolumeOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (RemoveVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (RemoveVolumeOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ResourceRequirements

type ResourceRequirements struct {
    // Requests is a description of the initial vmi resources.
    // Valid resource keys are "memory" and "cpu".
    // +optional
    Requests v1.ResourceList `json:"requests,omitempty"`
    // Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
    // Valid resource keys are "memory" and "cpu".
    // +optional
    Limits v1.ResourceList `json:"limits,omitempty"`
    // Don't ask the scheduler to take the guest-management overhead into account. Instead
    // put the overhead only into the container's memory limit. This can lead to crashes if
    // all memory is in use on a node. Defaults to false.
    OvercommitGuestOverhead bool `json:"overcommitGuestOverhead,omitempty"`

func (*ResourceRequirements) DeepCopy

func (in *ResourceRequirements) DeepCopy() *ResourceRequirements

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ResourceRequirements.

func (*ResourceRequirements) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ResourceRequirements) DeepCopyInto(out *ResourceRequirements)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ResourceRequirements) SwaggerDoc

func (ResourceRequirements) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims

ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims describes the compute resource requirements. This struct was taken from the k8s.ResourceRequirements and cleaned up the `Claims` field.

type ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims struct {
    // Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
    // +optional
    Limits k8sv1.ResourceList `json:"limits,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=limits,casttype=ResourceList,castkey=ResourceName"`
    // Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
    // If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
    // otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
    // +optional
    Requests k8sv1.ResourceList `json:"requests,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=requests,casttype=ResourceList,castkey=ResourceName"`

func (*ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopy

func (in *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopy() *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims.

func (*ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) DeepCopyInto(out *ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) SwaggerDoc

func (ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type RestartOptions

RestartOptions may be provided when deleting an API object.

type RestartOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // The duration in seconds before the object should be force-restarted. Value must be non-negative integer.
    // The value zero indicates, restart immediately. If this value is nil, the default grace period for deletion of the corresponding VMI for the
    // specified type will be used to determine on how much time to give the VMI to restart.
    // Defaults to a per object value if not specified. zero means restart immediately.
    // Allowed Values: nil and 0
    // +optional
    GracePeriodSeconds *int64 `json:"gracePeriodSeconds,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=gracePeriodSeconds"`

    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*RestartOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *RestartOptions) DeepCopy() *RestartOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RestartOptions.

func (*RestartOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *RestartOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *RestartOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (RestartOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (RestartOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Rng

Rng represents the random device passed from host

type Rng struct {

func (*Rng) DeepCopy

func (in *Rng) DeepCopy() *Rng

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Rng.

func (*Rng) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Rng) DeepCopyInto(out *Rng)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Rng) SwaggerDoc

func (Rng) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEV

type SEV struct {
    // Guest policy flags as defined in AMD SEV API specification.
    // Note: due to security reasons it is not allowed to enable guest debugging. Therefore NoDebug flag is not exposed to users and is always true.
    Policy *SEVPolicy `json:"policy,omitempty"`
    // If specified, run the attestation process for a vmi.
    // +opitonal
    Attestation *SEVAttestation `json:"attestation,omitempty"`
    // Base64 encoded session blob.
    Session string `json:"session,omitempty"`
    // Base64 encoded guest owner's Diffie-Hellman key.
    DHCert string `json:"dhCert,omitempty"`

func (*SEV) DeepCopy

func (in *SEV) DeepCopy() *SEV

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEV.

func (*SEV) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEV) DeepCopyInto(out *SEV)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SEV) SwaggerDoc

func (SEV) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVAttestation

type SEVAttestation struct {

func (*SEVAttestation) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVAttestation) DeepCopy() *SEVAttestation

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVAttestation.

func (*SEVAttestation) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVAttestation) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVAttestation)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SEVAttestation) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVAttestation) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVMeasurementInfo

SEVMeasurementInfo contains information about the guest launch measurement.


type SEVMeasurementInfo struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // Base64 encoded launch measurement of the SEV guest.
    Measurement string `json:"measurement,omitempty"`
    // API major version of the SEV host.
    APIMajor uint `json:"apiMajor,omitempty"`
    // API minor version of the SEV host.
    APIMinor uint `json:"apiMinor,omitempty"`
    // Build ID of the SEV host.
    BuildID uint `json:"buildID,omitempty"`
    // Policy of the SEV guest.
    Policy uint `json:"policy,omitempty"`
    // SHA256 of the loader binary
    LoaderSHA string `json:"loaderSHA,omitempty"`

func (*SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopy() *SEVMeasurementInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVMeasurementInfo.

func (*SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVMeasurementInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyObject

func (in *SEVMeasurementInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (SEVMeasurementInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVMeasurementInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVPlatformInfo

SEVPlatformInfo contains information about the AMD SEV features for the node.


type SEVPlatformInfo struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // Base64 encoded platform Diffie-Hellman key.
    PDH string `json:"pdh,omitempty"`
    // Base64 encoded SEV certificate chain.
    CertChain string `json:"certChain,omitempty"`

func (*SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopy() *SEVPlatformInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVPlatformInfo.

func (*SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVPlatformInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyObject

func (in *SEVPlatformInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (SEVPlatformInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVPlatformInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVPolicy

type SEVPolicy struct {
    // SEV-ES is required.
    // Defaults to false.
    // +optional
    EncryptedState *bool `json:"encryptedState,omitempty"`

func (*SEVPolicy) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVPolicy) DeepCopy() *SEVPolicy

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVPolicy.

func (*SEVPolicy) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVPolicy) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVPolicy)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SEVPolicy) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVPolicy) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVSecretOptions

SEVSecretOptions is used to provide a secret for a running guest.

type SEVSecretOptions struct {
    // Base64 encoded header needed to decrypt the secret.
    Header string `json:"header,omitempty"`
    // Base64 encoded encrypted launch secret.
    Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"`

func (*SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopy() *SEVSecretOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVSecretOptions.

func (*SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVSecretOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVSecretOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SEVSecretOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVSecretOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SEVSessionOptions

SEVSessionOptions is used to provide SEV session parameters.

type SEVSessionOptions struct {
    // Base64 encoded session blob.
    Session string `json:"session,omitempty"`
    // Base64 encoded guest owner's Diffie-Hellman key.
    DHCert string `json:"dhCert,omitempty"`

func (*SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopy() *SEVSessionOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SEVSessionOptions.

func (*SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SEVSessionOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *SEVSessionOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SEVSessionOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (SEVSessionOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SMBiosConfiguration

type SMBiosConfiguration struct {
    Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"`
    Product      string `json:"product,omitempty"`
    Version      string `json:"version,omitempty"`
    Sku          string `json:"sku,omitempty"`
    Family       string `json:"family,omitempty"`

func (*SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopy() *SMBiosConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SMBiosConfiguration.

func (*SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SMBiosConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *SMBiosConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SMBiosConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (SMBiosConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential

SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential represents a source and propagation method for injecting ssh public keys into a vm guest

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential struct {
    // Source represents where the public keys are pulled from
    Source SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource `json:"source"`

    // PropagationMethod represents how the public key is injected into the vm guest.
    PropagationMethod SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod `json:"propagationMethod"`

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopy

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential.

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod

SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod represents the method used to inject a ssh public key into the vm guest. Only one of its members may be specified.

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod struct {
    // ConfigDrivePropagation means that the ssh public keys are injected
    // into the VM using metadata using the configDrive cloud-init provider
    // +optional
    ConfigDrive *ConfigDriveSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation `json:"configDrive,omitempty"`

    // NoCloudPropagation means that the ssh public keys are injected
    // into the VM using metadata using the noCloud cloud-init provider
    // +optional
    NoCloud *NoCloudSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation `json:"noCloud,omitempty"`

    // QemuGuestAgentAccessCredentailPropagation means ssh public keys are
    // dynamically injected into the vm at runtime via the qemu guest agent.
    // This feature requires the qemu guest agent to be running within the guest.
    // +optional
    QemuGuestAgent *QemuGuestAgentSSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagation `json:"qemuGuestAgent,omitempty"`

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod.

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource

SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource represents where to retrieve the ssh key credentials Only one of its members may be specified.

type SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource struct {
    // Secret means that the access credential is pulled from a kubernetes secret
    // +optional
    Secret *AccessCredentialSecretSource `json:"secret,omitempty"`

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy() *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource.

func (*SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc

func (SSHPublicKeyAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ScreenshotOptions

type ScreenshotOptions struct {
    MoveCursor bool `json:"moveCursor"`

func (*ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopy() *ScreenshotOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ScreenshotOptions.

func (*ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ScreenshotOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *ScreenshotOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ScreenshotOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (ScreenshotOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SeccompConfiguration

SeccompConfiguration holds Seccomp configuration for Kubevirt components

type SeccompConfiguration struct {
    // VirtualMachineInstanceProfile defines what profile should be used with virt-launcher. Defaults to none
    VirtualMachineInstanceProfile *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile `json:"virtualMachineInstanceProfile,omitempty"`

func (*SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopy() *SeccompConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SeccompConfiguration.

func (*SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SeccompConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *SeccompConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SeccompConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (SeccompConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SecretVolumeSource

SecretVolumeSource adapts a Secret into a volume.

type SecretVolumeSource struct {
    // Name of the secret in the pod's namespace to use.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#secret
    SecretName string `json:"secretName,omitempty"`
    // Specify whether the Secret or it's keys must be defined
    // +optional
    Optional *bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
    // The volume label of the resulting disk inside the VMI.
    // Different bootstrapping mechanisms require different values.
    // Typical values are "cidata" (cloud-init), "config-2" (cloud-init) or "OEMDRV" (kickstart).
    // +optional
    VolumeLabel string `json:"volumeLabel,omitempty"`

func (*SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *SecretVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SecretVolumeSource.

func (*SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SecretVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SecretVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SecretVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (SecretVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type ServiceAccountVolumeSource

ServiceAccountVolumeSource adapts a ServiceAccount into a volume.

type ServiceAccountVolumeSource struct {
    // Name of the service account in the pod's namespace to use.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/
    ServiceAccountName string `json:"serviceAccountName,omitempty"`

func (*ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopy() *ServiceAccountVolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ServiceAccountVolumeSource.

func (*ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *ServiceAccountVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *ServiceAccountVolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (ServiceAccountVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (ServiceAccountVolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SoundDevice

Represents the user's configuration to emulate sound cards in the VMI.

type SoundDevice struct {
    // User's defined name for this sound device
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // We only support ich9 or ac97.
    // If SoundDevice is not set: No sound card is emulated.
    // If SoundDevice is set but Model is not: ich9
    // +optional
    Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`

func (*SoundDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *SoundDevice) DeepCopy() *SoundDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SoundDevice.

func (*SoundDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SoundDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *SoundDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SoundDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (SoundDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type StartOptions

StartOptions may be provided on start request.

type StartOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // Indicates that VM will be started in paused state.
    // +optional
    Paused bool `json:"paused,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=paused"`
    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*StartOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *StartOptions) DeepCopy() *StartOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new StartOptions.

func (*StartOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *StartOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *StartOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (StartOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (StartOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type StartStrategy

type StartStrategy string
const (
    StartStrategyPaused StartStrategy = "Paused"

type StateChangeRequestAction

StateChangeRequestType represents the existing state change requests that are possible

type StateChangeRequestAction string

These are the currently defined state change requests

const (
    StartRequest StateChangeRequestAction = "Start"
    StopRequest  StateChangeRequestAction = "Stop"

type StopOptions

StopOptions may be provided when deleting an API object.

type StopOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // this updates the VMIs terminationGracePeriodSeconds during shutdown
    // +optional
    GracePeriod *int64 `json:"gracePeriod,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=gracePeriod"`
    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*StopOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *StopOptions) DeepCopy() *StopOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new StopOptions.

func (*StopOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *StopOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *StopOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (StopOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (StopOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type StorageMigratedVolumeInfo

StorageMigratedVolumeInfo tracks the information about the source and destination volumes during the volume migration

type StorageMigratedVolumeInfo struct {
    // VolumeName is the name of the volume that is being migrated
    VolumeName string `json:"volumeName"`
    // SourcePVCInfo contains the information about the source PVC
    SourcePVCInfo *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo `json:"sourcePVCInfo,omitempty" valid:"required"`
    // DestinationPVCInfo contains the information about the destination PVC
    DestinationPVCInfo *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo `json:"destinationPVCInfo,omitempty" valid:"required"`

func (*StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopy() *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new StorageMigratedVolumeInfo.

func (*StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *StorageMigratedVolumeInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (StorageMigratedVolumeInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SupportContainerResources

SupportContainerResources are used to specify the cpu/memory request and limits for the containers that support various features of Virtual Machines. These containers are usually idle and don't require a lot of memory or cpu.

type SupportContainerResources struct {
    Type      SupportContainerType              `json:"type"`
    Resources ResourceRequirementsWithoutClaims `json:"resources"`

func (*SupportContainerResources) DeepCopy

func (in *SupportContainerResources) DeepCopy() *SupportContainerResources

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SupportContainerResources.

func (*SupportContainerResources) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SupportContainerResources) DeepCopyInto(out *SupportContainerResources)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SupportContainerResources) SwaggerDoc

func (SupportContainerResources) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SupportContainerType

type SupportContainerType string
const (
    // HotplugAttachment is the container resources of the hotplug attachment pod used to hotplug a disk
    HotplugAttachment SupportContainerType = "hotplug-disk"
    // ContainerDisk is the container resources used to attach a container disk to the Virtual Machine
    ContainerDisk SupportContainerType = "container-disk"
    // VirtioFS is the container resources used to attach a virtio-fs volume to the Virtual Machine
    VirtioFS SupportContainerType = "virtiofs"
    // SideCar is the container resources for a side car
    SideCar SupportContainerType = "sidecar"
    // VMExport is the container resources for a vm exporter pod
    VMExport SupportContainerType = "vmexport"
    // GuestConsoleLog is the container resources for a guest console log streaming container
    GuestConsoleLog SupportContainerType = "guest-console-log"

type SyNICTimer

type SyNICTimer struct {
    Enabled *bool         `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
    Direct  *FeatureState `json:"direct,omitempty"`

func (*SyNICTimer) DeepCopy

func (in *SyNICTimer) DeepCopy() *SyNICTimer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SyNICTimer.

func (*SyNICTimer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SyNICTimer) DeepCopyInto(out *SyNICTimer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SyNICTimer) SwaggerDoc

func (SyNICTimer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type SyncEvent

type SyncEvent string
const (
    Created                      SyncEvent = "Created"
    Deleted                      SyncEvent = "Deleted"
    PresetFailed                 SyncEvent = "PresetFailed"
    Override                     SyncEvent = "Override"
    Started                      SyncEvent = "Started"
    ShuttingDown                 SyncEvent = "ShuttingDown"
    Stopped                      SyncEvent = "Stopped"
    PreparingTarget              SyncEvent = "PreparingTarget"
    Migrating                    SyncEvent = "Migrating"
    Migrated                     SyncEvent = "Migrated"
    SyncFailed                   SyncEvent = "SyncFailed"
    Resumed                      SyncEvent = "Resumed"
    AccessCredentialsSyncFailed  SyncEvent = "AccessCredentialsSyncFailed"
    AccessCredentialsSyncSuccess SyncEvent = "AccessCredentialsSyncSuccess"

func (SyncEvent) String

func (s SyncEvent) String() string

type SysprepSource

Represents a Sysprep volume source.

type SysprepSource struct {
    // Secret references a k8s Secret that contains Sysprep answer file named autounattend.xml that should be attached as disk of CDROM type.
    // + optional
    Secret *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"secret,omitempty"`
    // ConfigMap references a ConfigMap that contains Sysprep answer file named autounattend.xml that should be attached as disk of CDROM type.
    // + optional
    ConfigMap *v1.LocalObjectReference `json:"configMap,omitempty"`

func (*SysprepSource) DeepCopy

func (in *SysprepSource) DeepCopy() *SysprepSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SysprepSource.

func (*SysprepSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *SysprepSource) DeepCopyInto(out *SysprepSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (SysprepSource) SwaggerDoc

func (SysprepSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type TLSConfiguration

TLSConfiguration holds TLS options

type TLSConfiguration struct {
    // MinTLSVersion is a way to specify the minimum protocol version that is acceptable for TLS connections.
    // Protocol versions are based on the following most common TLS configurations:
    //   https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/
    // Note that SSLv3.0 is not a supported protocol version due to well known
    // vulnerabilities such as POODLE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POODLE
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=VersionTLS10;VersionTLS11;VersionTLS12;VersionTLS13
    MinTLSVersion TLSProtocolVersion `json:"minTLSVersion,omitempty"`
    // +listType=set
    Ciphers []string `json:"ciphers,omitempty"`

func (*TLSConfiguration) DeepCopy

func (in *TLSConfiguration) DeepCopy() *TLSConfiguration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TLSConfiguration.

func (*TLSConfiguration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *TLSConfiguration) DeepCopyInto(out *TLSConfiguration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (TLSConfiguration) SwaggerDoc

func (TLSConfiguration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type TLSProtocolVersion

type TLSProtocolVersion string
const (
    // VersionTLS10 is version 1.0 of the TLS security protocol.
    VersionTLS10 TLSProtocolVersion = "VersionTLS10"
    // VersionTLS11 is version 1.1 of the TLS security protocol.
    VersionTLS11 TLSProtocolVersion = "VersionTLS11"
    // VersionTLS12 is version 1.2 of the TLS security protocol.
    VersionTLS12 TLSProtocolVersion = "VersionTLS12"
    // VersionTLS13 is version 1.3 of the TLS security protocol.
    VersionTLS13 TLSProtocolVersion = "VersionTLS13"

type TPMDevice

type TPMDevice struct {
    // Persistent indicates the state of the TPM device should be kept accross reboots
    // Defaults to false
    Persistent *bool `json:"persistent,omitempty"`

func (*TPMDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *TPMDevice) DeepCopy() *TPMDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TPMDevice.

func (*TPMDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *TPMDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *TPMDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (TPMDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (TPMDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Timer

Represents all available timers in a vmi.

type Timer struct {
    // HPET (High Precision Event Timer) - multiple timers with periodic interrupts.
    HPET *HPETTimer `json:"hpet,omitempty"`
    // KVM 	(KVM clock) - lets guests read the host’s wall clock time (paravirtualized). For linux guests.
    KVM *KVMTimer `json:"kvm,omitempty"`
    // PIT (Programmable Interval Timer) - a timer with periodic interrupts.
    PIT *PITTimer `json:"pit,omitempty"`
    // RTC (Real Time Clock) - a continuously running timer with periodic interrupts.
    RTC *RTCTimer `json:"rtc,omitempty"`
    // Hyperv (Hypervclock) - lets guests read the host’s wall clock time (paravirtualized). For windows guests.
    Hyperv *HypervTimer `json:"hyperv,omitempty"`

func (*Timer) DeepCopy

func (in *Timer) DeepCopy() *Timer

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Timer.

func (*Timer) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Timer) DeepCopyInto(out *Timer)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Timer) SwaggerDoc

func (Timer) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type TokenBucketRateLimiter

type TokenBucketRateLimiter struct {
    // QPS indicates the maximum QPS to the apiserver from this client.
    // If it's zero, the component default will be used
    QPS float32 `json:"qps"`

    // Maximum burst for throttle.
    // If it's zero, the component default will be used
    Burst int `json:"burst"`

func (*TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopy

func (in *TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopy() *TokenBucketRateLimiter

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenBucketRateLimiter.

func (*TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopyInto

func (in *TokenBucketRateLimiter) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenBucketRateLimiter)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (TokenBucketRateLimiter) SwaggerDoc

func (TokenBucketRateLimiter) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type TopologyHints

type TopologyHints struct {
    TSCFrequency *int64 `json:"tscFrequency,omitempty"`

func (*TopologyHints) DeepCopy

func (in *TopologyHints) DeepCopy() *TopologyHints

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TopologyHints.

func (*TopologyHints) DeepCopyInto

func (in *TopologyHints) DeepCopyInto(out *TopologyHints)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (TopologyHints) SwaggerDoc

func (TopologyHints) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type TrayState

TrayState indicates if a tray of a cdrom is open or closed.

type TrayState string
const (
    // TrayStateOpen indicates that the tray of a cdrom is open.
    TrayStateOpen TrayState = "open"
    // TrayStateClosed indicates that the tray of a cdrom is closed.
    TrayStateClosed TrayState = "closed"

type USBHostDevice

type USBHostDevice struct {
    // Identifies the list of USB host devices.
    // e.g: kubevirt.io/storage, kubevirt.io/bootable-usb, etc
    ResourceName string `json:"resourceName"`
    // +listType=atomic
    Selectors []USBSelector `json:"selectors,omitempty"`
    // If true, KubeVirt will leave the allocation and monitoring to an
    // external device plugin
    ExternalResourceProvider bool `json:"externalResourceProvider,omitempty"`

func (*USBHostDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *USBHostDevice) DeepCopy() *USBHostDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new USBHostDevice.

func (*USBHostDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *USBHostDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *USBHostDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (USBHostDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (USBHostDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type USBSelector

type USBSelector struct {
    Vendor  string `json:"vendor"`
    Product string `json:"product"`

func (*USBSelector) DeepCopy

func (in *USBSelector) DeepCopy() *USBSelector

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new USBSelector.

func (*USBSelector) DeepCopyInto

func (in *USBSelector) DeepCopyInto(out *USBSelector)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (USBSelector) SwaggerDoc

func (USBSelector) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type UnpauseOptions

UnpauseOptions may be provided on unpause request.

type UnpauseOptions struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    // When present, indicates that modifications should not be
    // persisted. An invalid or unrecognized dryRun directive will
    // result in an error response and no further processing of the
    // request. Valid values are:
    // - All: all dry run stages will be processed
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    DryRun []string `json:"dryRun,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=dryRun"`

func (*UnpauseOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *UnpauseOptions) DeepCopy() *UnpauseOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UnpauseOptions.

func (*UnpauseOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *UnpauseOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *UnpauseOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (UnpauseOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (UnpauseOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type UpdateVolumesStrategy

type UpdateVolumesStrategy string
const (
    UpdateVolumesStrategyMigration   UpdateVolumesStrategy = "Migration"
    UpdateVolumesStrategyReplacement UpdateVolumesStrategy = "Replacement"

type UserPasswordAccessCredential

UserPasswordAccessCredential represents a source and propagation method for injecting user passwords into a vm guest Only one of its members may be specified.

type UserPasswordAccessCredential struct {
    // Source represents where the user passwords are pulled from
    Source UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource `json:"source"`

    // propagationMethod represents how the user passwords are injected into the vm guest.
    PropagationMethod UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod `json:"propagationMethod"`

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopy

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredential

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UserPasswordAccessCredential.

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredential) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredential)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (UserPasswordAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc

func (UserPasswordAccessCredential) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod

UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod represents the method used to inject a user passwords into the vm guest. Only one of its members may be specified.

type UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod struct {
    // QemuGuestAgentAccessCredentailPropagation means passwords are
    // dynamically injected into the vm at runtime via the qemu guest agent.
    // This feature requires the qemu guest agent to be running within the guest.
    // +optional
    QemuGuestAgent *QemuGuestAgentUserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagation `json:"qemuGuestAgent,omitempty"`

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod.

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc

func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialPropagationMethod) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource

UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource represents where to retrieve the user password credentials Only one of its members may be specified.

type UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource struct {
    // Secret means that the access credential is pulled from a kubernetes secret
    // +optional
    Secret *AccessCredentialSecretSource `json:"secret,omitempty"`

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopy() *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource.

func (*UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) DeepCopyInto(out *UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc

func (UserPasswordAccessCredentialSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VGPUDisplayOptions

type VGPUDisplayOptions struct {
    // Enabled determines if a display addapter backed by a vGPU should be enabled or disabled on the guest.
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
    // Enables a boot framebuffer, until the guest OS loads a real GPU driver
    // Defaults to true.
    // +optional
    RamFB *FeatureState `json:"ramFB,omitempty"`

func (*VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopy() *VGPUDisplayOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VGPUDisplayOptions.

func (*VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VGPUDisplayOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VGPUDisplayOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VGPUDisplayOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (VGPUDisplayOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VGPUOptions

type VGPUOptions struct {
    Display *VGPUDisplayOptions `json:"display,omitempty"`

func (*VGPUOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *VGPUOptions) DeepCopy() *VGPUOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VGPUOptions.

func (*VGPUOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VGPUOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VGPUOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VGPUOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (VGPUOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VMISelector

type VMISelector struct {
    // Name of the VirtualMachineInstance to migrate
    Name string `json:"name" valid:"required"`

func (*VMISelector) DeepCopy

func (in *VMISelector) DeepCopy() *VMISelector

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VMISelector.

func (*VMISelector) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VMISelector) DeepCopyInto(out *VMISelector)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VMISelector) SwaggerDoc

func (VMISelector) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VMRolloutStrategy

type VMRolloutStrategy string
const (
    // VMRolloutStrategyStage is the default strategy. It means changes to VM objects will be staged until the next VM reboot
    VMRolloutStrategyStage VMRolloutStrategy = "Stage"
    // VMRolloutStrategyLiveUpdate means changes to VM objects will be propagated to their VMI when possible
    VMRolloutStrategyLiveUpdate VMRolloutStrategy = "LiveUpdate"

type VSOCKOptions

type VSOCKOptions struct {
    TargetPort uint32 `json:"targetPort"`
    UseTLS     *bool  `json:"useTLS,omitempty"`

func (*VSOCKOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *VSOCKOptions) DeepCopy() *VSOCKOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VSOCKOptions.

func (*VSOCKOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VSOCKOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VSOCKOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VSOCKOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (VSOCKOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachine

VirtualMachine handles the VirtualMachines that are not running or are in a stopped state The VirtualMachine contains the template to create the VirtualMachineInstance. It also mirrors the running state of the created VirtualMachineInstance in its status.

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type VirtualMachine struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // Spec contains the specification of VirtualMachineInstance created
    Spec VirtualMachineSpec `json:"spec" valid:"required"`
    // Status holds the current state of the controller and brief information
    // about its associated VirtualMachineInstance
    Status VirtualMachineStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func NewVMReferenceFromNameWithNS

func NewVMReferenceFromNameWithNS(namespace string, name string) *VirtualMachine

func (*VirtualMachine) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachine

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachine.

func (*VirtualMachine) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachine)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachine) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachine) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (*VirtualMachine) RunStrategy

func (vm *VirtualMachine) RunStrategy() (VirtualMachineRunStrategy, error)

Return the current runStrategy for the VirtualMachine if vm.spec.running is set, that will be mapped to runStrategy:

false: RunStrategyHalted
true: RunStrategyAlways

func (VirtualMachine) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachine) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineCondition

VirtualMachineCondition represents the state of VirtualMachine

type VirtualMachineCondition struct {
    Type   VirtualMachineConditionType `json:"type"`
    Status k8sv1.ConditionStatus       `json:"status"`
    // +nullable
    LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
    // +nullable
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
    Reason             string      `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    Message            string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineCondition

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineCondition.

func (*VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineCondition)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineCondition) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineConditionType

type VirtualMachineConditionType string
const (
    // VirtualMachineFailure is added in a virtual machine when its vmi
    // fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
    // etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
    VirtualMachineFailure VirtualMachineConditionType = "Failure"

    // VirtualMachineReady is copied to the virtual machine from its vmi
    VirtualMachineReady VirtualMachineConditionType = "Ready"

    // VirtualMachinePaused is added in a virtual machine when its vmi
    // signals with its own condition that it is paused.
    VirtualMachinePaused VirtualMachineConditionType = "Paused"

    // VirtualMachineRestartRequired is added when changes made to the VM can't be live-propagated to the VMI
    VirtualMachineRestartRequired VirtualMachineConditionType = "RestartRequired"

    // VirtualMachineManualRecoveryRequired is added when the VM spec needs to be manually recovered by the user
    VirtualMachineManualRecoveryRequired VirtualMachineConditionType = "ManualRecoveryRequired"

type VirtualMachineInstance

VirtualMachineInstance is *the* VirtualMachineInstance Definition. It represents a virtual machine in the runtime environment of kubernetes.

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type VirtualMachineInstance struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // VirtualMachineInstance Spec contains the VirtualMachineInstance specification.
    Spec VirtualMachineInstanceSpec `json:"spec" valid:"required"`
    // Status is the high level overview of how the VirtualMachineInstance is doing. It contains information available to controllers and users.
    Status VirtualMachineInstanceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func NewVMI

func NewVMI(name string, uid types.UID) *VirtualMachineInstance

func NewVMIReferenceFromName

func NewVMIReferenceFromName(name string) *VirtualMachineInstance

TODO Namespace could be different, also store it somewhere in the domain, so that we can report deletes on handler startup properly

func NewVMIReferenceFromNameWithNS

func NewVMIReferenceFromNameWithNS(namespace string, name string) *VirtualMachineInstance

func NewVMIReferenceWithUUID

func NewVMIReferenceWithUUID(namespace string, name string, uuid types.UID) *VirtualMachineInstance

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstance

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstance.

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstance)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstance) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsBlockMigration

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsBlockMigration() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsBootloaderEFI

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsBootloaderEFI() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsCPUDedicated

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsCPUDedicated() bool

Checks if CPU pinning has been requested

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsFinal

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsFinal() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsHighPerformanceVMI

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsHighPerformanceVMI() bool

IsHighPerformanceVMI returns true if the VMI is considered as high performance. A VMI is considered as high performance if one of the following is true: - the vmi requests a dedicated cpu - the realtime flag is enabled - the vmi requests hugepages

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForDeletion

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForDeletion() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForEviction

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMarkedForEviction() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsMigratable

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsMigratable() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsRealtimeEnabled

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsRealtimeEnabled() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsRunning

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsRunning() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduled

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduled() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduling

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsScheduling() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnknown

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnknown() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnprocessed

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) IsUnprocessed() bool

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) MarshalBinary

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error)

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) ShouldStartPaused

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) ShouldStartPaused() bool

ShouldStartPaused returns true if VMI should be started in paused state

func (VirtualMachineInstance) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstance) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) UnmarshalBinary

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

func (*VirtualMachineInstance) WantsToHaveQOSGuaranteed

func (v *VirtualMachineInstance) WantsToHaveQOSGuaranteed() bool

WantsToHaveQOSGuaranteed checks if cpu and memoyr limits and requests are identical on the VMI. This is the indicator that people want a VMI with QOS of guaranteed

type VirtualMachineInstanceCondition

type VirtualMachineInstanceCondition struct {
    Type   VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType `json:"type"`
    Status k8sv1.ConditionStatus               `json:"status"`
    // +nullable
    LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
    // +nullable
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
    Reason             string      `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    Message            string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceCondition.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceCondition)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType

type VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType string

These are valid conditions of VMIs.

const (
    // Provisioning means, a VMI depends on DataVolumes which are in Pending/WaitForFirstConsumer status,
    // and some actions are taken to provision the PVCs for the DataVolumes
    VirtualMachineInstanceProvisioning VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Provisioning"

    // Ready means the VMI is able to service requests and should be added to the
    // load balancing pools of all matching services.
    VirtualMachineInstanceReady VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Ready"

    // If there happens any error while trying to synchronize the VirtualMachineInstance with the Domain,
    // this is reported as false.
    VirtualMachineInstanceSynchronized VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Synchronized"

    // If the VMI was paused by the user, this is reported as true.
    VirtualMachineInstancePaused VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Paused"

    // Reflects whether the QEMU guest agent is connected through the channel
    VirtualMachineInstanceAgentConnected VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "AgentConnected"

    // Reflects whether the QEMU guest agent updated access credentials successfully
    VirtualMachineInstanceAccessCredentialsSynchronized VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "AccessCredentialsSynchronized"

    // Reflects whether the QEMU guest agent is connected through the channel
    VirtualMachineInstanceUnsupportedAgent VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "AgentVersionNotSupported"

    // Indicates whether the VMI is live migratable
    VirtualMachineInstanceIsMigratable VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "LiveMigratable"

    // Indicates that the VMI is in progress of Hot vCPU Plug/UnPlug
    VirtualMachineInstanceVCPUChange VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "HotVCPUChange"

    // Indicates that the VMI is hot(un)plugging memory
    VirtualMachineInstanceMemoryChange VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "HotMemoryChange"

    // Indicates that the VMI has an updates in its volume set
    VirtualMachineInstanceVolumesChange VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "VolumesChange"

    // Summarizes that all the DataVolumes attached to the VMI are Ready or not
    VirtualMachineInstanceDataVolumesReady VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "DataVolumesReady"

    // Indicates whether the VMI is live migratable
    VirtualMachineInstanceIsStorageLiveMigratable VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "StorageLiveMigratable"

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem

VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem represents guest os disk

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem struct {
    DiskName       string                                 `json:"diskName"`
    MountPoint     string                                 `json:"mountPoint"`
    FileSystemType string                                 `json:"fileSystemType"`
    UsedBytes      int                                    `json:"usedBytes"`
    TotalBytes     int                                    `json:"totalBytes"`
    Disk           []VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk `json:"disk,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk

VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk represents the guest os FS disks

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk struct {
    Serial  string `json:"serial,omitempty"`
    BusType string `json:"busType"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemDisk) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo

VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo represents information regarding single guest os filesystem

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo struct {
    Filesystems []VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem `json:"disks"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList

VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList comprises the list of all filesystems on guest machine


type VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystem `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo

VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo represents information from the installed guest agent


type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // GAVersion is a version of currently installed guest agent
    GAVersion string `json:"guestAgentVersion,omitempty"`
    // Return command list the guest agent supports
    // +listType=atomic
    SupportedCommands []GuestAgentCommandInfo `json:"supportedCommands,omitempty"`
    // Hostname represents FQDN of a guest
    Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`
    // OS contains the guest operating system information
    OS VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo `json:"os,omitempty"`
    // Timezone is guest os current timezone
    Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"`
    // UserList is a list of active guest OS users
    UserList []VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser `json:"userList,omitempty"`
    // FSInfo is a guest os filesystem information containing the disk mapping and disk mounts with usage
    FSInfo VirtualMachineInstanceFileSystemInfo `json:"fsInfo,omitempty"`
    // FSFreezeStatus is the state of the fs of the guest
    // it can be either frozen or thawed
    FSFreezeStatus string `json:"fsFreezeStatus,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestAgentInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo struct {
    // Name of the Guest OS
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Guest OS Kernel Release
    KernelRelease string `json:"kernelRelease,omitempty"`
    // Guest OS Version
    Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
    // Guest OS Pretty Name
    PrettyName string `json:"prettyName,omitempty"`
    // Version ID of the Guest OS
    VersionID string `json:"versionId,omitempty"`
    // Kernel version of the Guest OS
    KernelVersion string `json:"kernelVersion,omitempty"`
    // Machine type of the Guest OS
    Machine string `json:"machine,omitempty"`
    // Guest OS Id
    ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser

VirtualMachineGuestOSUser is the single user of the guest os

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser struct {
    UserName  string  `json:"userName"`
    Domain    string  `json:"domain,omitempty"`
    LoginTime float64 `json:"loginTime,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList

VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList comprises the list of all active users on guest machine


type VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUser `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSUserList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceList

VirtualMachineInstanceList is a list of VirtualMachines


type VirtualMachineInstanceList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstance `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigration

VirtualMachineInstanceMigration represents the object tracking a VMI's migration to another host in the cluster

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigration struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Spec              VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec   `json:"spec" valid:"required"`
    Status            VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigration.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsFinal

func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsFinal() bool

The migration phase indicates that the job has completed

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsRunning

func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) IsRunning() bool

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsCreated

func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsCreated() bool

The migration phase indicates that the target pod should have already been created

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsHandedOff

func (m *VirtualMachineInstanceMigration) TargetIsHandedOff() bool

The migration phase indicates that job has been handed off to the VMI controllers to complete.

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition struct {
    Type   VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType `json:"type"`
    Status k8sv1.ConditionStatus                        `json:"status"`
    // +nullable
    LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
    // +nullable
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
    Reason             string      `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    Message            string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType string

These are valid conditions of VMIs.

const (
    // VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationAbortRequested indicates that live migration abort has been requested
    VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationAbortRequested          VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType = "migrationAbortRequested"
    VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationRejectedByResourceQuota VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType = "migrationRejectedByResourceQuota"

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList

VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList is a list of VirtualMachineMigrations


type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstanceMigration `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod string
const (
    // BlockMigration means that all VirtualMachineInstance disks should be copied over to the destination host
    BlockMigration VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod = "BlockMigration"
    // LiveMigration means that VirtualMachineInstance disks will not be copied over to the destination host
    LiveMigration VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod = "LiveMigration"

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase

VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase is a label for the condition of a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration at the current time.

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase string

These are the valid migration phases

const (
    MigrationPhaseUnset VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = ""
    // The migration is accepted by the system
    MigrationPending VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Pending"
    // The migration's target pod is being scheduled
    MigrationScheduling VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Scheduling"
    // The migration's target pod is running
    MigrationScheduled VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Scheduled"
    // The migration's target pod is being prepared for migration
    MigrationPreparingTarget VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "PreparingTarget"
    // The migration's target pod is prepared and ready for migration
    MigrationTargetReady VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "TargetReady"
    // The migration is in progress
    MigrationRunning VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Running"
    // The migration passed
    MigrationSucceeded VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Succeeded"
    // The migration failed
    MigrationFailed VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase = "Failed"

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp

VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp gives a timestamp in relation to when a phase is set on a vmi

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp struct {
    // Phase is the status of the VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase in kubernetes world. It is not the VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase status, but partially correlates to it.
    Phase VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    // PhaseTransitionTimestamp is the timestamp of when the phase change occurred
    PhaseTransitionTimestamp metav1.Time `json:"phaseTransitionTimestamp,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec struct {
    // The name of the VMI to perform the migration on. VMI must exist in the migration objects namespace
    VMIName string `json:"vmiName,omitempty" valid:"required"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState


type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState struct {
    // The time the migration action began
    // +nullable
    StartTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // The time the migration action ended
    // +nullable
    EndTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"`

    // The timestamp at which the target node detects the domain is active
    TargetNodeDomainReadyTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"targetNodeDomainReadyTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // The Target Node has seen the Domain Start Event
    TargetNodeDomainDetected bool `json:"targetNodeDomainDetected,omitempty"`
    // The address of the target node to use for the migration
    TargetNodeAddress string `json:"targetNodeAddress,omitempty"`
    // The list of ports opened for live migration on the destination node
    TargetDirectMigrationNodePorts map[string]int `json:"targetDirectMigrationNodePorts,omitempty"`
    // The target node that the VMI is moving to
    TargetNode string `json:"targetNode,omitempty"`
    // The target pod that the VMI is moving to
    TargetPod string `json:"targetPod,omitempty"`
    // The UID of the target attachment pod for hotplug volumes
    TargetAttachmentPodUID types.UID `json:"targetAttachmentPodUID,omitempty"`

    // The source node that the VMI originated on
    SourceNode string `json:"sourceNode,omitempty"`
    SourcePod  string `json:"sourcePod,omitempty"`

    // Indicates the migration completed
    Completed bool `json:"completed,omitempty"`
    // Indicates that the migration failed
    Failed bool `json:"failed,omitempty"`
    // Indicates that the migration has been requested to abort
    AbortRequested bool `json:"abortRequested,omitempty"`
    // Indicates the final status of the live migration abortion
    AbortStatus MigrationAbortStatus `json:"abortStatus,omitempty"`
    // Contains the reason why the migration failed
    FailureReason string `json:"failureReason,omitempty"`
    // The VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object associated with this migration
    MigrationUID types.UID `json:"migrationUid,omitempty"`
    // Lets us know if the vmi is currently running pre or post copy migration
    Mode MigrationMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`
    // Name of the migration policy. If string is empty, no policy is matched
    MigrationPolicyName *string `json:"migrationPolicyName,omitempty"`
    // Migration configurations to apply
    MigrationConfiguration *MigrationConfiguration `json:"migrationConfiguration,omitempty"`
    // If the VMI requires dedicated CPUs, this field will
    // hold the dedicated CPU set on the target node
    // +listType=atomic
    TargetCPUSet []int `json:"targetCPUSet,omitempty"`
    // If the VMI requires dedicated CPUs, this field will
    // hold the numa topology on the target node
    TargetNodeTopology string `json:"targetNodeTopology,omitempty"`

    // If the VMI being migrated uses persistent features (backend-storage), its source PVC name is saved here
    SourcePersistentStatePVCName string `json:"sourcePersistentStatePVCName,omitempty"`
    // If the VMI being migrated uses persistent features (backend-storage), its target PVC name is saved here
    TargetPersistentStatePVCName string `json:"targetPersistentStatePVCName,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus

VirtualMachineInstanceMigration reprents information pertaining to a VMI's migration.

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus struct {
    Phase      VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhase       `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    Conditions []VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
    // PhaseTransitionTimestamp is the timestamp of when the last phase change occurred
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    PhaseTransitionTimestamps []VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationPhaseTransitionTimestamp `json:"phaseTransitionTimestamps,omitempty"`
    // Represents the status of a live migration
    MigrationState *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState `json:"migrationState,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationTransport

type VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationTransport string
const (
    // MigrationTransportUnix means that the VMI will be migrated using the unix URI
    MigrationTransportUnix VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationTransport = "Unix"

type VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface

type VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface struct {
    // IP address of a Virtual Machine interface. It is always the first item of
    // IPs
    IP string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
    // Hardware address of a Virtual Machine interface
    MAC string `json:"mac,omitempty"`
    // Name of the interface, corresponds to name of the network assigned to the interface
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // List of all IP addresses of a Virtual Machine interface
    IPs []string `json:"ipAddresses,omitempty"`
    // PodInterfaceName represents the name of the pod network interface
    PodInterfaceName string `json:"podInterfaceName,omitempty"`
    // The interface name inside the Virtual Machine
    InterfaceName string `json:"interfaceName,omitempty"`
    // Specifies the origin of the interface data collected. values: domain, guest-agent, multus-status.
    InfoSource string `json:"infoSource,omitempty"`
    // Specifies how many queues are allocated by MultiQueue
    QueueCount int32 `json:"queueCount,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstancePhase

VirtualMachineInstancePhase is a label for the condition of a VirtualMachineInstance at the current time.

type VirtualMachineInstancePhase string

These are the valid statuses of pods.

const (
    //When a VirtualMachineInstance Object is first initialized and no phase, or Pending is present.
    VmPhaseUnset VirtualMachineInstancePhase = ""
    // Pending means the VirtualMachineInstance has been accepted by the system.
    Pending VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Pending"
    // A target Pod exists but is not yet scheduled and in running state.
    Scheduling VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Scheduling"
    // A target pod was scheduled and the system saw that Pod in runnig state.
    // Here is where the responsibility of virt-controller ends and virt-handler takes over.
    Scheduled VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Scheduled"
    // Running means the pod has been bound to a node and the VirtualMachineInstance is started.
    Running VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Running"
    // Succeeded means that the VirtualMachineInstance stopped voluntarily, e.g. reacted to SIGTERM or shutdown was invoked from
    // inside the VirtualMachineInstance.
    Succeeded VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Succeeded"
    // Failed means that the vmi crashed, disappeared unexpectedly or got deleted from the cluster before it was ever started.
    Failed VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Failed"
    // Unknown means that for some reason the state of the VirtualMachineInstance could not be obtained, typically due
    // to an error in communicating with the host of the VirtualMachineInstance.
    Unknown VirtualMachineInstancePhase = "Unknown"

type VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp

VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp gives a timestamp in relation to when a phase is set on a vmi

type VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp struct {
    // Phase is the status of the VirtualMachineInstance in kubernetes world. It is not the VirtualMachineInstance status, but partially correlates to it.
    Phase VirtualMachineInstancePhase `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    // PhaseTransitionTimestamp is the timestamp of when the phase change occurred
    PhaseTransitionTimestamp metav1.Time `json:"phaseTransitionTimestamp,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstancePreset

Deprecated for removal in v2, please use VirtualMachineInstanceType and VirtualMachinePreference instead.

VirtualMachineInstancePreset defines a VMI spec.domain to be applied to all VMIs that match the provided label selector More info: https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/virtual_machines/presets/#overrides

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type VirtualMachineInstancePreset struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // VirtualMachineInstance Spec contains the VirtualMachineInstance specification.
    Spec VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec `json:"spec,omitempty" valid:"required"`

func NewVirtualMachinePreset

func NewVirtualMachinePreset(name string, selector metav1.LabelSelector) *VirtualMachineInstancePreset

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePreset

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstancePreset.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePreset)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePreset) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstancePreset) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstancePreset) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstancePresetList

VirtualMachineInstancePresetList is a list of VirtualMachinePresets


type VirtualMachineInstancePresetList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstancePreset `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstancePresetList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec

type VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec struct {
    // Selector is a label query over a set of VMIs.
    // Required.
    Selector metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector"`
    // Domain is the same object type as contained in VirtualMachineInstanceSpec
    Domain *DomainSpec `json:"domain,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstancePresetSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceProfile

type VirtualMachineInstanceProfile struct {
    // CustomProfile allows to request arbitrary profile for virt-launcher
    CustomProfile *CustomProfile `json:"customProfile,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceProfile.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceProfile)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceProfile) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet

VirtualMachineInstance is *the* VirtualMachineInstance Definition. It represents a virtual machine in the runtime environment of kubernetes.

+k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object +genclient

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // VirtualMachineInstance Spec contains the VirtualMachineInstance specification.
    Spec VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec `json:"spec" valid:"required"`
    // Status is the high level overview of how the VirtualMachineInstance is doing. It contains information available to controllers and users.
    // +nullable
    Status VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition struct {
    Type   VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType `json:"type"`
    Status k8sv1.ConditionStatus                         `json:"status"`
    // +nullable
    LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastProbeTime,omitempty"`
    // +nullable
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
    Reason             string      `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    Message            string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType string
const (
    // VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaFailure is added in a replica set when one of its vmis
    // fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
    // etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
    VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaFailure VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"

    // VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaPaused is added in a replica set when the replica set got paused by the controller.
    // After this condition was added, it is safe to remove or add vmis by hand and adjust the replica count by hand.
    VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaPaused VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaPaused"

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList

VMIList is a list of VMIs


type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec struct {
    // Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit
    // zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
    // +optional
    Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`

    // Label selector for pods. Existing ReplicaSets whose pods are
    // selected by this will be the ones affected by this deployment.
    Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector" valid:"required"`

    // Template describes the pods that will be created.
    Template *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec `json:"template" valid:"required"`

    // Indicates that the replica set is paused.
    // +optional
    Paused bool `json:"paused,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=paused"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus

type VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus struct {
    // Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector).
    // +optional
    Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=replicas"`

    // The number of ready replicas for this replica set.
    // +optional
    ReadyReplicas int32 `json:"readyReplicas,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=readyReplicas"`

    Conditions []VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // Canonical form of the label selector for HPA which consumes it through the scale subresource.
    LabelSelector string `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceSpec

VirtualMachineInstanceSpec is a description of a VirtualMachineInstance.

type VirtualMachineInstanceSpec struct {

    // If specified, indicates the pod's priority.
    // If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no
    // default.
    // +optional
    PriorityClassName string `json:"priorityClassName,omitempty"`

    // Specification of the desired behavior of the VirtualMachineInstance on the host.
    Domain DomainSpec `json:"domain"`
    // NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the vmi to fit on a node.
    // Selector which must match a node's labels for the vmi to be scheduled on that node.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
    // +optional
    NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`
    // If affinity is specifies, obey all the affinity rules
    Affinity *k8sv1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the VMI will be dispatched by specified scheduler.
    // If not specified, the VMI will be dispatched by default scheduler.
    // +optional
    SchedulerName string `json:"schedulerName,omitempty"`
    // If toleration is specified, obey all the toleration rules.
    Tolerations []k8sv1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`
    // TopologySpreadConstraints describes how a group of VMIs will be spread across a given topology
    // domains. K8s scheduler will schedule VMI pods in a way which abides by the constraints.
    // +optional
    // +patchMergeKey=topologyKey
    // +patchStrategy=merge
    // +listType=map
    // +listMapKey=topologyKey
    // +listMapKey=whenUnsatisfiable
    TopologySpreadConstraints []k8sv1.TopologySpreadConstraint `json:"topologySpreadConstraints,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"topologyKey"`
    // EvictionStrategy describes the strategy to follow when a node drain occurs.
    // The possible options are:
    // - "None": No action will be taken, according to the specified 'RunStrategy' the VirtualMachine will be restarted or shutdown.
    // - "LiveMigrate": the VirtualMachineInstance will be migrated instead of being shutdown.
    // - "LiveMigrateIfPossible": the same as "LiveMigrate" but only if the VirtualMachine is Live-Migratable, otherwise it will behave as "None".
    // - "External": the VirtualMachineInstance will be protected by a PDB and `vmi.Status.EvacuationNodeName` will be set on eviction. This is mainly useful for cluster-api-provider-kubevirt (capk) which needs a way for VMI's to be blocked from eviction, yet signal capk that eviction has been called on the VMI so the capk controller can handle tearing the VMI down. Details can be found in the commit description https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/commit/c1d77face705c8b126696bac9a3ee3825f27f1fa.
    // +optional
    EvictionStrategy *EvictionStrategy `json:"evictionStrategy,omitempty"`
    // StartStrategy can be set to "Paused" if Virtual Machine should be started in paused state.
    // +optional
    StartStrategy *StartStrategy `json:"startStrategy,omitempty"`
    // Grace period observed after signalling a VirtualMachineInstance to stop after which the VirtualMachineInstance is force terminated.
    TerminationGracePeriodSeconds *int64 `json:"terminationGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"`
    // List of volumes that can be mounted by disks belonging to the vmi.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=256
    Volumes []Volume `json:"volumes,omitempty"`
    // Periodic probe of VirtualMachineInstance liveness.
    // VirtualmachineInstances will be stopped if the probe fails.
    // Cannot be updated.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    // +optional
    LivenessProbe *Probe `json:"livenessProbe,omitempty"`
    // Periodic probe of VirtualMachineInstance service readiness.
    // VirtualmachineInstances will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails.
    // Cannot be updated.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
    // +optional
    ReadinessProbe *Probe `json:"readinessProbe,omitempty"`
    // Specifies the hostname of the vmi
    // If not specified, the hostname will be set to the name of the vmi, if dhcp or cloud-init is configured properly.
    // +optional
    Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`
    // If specified, the fully qualified vmi hostname will be "<hostname>.<subdomain>.<pod namespace>.svc.<cluster domain>".
    // If not specified, the vmi will not have a domainname at all. The DNS entry will resolve to the vmi,
    // no matter if the vmi itself can pick up a hostname.
    // +optional
    Subdomain string `json:"subdomain,omitempty"`
    // List of networks that can be attached to a vm's virtual interface.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=256
    Networks []Network `json:"networks,omitempty"`
    // Set DNS policy for the pod.
    // Defaults to "ClusterFirst".
    // Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or 'None'.
    // DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy.
    // To have DNS options set along with hostNetwork, you have to specify DNS policy
    // explicitly to 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet'.
    // +optional
    DNSPolicy k8sv1.DNSPolicy `json:"dnsPolicy,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=dnsPolicy,casttype=DNSPolicy"`
    // Specifies the DNS parameters of a pod.
    // Parameters specified here will be merged to the generated DNS
    // configuration based on DNSPolicy.
    // +optional
    DNSConfig *k8sv1.PodDNSConfig `json:"dnsConfig,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,26,opt,name=dnsConfig"`
    // Specifies a set of public keys to inject into the vm guest
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems:=256
    AccessCredentials []AccessCredential `json:"accessCredentials,omitempty"`
    // Specifies the architecture of the vm guest you are attempting to run. Defaults to the compiled architecture of the KubeVirt components
    Architecture string `json:"architecture,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) UnmarshalJSON

func (vmiSpec *VirtualMachineInstanceSpec) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type VirtualMachineInstanceStatus

VirtualMachineInstanceStatus represents information about the status of a VirtualMachineInstance. Status may trail the actual state of a system.

type VirtualMachineInstanceStatus struct {
    // NodeName is the name where the VirtualMachineInstance is currently running.
    NodeName string `json:"nodeName,omitempty"`
    // A brief CamelCase message indicating details about why the VMI is in this state. e.g. 'NodeUnresponsive'
    // +optional
    Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    // Conditions are specific points in VirtualMachineInstance's pod runtime.
    Conditions []VirtualMachineInstanceCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
    // Phase is the status of the VirtualMachineInstance in kubernetes world. It is not the VirtualMachineInstance status, but partially correlates to it.
    Phase VirtualMachineInstancePhase `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    // PhaseTransitionTimestamp is the timestamp of when the last phase change occurred
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    PhaseTransitionTimestamps []VirtualMachineInstancePhaseTransitionTimestamp `json:"phaseTransitionTimestamps,omitempty"`
    // Interfaces represent the details of available network interfaces.
    Interfaces []VirtualMachineInstanceNetworkInterface `json:"interfaces,omitempty"`
    // Guest OS Information
    GuestOSInfo VirtualMachineInstanceGuestOSInfo `json:"guestOSInfo,omitempty"`
    // Represents the status of a live migration
    MigrationState *VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationState `json:"migrationState,omitempty"`
    // Represents the method using which the vmi can be migrated: live migration or block migration
    MigrationMethod VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationMethod `json:"migrationMethod,omitempty"`
    // This represents the migration transport
    MigrationTransport VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationTransport `json:"migrationTransport,omitempty"`
    // The Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the virtual machine instance based on resource requirements
    // See PodQOSClass type for available QOS classes
    // More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/resource-qos.md
    // +optional
    QOSClass *k8sv1.PodQOSClass `json:"qosClass,omitempty"`

    // LauncherContainerImageVersion indicates what container image is currently active for the vmi.
    LauncherContainerImageVersion string `json:"launcherContainerImageVersion,omitempty"`

    // EvacuationNodeName is used to track the eviction process of a VMI. It stores the name of the node that we want
    // to evacuate. It is meant to be used by KubeVirt core components only and can't be set or modified by users.
    // +optional
    EvacuationNodeName string `json:"evacuationNodeName,omitempty"`

    // ActivePods is a mapping of pod UID to node name.
    // It is possible for multiple pods to be running for a single VMI during migration.
    ActivePods map[types.UID]string `json:"activePods,omitempty"`

    // VolumeStatus contains the statuses of all the volumes
    // +optional
    // +listType=atomic
    VolumeStatus []VolumeStatus `json:"volumeStatus,omitempty"`

    // KernelBootStatus contains info about the kernelBootContainer
    // +optional
    KernelBootStatus *KernelBootStatus `json:"kernelBootStatus,omitempty"`

    // FSFreezeStatus is the state of the fs of the guest
    // it can be either frozen or thawed
    // +optional
    FSFreezeStatus string `json:"fsFreezeStatus,omitempty"`

    // +optional
    TopologyHints *TopologyHints `json:"topologyHints,omitempty"`

    //VirtualMachineRevisionName is used to get the vm revision of the vmi when doing
    // an online vm snapshot
    // +optional
    VirtualMachineRevisionName string `json:"virtualMachineRevisionName,omitempty"`

    // RuntimeUser is used to determine what user will be used in launcher
    // +optional
    RuntimeUser uint64 `json:"runtimeUser"`

    // VSOCKCID is used to track the allocated VSOCK CID in the VM.
    // +optional
    VSOCKCID *uint32 `json:"VSOCKCID,omitempty"`

    // SELinuxContext is the actual SELinux context of the virt-launcher pod
    // +optional
    SelinuxContext string `json:"selinuxContext,omitempty"`

    // Machine shows the final resulting qemu machine type. This can be different
    // than the machine type selected in the spec, due to qemus machine type alias mechanism.
    // +optional
    Machine *Machine `json:"machine,omitempty"`
    // CurrentCPUTopology specifies the current CPU topology used by the VM workload.
    // Current topology may differ from the desired topology in the spec while CPU hotplug
    // takes place.
    CurrentCPUTopology *CPUTopology `json:"currentCPUTopology,omitempty"`

    // Memory shows various informations about the VirtualMachine memory.
    // +optional
    Memory *MemoryStatus `json:"memory,omitempty"`

    // MigratedVolumes lists the source and destination volumes during the volume migration
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    MigratedVolumes []StorageMigratedVolumeInfo `json:"migratedVolumes,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceStatus.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec

type VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec struct {
    // +kubebuilder:pruning:PreserveUnknownFields
    // +nullable
    ObjectMeta metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    // VirtualMachineInstance Spec contains the VirtualMachineInstance specification.
    Spec VirtualMachineInstanceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty" valid:"required"`

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineList

VirtualMachineList is a list of virtualmachines


type VirtualMachineList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []VirtualMachine `json:"items"`

func (*VirtualMachineList) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineList

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineList.

func (*VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineList)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (*VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyObject

func (in *VirtualMachineList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object

DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.

func (VirtualMachineList) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineList) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest

VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest represent the memory dump request phase and info

type VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest struct {
    // ClaimName is the name of the pvc that will contain the memory dump
    ClaimName string `json:"claimName"`
    // Phase represents the memory dump phase
    Phase MemoryDumpPhase `json:"phase"`
    // Remove represents request of dissociating the memory dump pvc
    // +optional
    Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"`
    // StartTimestamp represents the time the memory dump started
    // +optional
    StartTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // EndTimestamp represents the time the memory dump was completed
    // +optional
    EndTimestamp *metav1.Time `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"`
    // FileName represents the name of the output file
    // +optional
    FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"`
    // Message is a detailed message about failure of the memory dump
    // +optional
    Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest.

func (*VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineOptions

VirtualMachineOptions holds the cluster level information regarding the virtual machine.

type VirtualMachineOptions struct {
    // DisableFreePageReporting disable the free page reporting of
    // memory balloon device https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#memory-balloon-device.
    // This will have effect only if AutoattachMemBalloon is not false and the vmi is not
    // requesting any high performance feature (dedicatedCPU/realtime/hugePages), in which free page reporting is always disabled.
    DisableFreePageReporting *DisableFreePageReporting `json:"disableFreePageReporting,omitempty"`

    // DisableSerialConsoleLog disables logging the auto-attached default serial console.
    // If not set, serial console logs will be written to a file and then streamed from a container named `guest-console-log`.
    // The value can be individually overridden for each VM, not relevant if AutoattachSerialConsole is disabled.
    DisableSerialConsoleLog *DisableSerialConsoleLog `json:"disableSerialConsoleLog,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineOptions

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineOptions.

func (*VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineOptions) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineOptions)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineOptions) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachinePrintableStatus

VirtualMachinePrintableStatus is a human readable, high-level representation of the status of the virtual machine.

type VirtualMachinePrintableStatus string

A list of statuses defined for virtual machines

const (
    // VirtualMachineStatusStopped indicates that the virtual machine is currently stopped and isn't expected to start.
    VirtualMachineStatusStopped VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Stopped"
    // VirtualMachineStatusProvisioning indicates that cluster resources associated with the virtual machine
    // (e.g., DataVolumes) are being provisioned and prepared.
    VirtualMachineStatusProvisioning VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Provisioning"
    // VirtualMachineStatusStarting indicates that the virtual machine is being prepared for running.
    VirtualMachineStatusStarting VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Starting"
    // VirtualMachineStatusRunning indicates that the virtual machine is running.
    VirtualMachineStatusRunning VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Running"
    // VirtualMachineStatusPaused indicates that the virtual machine is paused.
    VirtualMachineStatusPaused VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Paused"
    // VirtualMachineStatusStopping indicates that the virtual machine is in the process of being stopped.
    VirtualMachineStatusStopping VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Stopping"
    // VirtualMachineStatusTerminating indicates that the virtual machine is in the process of deletion,
    // as well as its associated resources (VirtualMachineInstance, DataVolumes, …).
    VirtualMachineStatusTerminating VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Terminating"
    // VirtualMachineStatusCrashLoopBackOff indicates that the virtual machine is currently in a crash loop waiting to be retried.
    VirtualMachineStatusCrashLoopBackOff VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "CrashLoopBackOff"
    // VirtualMachineStatusMigrating indicates that the virtual machine is in the process of being migrated
    // to another host.
    VirtualMachineStatusMigrating VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Migrating"
    // VirtualMachineStatusUnknown indicates that the state of the virtual machine could not be obtained,
    // typically due to an error in communicating with the host on which it's running.
    VirtualMachineStatusUnknown VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "Unknown"
    // VirtualMachineStatusUnschedulable indicates that an error has occurred while scheduling the virtual machine,
    // e.g. due to unsatisfiable resource requests or unsatisfiable scheduling constraints.
    VirtualMachineStatusUnschedulable VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "ErrorUnschedulable"
    // VirtualMachineStatusErrImagePull indicates that an error has occured while pulling an image for
    // a containerDisk VM volume.
    VirtualMachineStatusErrImagePull VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "ErrImagePull"
    // VirtualMachineStatusImagePullBackOff indicates that an error has occured while pulling an image for
    // a containerDisk VM volume, and that kubelet is backing off before retrying.
    VirtualMachineStatusImagePullBackOff VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "ImagePullBackOff"
    // VirtualMachineStatusPvcNotFound indicates that the virtual machine references a PVC volume which doesn't exist.
    VirtualMachineStatusPvcNotFound VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "ErrorPvcNotFound"
    // VirtualMachineStatusDataVolumeError indicates that an error has been reported by one of the DataVolumes
    // referenced by the virtual machines.
    VirtualMachineStatusDataVolumeError VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "DataVolumeError"
    // VirtualMachineStatusWaitingForVolumeBinding indicates that some PersistentVolumeClaims backing
    // the virtual machine volume are still not bound.
    VirtualMachineStatusWaitingForVolumeBinding VirtualMachinePrintableStatus = "WaitingForVolumeBinding"

type VirtualMachineRunStrategy

VirtualMachineRunStrategy is a label for the requested VirtualMachineInstance Running State at the current time.

type VirtualMachineRunStrategy string

These are the valid VMI run strategies

const (
    // Placeholder. Not a valid RunStrategy.
    RunStrategyUnknown VirtualMachineRunStrategy = ""
    // VMI should always be running.
    RunStrategyAlways VirtualMachineRunStrategy = "Always"
    // VMI should never be running.
    RunStrategyHalted VirtualMachineRunStrategy = "Halted"
    // VMI can be started/stopped using API endpoints.
    RunStrategyManual VirtualMachineRunStrategy = "Manual"
    // VMI will initially be running--and restarted if a failure occurs.
    // It will not be restarted upon successful completion.
    RunStrategyRerunOnFailure VirtualMachineRunStrategy = "RerunOnFailure"
    // VMI will run once and not be restarted upon completion regardless
    // if the completion is of phase Failure or Success
    RunStrategyOnce VirtualMachineRunStrategy = "Once"

type VirtualMachineSpec

VirtualMachineSpec describes how the proper VirtualMachine should look like

type VirtualMachineSpec struct {
    // Running controls whether the associatied VirtualMachineInstance is created or not
    // Mutually exclusive with RunStrategy
    // Deprecated: VirtualMachineInstance field "Running" is now deprecated, please use RunStrategy instead.
    Running *bool `json:"running,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // Running state indicates the requested running state of the VirtualMachineInstance
    // mutually exclusive with Running
    RunStrategy *VirtualMachineRunStrategy `json:"runStrategy,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // InstancetypeMatcher references a instancetype that is used to fill fields in Template
    Instancetype *InstancetypeMatcher `json:"instancetype,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // PreferenceMatcher references a set of preference that is used to fill fields in Template
    Preference *PreferenceMatcher `json:"preference,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // Template is the direct specification of VirtualMachineInstance
    Template *VirtualMachineInstanceTemplateSpec `json:"template"`

    // dataVolumeTemplates is a list of dataVolumes that the VirtualMachineInstance template can reference.
    // DataVolumes in this list are dynamically created for the VirtualMachine and are tied to the VirtualMachine's life-cycle.
    DataVolumeTemplates []DataVolumeTemplateSpec `json:"dataVolumeTemplates,omitempty"`

    // UpdateVolumesStrategy is the strategy to apply on volumes updates
    UpdateVolumesStrategy *UpdateVolumesStrategy `json:"updateVolumesStrategy,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineSpec

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineSpec.

func (*VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineSpec)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineSpec) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineSpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineStartFailure

VirtualMachineStartFailure tracks VMIs which failed to transition successfully to running using the VM status

type VirtualMachineStartFailure struct {
    ConsecutiveFailCount int          `json:"consecutiveFailCount,omitempty"`
    LastFailedVMIUID     types.UID    `json:"lastFailedVMIUID,omitempty"`
    RetryAfterTimestamp  *metav1.Time `json:"retryAfterTimestamp,omitempty"`

func (*VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStartFailure

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineStartFailure.

func (*VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineStartFailure) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStartFailure)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineStartFailure) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineStartFailure) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest

type VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest struct {
    // Indicates the type of action that is requested. e.g. Start or Stop
    Action StateChangeRequestAction `json:"action"`
    // Provides additional data in order to perform the Action
    Data map[string]string `json:"data,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    // Indicates the UUID of an existing Virtual Machine Instance that this change request applies to -- if applicable
    UID *types.UID `json:"uid,omitempty" optional:"true" protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=uid,casttype=k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/types.UID"`

func (*VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest.

func (*VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineStatus

VirtualMachineStatus represents the status returned by the controller to describe how the VirtualMachine is doing

type VirtualMachineStatus struct {
    // SnapshotInProgress is the name of the VirtualMachineSnapshot currently executing
    SnapshotInProgress *string `json:"snapshotInProgress,omitempty"`
    // RestoreInProgress is the name of the VirtualMachineRestore currently executing
    RestoreInProgress *string `json:"restoreInProgress,omitempty"`
    // Created indicates if the virtual machine is created in the cluster
    Created bool `json:"created,omitempty"`
    // Ready indicates if the virtual machine is running and ready
    Ready bool `json:"ready,omitempty"`
    // PrintableStatus is a human readable, high-level representation of the status of the virtual machine
    // +kubebuilder:default=Stopped
    PrintableStatus VirtualMachinePrintableStatus `json:"printableStatus,omitempty"`
    // Hold the state information of the VirtualMachine and its VirtualMachineInstance
    Conditions []VirtualMachineCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    // StateChangeRequests indicates a list of actions that should be taken on a VMI
    // e.g. stop a specific VMI then start a new one.
    StateChangeRequests []VirtualMachineStateChangeRequest `json:"stateChangeRequests,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    // VolumeRequests indicates a list of volumes add or remove from the VMI template and
    // hotplug on an active running VMI.
    // +listType=atomic
    VolumeRequests []VirtualMachineVolumeRequest `json:"volumeRequests,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // VolumeSnapshotStatuses indicates a list of statuses whether snapshotting is
    // supported by each volume.
    VolumeSnapshotStatuses []VolumeSnapshotStatus `json:"volumeSnapshotStatuses,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // StartFailure tracks consecutive VMI startup failures for the purposes of
    // crash loop backoffs
    // +nullable
    // +optional
    StartFailure *VirtualMachineStartFailure `json:"startFailure,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // MemoryDumpRequest tracks memory dump request phase and info of getting a memory
    // dump to the given pvc
    // +nullable
    // +optional
    MemoryDumpRequest *VirtualMachineMemoryDumpRequest `json:"memoryDumpRequest,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // ObservedGeneration is the generation observed by the vmi when started.
    // +optional
    ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // DesiredGeneration is the generation which is desired for the VMI.
    // This will be used in comparisons with ObservedGeneration to understand when
    // the VMI is out of sync. This will be changed at the same time as
    // ObservedGeneration to remove errors which could occur if Generation is
    // updated through an Update() before ObservedGeneration in Status.
    // +optional
    DesiredGeneration int64 `json:"desiredGeneration,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // RunStrategy tracks the last recorded RunStrategy used by the VM.
    // This is needed to correctly process the next strategy (for now only the RerunOnFailure)
    RunStrategy VirtualMachineRunStrategy `json:"runStrategy,omitempty" optional:"true"`

    // VolumeUpdateState contains the information about the volumes set
    // updates related to the volumeUpdateStrategy
    VolumeUpdateState *VolumeUpdateState `json:"volumeUpdateState,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineStatus.

func (*VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VirtualMachineVolumeRequest

type VirtualMachineVolumeRequest struct {
    // AddVolumeOptions when set indicates a volume should be added. The details
    // within this field specify how to add the volume
    AddVolumeOptions *AddVolumeOptions `json:"addVolumeOptions,omitempty" optional:"true"`
    // RemoveVolumeOptions when set indicates a volume should be removed. The details
    // within this field specify how to add the volume
    RemoveVolumeOptions *RemoveVolumeOptions `json:"removeVolumeOptions,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopy

func (in *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopy() *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VirtualMachineVolumeRequest.

func (*VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *VirtualMachineVolumeRequest)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) SwaggerDoc

func (VirtualMachineVolumeRequest) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Volume

Volume represents a named volume in a vmi.

type Volume struct {
    // Volume's name.
    // Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within the vmi.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // VolumeSource represents the location and type of the mounted volume.
    // Defaults to Disk, if no type is specified.
    VolumeSource `json:",inline"`

func (*Volume) DeepCopy

func (in *Volume) DeepCopy() *Volume

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Volume.

func (*Volume) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Volume) DeepCopyInto(out *Volume)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Volume) SwaggerDoc

func (Volume) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VolumeMigrationState

type VolumeMigrationState struct {
    // MigratedVolumes lists the source and destination volumes during the volume migration
    // +listType=atomic
    // +optional
    MigratedVolumes []StorageMigratedVolumeInfo `json:"migratedVolumes,omitempty"`

func (*VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopy

func (in *VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopy() *VolumeMigrationState

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeMigrationState.

func (*VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VolumeMigrationState) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeMigrationState)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VolumeMigrationState) SwaggerDoc

func (VolumeMigrationState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VolumePhase

VolumePhase indicates the current phase of the hotplug process.

type VolumePhase string
const (
    // VolumePending means the Volume is pending and cannot be attached to the node yet.
    VolumePending VolumePhase = "Pending"
    // VolumeBound means the Volume is bound and can be attach to the node.
    VolumeBound VolumePhase = "Bound"
    // HotplugVolumeAttachedToNode means the volume has been attached to the node.
    HotplugVolumeAttachedToNode VolumePhase = "AttachedToNode"
    // HotplugVolumeMounted means the volume has been attached to the node and is mounted to the virt-launcher pod.
    HotplugVolumeMounted VolumePhase = "MountedToPod"
    // VolumeReady means the volume is ready to be used by the VirtualMachineInstance.
    VolumeReady VolumePhase = "Ready"
    // HotplugVolumeDetaching means the volume is being detached from the node, and the attachment pod is being removed.
    HotplugVolumeDetaching VolumePhase = "Detaching"
    // HotplugVolumeUnMounted means the volume has been unmounted from the virt-launcer pod.
    HotplugVolumeUnMounted VolumePhase = "UnMountedFromPod"
    // MemoryDumpVolumeCompleted means that the requested memory dump was completed and the dump is ready in the volume
    MemoryDumpVolumeCompleted VolumePhase = "MemoryDumpCompleted"
    // MemoryDumpVolumeInProgress means that the volume for the memory dump was attached, and now the command is being triggered
    MemoryDumpVolumeInProgress VolumePhase = "MemoryDumpInProgress"
    // MemoryDumpVolumeInProgress means that the volume for the memory dump was attached, and now the command is being triggered
    MemoryDumpVolumeFailed VolumePhase = "MemoryDumpFailed"

type VolumeSnapshotStatus

type VolumeSnapshotStatus struct {
    // Volume name
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // True if the volume supports snapshotting
    Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
    // Empty if snapshotting is enabled, contains reason otherwise
    Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopy() *VolumeSnapshotStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeSnapshotStatus.

func (*VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VolumeSnapshotStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeSnapshotStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VolumeSnapshotStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VolumeSnapshotStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VolumeSource

Represents the source of a volume to mount. Only one of its members may be specified.

type VolumeSource struct {
    // HostDisk represents a disk created on the cluster level
    // +optional
    HostDisk *HostDisk `json:"hostDisk,omitempty"`
    // PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace.
    // Directly attached to the vmi via qemu.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#persistentvolumeclaims
    // +optional
    PersistentVolumeClaim *PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource `json:"persistentVolumeClaim,omitempty"`
    // CloudInitNoCloud represents a cloud-init NoCloud user-data source.
    // The NoCloud data will be added as a disk to the vmi. A proper cloud-init installation is required inside the guest.
    // More info: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html
    // +optional
    CloudInitNoCloud *CloudInitNoCloudSource `json:"cloudInitNoCloud,omitempty"`
    // CloudInitConfigDrive represents a cloud-init Config Drive user-data source.
    // The Config Drive data will be added as a disk to the vmi. A proper cloud-init installation is required inside the guest.
    // More info: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/configdrive.html
    // +optional
    CloudInitConfigDrive *CloudInitConfigDriveSource `json:"cloudInitConfigDrive,omitempty"`
    // Represents a Sysprep volume source.
    // +optional
    Sysprep *SysprepSource `json:"sysprep,omitempty"`
    // ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
    // More info: https://kubevirt.gitbooks.io/user-guide/registry-disk.html
    // +optional
    ContainerDisk *ContainerDiskSource `json:"containerDisk,omitempty"`
    // Ephemeral is a special volume source that "wraps" specified source and provides copy-on-write image on top of it.
    // +optional
    Ephemeral *EphemeralVolumeSource `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"`
    // EmptyDisk represents a temporary disk which shares the vmis lifecycle.
    // More info: https://kubevirt.gitbooks.io/user-guide/disks-and-volumes.html
    // +optional
    EmptyDisk *EmptyDiskSource `json:"emptyDisk,omitempty"`
    // DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as
    // the process of populating that PVC with a disk image.
    // +optional
    DataVolume *DataVolumeSource `json:"dataVolume,omitempty"`
    // ConfigMapSource represents a reference to a ConfigMap in the same namespace.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/
    // +optional
    ConfigMap *ConfigMapVolumeSource `json:"configMap,omitempty"`
    // SecretVolumeSource represents a reference to a secret data in the same namespace.
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/
    // +optional
    Secret *SecretVolumeSource `json:"secret,omitempty"`
    // DownwardAPI represents downward API about the pod that should populate this volume
    // +optional
    DownwardAPI *DownwardAPIVolumeSource `json:"downwardAPI,omitempty"`
    // ServiceAccountVolumeSource represents a reference to a service account.
    // There can only be one volume of this type!
    // More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/
    // +optional
    ServiceAccount *ServiceAccountVolumeSource `json:"serviceAccount,omitempty"`
    // DownwardMetrics adds a very small disk to VMIs which contains a limited view of host and guest
    // metrics. The disk content is compatible with vhostmd (https://github.com/vhostmd/vhostmd) and vm-dump-metrics.
    DownwardMetrics *DownwardMetricsVolumeSource `json:"downwardMetrics,omitempty"`
    // MemoryDump is attached to the virt launcher and is populated with a memory dump of the vmi
    MemoryDump *MemoryDumpVolumeSource `json:"memoryDump,omitempty"`

func (*VolumeSource) DeepCopy

func (in *VolumeSource) DeepCopy() *VolumeSource

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeSource.

func (*VolumeSource) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeSource)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VolumeSource) SwaggerDoc

func (VolumeSource) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VolumeStatus

VolumeStatus represents information about the status of volumes attached to the VirtualMachineInstance.

type VolumeStatus struct {
    // Name is the name of the volume
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Target is the target name used when adding the volume to the VM, eg: vda
    Target string `json:"target"`
    // Phase is the phase
    Phase VolumePhase `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    // Reason is a brief description of why we are in the current hotplug volume phase
    Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    // Message is a detailed message about the current hotplug volume phase
    Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
    // PersistentVolumeClaimInfo is information about the PVC that handler requires during start flow
    PersistentVolumeClaimInfo *PersistentVolumeClaimInfo `json:"persistentVolumeClaimInfo,omitempty"`
    // If the volume is hotplug, this will contain the hotplug status.
    HotplugVolume *HotplugVolumeStatus `json:"hotplugVolume,omitempty"`
    // Represents the size of the volume
    Size int64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
    // If the volume is memorydump volume, this will contain the memorydump info.
    MemoryDumpVolume *DomainMemoryDumpInfo `json:"memoryDumpVolume,omitempty"`
    // ContainerDiskVolume shows info about the containerdisk, if the volume is a containerdisk
    ContainerDiskVolume *ContainerDiskInfo `json:"containerDiskVolume,omitempty"`

func (*VolumeStatus) DeepCopy

func (in *VolumeStatus) DeepCopy() *VolumeStatus

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeStatus.

func (*VolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VolumeStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeStatus)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc

func (VolumeStatus) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type VolumeUpdateState

type VolumeUpdateState struct {
    // VolumeMigrationState tracks the information related to the volume migration
    VolumeMigrationState *VolumeMigrationState `json:"volumeMigrationState,omitempty" optional:"true"`

func (*VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopy

func (in *VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopy() *VolumeUpdateState

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeUpdateState.

func (*VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopyInto

func (in *VolumeUpdateState) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeUpdateState)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (VolumeUpdateState) SwaggerDoc

func (VolumeUpdateState) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type Watchdog

Named watchdog device.

type Watchdog struct {
    // Name of the watchdog.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // WatchdogDevice contains the watchdog type and actions.
    // Defaults to i6300esb.
    WatchdogDevice `json:",inline"`

func (*Watchdog) DeepCopy

func (in *Watchdog) DeepCopy() *Watchdog

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Watchdog.

func (*Watchdog) DeepCopyInto

func (in *Watchdog) DeepCopyInto(out *Watchdog)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (Watchdog) SwaggerDoc

func (Watchdog) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type WatchdogAction

WatchdogAction defines the watchdog action, if a watchdog gets triggered.

type WatchdogAction string
const (
    // WatchdogActionPoweroff will poweroff the vmi if the watchdog gets triggered.
    WatchdogActionPoweroff WatchdogAction = "poweroff"
    // WatchdogActionReset will reset the vmi if the watchdog gets triggered.
    WatchdogActionReset WatchdogAction = "reset"
    // WatchdogActionShutdown will shutdown the vmi if the watchdog gets triggered.
    WatchdogActionShutdown WatchdogAction = "shutdown"

type WatchdogDevice

Hardware watchdog device. Exactly one of its members must be set.

type WatchdogDevice struct {
    // i6300esb watchdog device.
    // +optional
    I6300ESB *I6300ESBWatchdog `json:"i6300esb,omitempty"`

func (*WatchdogDevice) DeepCopy

func (in *WatchdogDevice) DeepCopy() *WatchdogDevice

DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new WatchdogDevice.

func (*WatchdogDevice) DeepCopyInto

func (in *WatchdogDevice) DeepCopyInto(out *WatchdogDevice)

DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.

func (WatchdogDevice) SwaggerDoc

func (WatchdogDevice) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string

type WorkloadUpdateMethod

type WorkloadUpdateMethod string
const (
    // WorkloadUpdateMethodLiveMigrate allows VMIs which are capable of being
    // migrated to automatically migrate during automated workload updates.
    WorkloadUpdateMethodLiveMigrate WorkloadUpdateMethod = "LiveMigrate"
    // WorkloadUpdateMethodEvict results in a VMI's pod being evicted. Unless the
    // pod has a pod disruption budget allocated, the eviction will usually result in
    // the VMI being shutdown.
    // Depending on whether a VMI is backed by a VM or not, this will either result
    // in a restart of the VM by rescheduling a new VMI, or the shutdown via eviction
    // of a standalone VMI object.
    WorkloadUpdateMethodEvict WorkloadUpdateMethod = "Evict"