
Package testing

import "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/testing"

Overview ▾

type Logger

Logger allows t.Testing and b.Testing to be passed to StartTestServer and StartTestServerOrDie

type Logger interface {
    Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
    Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
    Logf(format string, args ...interface{})

type ProxyCA

ProxyCA contains the certificate authority certificate and key which is used to verify client connections to kube-apiservers. The clients can be : 1. aggregated apiservers 2. peer kube-apiservers

type ProxyCA struct {
    ProxySigningCert *x509.Certificate
    ProxySigningKey  *rsa.PrivateKey

type TearDownFunc

TearDownFunc is to be called to tear down a test server.

type TearDownFunc func()

type TestServer

TestServer return values supplied by kube-test-ApiServer

type TestServer struct {
    ClientConfig      *restclient.Config        // Rest client config
    ServerOpts        *options.ServerRunOptions // ServerOpts
    TearDownFn        TearDownFunc              // TearDown function
    TmpDir            string                    // Temp Dir used, by the apiserver
    EtcdClient        *clientv3.Client          // used by tests that need to check data migrated from APIs that are no longer served
    EtcdStoragePrefix string                    // storage prefix in etcd

func StartTestServer

func StartTestServer(t Logger, instanceOptions *TestServerInstanceOptions, customFlags []string, storageConfig *storagebackend.Config) (result TestServer, err error)

StartTestServer starts a etcd server and kube-apiserver. A rest client config and a tear-down func, and location of the tmpdir are returned.

Note: we return a tear-down func instead of a stop channel because the later will leak temporary files that because Golang testing's call to os.Exit will not give a stop channel go routine enough time to remove temporary files.

func StartTestServerOrDie

func StartTestServerOrDie(t Logger, instanceOptions *TestServerInstanceOptions, flags []string, storageConfig *storagebackend.Config) *TestServer

StartTestServerOrDie calls StartTestServer t.Fatal if it does not succeed.

type TestServerInstanceOptions

TestServerInstanceOptions Instance options the TestServer

type TestServerInstanceOptions struct {
    // SkipHealthzCheck returns without waiting for the server to become healthy.
    // Useful for testing server configurations expected to prevent /healthz from completing.
    SkipHealthzCheck bool
    // Enable cert-auth for the kube-apiserver
    EnableCertAuth bool
    // Wrap the storage version interface of the created server's generic server.
    StorageVersionWrapFunc func(storageversion.Manager) storageversion.Manager

    // We specify this as on option to pass a common proxyCA to multiple apiservers to simulate
    // an apiserver version skew scenario where all apiservers use the same proxyCA to verify client connections.
    ProxyCA *ProxyCA

func NewDefaultTestServerOptions

func NewDefaultTestServerOptions() *TestServerInstanceOptions

NewDefaultTestServerOptions Default options for TestServer instances