
Package idl

import "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/idl"

Overview ▾

The IDL package describes comment directives that may be applied to API types and fields.

type ListMapKey

ListMapKey annotates map lists by specifying the key used as the index of the map.

This tag MUST only be used on lists that have the listType=map attribute, or the generation step will fail. Also, the value specified for this attribute must be a scalar typed field of the child structure (no nesting is supported).

An example of how this can be used is shown in the ListType (map) example.



Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-list-map-key": "name"
type ListMapKey string

type ListType

ListType annotates a list to further describe its topology. It may have 3 possible values: "atomic", "map", or "set". Note that there is no default, and the generation step will fail if a list is found that is missing the tag.

This tag MUST only be used on lists, or the generation step will fail.




Atomic lists will be entirely replaced when updated. This tag may be used on any type of list (struct, scalar, ...).

Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-list-type": "atomic"




These lists are like maps in that their elements have a non-index key used to identify them. Order is preserved upon merge. Using the map tag on a list with non-struct elements will result in an error during the generation step.

Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-list-type": "map"




Sets are lists that must not have multiple times the same value. Each value must be a scalar (or another atomic type).

Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-list-type": "set"
type ListType string

Example (Atomic)

This example shows how to use the listType atomic attribute to specify that this list should be treated as a whole.


type SomeStruct struct {
    Name  string
    Value string

type SomeAPI struct {
    // +listType=atomic
    elements []SomeStruct

Example (Map)

This example shows how to use the listType map attribute and how to specify a key to identify elements of the list. The listMapKey attribute is used to specify that Name is the key of the map.


type SomeStruct struct {
    Name  string
    Value string
type SomeAPI struct {
    // +listType=map
    // +listMapKey=name
    elements []SomeStruct

Example (Set)

This example shows how to use the listType set attribute to specify that this list should be treated as a set: items in the list can't be duplicated.


type SomeAPI struct {
    // +listType=set
    keys []string

type MapType

MapType annotates a map to further describe its topology. It may have one of two values: `atomic` or `granular`. `atomic` means that the entire map is considered as a whole; actors that wish to update the map can only entirely replace it. `granular` means that specific values in the map can be updated separately from other fields.

By default, a map will be considered as a set of distinct values that can be updated individually (i.e. the equivalent of `granular`). This default will still generate an OpenAPI extension with key: "x-kubernetes-map-type".

This tag MUST only be used on maps, or the generation step will fail.




Atomic maps will be entirely replaced when updated. This tag may be used on any map.

Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-map-type": "atomic"
type MapType string

Example (Atomic)

This example shows how to use the mapType atomic attribute to specify that this map should be treated as a whole.


type SomeAPI struct {
    // +mapType=atomic
    elements map[string]string

type OpenAPIGen

OpenAPIGen needs to be described.

type OpenAPIGen string

type Optional

Optional annotates a field to specify it may be omitted. By default, fields will be marked as required if not otherwise specified.



Additionally, the json struct tag directive "omitempty" can be used to imply the same.


OptionalField `json:"optionalField,omitempty"`
type Optional string

type PatchMergeKey

PatchMergeKey needs to be described.

type PatchMergeKey string

type PatchStrategy

PatchStrategy needs to be described.

type PatchStrategy string

type StructType

StructType annotates a struct to further describe its topology. It may have one of two values: `atomic` or `granular`. `atomic` means that the entire struct is considered as a whole; actors that wish to update the struct can only entirely replace it. `granular` means that specific fields in the struct can be updated separately from other fields.

By default, a struct will be considered as a set of distinct values that can be updated individually (`granular`). This default will still generate an OpenAPI extension with key: "x-kubernetes-map-type".

This tag MUST only be used on structs, or the generation step will fail.




Atomic structs will be entirely replaced when updated. This tag may be used on any struct.

Using this tag will generate the following OpenAPI extension:

"x-kubernetes-map-type": "atomic"
type StructType string

Example (Atomic)

This example shows how to use the structType atomic attribute to specify that this struct should be treated as a whole.


type SomeStruct struct {
    Name  string
    Value string
type SomeAPI struct {
    // +structType=atomic
    elements SomeStruct

type Union

Union is TBD.

type Union string