var ( // MetricNameLabel is label under which model.Sample stores metric name MetricNameLabel model.LabelName = model.MetricNameLabel // QuantileLabel is label under which model.Sample stores latency quantile value QuantileLabel model.LabelName = model.QuantileLabel )
func AssertHistogramTotalCount(t TB, name string, labelFilter map[string]string, wantCount int)
func AssertVectorCount(t TB, name string, labelFilter map[string]string, wantCount int)
func CollectAndCompare(c metrics.Collector, expected io.Reader, metricNames ...string) error
CollectAndCompare registers the provided Collector with a newly created pedantic Registry. It then does the same as GatherAndCompare, gathering the metrics from the pedantic Registry.
func ComputeHistogramDelta(before, after model.Samples, label model.LabelName)
ComputeHistogramDelta computes the change in histogram metric for a selected label. Results are stored in after samples
func CustomCollectAndCompare(c metrics.StableCollector, expected io.Reader, metricNames ...string) error
CustomCollectAndCompare registers the provided StableCollector with a newly created registry. It then does the same as GatherAndCompare, gathering the metrics from the pedantic Registry.
func GatherAndCompare(g metrics.Gatherer, expected io.Reader, metricNames ...string) error
GatherAndCompare gathers all metrics from the provided Gatherer and compares it to an expected output read from the provided Reader in the Prometheus text exposition format. If any metricNames are provided, only metrics with those names are compared.
func GetCounterMetricValue(m metrics.CounterMetric) (float64, error)
GetCounterMetricValue extracts metric value from CounterMetric
func GetGaugeMetricValue(m metrics.GaugeMetric) (float64, error)
GetGaugeMetricValue extracts metric value from GaugeMetric
func GetHistogramMetricCount(m metrics.ObserverMetric) (uint64, error)
GetHistogramMetricCount extracts count of all samples from ObserverMetric
func GetHistogramMetricValue(m metrics.ObserverMetric) (float64, error)
GetHistogramMetricValue extracts sum of all samples from ObserverMetric
func GetMetricValuesForLabel(ms Metrics, metricName, label string) map[string]int64
GetMetricValuesForLabel returns value of metric for a given dimension
func LabelsMatch(metric *dto.Metric, labelFilter map[string]string) bool
LabelsMatch returns true if metric has all expected labels otherwise false
func NewFakeKubeRegistry(ver string) metrics.KubeRegistry
NewFakeKubeRegistry creates a fake `KubeRegistry` that takes the input version as `build in version`. It should only be used in testing scenario especially for the deprecated metrics. The input version format should be `major.minor.patch`, e.g. '1.18.0'.
func ParseMetrics(data string, output *Metrics) error
ParseMetrics parses Metrics from data returned from prometheus endpoint
func PrintSample(sample *model.Sample) string
PrintSample returns formatted representation of metric Sample
func ScrapeAndCompare(url string, expected io.Reader, metricNames ...string) error
ScrapeAndCompare calls a remote exporter's endpoint which is expected to return some metrics in plain text format. Then it compares it with the results that the `expected` would return. If the `metricNames` is not empty it would filter the comparison only to the given metric names.
func TextToMetricFamilies(in io.Reader) (map[string]*dto.MetricFamily, error)
TextToMetricFamilies reads 'in' as the simple and flat text-based exchange format and creates MetricFamily proto messages. It returns the MetricFamily proto messages in a map where the metric names are the keys, along with any error encountered.
func ValidateMetrics(metrics Metrics, metricName string, expectedLabels ...string) error
ValidateMetrics verifies if every sample of metric has all expected labels
Histogram wraps prometheus histogram DTO (data transfer object)
type Histogram struct { *dto.Histogram }
func (hist *Histogram) Average() float64
Average computes histogram's average value
func (hist *Histogram) Quantile(q float64) float64
Quantile computes q-th quantile of a cumulative histogram. It's expected the histogram is valid (by calling Validate)
func (hist *Histogram) Validate() error
Validate makes sure the wrapped histogram has all necessary fields set and with valid values.
HistogramVec wraps a slice of Histogram. Note that each Histogram must have the same number of buckets.
type HistogramVec []*Histogram
func GetHistogramVecFromGatherer(gatherer metrics.Gatherer, metricName string, lvMap map[string]string) (HistogramVec, error)
GetHistogramVecFromGatherer collects a metric, that matches the input labelValue map, from a gatherer implementing interface. Used only for testing purposes where we need to gather metrics directly from a running binary (without metrics endpoint).
func (vec HistogramVec) Average() float64
Average computes wrapped histograms' average value.
func (vec HistogramVec) GetAggregatedSampleCount() uint64
GetAggregatedSampleCount aggregates the sample count of each inner Histogram.
func (vec HistogramVec) GetAggregatedSampleSum() float64
GetAggregatedSampleSum aggregates the sample sum of each inner Histogram.
func (vec HistogramVec) Quantile(q float64) float64
Quantile first aggregates inner buckets of each Histogram, and then computes q-th quantile of a cumulative histogram.
func (vec HistogramVec) Validate() error
Validate makes sure the wrapped histograms have all necessary fields set and with valid values.
A Linter is a Prometheus metrics linter. It identifies issues with metric names, types, and metadata, and reports them to the caller.
type Linter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPromLinter(r io.Reader) *Linter
NewPromLinter creates a new Linter that reads an input stream of Prometheus metrics. Only the text exposition format is supported.
func (l *Linter) Lint() ([]Problem, error)
Lint performs a linting pass, returning a slice of Problems indicating any issues found in the metrics stream. The slice is sorted by metric name and issue description.
Metrics is generic metrics for other specific metrics
type Metrics map[string]model.Samples
func NewMetrics() Metrics
NewMetrics returns new metrics which are initialized.
func (m *Metrics) Equal(o Metrics) bool
Equal returns true if all metrics are the same as the arguments.
A Problem is an issue detected by a Linter.
type Problem promlint.Problem
func (p *Problem) String() string
type TB interface { Logf(format string, args ...any) Errorf(format string, args ...any) Fatalf(format string, args ...any) }