
Package constants

import "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"

Overview ▾


const (
    // KubernetesDir is the directory Kubernetes owns for storing various configuration files
    KubernetesDir = "/etc/kubernetes"
    // ManifestsSubDirName defines directory name to store manifests
    ManifestsSubDirName = "manifests"
    // TempDirForKubeadm defines temporary directory for kubeadm
    // should be joined with KubernetesDir.
    TempDirForKubeadm = "tmp"

    // CertificateBackdate defines the offset applied to notBefore for CA certificates generated by kubeadm
    CertificateBackdate = time.Minute * 5
    // CertificateValidity defines the validity for all the signed certificates generated by kubeadm
    CertificateValidity = time.Hour * 24 * 365

    // DefaultCertificateDir defines default certificate directory
    DefaultCertificateDir = "pki"

    // CACertAndKeyBaseName defines certificate authority base name
    CACertAndKeyBaseName = "ca"
    // CACertName defines certificate name
    CACertName = "ca.crt"
    // CAKeyName defines certificate name
    CAKeyName = "ca.key"

    // APIServerCertAndKeyBaseName defines API's server certificate and key base name
    APIServerCertAndKeyBaseName = "apiserver"
    // APIServerCertName defines API's server certificate name
    APIServerCertName = "apiserver.crt"
    // APIServerKeyName defines API's server key name
    APIServerKeyName = "apiserver.key"
    // APIServerCertCommonName defines API's server certificate common name (CN)
    APIServerCertCommonName = "kube-apiserver"

    // APIServerKubeletClientCertAndKeyBaseName defines kubelet client certificate and key base name
    APIServerKubeletClientCertAndKeyBaseName = "apiserver-kubelet-client"
    // APIServerKubeletClientCertName defines kubelet client certificate name
    APIServerKubeletClientCertName = "apiserver-kubelet-client.crt"
    // APIServerKubeletClientKeyName defines kubelet client key name
    APIServerKubeletClientKeyName = "apiserver-kubelet-client.key"
    // APIServerKubeletClientCertCommonName defines kubelet client certificate common name (CN)
    APIServerKubeletClientCertCommonName = "kube-apiserver-kubelet-client"

    // EtcdCACertAndKeyBaseName defines etcd's CA certificate and key base name
    EtcdCACertAndKeyBaseName = "etcd/ca"
    // EtcdCACertName defines etcd's CA certificate name
    EtcdCACertName = "etcd/ca.crt"
    // EtcdCAKeyName defines etcd's CA key name
    EtcdCAKeyName = "etcd/ca.key"

    // EtcdServerCertAndKeyBaseName defines etcd's server certificate and key base name
    EtcdServerCertAndKeyBaseName = "etcd/server"
    // EtcdServerCertName defines etcd's server certificate name
    EtcdServerCertName = "etcd/server.crt"
    // EtcdServerKeyName defines etcd's server key name
    EtcdServerKeyName = "etcd/server.key"

    // EtcdListenClientPort defines the port etcd listen on for client traffic
    EtcdListenClientPort = 2379
    // EtcdMetricsPort is the port at which to obtain etcd metrics and health status
    EtcdMetricsPort = 2381

    // EtcdPeerCertAndKeyBaseName defines etcd's peer certificate and key base name
    EtcdPeerCertAndKeyBaseName = "etcd/peer"
    // EtcdPeerCertName defines etcd's peer certificate name
    EtcdPeerCertName = "etcd/peer.crt"
    // EtcdPeerKeyName defines etcd's peer key name
    EtcdPeerKeyName = "etcd/peer.key"

    // EtcdListenPeerPort defines the port etcd listen on for peer traffic
    EtcdListenPeerPort = 2380

    // EtcdHealthcheckClientCertAndKeyBaseName defines etcd's healthcheck client certificate and key base name
    EtcdHealthcheckClientCertAndKeyBaseName = "etcd/healthcheck-client"
    // EtcdHealthcheckClientCertName defines etcd's healthcheck client certificate name
    EtcdHealthcheckClientCertName = "etcd/healthcheck-client.crt"
    // EtcdHealthcheckClientKeyName defines etcd's healthcheck client key name
    EtcdHealthcheckClientKeyName = "etcd/healthcheck-client.key"
    // EtcdHealthcheckClientCertCommonName defines etcd's healthcheck client certificate common name (CN)
    EtcdHealthcheckClientCertCommonName = "kube-etcd-healthcheck-client"

    // APIServerEtcdClientCertAndKeyBaseName defines apiserver's etcd client certificate and key base name
    APIServerEtcdClientCertAndKeyBaseName = "apiserver-etcd-client"
    // APIServerEtcdClientCertName defines apiserver's etcd client certificate name
    APIServerEtcdClientCertName = "apiserver-etcd-client.crt"
    // APIServerEtcdClientKeyName defines apiserver's etcd client key name
    APIServerEtcdClientKeyName = "apiserver-etcd-client.key"
    // APIServerEtcdClientCertCommonName defines apiserver's etcd client certificate common name (CN)
    APIServerEtcdClientCertCommonName = "kube-apiserver-etcd-client"

    // ServiceAccountKeyBaseName defines SA key base name
    ServiceAccountKeyBaseName = "sa"
    // ServiceAccountPublicKeyName defines SA public key base name
    ServiceAccountPublicKeyName = "sa.pub"
    // ServiceAccountPrivateKeyName defines SA private key base name
    ServiceAccountPrivateKeyName = "sa.key"

    // FrontProxyCACertAndKeyBaseName defines front proxy CA certificate and key base name
    FrontProxyCACertAndKeyBaseName = "front-proxy-ca"
    // FrontProxyCACertName defines front proxy CA certificate name
    FrontProxyCACertName = "front-proxy-ca.crt"
    // FrontProxyCAKeyName defines front proxy CA key name
    FrontProxyCAKeyName = "front-proxy-ca.key"

    // FrontProxyClientCertAndKeyBaseName defines front proxy certificate and key base name
    FrontProxyClientCertAndKeyBaseName = "front-proxy-client"
    // FrontProxyClientCertName defines front proxy certificate name
    FrontProxyClientCertName = "front-proxy-client.crt"
    // FrontProxyClientKeyName defines front proxy key name
    FrontProxyClientKeyName = "front-proxy-client.key"
    // FrontProxyClientCertCommonName defines front proxy certificate common name
    FrontProxyClientCertCommonName = "front-proxy-client" //used as subject.commonname attribute (CN)

    // AdminKubeConfigFileName defines name for the kubeconfig aimed to be used by the admin of the cluster
    AdminKubeConfigFileName = "admin.conf"
    // SuperAdminKubeConfigFileName defines name for the kubeconfig aimed to be used by the super-admin of the cluster
    SuperAdminKubeConfigFileName = "super-admin.conf"

    // KubeletBootstrapKubeConfigFileName defines the file name for the kubeconfig that the kubelet will use to do
    // the TLS bootstrap to get itself an unique credential
    KubeletBootstrapKubeConfigFileName = "bootstrap-kubelet.conf"

    // KubeletKubeConfigFileName defines the file name for the kubeconfig that the control-plane kubelet will use for talking
    // to the API server
    KubeletKubeConfigFileName = "kubelet.conf"
    // ControllerManagerKubeConfigFileName defines the file name for the controller manager's kubeconfig file
    ControllerManagerKubeConfigFileName = "controller-manager.conf"
    // SchedulerKubeConfigFileName defines the file name for the scheduler's kubeconfig file
    SchedulerKubeConfigFileName = "scheduler.conf"

    // ControllerManagerUser defines the well-known user the controller-manager should be authenticated as
    ControllerManagerUser = "system:kube-controller-manager"
    // SchedulerUser defines the well-known user the scheduler should be authenticated as
    SchedulerUser = "system:kube-scheduler"
    // NodesUserPrefix defines the user name prefix as requested by the Node authorizer.
    NodesUserPrefix = "system:node:"
    // SystemPrivilegedGroup defines the well-known group for the apiservers. This group is also superuser by default
    // (i.e. bound to the cluster-admin ClusterRole)
    SystemPrivilegedGroup = "system:masters"
    // NodesGroup defines the well-known group for all nodes.
    NodesGroup = "system:nodes"
    // NodeBootstrapTokenAuthGroup specifies which group a Node Bootstrap Token should be authenticated in
    NodeBootstrapTokenAuthGroup = "system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token"
    // KubeProxyClusterRoleName sets the name for the kube-proxy ClusterRole
    KubeProxyClusterRoleName = "system:node-proxier"
    // NodeBootstrapperClusterRoleName defines the name of the auto-bootstrapped ClusterRole for letting someone post a CSR
    NodeBootstrapperClusterRoleName = "system:node-bootstrapper"
    // CSRAutoApprovalClusterRoleName defines the name of the auto-bootstrapped ClusterRole for making the csrapprover controller auto-approve the CSR
    // Starting from v1.8, CSRAutoApprovalClusterRoleName is automatically created by the API server on startup
    CSRAutoApprovalClusterRoleName = "system:certificates.k8s.io:certificatesigningrequests:nodeclient"
    // NodeSelfCSRAutoApprovalClusterRoleName is a role defined in default 1.8 RBAC policies for automatic CSR approvals for automatically rotated node certificates
    NodeSelfCSRAutoApprovalClusterRoleName = "system:certificates.k8s.io:certificatesigningrequests:selfnodeclient"
    // NodesClusterRoleBinding defines the well-known ClusterRoleBinding which binds the too permissive system:node
    // ClusterRole to the system:nodes group. Since kubeadm is using the Node Authorizer, this ClusterRoleBinding's
    // system:nodes group subject is removed if present.
    NodesClusterRoleBinding = "system:node"

    // KubeletBaseConfigMapRole defines the base kubelet configuration ConfigMap.
    KubeletBaseConfigMapRole = "kubeadm:kubelet-config"
    // KubeProxyClusterRoleBindingName sets the name for the kube-proxy CluterRoleBinding
    KubeProxyClusterRoleBindingName = "kubeadm:node-proxier"
    // NodeKubeletBootstrap defines the name of the ClusterRoleBinding that lets kubelets post CSRs
    NodeKubeletBootstrap = "kubeadm:kubelet-bootstrap"
    // GetNodesClusterRoleName defines the name of the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding to get nodes
    GetNodesClusterRoleName = "kubeadm:get-nodes"
    // NodeAutoApproveBootstrapClusterRoleBinding defines the name of the ClusterRoleBinding that makes the csrapprover approve node CSRs
    NodeAutoApproveBootstrapClusterRoleBinding = "kubeadm:node-autoapprove-bootstrap"
    // NodeAutoApproveCertificateRotationClusterRoleBinding defines name of the ClusterRoleBinding that makes the csrapprover approve node auto rotated CSRs
    NodeAutoApproveCertificateRotationClusterRoleBinding = "kubeadm:node-autoapprove-certificate-rotation"
    // ClusterAdminsGroupAndClusterRoleBinding is the name of the Group used for kubeadm generated cluster
    // admin credentials and the name of the ClusterRoleBinding that binds the same Group to the "cluster-admin"
    // built-in ClusterRole.
    ClusterAdminsGroupAndClusterRoleBinding = "kubeadm:cluster-admins"

    // KubernetesAPICallTimeout specifies how long kubeadm should wait for API calls
    KubernetesAPICallTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
    // KubernetesAPICallRetryInterval defines how long kubeadm should wait before retrying a failed API operation
    KubernetesAPICallRetryInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond

    // DiscoveryTimeout specifies the default discovery timeout for kubeadm (used unless one is specified in the JoinConfiguration)
    DiscoveryTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
    // DiscoveryRetryInterval specifies how long kubeadm should wait before retrying to connect to the control-plane when doing discovery
    DiscoveryRetryInterval = 5 * time.Second

    // TLSBootstrapTimeout specifies how long kubeadm should wait for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap
    TLSBootstrapTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
    // TLSBootstrapRetryInterval specifies how long kubeadm should wait before retrying the TLS Bootstrap check
    TLSBootstrapRetryInterval = 1 * time.Second

    // EtcdAPICallTimeout specifies how much time to wait for completion of requests against the etcd API.
    EtcdAPICallTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
    // EtcdAPICallRetryInterval specifies how frequently to retry requests against the etcd API.
    EtcdAPICallRetryInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond

    // ControlPlaneComponentHealthCheckTimeout specifies the default control plane component health check timeout
    ControlPlaneComponentHealthCheckTimeout = 4 * time.Minute

    // KubeletHealthCheckTimeout specifies the default kubelet timeout
    KubeletHealthCheckTimeout = 4 * time.Minute

    // UpgradeManifestsTimeout specifies the default timeout for upgradring static Pod manifests
    UpgradeManifestsTimeout = 5 * time.Minute

    // PullImageRetry specifies how many times ContainerRuntime retries when pulling image failed
    PullImageRetry = 5
    // RemoveContainerRetry specifies how many times ContainerRuntime retries when removing container failed
    RemoveContainerRetry = 5

    // MinimumAddressesInServiceSubnet defines minimum amount of nodes the Service subnet should allow.
    // We need at least ten, because the DNS service is always at the tenth cluster clusterIP
    MinimumAddressesInServiceSubnet = 10

    // MaximumBitsForServiceSubnet defines maximum possible size of the service subnet in terms of bits.
    // For example, if the value is 20, then the largest supported service subnet is /12 for IPv4 and /108 for IPv6.
    // Note however that anything in between /108 and /112 will be clamped to /112 due to the limitations of the underlying allocation logic.
    // TODO: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/pull/1881
    MaximumBitsForServiceSubnet = 20

    // MinimumAddressesInPodSubnet defines minimum amount of pods in the cluster.
    // We need at least more than services, an IPv4 /28 or IPv6 /128 subnet means 14 util addresses
    MinimumAddressesInPodSubnet = 14

    // PodSubnetNodeMaskMaxDiff is limited to 16 due to an issue with uncompressed IP bitmap in core:
    // xref: #44918
    // The node subnet mask size must be no more than the pod subnet mask size + 16
    PodSubnetNodeMaskMaxDiff = 16

    // DefaultCertTokenDuration specifies the default amount of time that the token used by upload certs will be valid
    // Default behaviour is 2 hours
    DefaultCertTokenDuration = 2 * time.Hour

    // CertificateKeySize specifies the size of the key used to encrypt certificates on uploadcerts phase
    CertificateKeySize = 32

    // LabelNodeRoleControlPlane specifies that a node hosts control-plane components
    LabelNodeRoleControlPlane = "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"

    // LabelExcludeFromExternalLB can be set on a node to exclude it from external load balancers.
    // This is added to control plane nodes to preserve backwards compatibility with a legacy behavior.
    LabelExcludeFromExternalLB = "node.kubernetes.io/exclude-from-external-load-balancers"

    // AnnotationKubeadmCRISocket specifies the annotation kubeadm uses to preserve the crisocket information given to kubeadm at
    // init/join time for use later. kubeadm annotates the node object with this information
    AnnotationKubeadmCRISocket = "kubeadm.alpha.kubernetes.io/cri-socket"

    // KubeadmConfigConfigMap specifies in what ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace the `kubeadm init` configuration should be stored
    KubeadmConfigConfigMap = "kubeadm-config"

    // ClusterConfigurationConfigMapKey specifies in what ConfigMap key the cluster configuration should be stored
    ClusterConfigurationConfigMapKey = "ClusterConfiguration"

    // KubeProxyConfigMap specifies in what ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace the kube-proxy configuration should be stored
    KubeProxyConfigMap = "kube-proxy"

    // KubeProxyConfigMapKey specifies in what ConfigMap key the component config of kube-proxy should be stored
    KubeProxyConfigMapKey = "config.conf"

    // KubeletBaseConfigurationConfigMap specifies in what ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace the initial remote configuration of kubelet should be stored
    KubeletBaseConfigurationConfigMap = "kubelet-config"

    // KubeletBaseConfigurationConfigMapKey specifies in what ConfigMap key the initial remote configuration of kubelet should be stored
    KubeletBaseConfigurationConfigMapKey = "kubelet"

    // KubeletRunDirectory specifies the directory where the kubelet runtime information is stored.
    KubeletRunDirectory = "/var/lib/kubelet"

    // KubeletConfigurationFileName specifies the file name on the node which stores initial remote configuration of kubelet
    // This file should exist under KubeletRunDirectory
    KubeletConfigurationFileName = "config.yaml"

    // KubeletEnvFileName is a file "kubeadm init" writes at runtime. Using that interface, kubeadm can customize certain
    // kubelet flags conditionally based on the environment at runtime. Also, parameters given to the configuration file
    // might be passed through this file. "kubeadm init" writes one variable, with the name ${KubeletEnvFileVariableName}.
    // This file should exist under KubeletRunDirectory
    KubeletEnvFileName = "kubeadm-flags.env"

    // KubeletEnvFileVariableName specifies the shell script variable name "kubeadm init" should write a value to in KubeletEnvFile
    KubeletEnvFileVariableName = "KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS"

    // KubeletHealthzPort is the port of the kubelet healthz endpoint
    KubeletHealthzPort = 10248

    // MinExternalEtcdVersion indicates minimum external etcd version which kubeadm supports
    MinExternalEtcdVersion = "3.4.13-4"

    // DefaultEtcdVersion indicates the default etcd version that kubeadm uses
    DefaultEtcdVersion = "3.5.12-0"

    // Etcd defines variable used internally when referring to etcd component
    Etcd = "etcd"
    // KubeAPIServer defines variable used internally when referring to kube-apiserver component
    KubeAPIServer = "kube-apiserver"
    // KubeControllerManager defines variable used internally when referring to kube-controller-manager component
    KubeControllerManager = "kube-controller-manager"
    // KubeScheduler defines variable used internally when referring to kube-scheduler component
    KubeScheduler = "kube-scheduler"
    // KubeProxy defines variable used internally when referring to kube-proxy component
    KubeProxy = "kube-proxy"
    // CoreDNS defines variable used internally when referring to the CoreDNS component
    CoreDNS = "CoreDNS"
    // Kubelet defines variable used internally when referring to the Kubelet
    Kubelet = "kubelet"
    // Kubeadm defines variable used internally when referring to the kubeadm component
    Kubeadm = "kubeadm"

    // KubeCertificatesVolumeName specifies the name for the Volume that is used for injecting certificates to control plane components (can be both a hostPath volume or a projected, all-in-one volume)
    KubeCertificatesVolumeName = "k8s-certs"

    // KubeConfigVolumeName specifies the name for the Volume that is used for injecting the kubeconfig to talk securely to the api server for a control plane component if applicable
    KubeConfigVolumeName = "kubeconfig"

    // DefaultCIImageRepository points to image registry where CI uploads images from ci build job
    DefaultCIImageRepository = "gcr.io/k8s-staging-ci-images"

    // CoreDNSConfigMap specifies in what ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace the CoreDNS config should be stored
    CoreDNSConfigMap = "coredns"

    // CoreDNSDeploymentName specifies the name of the Deployment for CoreDNS add-on
    CoreDNSDeploymentName = "coredns"

    // CoreDNSImageName specifies the name of the image for CoreDNS add-on
    CoreDNSImageName = "coredns"

    // CoreDNSVersion is the version of CoreDNS to be deployed if it is used
    CoreDNSVersion = "v1.11.1"

    // ClusterConfigurationKind is the string kind value for the ClusterConfiguration struct
    ClusterConfigurationKind = "ClusterConfiguration"

    // InitConfigurationKind is the string kind value for the InitConfiguration struct
    InitConfigurationKind = "InitConfiguration"

    // JoinConfigurationKind is the string kind value for the JoinConfiguration struct
    JoinConfigurationKind = "JoinConfiguration"

    // ResetConfigurationKind is the string kind value for the ResetConfiguration struct
    ResetConfigurationKind = "ResetConfiguration"

    // YAMLDocumentSeparator is the separator for YAML documents
    // TODO: Find a better place for this constant
    YAMLDocumentSeparator = "---\n"

    // CIKubernetesVersionPrefix is the prefix for CI Kubernetes version
    CIKubernetesVersionPrefix = "ci/"

    // DefaultAPIServerBindAddress is the default bind address for the API Server
    DefaultAPIServerBindAddress = ""

    // ControlPlaneNumCPU is the number of CPUs required on control-plane
    ControlPlaneNumCPU = 2

    // ControlPlaneMem is the number of megabytes of memory required on the control-plane
    // Below that amount of RAM running a stable control plane would be difficult.
    ControlPlaneMem = 1700

    // KubeadmCertsSecret specifies in what Secret in the kube-system namespace the certificates should be stored
    KubeadmCertsSecret = "kubeadm-certs"

    // KubeletPort is the default port for the kubelet server on each host machine.
    // May be overridden by a flag at startup.
    KubeletPort = 10250
    // KubeSchedulerPort is the default port for the scheduler status server.
    // May be overridden by a flag at startup.
    KubeSchedulerPort = 10259
    // KubeControllerManagerPort is the default port for the controller manager status server.
    // May be overridden by a flag at startup.
    KubeControllerManagerPort = 10257

    // EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey is the annotation key on every etcd pod, describing the
    // advertise client URLs
    EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey = "kubeadm.kubernetes.io/etcd.advertise-client-urls"
    // KubeAPIServerAdvertiseAddressEndpointAnnotationKey is the annotation key on every apiserver pod,
    // describing the API endpoint (advertise address and bind port of the api server)
    KubeAPIServerAdvertiseAddressEndpointAnnotationKey = "kubeadm.kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver.advertise-address.endpoint"
    // ComponentConfigHashAnnotationKey holds the config map annotation key that kubeadm uses to store
    // a SHA256 sum to check for user changes
    ComponentConfigHashAnnotationKey = "kubeadm.kubernetes.io/component-config.hash"

    // ControlPlaneTier is the value used in the tier label to identify control plane components
    ControlPlaneTier = "control-plane"

    // ModeAlwaysAllow is the mode to set all requests as authorized
    ModeAlwaysAllow string = "AlwaysAllow"
    // ModeAlwaysDeny is the mode to set no requests as authorized
    ModeAlwaysDeny string = "AlwaysDeny"
    // ModeABAC is the mode to use Attribute Based Access Control to authorize
    ModeABAC string = "ABAC"
    // ModeWebhook is the mode to make an external webhook call to authorize
    ModeWebhook string = "Webhook"
    // ModeRBAC is the mode to use Role Based Access Control to authorize
    ModeRBAC string = "RBAC"
    // ModeNode is an authorization mode that authorizes API requests made by kubelets.
    ModeNode string = "Node"

    // PauseVersion indicates the default pause image version for kubeadm
    PauseVersion = "3.9"

    // CgroupDriverSystemd holds the systemd driver type
    CgroupDriverSystemd = "systemd"

    // KubeControllerManagerUserName is the username of the user that kube-controller-manager runs as.
    KubeControllerManagerUserName string = "kubeadm-kcm"
    // KubeAPIServerUserName is the username of the user that kube-apiserver runs as.
    KubeAPIServerUserName string = "kubeadm-kas"
    // KubeSchedulerUserName is the username of the user that kube-scheduler runs as.
    KubeSchedulerUserName string = "kubeadm-ks"
    // EtcdUserName is the username of the user that etcd runs as.
    EtcdUserName string = "kubeadm-etcd"
    // ServiceAccountKeyReadersGroupName is the group of users that are allowed to read the service account private key.
    ServiceAccountKeyReadersGroupName string = "kubeadm-sa-key-readers"
    // UpgradeConfigurationKind is the string kind value for the UpgradeConfiguration struct
    UpgradeConfigurationKind = "UpgradeConfiguration"
const (
    // CRISocketContainerd is the containerd CRI endpoint
    CRISocketContainerd = "unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
    // CRISocketCRIO is the cri-o CRI endpoint
    CRISocketCRIO = "unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock"
    // CRISocketDocker is the cri-dockerd CRI endpoint
    CRISocketDocker = "unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock"

    // DefaultCRISocket defines the default CRI socket
    DefaultCRISocket = CRISocketContainerd


var (
    // ControlPlaneTaint is the taint to apply on the PodSpec for being able to run that Pod on the control-plane
    ControlPlaneTaint = v1.Taint{
        Key:    LabelNodeRoleControlPlane,
        Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,

    // ControlPlaneToleration is the toleration to apply on the PodSpec for being able to run that Pod on the control-plane
    ControlPlaneToleration = v1.Toleration{
        Key:    LabelNodeRoleControlPlane,
        Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,

    // ControlPlaneComponents defines the control-plane component names
    ControlPlaneComponents = []string{KubeAPIServer, KubeControllerManager, KubeScheduler}

    // MinimumControlPlaneVersion specifies the minimum control plane version kubeadm can deploy
    MinimumControlPlaneVersion = getSkewedKubernetesVersion(-1)

    // MinimumKubeletVersion specifies the minimum version of kubelet which kubeadm supports
    MinimumKubeletVersion = getSkewedKubernetesVersion(-3)

    // CurrentKubernetesVersion specifies current Kubernetes version supported by kubeadm
    CurrentKubernetesVersion = getSkewedKubernetesVersion(0)

    // SupportedEtcdVersion lists officially supported etcd versions with corresponding Kubernetes releases
    SupportedEtcdVersion = map[uint8]string{
        22: "3.5.12-0",
        23: "3.5.12-0",
        24: "3.5.12-0",
        25: "3.5.12-0",
        26: "3.5.12-0",
        27: "3.5.12-0",
        28: "3.5.12-0",
        29: "3.5.12-0",
        30: "3.5.12-0",

    // KubeadmCertsClusterRoleName sets the name for the ClusterRole that allows
    // the bootstrap tokens to access the kubeadm-certs Secret during the join of a new control-plane
    KubeadmCertsClusterRoleName = fmt.Sprintf("kubeadm:%s", KubeadmCertsSecret)

func CreateTempDirForKubeadm

func CreateTempDirForKubeadm(kubernetesDir, dirName string) (string, error)

CreateTempDirForKubeadm is a function that creates a temporary directory under /etc/kubernetes/tmp (not using /tmp as that would potentially be dangerous)

func CreateTimestampDirForKubeadm

func CreateTimestampDirForKubeadm(kubernetesDir, dirName string) (string, error)

CreateTimestampDirForKubeadm is a function that creates a temporary directory under /etc/kubernetes/tmp formatted with the current date

func EtcdSupportedVersion

func EtcdSupportedVersion(supportedEtcdVersion map[uint8]string, versionString string) (etcdVersion *version.Version, warning, err error)

EtcdSupportedVersion returns officially supported version of etcd for a specific Kubernetes release If passed version is not in the given list, the function returns the nearest version with a warning

func GetAPIServerVirtualIP

func GetAPIServerVirtualIP(svcSubnetList string) (net.IP, error)

GetAPIServerVirtualIP returns the IP of the internal Kubernetes API service

func GetAdminKubeConfigPath

func GetAdminKubeConfigPath() string

GetAdminKubeConfigPath returns the location on the disk where admin kubeconfig is located by default

func GetBootstrapKubeletKubeConfigPath

func GetBootstrapKubeletKubeConfigPath() string

GetBootstrapKubeletKubeConfigPath returns the location on the disk where bootstrap kubelet kubeconfig is located by default

func GetDNSIP

func GetDNSIP(svcSubnetList string) (net.IP, error)

GetDNSIP returns a dnsIP, which is 10th IP in svcSubnet CIDR range

func GetKubeletKubeConfigPath

func GetKubeletKubeConfigPath() string

GetKubeletKubeConfigPath returns the location on the disk where kubelet kubeconfig is located by default

func GetKubernetesServiceCIDR

func GetKubernetesServiceCIDR(svcSubnetList string) (*net.IPNet, error)

GetKubernetesServiceCIDR returns the default Service CIDR for the Kubernetes internal service

func GetStaticPodDirectory

func GetStaticPodDirectory() string

GetStaticPodDirectory returns the location on the disk where the Static Pod should be present

func GetStaticPodFilepath

func GetStaticPodFilepath(componentName, manifestsDir string) string

GetStaticPodFilepath returns the location on the disk where the Static Pod should be present

func GetSuperAdminKubeConfigPath

func GetSuperAdminKubeConfigPath() string

GetSuperAdminKubeConfigPath returns the location on the disk where admin kubeconfig is located by default