
Package assert

import "gotest.tools/v3/internal/assert"

Overview ▾

Package assert provides internal utilties for assertions.

func ArgsAfterT

func ArgsAfterT(args []ast.Expr) []ast.Expr

ArgsAfterT selects args starting at position 1. Used when the caller has a testing.T as the first argument, and the args to select should follow it.

func ArgsAtZeroIndex

func ArgsAtZeroIndex(args []ast.Expr) []ast.Expr

ArgsAtZeroIndex selects args from the CallExpression at position 1. Used when the caller accepts a single cmp.Comparison argument.

func ArgsFromComparisonCall

func ArgsFromComparisonCall(args []ast.Expr) []ast.Expr

ArgsFromComparisonCall selects args from the CallExpression at position 1. Used when the caller has a testing.T as the first argument, and the args to select are passed to the cmp.Comparison at position 1.

func Eval

func Eval(
    t LogT,
    argSelector argSelector,
    comparison interface{},
    msgAndArgs ...interface{},
) bool

Eval the comparison and print a failure messages if the comparison has failed.

func RunComparison

func RunComparison(
    t LogT,
    argSelector argSelector,
    f cmp.Comparison,
    msgAndArgs ...interface{},
) bool

RunComparison and return Comparison.Success. If the comparison fails a messages will be printed using t.Log.

type LogT

LogT is the subset of testing.T used by the assert package.

type LogT interface {
    Log(args ...interface{})