Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
pkg | |
admission | |
admit | |
alwayspullimages | Package alwayspullimages contains an admission controller that modifies every new Pod to force the image pull policy to Always. |
antiaffinity | Package antiaffinity provides the LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology admission controller. |
certificates | |
approval | |
ctbattest | |
signing | |
subjectrestriction | |
defaulttolerationseconds | |
deny | |
eventratelimit | Package eventratelimit contains an admission controller that enforces a rate limit on events |
apis | |
eventratelimit | |
install | Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery. |
v1alpha1 | Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API. |
validation | |
extendedresourcetoleration | |
gc | |
imagepolicy | Package imagepolicy contains an admission controller that configures a webhook to which policy decisions are delegated. |
limitranger | |
namespace | |
autoprovision | |
exists | |
network | |
defaultingressclass | |
denyserviceexternalips | |
noderestriction | |
nodetaint | |
podnodeselector | |
podtolerationrestriction | Package podtolerationrestriction is a plugin that first verifies any conflict between a pod's tolerations and its namespace's tolerations, and rejects the pod if there's a conflict. |
apis | |
podtolerationrestriction | |
install | Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery. |
v1alpha1 | Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API. |
validation | |
priority | |
runtimeclass | Package runtimeclass contains an admission controller for modifying and validating new Pods to take RuntimeClass into account. |
security | Package security contains admission plugins specific to cluster security. |
podsecurity | |
serviceaccount | Package serviceaccount enforces all pods having an associated serviceaccount, and all containers mounting the API token for that serviceaccount at a known location |
storage | |
persistentvolume | |
label | Package label created persistent volumes with zone information as provided by the cloud provider |
resize | |
storageclass | |
setdefault | |
storageobjectinuseprotection | |
auth | Package auth contains implementations for interfaces in the pkg/auth package |
authenticator | |
token | |
bootstrap | Package bootstrap provides a token authenticator for TLS bootstrap secrets. |
authorizer | Package authorizer contains implementations for pkg/auth/authorizer interfaces |
node | |
rbac | Package rbac implements the authorizer.Authorizer interface using roles base access control. |
bootstrappolicy |