ResultSuccess is a constant which is returned by a Comparison to indicate success.
var ResultSuccess = StringResult{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
Comparison is a function which compares values and returns ResultSuccess if the actual value matches the expected value. If the values do not match the Result will contain a message about why it failed.
type Comparison func() Result
func Contains(collection interface{}, item interface{}) Comparison
Contains succeeds if item is in collection. Collection may be a string, map, slice, or array.
If collection is a string, item must also be a string, and is compared using strings.Contains. If collection is a Map, contains will succeed if item is a key in the map. If collection is a slice or array, item is compared to each item in the sequence using reflect.DeepEqual.
func DeepEqual(x, y interface{}, opts ...cmp.Option) Comparison
DeepEqual compares two values using and succeeds if the values are equal.
The comparison can be customized using comparison Options. Package provides some additional commonly used Options.
func Equal(x, y interface{}) Comparison
Equal succeeds if x == y. See for full documentation.
func Error(err error, message string) Comparison
Error succeeds if err is a non-nil error, and the error message equals the expected message.
func ErrorContains(err error, substring string) Comparison
ErrorContains succeeds if err is a non-nil error, and the error message contains the expected substring.
func ErrorIs(actual error, expected error) Comparison
ErrorIs succeeds if errors.Is(actual, expected) returns true. See errors.Is for accepted argument values.
func ErrorType(err error, expected interface{}) Comparison
ErrorType succeeds if err is not nil and is of the expected type. New code should use ErrorIs instead.
Expected can be one of:
func(error) bool
Function should return true if the error is the expected type.
type struct{}, type &struct{}
A struct or a pointer to a struct. Fails if the error is not of the same type as expected.
type &interface{}
A pointer to an interface type. Fails if err does not implement the interface.
Fails if err does not implement the reflect.Type.
func Len(seq interface{}, expected int) Comparison
Len succeeds if the sequence has the expected length.
func Nil(obj interface{}) Comparison
Nil succeeds if obj is a nil interface, pointer, or function.
Use for comparing errors. Use Len(obj, 0) for comparing slices, maps, and channels.
func Panics(f func()) Comparison
Panics succeeds if f() panics.
func Regexp(re RegexOrPattern, v string) Comparison
Regexp succeeds if value v matches regular expression re.
assert.Assert(t, cmp.Regexp("^[0-9a-f]{32}$", str)) r := regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-f]{32}$") assert.Assert(t, cmp.Regexp(r, str))
RegexOrPattern may be either a *regexp.Regexp or a string that is a valid regexp pattern.
type RegexOrPattern interface{}
A Result of a Comparison.
type Result interface { Success() bool }
func ResultFailureTemplate(template string, data map[string]interface{}) Result
ResultFailureTemplate returns a Result with a template string and data which can be used to format a failure message. The template may access data from .Data, the comparison args with the callArg function, and the formatNode function may be used to format the call args.
func ResultFromError(err error) Result
ResultFromError returns ResultSuccess if err is nil. Otherwise ResultFailure is returned with the error message as the failure message.
StringResult is an implementation of Result that reports the error message string verbatim and does not provide any templating or formatting of the message.
type StringResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ResultFailure(message string) StringResult
ResultFailure returns a failed Result with a failure message.
func (r StringResult) FailureMessage() string
FailureMessage returns the message used to provide additional information about the failure.
func (r StringResult) Success() bool
Success returns true if the comparison was successful.