const ( // MaximumAllowedMinorVersionUpgradeSkew describes how many minor versions kubeadm can upgrade the control plane version in one go MaximumAllowedMinorVersionUpgradeSkew = 1 // MaximumAllowedMinorVersionDowngradeSkew describes how many minor versions kubeadm can upgrade the control plane version in one go MaximumAllowedMinorVersionDowngradeSkew = 1 // MaximumAllowedMinorVersionKubeletSkew describes how many minor versions the control plane version and the kubelet can skew in a kubeadm cluster MaximumAllowedMinorVersionKubeletSkew = 3 )
func CheckClusterHealth(client clientset.Interface, cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, ignoreChecksErrors sets.Set[string], printer output.Printer) error
CheckClusterHealth makes sure: - the cluster can accept a workload - all control-plane Nodes are Ready - (if static pod-hosted) that all required Static Pod manifests exist on disk
func DryRunStaticPodUpgrade(patchesDir string, internalcfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error
DryRunStaticPodUpgrade fakes an upgrade of the control plane
func GetEtcdImageTagFromStaticPod(manifestDir string) (string, error)
GetEtcdImageTagFromStaticPod returns the image tag of the local etcd static pod
func GetKubeletDir(dryRun bool) (string, error)
GetKubeletDir gets the kubelet directory based on whether the user is dry-running this command or not.
func PerformAddonsUpgrade(client clientset.Interface, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, out io.Writer) error
PerformAddonsUpgrade performs the upgrade of the coredns and kube-proxy addons. When UpgradeAddonsBeforeControlPlane feature gate is enabled, the addons will be upgraded immediately. When UpgradeAddonsBeforeControlPlane feature gate is disabled, the addons will only get updated after all the control plane instances have been upgraded.
func PerformPostUpgradeTasks(client clientset.Interface, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, patchesDir string, dryRun bool, out io.Writer) error
PerformPostUpgradeTasks runs nearly the same functions as 'kubeadm init' would do Note that the mark-control-plane phase is left out, not needed, and no token is created as that doesn't belong to the upgrade
func PerformStaticPodUpgrade(client clientset.Interface, waiter apiclient.Waiter, internalcfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, etcdUpgrade, renewCerts bool, patchesDir string) error
PerformStaticPodUpgrade performs the upgrade of the control plane components for a static pod hosted cluster
func RunCoreDNSMigrationCheck(client clientset.Interface, ignorePreflightErrors sets.Set[string]) error
RunCoreDNSMigrationCheck initializes checks related to CoreDNS migration.
func StaticPodControlPlane(client clientset.Interface, waiter apiclient.Waiter, pathMgr StaticPodPathManager, cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, etcdUpgrade, renewCerts bool, oldEtcdClient, newEtcdClient etcdutil.ClusterInterrogator) error
StaticPodControlPlane upgrades a static pod-hosted control plane
func WriteKubeletConfigFiles(cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, patchesDir string, dryRun bool, out io.Writer) error
WriteKubeletConfigFiles writes the kubelet config file to disk, but first creates a backup of any existing one.
ClusterState describes the state of certain versions for a cluster during an upgrade
type ClusterState struct { // KubeVersion describes the version of latest Kubernetes API Server in the cluster. KubeVersion string // DNSVersion describes the version of the DNS add-on. DNSVersion string // KubeadmVersion describes the version of the kubeadm CLI KubeadmVersion string // EtcdVersion represents the version of etcd used in the cluster EtcdVersion string // The following maps describe the versions of the different components in the cluster. // The key is the version string and the value is a list of nodes that have that version. KubeAPIServerVersions map[string][]string KubeControllerManagerVersions map[string][]string KubeSchedulerVersions map[string][]string EtcdVersions map[string][]string KubeletVersions map[string][]string }
CoreDNSCheck validates installed kubelet version
type CoreDNSCheck struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (c CoreDNSCheck) Check() (warnings, errors []error)
Check is part of the preflight.Checker interface
func (c CoreDNSCheck) Name() string
Name is part of the preflight.Checker interface
KubeStaticPodPathManager is a real implementation of StaticPodPathManager that is used when upgrading a static pod cluster
type KubeStaticPodPathManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) BackupEtcdDir() string
BackupEtcdDir should point to the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) BackupManifestDir() string
BackupManifestDir should point to the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) BackupManifestPath(component string) string
BackupManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) CleanupDirs() error
CleanupDirs cleans up all temporary directories except those the user has requested to keep around
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) KubernetesDir() string
KubernetesDir should point to the directory Kubernetes owns for storing various configuration files
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) MoveFile(oldPath, newPath string) error
MoveFile should move a file from oldPath to newPath
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) PatchesDir() string
PatchesDir should point to the folder where patches for components are stored
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) RealManifestDir() string
RealManifestDir should point to the static pod manifest directory used by the kubelet
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) RealManifestPath(component string) string
RealManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the "real" static pod manifest directory used by the kubelet
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) TempManifestDir() string
TempManifestDir should point to the temporary directory created for generating new manifests for the upgrade
func (spm *KubeStaticPodPathManager) TempManifestPath(component string) string
TempManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the temporary directory created for generating new manifests for the upgrade
KubeVersionGetter handles the version-fetching mechanism from external sources
type KubeVersionGetter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (g *KubeVersionGetter) ClusterVersion() (string, *versionutil.Version, error)
ClusterVersion gets API server version
func (g *KubeVersionGetter) ComponentVersions(name string) (map[string][]string, error)
ComponentVersions gets the versions of the control-plane components in the cluster. The name parameter is the name of the component to get the versions for. The function returns a map with the version as the key and a list of node names as the value.
func (g *KubeVersionGetter) KubeadmVersion() (string, *versionutil.Version, error)
KubeadmVersion gets kubeadm version
func (g *KubeVersionGetter) KubeletVersions() (map[string][]string, error)
KubeletVersions gets the versions of the kubelets in the cluster.
func (g *KubeVersionGetter) VersionFromCILabel(ciVersionLabel, description string) (string, *versionutil.Version, error)
VersionFromCILabel resolves a version label like "latest" or "stable" to an actual version using the public Kubernetes CI uploads
OfflineVersionGetter will use the version provided or
type OfflineVersionGetter struct { VersionGetter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (o *OfflineVersionGetter) VersionFromCILabel(ciVersionLabel, description string) (string, *versionutil.Version, error)
VersionFromCILabel will return the version that was passed into the struct
StaticPodPathManager is responsible for tracking the directories used in the static pod upgrade transition
type StaticPodPathManager interface { // MoveFile should move a file from oldPath to newPath MoveFile(oldPath, newPath string) error // KubernetesDir is the directory Kubernetes owns for storing various configuration files KubernetesDir() string // PatchesDir should point to the folder where patches for components are stored PatchesDir() string // RealManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the "real" static pod manifest directory used by the kubelet RealManifestPath(component string) string // RealManifestDir should point to the static pod manifest directory used by the kubelet RealManifestDir() string // TempManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the temporary directory created for generating new manifests for the upgrade TempManifestPath(component string) string // TempManifestDir should point to the temporary directory created for generating new manifests for the upgrade TempManifestDir() string // BackupManifestPath gets the file path for the component in the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition BackupManifestPath(component string) string // BackupManifestDir should point to the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition BackupManifestDir() string // BackupEtcdDir should point to the backup directory used for backuping manifests during the transition BackupEtcdDir() string // CleanupDirs cleans up all temporary directories CleanupDirs() error }
func GetPathManagerForUpgrade(kubernetesDir, patchesDir string, internalcfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, etcdUpgrade bool) (StaticPodPathManager, error)
GetPathManagerForUpgrade returns a path manager properly configured for the given InitConfiguration.
func NewKubeStaticPodPathManager(kubernetesDir, patchesDir, tempDir, backupDir, backupEtcdDir string, keepManifestDir, keepEtcdDir bool) StaticPodPathManager
NewKubeStaticPodPathManager creates a new instance of KubeStaticPodPathManager
func NewKubeStaticPodPathManagerUsingTempDirs(kubernetesDir, patchesDir string, saveManifestsDir, saveEtcdDir bool) (StaticPodPathManager, error)
NewKubeStaticPodPathManagerUsingTempDirs creates a new instance of KubeStaticPodPathManager with temporary directories backing it
Upgrade defines an upgrade possibility to upgrade from a current version to a new one
type Upgrade struct { Description string Before ClusterState After ClusterState }
func GetAvailableUpgrades(versionGetterImpl VersionGetter, experimentalUpgradesAllowed, rcUpgradesAllowed bool, client clientset.Interface, printer output.Printer) ([]Upgrade, error)
GetAvailableUpgrades fetches all versions from the specified VersionGetter and computes which kinds of upgrades can be performed
func (u *Upgrade) CanUpgradeKubelets() bool
CanUpgradeKubelets returns whether an upgrade of any kubelet in the cluster is possible
VersionGetter defines an interface for fetching different versions. Easy to implement a fake variant of this interface for unit testing
type VersionGetter interface { // ClusterVersion should return the version of the cluster i.e. the API Server version ClusterVersion() (string, *versionutil.Version, error) // KubeadmVersion should return the version of the kubeadm CLI KubeadmVersion() (string, *versionutil.Version, error) // VersionFromCILabel should resolve CI labels like `latest`, `stable`, `stable-1.8`, etc. to real versions VersionFromCILabel(string, string) (string, *versionutil.Version, error) // KubeletVersions should return a map with a version and a list of node names that describes how many kubelets there are for that version KubeletVersions() (map[string][]string, error) // ComponentVersions should return a map with a version and a list of node names that describes how many a given control-plane components there are for that version ComponentVersions(string) (map[string][]string, error) }
func NewKubeVersionGetter(client clientset.Interface) VersionGetter
NewKubeVersionGetter returns a new instance of KubeVersionGetter
func NewOfflineVersionGetter(versionGetter VersionGetter, version string) VersionGetter
NewOfflineVersionGetter wraps a VersionGetter and skips online communication if default information is supplied. Version can be "" and the behavior will be identical to the versionGetter passed in.
VersionSkewPolicyErrors describes version skew errors that might be seen during the validation process in EnforceVersionPolicies
type VersionSkewPolicyErrors struct { Mandatory []error Skippable []error }
func EnforceVersionPolicies(versionGetter VersionGetter, newK8sVersionStr string, newK8sVersion *version.Version, allowExperimentalUpgrades, allowRCUpgrades bool) *VersionSkewPolicyErrors
EnforceVersionPolicies enforces that the proposed new version is compatible with all the different version skew policies