
Package perftype

import "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/perftype"

Overview ▾


PerfResultEnd is the end of generated perfdata. Analyzing tools can find the end of the perf result with this tag.

const PerfResultEnd = "[Finish:Performance]"

PerfResultTag is the prefix of generated perfdata. Analyzing tools can find the perf result with this tag.

const PerfResultTag = "[Result:Performance]"

type DataItem

DataItem is the data point.

type DataItem struct {
    // Data is a map from bucket to real data point (e.g. "Perc90" -> 23.5). Notice
    // that all data items with the same label combination should have the same buckets.
    Data map[string]float64 `json:"data"`
    // Unit is the data unit. Notice that all data items with the same label combination
    // should have the same unit.
    Unit string `json:"unit"`
    // Labels is the labels of the data item.
    Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`

type PerfData

PerfData contains all data items generated in current test.

type PerfData struct {
    // Version is the version of the metrics. The metrics consumer could use the version
    // to detect metrics version change and decide what version to support.
    Version   string     `json:"version"`
    DataItems []DataItem `json:"dataItems"`
    // Labels is the labels of the dataset.
    Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`