func Describe(text string, body func()) bool
Describe annotates the test with the Kubeadm label.
func ExpectClusterRole(c clientset.Interface, name string)
ExpectClusterRole expects to be able to get the ClusterRole with specific name
func ExpectClusterRoleBinding(c clientset.Interface, name string)
ExpectClusterRoleBinding expects to be able to get the ClusterRoleBinding with specific name
func ExpectClusterRoleBindingWithSubjectAndRole(c clientset.Interface, name, subjectKind, subject, role string)
ExpectClusterRoleBindingWithSubjectAndRole expects to be able to get the ClusterRoleBinding with specific name, subject and role
func ExpectRole(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string)
ExpectRole expects to be able to get the Role with specific name from the namespace
func ExpectRoleBinding(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string)
ExpectRoleBinding expects to be able to get the RoleBinding with specific name from the namespace
func ExpectService(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string)
ExpectService expects to be able to get the Service with specific name from the namespace
func ExpectServiceAccount(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string)
ExpectServiceAccount expects to be able to get the ServiceAccount with specific name from the namespace
func ExpectSubjectHasAccessToResource(c clientset.Interface, subjectKind, subject string, resource *authv1.ResourceAttributes)
ExpectSubjectHasAccessToResource expects that the subject has access to the target resource
func GetConfigMap(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) *corev1.ConfigMap
GetConfigMap gets ConfigMap with specific name from the namespace
func GetDaemonSet(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) *appsv1.DaemonSet
GetDaemonSet gets DaemonSet with specific name from the namespace
func GetDeployment(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) *appsv1.Deployment
GetDeployment gets Deployment with specific name from the namespace
func GetSecret(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) *corev1.Secret
GetSecret gets Secret with specific name from the namespace