CleanCrdFn declares the clean up function needed to remove the CRD
type CleanCrdFn func(ctx context.Context) error
Option is a modifier for a CRD object used to customize CreateMultiVersionTestCRD and CreateTestCRD.
type Option func(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition)
TestCrd holds all the pieces needed to test with the CRD
type TestCrd struct { APIExtensionClient *crdclientset.Clientset Crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition DynamicClients map[string]dynamic.ResourceInterface CleanUp CleanCrdFn }
func CreateMultiVersionTestCRD(f *framework.Framework, group string, opts ...Option) (*TestCrd, error)
CreateMultiVersionTestCRD creates a new CRD specifically for the calling test.
func CreateTestCRD(f *framework.Framework, opts ...Option) (*TestCrd, error)
CreateTestCRD creates a new CRD specifically for the calling test.