func SetFeatureGateDuringTest(tb testing.TB, gate featuregate.FeatureGate, f featuregate.Feature, value bool) func()
SetFeatureGateDuringTest sets the specified gate to the specified value for duration of the test. Fails when it detects second call to the same flag or is unable to set or restore feature flag. Returns empty cleanup function to maintain the old function signature that uses defer. TODO: Remove defer from calls to SetFeatureGateDuringTest and update hack/ when we can do large scale code change.
WARNING: Can leak set variable when called in test calling t.Parallel(), however second attempt to set the same feature flag will cause fatal.
Example use:
defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, features.<FeatureName>, true)()