
Package verflag

import "k8s.io/component-base/version/verflag"

Overview ▾

Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes.


const (
    VersionFalse versionValue = "false"
    VersionTrue  versionValue = "true"
    VersionRaw   versionValue = "raw"

func AddFlags

func AddFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet)

AddFlags registers this package's flags on arbitrary FlagSets, such that they point to the same value as the global flags.

func PrintAndExitIfRequested

func PrintAndExitIfRequested()

PrintAndExitIfRequested will check if --version or --version=raw was passed and, if so, print the version and exit.

func Version

func Version(name string, value versionValue, usage string) *versionValue

func VersionVar

func VersionVar(p *versionValue, name string, value versionValue, usage string)