func Reverse(list []*rspb.Release, sortFn func([]*rspb.Release))
Reverse reverses the list of releases sorted by the sort func.
func SortByDate(list []*rspb.Release)
SortByDate returns the list of releases sorted by a release's last deployed time (in seconds).
func SortByName(list []*rspb.Release)
SortByName returns the list of releases sorted in lexicographical order.
func SortByRevision(list []*rspb.Release)
SortByRevision returns the list of releases sorted by a release's revision number (release.Version).
func SplitManifests(bigFile string) map[string]string
SplitManifests takes a string of manifest and returns a map contains individual manifests
ByDate sorts releases by date
type ByDate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (s ByDate) Len() int
func (s ByDate) Less(i, j int) bool
Less compares to releases
func (s ByDate) Swap(i, j int)
ByName sorts releases by name
type ByName struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (s ByName) Len() int
func (s ByName) Less(i, j int) bool
Less compares to releases
func (s ByName) Swap(i, j int)
ByRevision sorts releases by revision number
type ByRevision struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (s ByRevision) Len() int
func (s ByRevision) Less(i, j int) bool
Less compares to releases
func (s ByRevision) Swap(i, j int)
BySplitManifestsOrder sorts by in-file manifest order, as provided in function `SplitManifests`
type BySplitManifestsOrder []string
func (a BySplitManifestsOrder) Len() int
func (a BySplitManifestsOrder) Less(i, j int) bool
func (a BySplitManifestsOrder) Swap(i, j int)
FilterFunc returns true if the release object satisfies the predicate of the underlying filter func.
type FilterFunc func(*rspb.Release) bool
func All(filters ...FilterFunc) FilterFunc
All returns a FilterFunc that filters a list of releases determined by the predicate 'f0 && f1 && ... && fn'.
func Any(filters ...FilterFunc) FilterFunc
Any returns a FilterFunc that filters a list of releases determined by the predicate 'f0 || f1 || ... || fn'.
func StatusFilter(status rspb.Status) FilterFunc
StatusFilter filters a set of releases by status code.
func (fn FilterFunc) Check(rls *rspb.Release) bool
Check applies the FilterFunc to the release object.
func (fn FilterFunc) Filter(rels []*rspb.Release) (rets []*rspb.Release)
Filter applies the filter(s) to the list of provided releases returning the list that satisfies the filtering predicate.
KindSortOrder is an ordering of Kinds.
type KindSortOrder []string
InstallOrder is the order in which manifests should be installed (by Kind).
Those occurring earlier in the list get installed before those occurring later in the list.
var InstallOrder KindSortOrder = []string{ "PriorityClass", "Namespace", "NetworkPolicy", "ResourceQuota", "LimitRange", "PodSecurityPolicy", "PodDisruptionBudget", "ServiceAccount", "Secret", "SecretList", "ConfigMap", "StorageClass", "PersistentVolume", "PersistentVolumeClaim", "CustomResourceDefinition", "ClusterRole", "ClusterRoleList", "ClusterRoleBinding", "ClusterRoleBindingList", "Role", "RoleList", "RoleBinding", "RoleBindingList", "Service", "DaemonSet", "Pod", "ReplicationController", "ReplicaSet", "Deployment", "HorizontalPodAutoscaler", "StatefulSet", "Job", "CronJob", "IngressClass", "Ingress", "APIService", }
UninstallOrder is the order in which manifests should be uninstalled (by Kind).
Those occurring earlier in the list get uninstalled before those occurring later in the list.
var UninstallOrder KindSortOrder = []string{ "APIService", "Ingress", "IngressClass", "Service", "CronJob", "Job", "StatefulSet", "HorizontalPodAutoscaler", "Deployment", "ReplicaSet", "ReplicationController", "Pod", "DaemonSet", "RoleBindingList", "RoleBinding", "RoleList", "Role", "ClusterRoleBindingList", "ClusterRoleBinding", "ClusterRoleList", "ClusterRole", "CustomResourceDefinition", "PersistentVolumeClaim", "PersistentVolume", "StorageClass", "ConfigMap", "SecretList", "Secret", "ServiceAccount", "PodDisruptionBudget", "PodSecurityPolicy", "LimitRange", "ResourceQuota", "NetworkPolicy", "Namespace", "PriorityClass", }
Manifest represents a manifest file, which has a name and some content.
type Manifest struct { Name string Content string Head *SimpleHead }
func SortManifests(files map[string]string, apis chartutil.VersionSet, ordering KindSortOrder) ([]*release.Hook, []Manifest, error)
SortManifests takes a map of filename/YAML contents, splits the file by manifest entries, and sorts the entries into hook types.
The resulting hooks struct will be populated with all of the generated hooks. Any file that does not declare one of the hook types will be placed in the 'generic' bucket.
Files that do not parse into the expected format are simply placed into a map and returned.
SimpleHead defines what the structure of the head of a manifest file
type SimpleHead struct { Version string `json:"apiVersion"` Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"` Metadata *struct { Name string `json:"name"` Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"` } `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }