const ( // IngressClassKey is ingress class annotation defined in ingress repository. // TODO: All these annotations should be reused from // ingress-gce/pkg/annotations instead of duplicating them here. IngressClassKey = "" // MulticlusterIngressClassValue is ingress class annotation value for multi cluster ingress. MulticlusterIngressClassValue = "gce-multi-cluster" // IngressStaticIPKey is static IP annotation defined in ingress repository. IngressStaticIPKey = "" // IngressAllowHTTPKey is Allow HTTP annotation defined in ingress repository. IngressAllowHTTPKey = "" // IngressPreSharedCertKey is Pre-shared-cert annotation defined in ingress repository. = "" // ServiceApplicationProtocolKey annotation defined in ingress repository. ServiceApplicationProtocolKey = "" // IngressManifestPath is the parent path to yaml test manifests. IngressManifestPath = "test/e2e/testing-manifests/ingress" // GCEIngressManifestPath is the parent path to GCE-specific yaml test manifests. GCEIngressManifestPath = IngressManifestPath + "/gce" // IngressReqTimeout is the timeout on a single http request. IngressReqTimeout = 10 * time.Second // NEGAnnotation is NEG annotation. NEGAnnotation = "" // NEGStatusAnnotation is NEG status annotation. NEGStatusAnnotation = "" // StatusPrefix is prefix for annotation keys used by the ingress controller to specify the // names of GCP resources such as forwarding rules, url maps, target proxies, etc // that it created for the corresponding ingress. StatusPrefix = "" )
func BuildInsecureClient(timeout time.Duration) *http.Client
BuildInsecureClient returns an insecure http client. Can be used for "curl -k".
func DescribeIng(ns string)
DescribeIng describes information of ingress by running kubectl describe ing.
func GenerateRSACerts(host string, isCA bool) ([]byte, []byte, error)
GenerateRSACerts generates a basic self signed certificate using a key length of rsaBits, valid for validFor time.
func PollURL(ctx context.Context, route, host string, timeout time.Duration, interval time.Duration, httpClient *http.Client, expectUnreachable bool) error
PollURL polls till the url responds with a healthy http code. If expectUnreachable is true, it breaks on first non-healthy http code instead.
func SimpleGET(ctx context.Context, c *http.Client, url, host string) (string, error)
SimpleGET executes a get on the given url, returns error if non-200 returned.
ConformanceTests contains a closure with an entry and exit log line.
type ConformanceTests struct { EntryLog string Execute func() ExitLog string }
func CreateIngressComformanceTests(ctx context.Context, jig *TestJig, ns string, annotations map[string]string) []ConformanceTests
CreateIngressComformanceTests generates an slice of sequential test cases: a simple http ingress, ingress with HTTPS, ingress HTTPS with a modified hostname, ingress https with a modified URLMap
E2ELogger is test logger.
type E2ELogger struct{}
func (l *E2ELogger) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Errorf outputs log.
func (l *E2ELogger) Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
Infof outputs log.
NegStatus contains name and zone of the Network Endpoint Group resources associated with this service. Needs to be consistent with the NEG internal structs in ingress-gce.
type NegStatus struct { // NetworkEndpointGroups returns the mapping between service port and NEG // resource. key is service port, value is the name of the NEG resource. NetworkEndpointGroups map[int32]string `json:"network_endpoint_groups,omitempty"` Zones []string `json:"zones,omitempty"` }
NginxIngressController manages implementation details of Ingress on Nginx.
type NginxIngressController struct { Ns string Client clientset.Interface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (cont *NginxIngressController) Init(ctx context.Context)
Init initializes the NginxIngressController
func (cont *NginxIngressController) TearDown(ctx context.Context)
TearDown cleans up the NginxIngressController.
TestJig holds the relevant state and parameters of the ingress test.
type TestJig struct { Client clientset.Interface Logger TestLogger RootCAs map[string][]byte Address string Ingress *networkingv1.Ingress // class was the value of the annotation keyed under ``. // A new ingressClassName field has been added that is used to reference the IngressClass. // It's added to all ingresses created by this jig. Class string // The interval used to poll urls PollInterval time.Duration }
func NewIngressTestJig(c clientset.Interface) *TestJig
NewIngressTestJig instantiates struct with client
func (j *TestJig) AddHTTPS(ctx context.Context, secretName string, hosts ...string)
AddHTTPS updates the ingress to add this secret for these hosts.
func (j *TestJig) ConstructFirewallForIngress(ctx context.Context, firewallRuleName string, nodeTags []string) *compute.Firewall
ConstructFirewallForIngress returns the expected GCE firewall rule for the ingress resource
func (j *TestJig) CreateIngress(ctx context.Context, manifestPath, ns string, ingAnnotations map[string]string, svcAnnotations map[string]string)
CreateIngress creates the Ingress and associated service/rc. Required: ing.yaml, rc.yaml, svc.yaml must exist in manifestPath Optional: secret.yaml, ingAnnotations If ingAnnotations is specified it will overwrite any annotations in ing.yaml If svcAnnotations is specified it will overwrite any annotations in svc.yaml
func (j *TestJig) DeleteTestResource(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, svc *v1.Service, ing *networkingv1.Ingress) []error
DeleteTestResource deletes given deployment, service and ingress.
func (j *TestJig) GetDistinctResponseFromIngress(ctx context.Context) (sets.String, error)
GetDistinctResponseFromIngress tries GET call to the ingress VIP and return all distinct responses.
func (j *TestJig) GetIngressNodePorts(ctx context.Context, includeDefaultBackend bool) []string
GetIngressNodePorts returns related backend services' nodePorts. Current GCE ingress controller allows traffic to the default HTTP backend by default, so retrieve its nodePort if includeDefaultBackend is true.
func (j *TestJig) GetRootCA(secretName string) (rootCA []byte)
GetRootCA returns a rootCA from the ingress test jig.
func (j *TestJig) GetServicePorts(ctx context.Context, includeDefaultBackend bool) map[string]v1.ServicePort
GetServicePorts returns related backend services' svcPorts. Current GCE ingress controller allows traffic to the default HTTP backend by default, so retrieve its nodePort if includeDefaultBackend is true.
func (j *TestJig) PrepareTLSSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace, secretName string, hosts ...string) error
PrepareTLSSecret creates a TLS secret and caches the cert.
func (j *TestJig) RemoveHTTPS(ctx context.Context, secretName string)
RemoveHTTPS updates the ingress to not use this secret for TLS. Note: Does not delete the secret.
func (j *TestJig) SetHTTPS(ctx context.Context, secretName string, hosts ...string)
SetHTTPS updates the ingress to use only this secret for these hosts.
func (j *TestJig) SetUpBacksideHTTPSIngress(ctx context.Context, cs clientset.Interface, namespace string, staticIPName string) (*appsv1.Deployment, *v1.Service, *networkingv1.Ingress, error)
SetUpBacksideHTTPSIngress sets up deployment, service and ingress with backside HTTPS configured.
func (j *TestJig) TryDeleteIngress(ctx context.Context)
TryDeleteIngress attempts to delete the ingress resource and logs errors if they occur.
func (j *TestJig) Update(ctx context.Context, update func(ing *networkingv1.Ingress))
Update retrieves the ingress, performs the passed function, and then updates it.
func (j *TestJig) VerifyURL(ctx context.Context, route, host string, iterations int, interval time.Duration, httpClient *http.Client) error
VerifyURL polls for the given iterations, in intervals, and fails if the given url returns a non-healthy http code even once.
func (j *TestJig) WaitForGivenIngressWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, ing *networkingv1.Ingress, waitForNodePort bool, timeout time.Duration) error
WaitForGivenIngressWithTimeout waits till the ingress acquires an IP, then waits for its hosts/urls to respond to a protocol check (either http or https). If waitForNodePort is true, the NodePort of the Service is verified before verifying the Ingress. NodePort is currently a requirement for cloudprovider Ingress.
func (j *TestJig) WaitForIngress(ctx context.Context, waitForNodePort bool)
WaitForIngress waits for the Ingress to get an address. WaitForIngress returns when it gets the first 200 response
func (j *TestJig) WaitForIngressAddress(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns, ingName string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error)
WaitForIngressAddress waits for the Ingress to acquire an address.
func (j *TestJig) WaitForIngressToStable(ctx context.Context)
WaitForIngressToStable waits for the LB return 100 consecutive 200 responses.
func (j *TestJig) WaitForIngressWithCert(ctx context.Context, waitForNodePort bool, knownHosts []string, cert []byte) error
WaitForIngressWithCert waits till the ingress acquires an IP, then waits for its hosts/urls to respond to a protocol check (either http or https). If waitForNodePort is true, the NodePort of the Service is verified before verifying the Ingress. NodePort is currently a requirement for cloudprovider Ingress. Hostnames and certificate need to be explicitly passed in.
TestLogger is an interface for log.
type TestLogger interface { Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) }