Package daemonset
import "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/daemonset"
- Overview
- Index
- func CheckDaemonPodOnNodes(f *framework.Framework, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet, nodeNames []string) func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func CheckDaemonStatus(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, dsName string) error
- func CheckPresentOnNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet, ns string, numNodes int) (bool, error)
- func CheckRunningOnAllNodes(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet) (bool, error)
- func NewDaemonSet(dsName, image string, labels map[string]string, volumes []v1.Volume, mounts []v1.VolumeMount, ports []v1.ContainerPort, args ...string) *appsv1.DaemonSet
- func SchedulableNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet) []string
Package files
func CheckDaemonPodOnNodes(f *framework.Framework, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet, nodeNames []string) func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
func CheckDaemonStatus(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, dsName string) error
func CheckPresentOnNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet, ns string, numNodes int) (bool, error)
CheckPresentOnNodes will check that the daemonset will be present on at least the given number of
schedulable nodes.
func CheckRunningOnAllNodes(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet) (bool, error)
func NewDaemonSet(dsName, image string, labels map[string]string, volumes []v1.Volume, mounts []v1.VolumeMount, ports []v1.ContainerPort, args ...string) *appsv1.DaemonSet
func SchedulableNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ds *appsv1.DaemonSet) []string